Health and Safety Responsibility Statement

Health and Safety Responsibility Statement
Post Number:
Cost Centre:
No. *
Knaresborough Pool Manager – LW10
Starbeck Pool manager – LW40
BBLC Manager – LF10
NPLC Manager – LF21
Turkish Manager – LW50
Rossett Manager – LW90
Nursery Manager – PN01
RLC/RSB Manager - ???
Sport and play Development Officer (Granby) – LD64
As above
Community Services
Leisure Museums and Arts
Sport and Leisure
You are responsible for your own safety, and the safety of others who may
be affected by what you do and what you fail to do.
If you or any employees under your control have raised any concerns
regarding any aspect of health and safety that you are not able to resolve
you must speak to your line manager or direct to the Health and Safety
You are responsible for the wearing, and checking, of the personal
protective equipment (PPE) with which you have been provided, and for
ensuring staff working under your control wear appropriate PPE for the
tasks being carried out.
You are responsible for ensuring any defects to your personal protective
equipment (PPE) and the PPE of the staff under your control, any defects
to work equipment and any hazards in the area in which you work are
dealt with, if they are within your control. If outside your control you must
report them to your line manager.
You are responsible for ensuring that all tasks are assessed to identify if
there is a need for personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used by
employees, if required you are responsible for ensuring that suitable PPE
is obtained, issued and used.
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Issue 3
If you have an accident at work you must report it to your line manager,
and ensure that it is entered into the accident book. If any staff under your
control are involved in an accident you must ensure that they enter the
details in the accident book and then ensure that an accident report form
is completed.
You must carry out your duties in a safe manner and in accordance with
any information, instruction and/or training you have been given. You are
also responsible for ensuring that all staff under your control work in a
safe manner and are aware of, and work to, all appropriate safe working
procedures, risk assessments and departmental guidance.
You are responsible for producing safe working procedures and method
statements where these are necessary and for the carrying out and/or
reviewing risk assessments where these are appropriate.
You are responsible for using any work equipment in a safe manner, for
the purpose for which it is designed and in accordance with any written
procedure, operating instruction or manufacturers handbook and to utilise
any personal protective equipment (PPE) that is appropriate.
You are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place for the control
and maintenance of work equipment in accordance with the Provision and
Use of Work Equipment Regulations.
You are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place for the
maintenance and testing of lifting equipment in accordance with the Lifting
Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
You are responsible for ensuring systems are in place for COSHH and
that you and staff under your control use any chemicals or substances in a
safe manner and in accordance with all COSHH guidelines.
You are responsible for ensuring that risk assessments are carried out in
accordance with the corporate guidance on the Management Regulations,
including the identification of training needs of staff to enable risk
assessments to be carried out effectively.
Where a hazard has been identified in the workplace and brought to your
attention you are responsible for ensuring that action is taken to remove,
or minimise to an acceptable level, the hazard. Where the control of the
workplace is the responsibility of a third party you are responsible for
ensuring that action is taken to notify the third party requesting that action
be taken. You are responsible for ensuring that corporate and
departmental systems are used for the reporting of hazards identified by
members of staff.
You must not damage or misuse any item provided for safety.
You are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to protect the
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Issue 3
public from work activities being carried out.
You are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place for the
managing of contractors and for the protection of the contractors from
activities that are carried out at your site, and for the protection of staff
from the activities of the contractor(s).
You are responsible for ensuring that systems are in place to protect
employees and the public from the work activity of contractors who carry
out work that is under the control of your employees.
You are responsible for ensuring that suitable and sufficient health, safety
and welfare arrangements are in place for locations under your control.
You are designated as a First Aid at Work first aider.
You are responsible for the checking of first aid kit in your designated area
making sure that it/they is/are in good order, kept clean and well stocked.
Any deficiencies should be made good.
You are responsible for ensuring systems are in place to protect visitors
who enter areas for which you have direct control. This includes
employees from other locations/departments, delivery personnel,
employees of statutory undertakings (meter readers etc.) and members of
the public.
As far as is reasonably practicable you are responsible for ensuring that
systems are in place for the management of contractors and for the
protection of contractors from activities carried out in areas under your
control, and for the protection of staff and the public from the activities of
You are responsible for the establishment and testing of emergency
procedures for your designated area(s).
You are responsible for ensuring that the departmental health and safety
policy is brought to the attention of all employees within your site/service,
and that access to a copy is available to all employees.
You are responsible for the monitoring of health and safety within the
areas under your control, and for ensuring that systems are in place for
the delivery of health and safety as an integral part of the management of
You are responsible for monitoring the systems that are in place to
prevent accidents and incidents of occupational ill health, and for the
provision of a safe place of work for all employees within your site/service.
Where any hazard is identified in the workplace, and brought to your
attention, you are responsible for ensuring that action is taken to remove
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Issue 3
the hazard. If, for any reason, the hazard cannot be removed you are
responsible for ensuring that it is brought to the attention of your line
You are responsible for ensuring that you and the staff under your control
possess up to date and relevant training qualifications in order to deliver
the service in a safe manner.
Represents Key Phrase Number from master list held by Health and Safety
March 2007
Issue 3