HARVARD UNIVERSITY * AGENCY FOR ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND FORECASTING * INSTITUTE FOR MARKET ECONOMICS THE SHADOW ECONOMY IN BULGARIA Cornell University Steven Kyle Ph.D. Harvard University Andrew Warner Ph.D. Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting Lubomir Dimitrov Radoslav Krustev Institute for Market Economics Svetlana Alexandrova Ph.D. Krassen Stanchev Ph.D. Gergi Stoev SOFIA APRIL 2001 ii This work was supported by USAID’s consulting assistance on economic reform (CAER II Project). The objectives of the project are to contribute to broad-based and sustainable economic growth and to improve the policy reform content of USAID assistance activities that aim to strengthen markets in recipient countries. Services were provided by the Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID) and its subcontractors. It was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research, Center for Economic Growth and Agricultural Development, Office of Emerging Markets, contract PCE-C-00-95-00015-00, Task Order #39. Work subsequent to the conclusion of this contract was performed at Cornell University. iii Executive Summary “There cannot be any question that the underground economy is a real phenomenon with important implications that deserve attention and study." Vito Tanzi Measuring the Shadow Economy in Bulgaria1 GDP accounts are customarily compiled in several alternative ways, each focusing on aggregating transactions in different ways, but all (at least in theory) adding to the same total. Two of the most common aggregations are that focused on expenditures (based on the standard national income accounting identity of C + I + G + X-M) and that based on revenues, or incomes. The two methods should, of course, add to the same number since they measure different sides of the same activity: what money people receive on the one side, and what they do with it on the other. However, Bulgarian GDP statistics using revenue as the approach give growth rates 2 percentage points lower than the expenditure approach for 1998 and 1999. In other words, data based on what people actually spend show growth rates of 5.4% (1998) and 4.4% (1999), while official figures based on revenues are 3.5% and 2.4%, respectively. This is evidence that there are underreported incomes. It is of interest not only for statistical but also for economic policy purposes to have more detailed information about the discrepancies between official statistics and activities not covered by the official statistical system. It is particularly interesting to know the size and structure of unreported, hidden economic activities, or what has come to be called the “shadow economy.” Currently published estimates of the size of the shadow economy vary from 20 to 25% of officially measured GDP, implying that there is a far larger issue than that implied by the differential growth rates cited above. The objective of this study is to estimate the size of the informal sector, its structure, the incentives for its development and its effect on the economic growth and the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy. Two different methods were used to get results that are compatible for international comparisons; also, alternative calculations allow a range of estimates which can help to balance the methodological weaknesses of the individual approaches: the modified (indirect) Physical Input Approach based on energy/electricity consumption data, and the (direct) Microeconomic Approach based on firm level survey data. 1 The team would like to extend special gratitude to the experts from the Agency for Socio-Economic Analysis, especially Docho Mihaylov, Director for carrying out the field work and initial analysis, Ms Evdokiya Nikolova a student at Harvard University, for contributing to the first chapter of the report, as well as to Dr. Friedrich Bauersachs, Senior Economist at the Institute for Market Economics for his comprehensive consultations during preparation of the final report. iv Five hundred thirty firms are covered by the survey taken from the following sectors: wholesale and retail trade, transport, construction, mechanical and engineering, food and drinks production, chemical industry, textile and knitwear production, tourism and agriculture. These sectors account for 56% of total GDP, and while limited resources necessitated a smaller sample than would be desired under conditions of unlimited funding, some results are quite interesting and indicate the need for further investigation. The study not only provided estimates of the size of the informal economy but also allowed a basis for analyzing some of the most important aspects of its underlying structure and the incentives for its growth. Of particular interest are effects of the tax and social insurance system, effects of labor contracting and wage level as well as the effects of administrative costs. Results of the Modified Physical Input Approach The basic rationale of Physical Input Approaches to measuring the size of the shadow economy is that energy consumption (electricity, plus other sources) in a given country is proportional to total economic activity and any change in energy consumption which does not correspond to changes in the measured total activity level of the country indicates a change in the size of the shadow economy. These results provide useful indicators of changes in the shadow economy over time, but cannot be used to quantify the absolute size of the shadow economy since this depends on an initial estimate of the size of the shadow economy in the base year. This estimate is necessarily arbitrary to some degree in the absence of specific micro-level data allowing definition of an explicit relationship between energy use and economic activity. Results show that the Bulgarian shadow economy in 1998 declined below the estimated base year (1989) share of 30%. According to our calculations the share of the shadow economy in 1998 GDP in Bulgaria was 22%. The largest shares were observed in 1990 (32.2%) and 1996 (34.4%), declining thereafter. Results of the Microeconomic Approach The survey performed provided a description of some of the factors important in promoting shadow economy activities as well as two different direct indicators of its size: one based on tax evasion and one on unreported wages. The Microeconomic Approach takes into consideration the business environment insofar as it is the result of legislation, government action and institutional gaps and the response of the individual firms to these factors. The general economic environment has a serious impact on economic activities, particularly the tax and social insurance system and employment and wage conditions. The survey shows that most companies do not use bank credit for initial investments as is the practice in developed market economies. Personal savings comprise 65% of initial investments, bank credit accounts for only 18%, and financial resources available through international programs account for less than 3%. v Almost 70% of the enterprises prefer paying for inputs and other costs in cash. Nineteen percent cite the greater freedom that they have with this form of payment, and 14% of the sample cite low quality of banking services and the higher costs of payments through banks. However it is clear that the high percentage of cash payments facilitates non -reporting of economic activities. This is supported by the observation that the companies (66%) work without invoices. The costs saved by following this practice reach approximately 24% of turnover. One of the key issues cited by respondents for insufficient business growth in Bulgaria is license and permission procedure. Business attitudes towards licensing and permission requirements are extremely negative. However, only 1.5% of the sample answer that they operate without legal licenses, showing that the risk of sanctions is high. The average cost (state fees plus consultants’ and lawyers’ pay) of obtaining a license is estimated at 14.5% of companies’ monthly turnovers. In summary, the survey shows a marked preference of firms for irregular practices, which facilitate tax evasion, while the high proportion using licenses indicates that, though many companies operate in the officially reported economy at least to some extent, it is obvious that they avoid reporting some proportion of their activities. The following two sections describe preliminary estimates of the extent to which this actually occurs. Evidence from tax and social insurance payments The taxes that are most frequently evaded are the value added tax (VAT) and social security payments. Payroll taxes and the personal income taxes are also near at the top of the list of the most frequently evaded taxes. The survey show that almost 17% of corporate tax is evaded by purchasing fictitious invoices. Total tax evasion can be estimated at 33% of GDP according to sample-based calculations. Evidence from labor contracting and wages Between 13% and 15% of those sampled reported hiring people without any contract during the 1997-99 period, as well as during their first accounting year. This practice allows firms to avoid the cost of pension and health care taxes on their officially contracted employees. There is a tendency for growth in the total number of the employed without any contract over the 1997-99 period. In 1999 the total number of employed fell by over 14%, while at the same time the number of employed without any contract increased by 22%. This demonstrates a clear tendency for substitution in employment to avoid contracts. The results show that approximately 3% of employed people (ca. 80 000) are not legally registered. Therefore the actual unemployment rate for 1999 seems to be lower than the National Statistical Institute figures indicate. The agriculture and the trade sectors show the largest share of workers without a contract, while the service sector shows the smallest (0.5%). The survey shows that the salaries actually paid were higher than reported wages (average 230 BGN) by 10% to 50%. Most firms hide around 34 -35% of their labor costs. The high level of avoidance is a testament to the very high total tax burden in reported wages. Both employers and workers have an interest in avoiding these payments. vi Conclusions This study has shown that though the size of the shadow economy has declined from its peaks in the mid 1990’s, it remains a sizable portion of the Bulgarian economy. While in many ways shadow activities have the potential to be dynamic growth sectors, bringing them into official economy would help spread the burden of social programs more broadly. However, it is clear that the current level of taxation and administrative costs is regarded as so high that an attempt to impose these taxes on all would result in the elimination of many shadow activities rather than bringing them into the official economy. Accordingly, one clear lesson is that improved tax collection must be coupled with reduced taxes and deregulation. The size of the shadow economy is also of interest to policy-makers seeking to promote growth. Our results show that a substantial portion of the response to policy initiatives is effectively hidden from the official view. Thus, an ability to correctly estimate the size and structure of the shadow economy will not only provide more accurate statistics but can help improve growth policies as well. vii I. INTRODUCTION - DEFINITION OF SHADOW ECONOMY (SE) AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ESTIMATION OF THE SHADOW ECONOMY IN BULGARIA It has been reported in the popular press that statisticians assume in their analyses approximately 9 trillion USD of world-wide output is not reported,2 largely due to the existence of the shadow economy3. Friedrich Schneider4 concludes that shadow activity is nearly 15% of the officially reported GDP. His assumptions are the result of research carried out in 76 developed and emerging economies. This shows that the informal sector can be as important as the official economy, especially when it accompanies the economic development of the transition countries. According to an estimate made by Johnson, Kaufman and ZodiaLobaton5 the shadow economy in the transition countries varies between 7 - 43% for the period 1989-1993. There are many causes for the existence of the shadow economy, but some of the most important can be readily identified. These are high tax burdens, weak banking systems, business regulations and legislation, in-efficiency of government institutions and high unemployment rates. The shadow economy tends to be greater in the developing and transition countries due to more corruption and low incomes. To date there is no precise definition of the shadow economy. Friedrich Schneider and Dominic Enste define it as a multitude of activities that are not reported by the official statistics. According to Feige6 the development of the shadow economy is due to regulations and rules imposed on business by the state. De Soto7 has also contributed to the explanation of the shadow economy phenomenon. He holds that the quality of regulations as well as their enforcement are of great importance for the development of the shadow economy and emphasizes the change in the attitude of the economic agents towards the institutions and the legislation, especially in the transition countries. For the last three years the development of the Bulgarian economy has been characterized by macroeconomic stability and financial soundness. At the same time the state has extended control over business activities by increasing the number of the legal regulations concerning licensing, permissions and registration. Current licensing and registration 2 The Shadow Economy, The Economist, August 28, 1999, Vol. 352. IMF estimated global GDP in 1998 was 39 trillion USD, almost 9 trillion USD (9*1012) of activity equivalent approximately to the American output went undetected, ibid. 4 Schneider, Friederich and Dominic Enste, Shadow Economies Around the World – Size, Causes, and Consequences, Jena, 1999. 5 Studies of Illegal and Unreported Activity (Michigan: WE Institute for Employment Research, 1996) and Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 53. 6 See: Philip Smith, Assessing the Size of the Underground Economy. The Canadian Statistical Perspectives, Canadian Economic Observer, Catalogue number 11- 010, 18 March 1994. 7 See: de Soto, Herhando The Other Path, NY: Harper & Row, 1989. De Soto's formulation is based on the cases formulated in the context of Peru's economic development (that Peru is governed by a set of laws that are relatively less efficient that those that guide the informal sector). 3 procedures impede business activity and create favorable conditions for corruption in state and local administration. Surveys of the Institute for Market Economy show that business regulation and the constantly changing number of regulations are important reasons for firms to prefer the informal sector of the economy8. In theory and practice the most common methods for measuring the shadow economy are the following: The direct approach9 is based on a direct inquiry with the firm managers, state and local administration representatives by means of interviews and questionnaires. An advantage of this method is the variety of the information collected about the structure of the shadow economy, and the incentives that lead to it. The outcome of such research depends on the way the questionnaire is formulated and the willingness of the businessmen to give truthful answers. The disadvantage of the approach is the degree of reliability of the information given the illegal nature of many shadow activities. This presents difficulties for estimation of the actual size of the shadow economy. For this reason, the direct approach is not much used in practice. Commonly used indirect methods for estimation are based on differences between national expenditures and revenues, an assessment of the labor market analyzing the differences among the officially registered employment, the unemployment rate and the number of people who are actually employed within the economy.10 Another indirect method is the currency demand approach11 used in the estimation of the informal economy in OECD countries by Schneider, Johnson, and Kaufman, 1998. In the past few years Kaufman and Kaliberda have applied an assessment of the shadow economy through energy consumption costs.12 This method is appropriate for comparative analyses. The physical (electricity) approach has been applied by Johnson and Lacko to the transition countries for the period 1989-1995. According to this method of estimation, the size of the shadow economy in GDP for Bulgaria was 26.1% (1989-1990), 32.7% (1990-1993) and 35% (1994-1995). Bulgaria is one of the countries in transition where the size of the shadow economy shows an upward trend. The objective of the analysis reported in this paper is to estimate the proportion of the informal sector in the economy, its structure, the incentives for its development and the effect on the economic growth and the competitiveness of the economy. In this research the shadow economy is measured both by the energy consumption and the direct approach by sectors. Firms from the following sectors of the economy are included: wholesale and retail trade, transport, construction, mechanical and engineering, food and drinks production, chemical industry, textile and knitwear production, tourism and agriculture. 8 See: In Search for Growth: Policies and Lessons from Bulgarian Transition, IME Newsletter, Vol. 5, No 11-12, 1999. 9 The direct approach is used by Isachsen Krovland and Storm (1982) for the estimation of the SE in Norway and Denmark. 10 See Friedrich Schneider and Dominic Este, "Shadow Economies Around the World- Size, Causes, and Consequences, Max-Planck-Institute for Research into Economic Systems, 1999. 11 The currency demand approach has been used by Cagan (1958) and further developed by Vito Tanzi (19801983). 12 See: Kaufman and Kaliberda, The Underground Economy in Poland. 2 II. GENERAL METHODS FOR EVALUATING SIZE AND EFFECTS OF THE SHADOW ECONOMY The same reasons that justify our interest in the GDP and the whole economy of a country make necessary the estimation of a country’s shadow economy. The latter term, while intuitively clear, has been difficult to define. Philip Smith13 has referred to the unofficial economy as "market-based production of goods and services, whether legal or illegal that escapes detection in the official estimates of GDP." However, this description is almost as broad as the term shadow economy. An alternative possibility is to define the concept in terms of its causes or indicators - a more detailed classification has therefore been given by Schneider and Enste14 who divide underground economic activities in several categories by three factors: monetary and non-monetary transactions; illegal and legal activities. Legal activities are further divided into those associated with tax evasion or tax avoidance.15. A good way to generalize these definitions would be to think of shadow economic activities as those, which provide a way to avoid taxes. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY On its way to joining the EU Bulgaria has to show strong and sustainable GDP growth to catch up with the lowest income economies in the Union. If research on shadow activities proves a high relative share of shadow economy to official GDP, this finding can reveal a serious resource for economic growth and the number of years needed for convergence to the EU average would be drastically reduced. Government measures can be targeted toward improving the business environment and removing administrative barriers to small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Reducing the tax burden, which is usually associated with the main motive for being in the shadow economy, can decrease the costs for firms to stay in the shadow sector. This will increase the tax base significantly and improve the tax collection ratio. Though these are benefits and costs to informal operations, on the macro level the total effect of the SE in Bulgaria should be negative. This is because companies cannot use various public and private services. The most obvious example is the tendency to avoid the bank services. This results in reduced volume of sales, especially for exports. While the shadow sector may be quite flexible on local markets, it is less competitive on external markets. The negative impact of the SE on national competitiveness is the main disadvantage for a small economy like Bulgaria, which should have an export-oriented policy. Monitoring key economic statistics, we can point out the following indicators that suggest a high level of the shadow economy in Bulgaria and justify our survey on the subject: 1. The transition from planned to market economy. Following the collapse of the planned economy in the late 80’s, the newly established private sector is concentrated in the service sector in the form of SME’s. These are characterized by frequent changes of main activities, non-bank sources of financing, short business history and institutional gaps. This makes the work of the NSI (National Statistical Institute) extremely complicated as it practically impossible to cover the fast moving private sector, even if it is official and legally 13 Philip Smith (1994): "Assessing the size of the Underground Economy: the Canadian Statistical Perspective", Canadian Economic Observer, Catalogue No.: 11-010, 3.16-33, at 3.18. 14 Friedrich Schneider and Dominic Enste (1999): "Shadow Economies Around the World—Size, Causes, and Consequences", Lectiones Jenenses, Heft 20, 9. 15 Schneider and Enste, 9. 3 operating. In addition, with the transition to a market economy, the NSI has had to introduce a new system of national accounts and operate in a totally different environment from that which existed under the old regime. 2. In kind production. This is very important in rural areas, but significant in kind production is found also in the big cities, especially in the service sector. It is a traditional phenomenon for Bulgaria and quite typical for planned economies when the quality and variety of goods and services was poor. In depth estimates of the share of in kind production are presented in the annual report of the AEAF16 for 1997 and estimate that about 10-20% of household incomes come from in-kind production (20-40% for rural areas and 5-10% for large towns). These activities are difficult to calculate in the official GDP figures, and serious underestimation is likely to exist. 3. Different outcomes from expenditure and income approaches for GDP. One of the indicators for the existence of a shadow economy is the different result that comes from the expenditure and income approaches for measuring the GDP. While in accounting terms these methods should produce equal results, in the case of Bulgaria the approach that sums sectional value added gives growth rates about 2 percentage points lower than the expenditure approach for 1998 and 1999. In other words, the expenditure approach shows 5.4% and 4.4% GDP growth for 1998 and 1999 respectively, while official numbers are 3.5% and 2.4%. This is probably the consequence of the firms’ tax avoidance tendencies to underreport incomes. 4. Aging population and high social insurance burden. The dependency ratio for Bulgaria (the ratio of the pensioners to employees) is very high the highest of all applicant and member countries of the EU. In combination with the pay-as-you-go pension system the incentives to avoid the social insurance burden are enormous. Typical practice for SMEs is to pay taxes on the legally required minimum wage and deliver the rest of the remuneration unofficially. Though the share of the private sector in gross value added is 65.3% for 1999 and 63.3% in the total number of employees, the revenues to the National Social Insurance Institute amount to much less than 50% (official numbers not published). 5. Currency substitution of the economy. During the financial crises in the early 1990’s and 1996-1997 a large share of national savings was transformed into foreign currency. Some of the transactions were made in foreign currencies and the process seems to have a long memory. With the introduction of the currency board just a small part of the de-dollarization took place in the short run. Around 50% of total bank deposits are held in foreign currency, chiefly United States dollars (USD). The prices of real estate are still quoted in USD. USD are still offered in the exchange offices as their rates (adjusted for a variety of commissions and fees) for buying and selling USD is have been continuously below the official rate of the central bank. 6. Geographical situation and cross-border trade. Bulgaria is situated on the junction of many international roads associated with legal or illegal traffic of goods and people. Many unregistered transactions and incomes are not adequately covered in the official statistics, which can be also a factor for the immense supply of foreign currencies. 16 See "Bulgaria 1997 Economic Survey", Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Sofia, 1998, part 3: "The crowding out effect of the economy in kind over the market economy", p. 28. 4 Various methods have been created to estimate the size of the shadow economy of a country.17 Among the most widely used have been the currency demand approach, the physical input (electricity) approach and different survey (direct) approaches. In Bulgaria only the indirect approach based on currency demand has been used so far. Under the assumption that underground transactions are made with cash payments, an increase in the demand for currency would be translated into an increase in the shadow economy. A currency demand function is built with all possible factors affecting demand, and estimated econometrically over time. Then an estimate of the SE is given by the difference in the money demand when the tax burden and government regulations are at their lowest and highest levels. Note that we have no way of assessing the unofficial activities unless we assume a constant velocity of money over time and within the official and unofficial sectors. In Bulgaria, Nenovsky and Hristov of the Bulgarian Central Bank conducted a study of the transactions demand for money.18 In the concluding section of their paper they estimate the size of the Bulgarian Shadow Economy using the following procedure: 1. Tax burden is approximated by the ratio of Taxes to Total Consumer Expenditure. 2. Money used in the Shadow Economy equals the difference between money demand with and without taxes. 3. The velocity of money is assumed to be the same in the shadow and the official economy. 4. After computing the portion of money in transaction used in the shadow economy (C) as a percentage of the one used in the official economy, consumer expenditures in the unofficial sector are the product of this quantity of money and velocity: Equation 1 E C *V Consumer expenditures are 80% of GDP, so underground income is calculated as Equation 2 Y shadow E . 0 .8 The shadow economy is thus calculated on a monthly basis starting from the middle of 1997, yielding averages of 15.2% for 1997, 35.3% for 1998 and 24.1% for 1999. There are a number of problems with the money demand approach in general - a comprehensive list has been given in Schneider and Enste,19 a part of which is reflected in the points below: 17 For a detailed description of each method along with its shortcomings and applications in different countries, see Schneider and Enste, 1999. 18 Nikolai Nenovsky and Kalin Hristov (1999): "A Study of the Money in Transaction after Establishing the Currency Board in Bulgaria," working paper, Bulgarian National Bank. 19 Schneider and Enste (1999), 48-50. 5 1) The approach does not capture unofficial activities in which money does not exchange hands, eg., barters. 2) Tax burden is often assumed to be the main cause of shadow economy, thus if there are other significant factors, the result would be an underestimate. 3) Changes in money demand might not necessarily translate to changes in the size of the shadow economy: the former might be due to a slowdown in demand deposits. 4) As mentioned above, the velocity of money may not be constant, and moreover it may not be the same in the official and unofficial sectors. While this is a major weakness of the model, as Nenovsky and Hristov acknowledge, it is difficult to measure the velocity of money in the official economy, and impossible to measure it in the informal economy. However, without an assumption for this variable, the analysis cannot proceed. In practice, the authors suggest that money changes hands more quickly in the shadow than in the official sector, which results in an underestimate of the shadow economy size. 5) In the particular case of Bulgaria, the instability of the Bulgarian lev (BGN) has prompted the use of foreign currency, mainly US dollars and German Marks, yet the portion of it to the amount of Bulgarian currency circulating in the shadow economy is impossible to estimate. If we suppose that the value of dollars or marks is at least as much as the one of the BGN, then the black market estimates would double, becoming 30%, 70% and 48% respectively for 1997-99. The general objections to the money demand approach are quite important in the case of Bulgaria. The bank crisis in 1996 led to a dramatic fall in bank assets as well as in the money multiplier and money velocity. This practically makes the money demand approach useless for Bulgaria, as the key assumption of constant velocity does not hold. Table 4 included in the appendix shows the velocity of money, calculated for M3 has increased from 1.54 in 1992 to 4 in 1997. It is only possible to analyze the period after the introduction of the currency board (July 1, 1997) as done in the above survey. Compared with GDP, the drop in total assets was followed by a drop in domestic credits. The level of bank intermediation was reduced, and it is not possible to distinguish between the reasons for the increased cash transactions and the dollarization of the economy. It would definitely be mistaken to attribute it only to the shadow economy, since the normal reaction of economic agents is to avoid the unstable bank system and to prefer cash transactions. During the three year period of macroeconomic stabilization, confidence in the banking system is in a process of slow recovery. It is inevitably accompanied by a decrease in money velocity and the assumption of constant velocity can provide inaccurate estimates of the shadow economy even for the last three years of financial stabilization. For these reasons, we believe that the physical input approach is a much better tool for evaluation of shadow activities in Bulgaria. It also provides a longer time series for comparison of the current situation with the pre-transition period. 6 III. ALTERNATIVE ESTIMATION: THE PHYSICAL INPUT APPROACH Given the problems with the Money Demand approach, we turn to an alternative macro- estimation of the shadow economy in Bulgaria using energy consumption. Among those who have previously used this approach are Kaufmann and Kaliberda.20. We also try to measure the total economic activity level (TA) in Bulgaria by assuming that the electricity/energy consumption in the country is proportional to the total activity TA. Thus, any change in energy consumption, which is not matched by a corresponding change in the total activity level in the country, should reflect a change in its shadow economy (SE) level. In other words, the growth in the ratio of energy to total activity is an indicator of the growth in the parallel markets of a country. We can then establish a formula for the level of the shadow economy as a percentage of the GDP which we denote by SE. By our assumption of constant proportion of energy to total activity, Equation 3 TAn En * TAbase Ebase where subscripts n and base stand for the base year and the year in question, and E denotes Energy (or Electricity) consumption. We also have Equation 4 SE TA Y TA 1 Y Y where Y is the country’s GDP, let SEbase = x be the fraction of shadow economy of GDP in the base year. Then Equation 5 TAbase Ybase (1 x ) TAn E n * Ybase (1 x ) Y * En (1 x ) * base E base E base So for the shadow economy in year n we have: 20 Daniel Kaufmann and Aleksander Kaliberda (1996): "Integrating the unofficial economy into the dynamics of post socialist economies: A framework of analyses and evidence," Washington, D.C., The World Bank, Policy research working paper, 1691. 7 Equation 6 SEn TAn 1 Yn Y Y SEn (1 x) * base / n 1 Ebase En From the formula we see that, ceteris paribus, the shadow economy is determined both by the level of the shadow economy in the base year and the ratios of GDP to energy consumption in the base and given years. Note that here the term base year simply refers to the starting year of our calculations, and once we know the shadow economy in a given year, and the relevant statistics for energy consumption and GDP, we can recursively find the shadow economy levels for the subsequent years. Unfortunately, this convenience of easy calculations also underlies the shortcoming of the method. We can never find an absolute value for the shadow economy size without using some exogenous estimate for this size in the base year. In case we are only interested in how a change in the shadow economy in the base year alters the shadow economy in the current year (say we want to see how robust our calculations are in case the level of shadow economy in the base year is allowed to vary within a range of error), then the formula for changes follows from above by subtraction: Equation 7 Y USE Ix * E base n base / Y E n n We now see that, holding everything else constant; the change in the SE in any given year is proportional to the change in SE in the base year. The coefficient of proportionality, however, is not necessarily 1 -- it depends on the ratios of GDP to energy consumption in the base as well as the current year. As we mentioned above, E in the formulae could either refer to energy or electricity consumption. The standard approach considers electricity consumption in the economy as a whole. In the current paper we try to make the measures of shadow activities more precise by looking at total energy consumption as well; also we deviate from the standard approach in that we compute the shadow economy size separately in the different sectors. We believe that the latter is the best way to capture the structural changes that have been taking place extensively in all transition economies since the change of regimes. We thus compare four modifications of the Physical Input approach: by looking at electricity consumption separately for sectors, and as a whole to compare with the standard approach and existing results; we then compute equivalent values by replacing electricity with total energy consumption. The latter should reflect the substitution effect that takes place among the energy sources when their prices change relative to the corresponding CPI and inflation rates. 8 ELECTRICITY - TOTAL CONSUMPTION AND CONSUMPTION BY SECTORS The advantage of the electricity approach is the accuracy of the data for electricity consumption. The standard method considers only total electricity consumption in the economy. However, when significant structural changes take place, economic production can shift from energy intensive industrial sectors to services or agriculture, which are characterized by low or zero electricity consumption. In the case of Bulgaria this process cannot be ignored. Assuming a constant GDP/electricity ratio with 1989 as a base year, we test the assessment of the shadow economy with the standard approach and structural adjustments. We use real GDP data that we compute based on the Bulgarian GDP in 1989 and indexes of GDP growth for the years 1989-1998. Assuming a "base" level x of the shadow economy in 1989, we use the available data for GDP and Electricity consumption to express in terms of the levels of the shadow economy in the years 1990-1998. For example, since the GDP levels for 1989 and 1990 are respectively 39,579 and 35,977 while the Electricity consumption levels are 38,816 and 47,528 respectively, by formula (1) the shadow economy in 1990 is Equation 8 Y Y SE1990 (1 x) * base / 1990 1 Ebase E1990 39,579 35,977 SE1990 (1 x) * / 1 (1 x) * 1.347 1 38,816 47,528 Similarly, we proceed to find the levels for the consequent years. Finally, we need an estimate for the shadow economy in the base year, x. Since it is difficult to give a precise value for that, we consider a range of possible values and show that no matter what the starting value is, the trends in the shadow economy growth are the same.21 To adjust the estimation for the structural changes, we divide the GDP into two sectors: industry and other. We take the ratio of value added to electricity consumption for each sector and calculate the shadow economy by sectors. In Table 1 the data for the sectoral approach is calculated for a uniform distribution of the shadow economy by sectors in the base year. Figure 1 shows how these methods differ for a given base year level of the SE. Below we test how asymmetric distribution by sectors can affect the final results. Table 1 Electricity Approach, Share of Shadow Economics in GDP under Alternative Base Year Estimates of SE/GDP 21 See appendix. 9 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Standard Sectoral Standard Sectoral Standard Sectoral 20.0 61.9 56.2 56.1 61.4 57.3 70.1 31.8 30.4 16.6 20.0 24.5 16.6 23.5 30.9 28.1 75.1 49.7 48.5 36.0 25.0 68.7 62.7 62.6 68.1 63.8 77.2 37.3 35.8 21.5 25.0 29.6 21.2 28.1 35.6 32.7 81.5 55.1 53.9 40.8 30.0 75.4 69.2 69.1 74.8 70.4 84.3 42.8 41.2 26.4 30.0 34.8 25.9 32.7 40.3 37.4 88.0 60.5 59.2 45.6 When calculating the relative shares of shadow economy the final results are strongly dependent on the assessment for the shadow economy in the base year. Such an assessment can be quite misleading, but regardless of the initial share the dynamic trends are not affected. The graph below shows estimates for different scenarios for the base year. Figure 1 Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Standard Electricity vs. Sectoral Approach 100.0 80.0 % 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Standard electricity Sectoral approach The advantages of the sectoral approach are that we have additional figures for the shadow economy by sectors, and we can distribute the concentration of the informal activity by sectors. However, we decided to break the GDP figures into only two sectors: industry and others (including services and agriculture). The data for agriculture and services is reliable on an aggregated level, but on a disaggregated level is strongly biased by the form of ownership. In 1989 most agricultural production was concentrated in the state owned co-operative farms, and the consumption of electricity was adequately counted for the sector. With the land restitution, these state farms were liquidated and production was transformed to small private farms. In most cases these are individual households and their electricity consumption is 10 counted as household consumption. This is also true for most of the micro firms operating in the service sector. The relative shares of the shadow economy to GDP can also vary with different scenarios for the distribution of shadow economy by sectors in the base year. In Table 2 and Figure 2 we show calculations for different sectoral distribution of the relative shares. However intuition suggests that in the case of Bulgaria, the share of shadow activities in the industrial sector is much lower than it is in the service sector. The reasons are both methodological failures that do not allow the statistical institutions to capture the total activity in the service sector and the flexibility of the service sector to underreport revenues for avoidance purposes. It is also important to note that in the base year 1989 the methods used for calculating GDP did not accurately cover many of the services, as the government supplied most of them at zero cost to the consumer. Table 2 Sectoral Approach, SE/GVA (%), Sectoral Approach with Different Assumptions for the Distribution of SE by Sectors in Base Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total (uniform) Industry Others Total Industry Others Total 25.0 29.6 21.2 28.1 35.6 32.7 81.5 55.1 53.9 40.8 10.0 15.8 13.5 6.2 6.0 2.9 19.8 27.0 23.7 15.1 46.9 49.2 35.6 73.5 106.2 102.5 236.0 134.5 134.1 107.6 25.0 30.2 22.7 30.5 39.3 36.0 91.6 59.8 59.6 45.2 30.0 36.8 34.2 25.5 25.3 21.6 41.6 50.1 46.2 36.1 17.7 19.6 8.7 39.0 65.3 62.4 169.3 88.0 87.7 66.4 25.0 29.5 20.8 27.3 34.4 31.7 78.2 53.6 52.0 39.3 11 Figure 2 Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Sectoral Electricity Approach 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 ENERGY APPROACH The electricity approach is based on the empirical assumption that the ratio of GDP to electricity consumption is constant. In the long-run changes in relative prices of energy resources or other supply side effects can force the consumers to substitute different sources of energy. (See Figure 3) The substitution effect can seriously affect the assessment of the shadow economy. Figure 3 Changes in the Energy Consumption (Base Year = 1989) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 electricity 12 1995 energy 1996 1997 1998 To calculate a better estimate of the shadow economy, we compare the consumption of total energy sources, including electricity, coals, fuel, gas, heating, calculated terajoules and changes in electricity consumption. The decrease in energy consumption is even greater than the drop in electricity. This means that some of the consumers have shifted from other sources of energy to electricity leading to changes in the ratio of GDP to electricity and overestimation of the shadow activity. Accordingly, to improve the quality of the physical input approach, we substituted total energy consumption for electricity in the calculations outlined above. This method is a reliable tool to remove any substitution effects that might distort the estimates. A slight concern in using the total energy approach is the probability of statistical errors in the energy consumption data and the chance that hidden consumption may exist for some sources such as kerosene, diesel or petrol. Figure 4 Changes in Real GDP and Total Economic Activity and Changes in the Share of SE 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 GDP 1994 TA 1995 1996 1997 1998 SE/GDP In order to calculate the actual sizes of the Bulgarian shadow economy in the years 1990-1998, we need to know the level for the base year 1989 (see formula (1) above). There exist estimates in the economic literature, yet given the inaccurate and contradictory results those yield, we allow for a range of possible values of the shadow economy level in 1989. Thus, as in the Electricity approach above, we can get a sense of what ranges the shadow economy levels move in and see that the trends in these levels are unaffected. 13 Figure 5 Shadow Economy Levels for the Years 1989-1990 in Bulgaria, Based on Five Different Values for the Shadow Economy in 1989 (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% respectively) Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Standard Energy Approach 0.6 Series 1 0.4 Series 2 0.2 Series 3 0 -0.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Series 4 Series 5 -0.4 Figure 5 shows that regardless of the initial level of the shadow economy in 1989, the pattern of change across the years of transition is, of course, identical. However, it is also clear that the lowest three estimates for initial values generate negative results in the middle years. This gives some basis for accepting higher initial estimates for SE/GDP. However, before accepting these results we must consider that just as with the standard electricity approach, the above results suffer from omission of the sectoral changes in the economy. If we believe that the black markets flourish most in the service (and agricultural) sector and least in industry, and consider the fact that the participation of industry in the Bulgarian GDP has almost halved since 1989 while the agricultural sector has stayed almost the same, we can see how such distortion can significantly modify the overall results. We refine the method of looking at total energy consumption by considering energy consumption in the different sectors. For correspondence to the electricity results, we break the economy into the same two sectors, industry and everything else (service and agriculture). The difference in results between the standard and sectoral approach is shown in Figure 6 for a shadow economy of 25% in the base year. 14 Figure 6 Estimation of Shadow Economy to GDP Ratio by Energy Consumption 40,0 20,0 % 0,0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 -20,0 standard sectoral Table 3 Energy Approach, SE/GDP (%) Standard 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 20.0 21.9 -2.9 -10.0 -7.5 -9.0 -6.7 4.3 -1.5 -8.0 Sectoral Standard Sectoral Standard Sectoral 20.0 22.0 2.8 3.7 11.8 8.6 13.3 24.8 19.5 12.8 25.0 26.9 1.1 -6.2 -3.7 -5.2 -2.8 8.6 2.6 -4.1 25.0 27.1 6.8 8.0 16.5 13.0 17.5 29.6 23.8 17.4 30.0 32.0 5.2 -2.5 0.2 -1.4 1.1 13.0 6.7 -0.3 30.0 32.2 10.8 12.4 21.3 17.3 21.6 34.4 28.2 21.9 With the above four methods we capture the structural change and substitution effects that Eilat and Zinnes22 proposed as a way to reflect changes in efficiency (in use of electricity) by considering the changing fraction of the private sector over time. We already include a partial estimate of efficiency in the sectoral division of the shadow economy. Private ownership has the largest share in the service sector in the economy, so to an extent its growth is accounted for in the growth of the service sector in the Bulgarian GDP, and the latter we capture in our new sectoral approach. 22 Eilat, Yair and Clifford Zinnes, The Evolution of the Shadow Economy in Transition Countries: Consequences for Economic Growth and Donor Assistance, CAER Discussion Paper No. 83, September 2000. 15 CONCLUSION The physical input approach provides easy estimates of SE trends, but it is not a precise tool. The energy consumption can be biased by different factors that affect final results. As we see in the case of Bulgaria, different assumptions and different energy resources yield drastic changes in final results. The energy approach can be more reliable for economies with stable growth paths, which do not witness dramatic structural shifts. However, for transition economies like Bulgaria, the energy consumption approach as well as the currency demand approach should be used only as an indicative measure of SE dynamics. We believe that some structural factors of the traditional electricity approach are eliminated with our sectoral approach when we use total energy consumption instead of electricity consumption. We believe the most reliable method that can be used as an indicator for the shadow economy is the total energy approach by sectors. Calculations from this method show that the shadow economy in 1998 has declined below the level of the 1989 base-year level. If we take what we believe as a realistic assumption of 30% level of SE in 1989, the SE economy in 1998 as a share of official GDP should be 22%. The absolute peaks of the shadow activity are calculated for 1990 (32.2%) and 1996 (34.4%). Since 1996 we observe a declining trend in the relative share of the shadow economy. This is not surprising given the fact that the introduction of the currency board in mid 1997 marked a steady rise of tax revenues to GDP. We also believe that the energy approach is basically a good tool for the assessment of the trends of shadow activities rather than relative shares. The base year relative share must always be given as an external value for the model and the only way to assess this value is the micro approach.23 23 It should be noted that it is also possible to work the other way around, i.e. to assess the last year shadow economy and work out the trends backwards from that point. 16 APPENDIX (CHAPTER 1) Table 4 Selected Indicators of the Bank Sector in Bulgaria (From 1991 until 1995, SSB is not included) 1991 Non-performing credits (%) Assets/GDP* Velocity of M3* Money multiplier 3.77 Credits/GDP (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2.23 1.53 4.75 55.50 1.80 1.58 4.92 74.10 1.13 1.76 4.55 74.00 1.30 2.25 5.31 21.20 0.32 4.00 2.77 13.40 0.35 3.55 2.76 13.40 0.35 3.50 2.86 100.38 107.10 89.58 66.93 75.63 20.89 21.60 20.0 2.28 1.54 - * Note: The bank assets cover both local and foreign currencies, but M3 does not include foreign currencies in cash outside the banks, as the BNB does not assess the amount of foreign currencies used for cash transactions or cash saving. Table 5 Electricity Consumption (in kWh) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Agriculture + Forestry Industry Construction Households Others 38,816 47,528 42,000 38,899 39,628 39,306 43,750 30,479 28,031 25,960 1,069 994 866 686 556 563 539 600 355 233 20,773 19,149 14,925 13,173 12,353 12,793 14,075 13,236 11,355 11,049 994 896 606 421 382 304 356 251 303 265 10,183 10,475 10,405 9,685 10,021 9,806 10,956 11,486 9,882 10,540 5,797 5,116 3,226 3,856 4,722 4,672 15,185 4,906 6,136 3,873 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years 17 Table 6 Electricity Consumption (in kWh) Total 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 38,816 47,528 42,000 38,899 39,628 39,306 43,750 30,479 28,031 25,960 Agriculture 1,069 994 866 686 556 563 539 600 355 233 Industry Service/Others 21,767 20,045 15,531 13,594 12,735 13,097 14,431 13,487 11,658 11,314 15,980 15,591 13,631 13,541 14,743 14,478 26,141 16,392 16,018 14,413 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years Table 7 Electricity Consumption (in kWh) - Two-Sector Division 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Industry Others 38,816 47,528 42,000 38,899 39,628 39,306 43,750 30,479 28,031 25,960 21,767 20,045 15,531 13,594 12,735 13,097 14,431 13,487 11,658 11,314 17,049 16,585 14,497 14,227 15,299 15,041 26,680 16,992 16,373 14,646 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years 18 Table 8 Real GDP - Total and by Sectors 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Agriculture Industry Services GVA GDP 4,394.000 4,231.422 4,413.373 3,760.194 2,624.615 2,873.954 3,290.677 3,047.167 4,049.685 4,106.381 23,507.000 20,568.630 16,249.210 15,209.260 14,266.290 15,122.270 14,305.660 12,617.600 11,191.810 11,673.060 11,742.000 11,213.610 10,451.080 7,639.743 7,685.581 7,447.328 7,745.221 7,024.916 5,669.107 5,697.453 39,643.000 36,013.657 31,113.671 26,609.201 24,576.486 25,443.549 25,341.563 22,689.679 20,910.600 21,476.889 39,579.000 35,977.310 32,955.220 30,549.490 30,091.240 30,632.890 31,521.240 28,337.590 26,353.960 27,276.350 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years Note: The above figures were calculated from indexes for GDP growth from 1989 to 1998 (1989=100) and actual levels of GDP for 1989. Table 9 Two-Sector Division of GDP 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Industry Other GVA GDP 23,507.0 20,568.6 16,249.2 15,209.3 14,266.3 15,122.3 14,305.7 12,617.6 11,191.8 11,673.1 16,136.0 15,445.0 14,864.5 11,399.9 10,310.2 10,321.3 11,035.9 10,072.1 9,718.8 9,803.8 39,643.0 36,013.7 31,113.7 26,609.2 24,576.5 25,443.5 25,341.6 22,689.7 20,910.6 21,476.9 39,579.0 35,977.3 32,955.2 30,549.5 30,091.2 30,632.9 31,521.2 28,337.6 26,354.0 27,276.4 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years 19 Table 10 Energy Consumption in Bulgaria (in terajoules) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Agriculture+ Forestry Industry 773,551 714,096 521,006 448,004 453,259 454,094 478,974 481,382 422,798 408,846 39,955 31,929 22,775 17,844 18,852 16,433 18,121 14,799 13,674 437,640 379,848 283,541 212,529 204,229 220,836 250,251 244,879 223,793 186,196 Construction Households 23,170 12,818 9,767 7,166 7,077 6,676 6,134 5,678 4,395 156,986 121,422 140,612 155,797 139,423 142,587 148,323 123,628 136,609 Others 114,137 71,296 62,321 68,223 67,906 63,027 63,925 54,900 61,661 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years Table 11 Energy Consumption in Bulgaria (in terajouls) - Two Sector Division 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Total Industry Other 773,551 714,096 521,006 448,004 453,259 454,094 478,974 481,382 422,798 408,846 437,640 403,018 296,359 222,296 211,395 227,913 256,927 251,013 229,471 190,591 335,911 311,078 224,647 225,708 241,864 226,181 222,047 230,369 193,327 211,945 Source: Bulgarian Statistical Abstract, various years 20 Figure 7 Bulgarian Shadow Economy Levels Based on a Range of Possible Levels in 1989 Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Standard Electricity Approach 1.2 1 x = 0.20 x = 0.25 x = 0.30 x = 0.40 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Source: Figures for electricity consumption and real GDP from the tables above, and calculations by formula (1) in the text; x = level of the shadow economy in 1989. Figure 8 Shadow Economy Levels Based on the Same Range of Possible Levels of the Shadow Economy in 1989 as Above Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Electricity Sectoral Approach 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 21 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Figure 9 Shadow Economy Levels Based on a Range of Possible Values for the Shadow Economy X in the Base Year 1989 Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Standard Energy Approach 0.5 0.4 0.3 x = 0.2 0.2 x = 0.25 x = 0.3 0.1 x = 0.4 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 -0.1 -0.2 Source: Figures for energy consumption and real GDP from the tables above, and calculations by formula (1) in the text; x = level of the shadow economy in 1989. 22 Figure 10 Shadow Economy Levels, Computed by Estimating the Shadow Economy in the Industry and Non-Industry Sector of the Economy Ratio of Shadow Economy to GDP Sectoral Energy Approach 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 x = 0.2 0.2 x = 0.25 x = 0.3 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Source: Figures for energy consumption and real GDP from the tables above, and calculations by formula (1) in the text; x = level of the shadow economy in 1989. 23 THE MICRO APPROACH -- SURVEY OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES This section describes the results of a survey carried out under the auspices of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting, Harvard University, and the Institute for Market Economics. Data collection took place during the summer of 2000. FIRM PROFILE24 The sample consists of 509 Bulgarian companies, operating in ten economic sectors. These sectors were selected based on their importance for the economy. According to data for 1999 the relative share of these sectors in gross value added is about 56%. The data collection method was face-to-face interviews with company managers using standardized questionnaires.25 Included in the survey are 87% private enterprises, 3.5% state enterprises, and 9.4% co-operatives. Forty-seven percent of the firms are registered as sole proprietorships in accordance with the Law on Commerce. Most of the enterprises were registered between 1991 and 1993. In small towns the firms emerged between 1991 and 1992, and the legal status of most firms has not changed since that time, i.e. 82% of the firms have preserved their status. However, 41.2% of the firms in the chemical industry, mechanical and engineering, transport and textile production have undergone a change due to privatization of enterprises between 1997 and 1999. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIRMS As seen in Table 12, the firms’ profit varies by years (1997-1999). Fifty-two percent of the enterprises declared a change in their profits for 1999. Only 3% of the firms have high profits. According to the survey 30% of the companies reported losses in 1999 more than the number of companies in 1997 (19%). Most companies with a turnover of 50-75 000 BGN have registered losses. Table 12 Percent of Companies Declaring Losses and Profits in 1999 Company Size - Turnover Less than 50 000 BGN 50 - 75 000 BGN 75 000 -100 000 BGN 100 - 200 000 BGN 200 - 500 000 BGN More than 500 000 BGN Losses 11.76 4.44 14.89 13.33 12.50 15.25 Moderate Without Moderate Losses Losses Profit 24.84 8.89 12.77 13.33 25.00 10.17 24 22.88 24.44 14.89 10.00 12.50 10.17 39.87 55.56 55.32 56.67 50.00 57.63 Significant Profit Total 0.65 6.67 2.13 6.67 0.00 6.78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 This research analyses the financial performance and development of the firms studied. The questionnaire was amended after a pre-test with ten companies involving three settlements. American Statistical Association collected the data during June-July 2000. 25 24 Total 12.02 18.03 18.03 48.91 3.01 100.00 Source: IME calculations on the basis of the survey The data from the survey show that small and medium enterprises remain active in spite of uncertainty about the size of their profits. We can draw the conclusion that the financial state of enterprises is relatively stable (firms with a high turnover have reported significant profits), but it is also possible that consistently reported negative profits are simply an indication of reliance on unreported shadow activities for continued solvency. The survey indicates a decrease in profit margin during 1999, as compared with 1997, indicating that the firms are operating in a more competitive market. The decrease is also due to higher imports as a consequence of foreign trade liberalization following introduction of the currency board, as well as to the development of competition in the domestic market. Table 13 shows investments in wholesale and retail trade firms are under 15 000 BGN annually, while the value of the investments in food and drinks production and in agriculture amounts to 60 000 BGN. Transport, mechanical and engineering enterprises invest more. Tables 13 and 14 below show investment in the period 1997-1999. Growth of investment was evident in firms with an annual turnover of more than 200 000 BGN. Table 13 Assessment of Annual Change in Total Value of Investments in 1999 Company Size- Turnover Less than 50 000 BGN 50 - 75 000 BGN 75 000 -100 000 BGN 100 - 200 000 BGN 200 - 500 000 BGN More than 500 000 BGN Total Strong Decline Small Decline No Change Small Strong Growth Growth 36.43 21.62 32.50 26.09 16.67 22.22 27.13 13.51 17.50 13.04 10.00 9.26 19.38 27.03 17.50 13.04 26.67 18.52 12.40 29.73 30.00 30.43 40.00 38.89 29.07 18.53 20.13 25.24 Source: IME calculation on the survey – cross-tabulation 25 4.65 8.11 2.50 17.39 6.67 11.11 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 7.03 100.00 Assessment of Annual Change in Total Value of Investments in 1997 Company Size- Turnover Less than 50 000 BGN 50 - 75 000 BGN 75 000 -100 000 BGN 100 - 200 000 BGN 200 - 500 000 BGN More than 500 000BGN Total Strong Decline Small Decline No Change Small Growth Strong Growth Total 13.04 0.00 5.88 4.00 8.57 4.26 10.87 9.38 17.65 24.00 8.57 14.89 31.88 34.38 23.53 20.00 34.29 36.17 36.96 53.13 50.00 48.00 37.14 25.53 7.25 3.13 2.94 4.00 11.43 19.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 8.36 12.86 31.19 39.23 8.36 100.00 Source: IME calculation on the survey – cross-tabulation The dynamics of firm investments can be characterized as stable, with a definite tendency to increase for the large-scale firms. In 1999 about 6% of the small firms with a turnover below 50 000 BGN declared a decrease in investments. At the same time 50% of the larger companies reported investment growth in 1999. According to the managers, sources of investment funds are profits (66.0%), personal savings (53%), and bank credits (24.2%); 42.9% of the managers claim that investment is insufficient, 40.3% - medium, only 16.8% consider it high. The value of sales has grown in comparison with the first accounting year. All firms generated greater profit than experienced at the start of business, i.e. the first accounting year. For construction, chemical, mechanical and engineering firms, the value of sales ranges between 100 000 and 200 000 BGN. In other sectors the value of sales is generally between 75 000 and 100 000 BGN. Wholesale and retail trade firms register low sales - between 50 000 - 75 000 BGN. There is a deviation between the firms’data for sales trends in the survey and the data of the National Statistic Institute (NSI) for sales in the overall economy during 1998-1999. The reason could be that the survey estimate is based on an unweighted average of the respondents’ answers. At the same time the distribution of the companies in the survey according to size shows that in 1999 the large firms (with a turnover of more than 200 000 BGN), which have a very small share in the total number of enterprises in the country,26 contribute most to the growth of sales. 26 According to the survey of the Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting of the small and medium enterprises, in 1999 the share of the small -medium enterprises was 98.9%. 26 Table 14 Annual Change in Total Value of Sales in 1997 Company Size- Turnover Less than 50 000 BGN 50 - 75 000 BGN 75 000 -100 000 BGN 100 - 200 000 BGN 200 - 500 000 BGN More than 500 000BGN Total Strong Decline Small Decline No Change Small Growth 8.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.33 25.00 0.00 5.88 0.00 8.33 8.33 23.61 41.67 41.18 40.00 16.67 8.33 36.11 41.67 35.29 50.00 75.00 66.67 5.19 15.56 26.67 43.70 Strong Growth 6.94 16.67 17.65 10.00 0.00 8.33 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 8.89 100.00 Source: IME calculation on the survey – cross-tabulation Table 15 Annual Change Total Value of Sales in 1999 Company Size- Turnover Less 50 000 BGN 50 -75 000 BGN 75 000 -100 000 BGN 100 - 200 000 BGN 200 -500 000 BGN More 500 000BGN Total Strong Decline Small Decline No Change Small Growth 46.48 28.57 29.41 25.00 0.00 15.79 21.13 21.43 35.29 16.67 14.29 15.79 18.31 7.14 17.65 25.00 28.57 5.26 12.68 42.86 11.76 16.67 57.14 47.37 34.29 21.43 16.43 22.86 Strong Growth 1.41 0.00 5.88 16.67 0.00 15.79 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 5.00 100.00 Source: IME calculation on the survey – cross-tabulation The following conclusion can be made: the growth of investment and sales in 1999 is due to high investment of companies having a turnover of more than 200 000 BGN. In 1997 the investment trend was almost equal for all companies, regardless of their size. It is interesting to point out that for most firms, regardless of the economic sector, starting capital is typically acquired from personal and family savings (65% on average). Only 18% of the enterprises have used bank credit (17% in the chemical industry, where the share of the personal savings is low). 27 Figure11 The Major Sources of Starting Capital (%) total agriculture tourism chemical mechanical and engineering food and drinks production textile and knitware production construction transport wholesale retail 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % other borrowing from the unofficial financial sources financing from international program s forbusiness prom otion firm credit bank credit loans from friends loans from fam ily personal saving To provide capital in subsequent years, firms use personal savings (58.1%), profits (51.5%) and bank loans (29.1%). The managers point out that serious problems for obtaining credit are: collateral requirements, complicated procedures when applying, need to present bank guarantees, interest rates, and need for the firm’s historical accounting record. 28 Figure 12 The Most Significant Obstacles for Getting Bank Credit 1 - not a problem at all; 5 - very serious problems total agriculture tourism chemical mechanical and engineering food and drinks production textile and knitware production construction transport wholesale retail 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 mean credit interest rate collateral requirements necessity of firm history relations with bank managers complicated procedure of applying for bank credit nk guarantee requirements long term from application for getting credit and decisions Of the managers interviewed, 47.3% point out that there is no problem obtaining information and co-operation from the bank employees for “facilitating the procedure” to receive credit. This means that bank employees are willing to grant favors (accept bribes), thus breaking the rules of bank servicing -- equal credit access for firms and adherence to business ethics. This percentage is quite high, revealing a disposition of bank employees toward receiving additional payments. Such activities are indications of corruption, and they help to promote the shadow economy. Business development is determined by various factors - household incomes and other demand factors, possibilities for financing, interventions from the state and mechanisms for business regulation (licenses, permissions and other similar measures aiming at regulating 29 businesses and restraining economic freedom). Figure 13 lists the barriers impeding businesses, as ranked by managers, according to firm turnovers. The firms’ managers point out tax burden, social insurance and insufficient financing as major obstacles to development and expansion of businesses. Figure 13 What Are the Obstacles to Business Expansion? 1 - not a problem at all; 5 - very serious problem 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 4.19 4.22 4.16 4.21 High taxes/social security 3.88 3.64 3.61 3.78 Insufficient financing 3.31 3.15 2.97 3.22 Legislative basis 2.86 Insufficient demand 1.62 1.76 1.75 1.66 Lack of qualified employees 1.42 1.46 1.44 1.4 Lack of efficient management 3.29 3.15 3.17 Up to 75 000 lv Between 75 000 and 200 000 lv Over 200 000 lv Total The above graph reveals the following about business expansions by company size: The tax burden is evaluated as the most significant barrier for all types of companies. Insufficient financing is a higher barrier for the small than for the big companies, though all firms, especially those with a small turnover, indicate insufficient financing as a problem. Legislative basis restricts development of smaller more than bigger companies. The lack of qualified employees and management does not significantly restrict either small or big companies. Construction, wholesale and retail trade companies indicate insufficient demand as a serious problem. 30 Figure 14 Obstacles to Business Expansion in Sectors 1 - not a problem at all; 5 - very serious problems insufficient dem and lack of effecient m anagem ent legislative basis tourism mechanical and engineering textile and knitware production transport retail 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 lack of qualified em ployess high tax es/ social security insufficient financing The current tax and social insurance system does not contribute to the development of legal business. Therefore it is necessary to improve the respective regulations so more companies can operate in the formal sector. FACTORS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SHADOW ECONOMY Paying in cash is an indicator of informal economy since authorities cannot tax money flows among firms. In this way transactions are not registered officially, and information concerning money circulation is distorted. The survey data shows that 54% of the respondents make and receive payments in cash and 32% make and receive payments through the banking system. Most firms prefer cash transactions. This can be seen in wholesale and retail trade, transport, tourism, agriculture, textile and knitwear production sectors. Analyzing the responses we can conclude that 69.4% of the enterprises prefer paying in cash, and 19.2% cite the greater freedom they have with this method of payment. According to 14%, the cause lies in the low quality bank services and higher costs of payments through banks. It indicates the managers’ and owners’ propensity to avoid transparency of transactions and to operate in the shadow economy. 31 32 Table 16 Mean % Saved Cost if Delivery is Without Invoice by % of Deliveries Without Invoiced 17. What is the share of delivery from unofficial market without invoice? 18. What is the share of the cost you could save if the delivery is without invoice? In mean % 0% Up to 33% 34% - 66% Over 66% 8 18 25 23 Total 13 The greatest cost saving results from trading the large percentage of deliveries without invoice and, in 66% of the cases, reaches a 23% savings for companies that are supplied without invoices. Figure 15 shows that enterprises construction, agriculture, tourism, wholesale and retail trade are quite inclined to under report incomes by not issuing invoices. Figure 15 Shares of the Cost Saved by the Firms When Delivery Is Without Invoice (%) 20.00% 18.00% 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Retail Wholesale Transport Construction Textile and Food and Mechanical Chemical knitware drinks and production production engineering Tourism Agriculture Foreign trade protection in Bulgaria is moderate compared to other countries. For 1999 the weighted average of customs duties on industrial and agricultural products is 11.4%. The liberalization of the foreign trade relations with the European countries, countries from CEFTA and the bilateral contracts for preferential customs duties signed with most of the countries should generate willingness by firms pay the resulting import duties. 33 According to the survey, the reasons to avoid tariffs are over-regulation and red tape. Along with the newly adopted Customs Act and the regulations on the enforcement of that act, an automatic licensing procedure was introduced in 1998 for many firms engaged in foreign trade. The procedure for releasing goods from customs, however, is still complicated and document processing is quite slow. The level of automatization and computerization is low for the customs authorities as a whole.27 Administrative requirements and bureaucratic customs procedures, combined with numerous documents that must be attached to the export and import transactions, create motivation for firms to operate in the shadow economy, thus saving time and money. A good indicator of shadow activities is the existence of two types of bookkeeping, one for official authorities and for tax purposes and one for real incomes and expenses. Only 9% of firms admit to using the two types of bookkeeping in order to avoid payment of real taxes. The data collected from this question, however, is not sufficient for estimation of the SE, and there is always a natural tendency to avoid truthful answers to direct questions like this. Nevertheless, it is interesting that as many as 9% of respondents were willing to admit to keeping two sets of books. This figure can be considered to be a lower bound on the true proportion keeping such books. LICENSING AND PERMISSION REQUIREMENTS Licenses and permissions (permits, certificates) are needed for continuous execution of a concrete activity, e.g. tour operator license or permission from the Sanitary Inspection Office for a café. In certain cases permits or certificates are also needed for separate transactions, e.g. importation of a commodity under the import-permission regime. For some of the activities, registration is also needed, which is different from general company registration, e.g. registration with the central bank for a transfer of money abroad. All three - licenses, permissions and registrations - are considered here without any specific distinction of the businesses’ attitude toward them. The licensing and permission requirements usually constitute a substantial part of the cost of operation "out of the shadow." These costs include direct expenses made for obtaining and maintaining the license or permission, as well as the indirect costs in terms of man-days for the firm spent dealing with the issue. 27 For more details on the export and import regulations in the Customs Act and the regulations for enforcing the act, see the FIAS report: <www.bfia.org>. 34 Table 17 Direct and Indirect Costs (in BGN) of Compliance and Non-Compliance with Selected Legal Requirements NON-COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE Regulation Registration at court28 Registration at BULSTAT Registration at the National Social Security Institute (NSSI) Licensing/permits (total) Indirect Costs Direct Costs Total Indirect Direct Costs Costs Costs Total Costs 74 30 80 0 154 0 30 - 100 - 130 - 30 0 0 45 30 75 149 50 199 74 130 204 Source: IME data Table 17 notes: 1. In some answers the respondents have not taken into account state fees; this is valid for company registration. 2. Indirect costs are estimated on the basis of the man days spent in compliance or non-compliance. The number of man days is converted into BGN through the average value added per day per person in the private sector in 1999. (Source of macro-data: National Statistical Institute and National Employment Agency) 3. In the costs of non-compliance, the companies probably do not consider the sanction and the probability of being sanctioned. Therefore the indirect costs of non-compliance should be considered undervalued. 4. The last row in Table 17 shows the totals. However, the total costs of compliance (or non-compliance) could not be applicable to a concrete firm since such a firm’s activity is most likely not to fall under all of the regulations above. Also, it is not correct to sum the total costs of compliance and non-compliance, since most of the firms have answered both for the costs of compliance and the costs of non-compliance, although facing only one of the two types of costs. The last row thus gives an idea of the relationship between the costs of staying "in the shadow" and the costs of operation "out of the shadow," as well as for the shares of the indirect and direct costs within the total costs. In Table 17 the direct and indirect costs of compliance and non-compliance with some legal requirements are given.29 In comparison with the other three general requirements of starting a legal business operation, the licensing and permission requirements are, on average, more expensive in terms of direct costs and time spent, than the court, statistical and mandatory insurance registrations. At the same time, the cost of non-compliance with such regulations is higher than the cost of compliance, which means that such requirements cannot motivate companies to move "into the shadow." However, these regulations cannot by themselves motivate companies to legalize their activities either. One should not forget that most businesses in Bulgaria comply with at least some (but maybe not all) regulations. Therefore there could be companies that comply with the licensing requirements, but still keep value added hidden. 28 In some answers the respondents have not taken into account state fees; this is valid for company registration. Based on the primary data from a joint survey of IME and Bannock Consulting on the administrative barriers to business in Bulgaria. 29 35 Another interesting point is that, when complying with the licensing and permission regulations, indirect costs are three times higher than direct costs. This is probably due to the administration’s clumsy procedures and low-quality service. Although there is an explicit political will to reduce the number of licensing regimes, which is consistent with the overall policy of economic liberalization, no real signs of improvement exist. Table 18 gives the development of the licensing legislation during the past ten years. Table 18 Number of Activities Requiring License or Permit Explicitly Mentioned in Laws Year Newly Enforced Licensing Requirements Until 1989 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 4 3 1 5 6 21 13 10 21 20 Total Licensing Requirements 2 6 9 10 15 21 42 55 65 86 106 Source: IME Based on data obtained in the survey, 67.8% of companies claim that their activity requires some kind of license and/or permission. The percentage is highest in the tourism sector (100%), where every tour operator and tourist agency must have a license and every hotel and restaurant must hold a category certificate. The figure is slightly lower in the transportation sector (93.3%), followed by retail trade (87.4%) and foodstuff production (83%). Businesses’ attitudes toward licensing and permission regimes are extremely negative. Almost 28% of the companies in the survey think that the licensing regimes should be relaxed, and 33% indicate that permission regimes should be removed. Only attitudes towards taxes and social security payments are more negative than the attitudes towards licenses and permissions. The attitudes toward licenses are most apparent in transport, construction, retail and wholesale trade and tourism sectors, where companies must pay relatively high license fees in order to legalize their activities. In tourism the license for a tour operator costs BGN 5 000, and the license for a tourist agency – BGN 2 500. Although no renewal is needed (the license is valid for the whole life of the company), these sums are high for the average small firm. 36 Only 1.5% of the companies in the survey answered that they operate without a license when it is legally required. At the same time, it is likely that a large percent of the licensed companies still remain "in the shadow," hiding some substantial portion of their activities. Again the rate of total non-compliance is highest in the tourism sector, where as much as 5.6% of the companies operate without a license. The rate of total compliance is lowest in the wholesale business (88.9%), probably because of the huge number of licenses, permits and certificates needed and large indirect costs and informal direct expenses. The average costs (state fees plus consultants’ and lawyers’ pay) of obtaining a license are estimated at 14.5% of a company’s monthly sales. Half of the firms included in the survey paid 200 BGN per year for renewal and maintenance of their licenses.30 The share of the licensing and permission costs in highest in the chemical sector (33.7%) and lowest in the wholesale trade (7%). However, other expenses (such as traveling to the licensing agency), indirect costs (in terms of time spent dealing with the administration), and informal expenses (e.g. bribes) are not included in the estimation. EFFECT OF THE TAX AND INSURANCE BURDEN ON THE SHADOW ECONOMY Significance of the tax burden for Bulgaria Tax evasion is one of the main incentives for the existence of the shadow economy. In Bulgaria the larger part of the social security system is based on the pay-as-you-go principle, which does not establish a definite relationship between the payments which are made and obtaining the respective benefits. As social security payments are obligatory, they must be regarded as de facto taxation. With healthcare insurance the amount of payments made is not related in any way to services offered for these payments. With pension insurance, there is only a minimal presumed relationship between the payments and the pension, which is received later on. As a result of the constantly increasing age structure of the population, all revenues are allocated to pay out pensions, the average amount of a pension giving no more than 20% of the market capitalization of the average pension insurance. In case of death the payments are 100% lost. Therefore pension insurance is clearly a tax which is paid by the active population and consumed by the population at retirement age. That is why in Bulgaria the tax burden is defined as: "All direct and indirect taxes, pension and healthcare insurance." Comparing the personal income tax rate and the insurance rate we can conclude that the incentives to evade insurance payments are much greater. 30 The analysis of the respondents' answers to "Can you estimate the annual cost to a company like yours for renewal and maintenance of the license?" shows high dispersion in terms of declared costs. (answer could be yes or no!) 37 Table 19 Income Tax Rates on the Average Monthly Salary in the Public Sector Average for the Year, Based on Monthly Data Year Income tax rate (%) Payroll tax (%) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 15.0 14.5 15.0 14.7 18.4 17.4 17.6 16.5 16.4 42.2 42.2 42.2 42.2 41.2 44.0 44.0 44.4 45.7 Payroll/Income Tax (as for the budget revenues) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.0 2.2 To fulfill one of the main survey objectives, direct and indirect questions were employed to estimate the effect of the tax burden. Managers of small and medium-size enterprises (SME) were asked to assess this burden from two aspects: 1. The extent to which the tax burden give incentives to shadow economy development. 2. A quantitative evaluation of the proportion of evaded taxes. Survey Results and the Tax Burden on Businesses According to the businessmen interviewed, the tax burden is the most serious obstacle to the development of the business in Bulgaria. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 representing the most serious problem, high taxes scored an average of 4.2, i.e. between a serious and a very serious problem. The rest of the factors receive an average assessment of less than 4 and the question regarding lack of qualified employees comes close to an average of only 1. This result confirms those from the research about Bulgaria in the Global Competitiveness Report 1999, where the level of employee qualification is pointed out as one of the three factors which, in M. Porter’s opinion, positively influence Bulgaria’s competitiveness. 38 Figure 16 What Are the Obstacles to Business Expansion? 1 - not a problem at all; 5 - very serious M e a n 5.0 V a l u e 3.0 4.0 4.2 3.8 3.2 3.2 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.0 high taxes/social security insufficient financing legislative basis insufficient demand lack of qualified lack of efficient management employees The high tax burden is also considered a major reason for tax evasion. This opinion is fully supported by 77.8% of the interviewed, partially by 18.4% and only 3.8% do not agree with it. Efficiency of the tax administration In the analysis of the incentives for tax and insurance evasion we have to take into consideration the tax burden as well as the quality of services in tax administration. Ineffective functioning of the tax authorities and unpredictable legislation are factors, which can further increase the cost of reporting tax and insurance payments. These expenses are both direct (hiring more people, influencing by giving bribes, etc.) and indirect (opportunity costs of the time which, though both are important, is spent to create contacts). As an indirect measure of the administrative impediments, we have used the time spent by businessmen for contacts with state authorities, measured in days per month. The answers obtained show that businesses lose the most time in obtaining licenses. Second in terms of waiting, is time needed for working with tax authorities. Consequently the tax rate, and not the administrative barriers, is a primary incentive for considering the tax burden a major problem, though both are important. At the same time, summing the total number of days spent for tax or insurance purposes, we obtain 7.5 days per month (which shows that there are considerable opportunity costs). The time spent reporting for healthcare insurance is more or less equal to the time spent for the pension insurance. If we take into consideration the fact that the burden of healthcare insurance is 5-6 times less than that for pension insurance, we must regard the administrative procedures related to the newly established healthcare insurance system as extremely ineffective. 39 Figure 17 How Much Time Do You Waste in Your Work with Public Administration days per month 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Permissions Tax and Local Fees Social Security Health Insurance Statistics Licenses Quantitative evaluation of the shadow economy aiming at tax evasion A higher tax burden would imply an increase in incentives for tax avoidance and evasion and is a primary cause for transition from the formal to the shadow economy. We take tax avoidance to mean the formal restructuring of the business in order to avoid certain taxes, as opposed to illegal evasion of taxes. Rather, it involves taking advantage of certain "loopholes" which permit legal escape from objectives of tax legislation. In both cases the evaluation of unpaid taxes does not necessarily imply that a firm is 100% in the shadow economy. In the formulation of the questions, an explicit distinction between the two ways of saving taxes was made in order to assess the overall effect and avoid unnecessary tension among those interviewed. 40 Figure 18 Do You Have an Impression About the Kind of Taxes or Other Liabilities that are Most Frequently Avoided? response number 250 200 221 221 190 178 174 150 100 101 50 6 0 VAT Payroll tax (pension, health and other insurance) Personal Duty and income tax other import surcharges Corporate tax /tax on profit/ Excise Other The taxes that are most frequently evaded are value added tax (VAT) and social security payments (Figure 18). However the assessment of taxes that are most often evaded and the quantitative evaluation of the proportion of the evaded taxes are different. Thus, for example, VAT, payroll taxes and the personal income taxes are at the top of the list of the most frequently evaded obligations, but they are pushed down to the last places in the ranking within total evaded taxes. This is so because of the different tax regimes that allow only partial reduction of declared incomes in order to evade personal income and payroll taxes. This practice is confirmed in the analysis of response to the inquiry about employment (see section below on the labor market). Table 20 Do You Have an Impression about the Percentage of Taxes or Other Liabilities that Are Most Frequently Avoided? Liability Number of Responses Mean (%) Duty and other import surcharges Corporate tax /tax on profit Excise Payroll tax (pension, health and other insurance) VAT Personal income tax Other 110 118 75 165 163 127 5 39.4 38.5 36.8 36.0 32.4 31.4 48.0 41 Weighted average 35.5 Concerning the evasion of VAT, there is no denying the practice of simultaneously selling goods where VAT is and is not included depending on the client and his or her desire to receive an invoice. This practice is reflected in the question: "Do you know any firms where two different prices are set for one and the same good or service depending on whether an invoice is requested or not?" Approximately 45.7% of the interviewed consider it a common practice, 28.1% think that it is practiced only in a few firms, 11% are of the opinion that there are no such companies and 15.2% do not want to answer the question. Relationship between evaded taxes and GDP When there are tax evasion and tax avoidance of indirect taxes (VAT, duties, excise), as well as cases of underreporting personal income and payroll tax earnings, the undeclared amount is equivalent to the shadow economy size. With the purchase of documents certifying expenses in order to evade taxes on profit, there is only a transformation of the value added from one firm to another without influencing the value of GDP. For example, company X could use forged documents certifying expenses which would lessen its actual profit. Thus the tax on profit is evaded and the calculations for the GDP would be lowered by the amount of the fictitious expenses. At the same time a company Y which incurs actual losses could issue a fictitious invoice without incurring any tax on profit payments for itself. It would increase its revenues through the issue of the invoice and those revenues would be recognized as value added. The result of the above example is that no tax on profit has been paid, but this has not led to a decrease of GDP. In order to evaluate the shadow economy from the point of view of the tax avoidance, the assessment of tax on profit has to be corrected. According to the average value of the answers given, 25.3% of the corporate tax is evaded by purchasing fictitious documents certifying expenses. In order to calculate the exact effect the weighted average of those who think that there is no such practice (91 of those interviewed) must be deducted from the above result. In this way we obtain the weighted average size of the tax on profit evaded by purchasing fictitious invoices - 16.4%. The relative size of the evaded corporate tax (Table 20) is 38.5% and therefore the effect on GDP is an underestimate of the value added of 22.1% of tax due on profit. If we make the necessary calculations to obtain the overall average size of the evaded taxes for the various types of taxes, we can see that shadow activity for tax avoidance or evasion is 33% of GDP. This result is probably an overestimate as it is possible to avoid excise taxes by declaring certain sales as non-excise goods. In this case the effect on GDP is the saved excise tax from which we deduct the increase in gross consumption due to the lowered price that results. The latter depends on the elasticity of demand of the respective good and is impossible to evaluate based on currently available information. On the other hand, the total value of the shadow economy must not be reduced to that caused by tax evasion. It also includes omissions of the statistical institutions when they give an account of the total value added and of some illegal activities such as arms, drug and people traffic, unlicensed software, unregulated use of copyrights, etc. 42 Analysis of the tax burden by sectors The survey covered ten sectors of the economy (selected according to the proportion of the sector in the gross value added). For each sector separate indicators were calculated to reveal the possible existence of divergent conclusions among sectors. In Figure19 the integrated index of the tax burden quantitative evaluation is calculated by sectors. The index varies between 0 and 1 and is a weighted average value of the three possible answers: "totally agree" takes a value of 1, "agree to a certain extent" takes 0.5 and "do not agree" takes 0. The weights that are used to obtain the mean value are the number of the answers that have been given for each sector separately. The graph does not show major deviations from the mean value and the coefficient of variation is low (0.0014). Only the chemical industry has a deviation of over 5 per cent from the mean value. Figure 19 Sectoral Distribution of the Tax Burden as a Barrier to Business Expansion 0- no barrier to 1- most serious barrier Mean = 0.89 Chemical Construction Textile and knitwear production Retail Agriculture Transport Food and drinks production Wholesale Mechanical and engineering Tourism 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 A greater difference in the judgments of the businessmen by sectors was observed with the specification of the tax or insurance payments. Five industries pointed to the personal income tax as the most serious barrier. Three of the sectors indicated pension insurance as the most serious obstacle, and two the VAT. Only in the "textile and knitwear production" was 43 the tax on profit regarded as the most substantial impediment. We have to make allowance for the fact that healthcare insurance is distinguished from pension insurance, and this skewed the assessment of the total insurance burden. Table 21 Which of the Following Taxes, Fees and Social Insurance Payments are the Most Serious Obstacles for Complete Legalization of the Businesses? Sectors Chemical Construction Textile and knitwear production Retail Agriculture Transport Food and drinks production Wholesale Mechanical and engineering Tourism VAT (%) Pension Insurance (%) Income Tax (%) Corporate Tax (%) 69 61 52 49 52.0 66 59 67 54 63 66 On the whole the perceived significance of each tax is determined by the specific character of the business and not by the existence of a discriminatory sectoral approach in the adoption and enforcement of the tax legislation. For example, in the transport and tourism sectors, competitiveness depends directly on the VAT rate and its application with respect to foreign clients. It is these sectors which identify the VAT as a major barrier. No statistically significant difference can be observed in the effects of the tax burdens calculated according to the size of the enterprise. Conclusions about the tax burden 1. The high tax burden is considered to be a major barrier to business development, the main problem being the income tax and insurance rates; whereas in the opinion of those interviewed tax administration inefficiency has a lesser effect. In this context any economic measures aiming at decreasing the tax burden would positively influence business environment and economic growth. Special attention must be paid to reduction of social security payments, which are some of the most frequently avoided payments. 2. According to those interviewed, on average 35.5% of the taxes due are evaded. This amounts to about 33% of the GDP, the percentage being a little overestimated because of the peculiarities of the methods for evading excise taxes. This form of the shadow economy does not take into consideration the statistical omissions concerning full coverage of the small businesses as well as totally illegal ("underground") business. A quantitative evaluation of taxes avoided is not equivalent to the proportion of shadow 44 economy in the gross value added. These figures are clearly suggestive of the large share of the shadow economy in the overall economy. 3. The considerable size of the shadow economy resulting from the tax burden is quite evenly distributed across sectors. 4. In macroeconomic analyses and forecasts of potential GDP growth, as well as in international comparisons of living standards, the shadow economy must not be disregarded as a factor. It is also a considerable resource which can be used for lowering the tax burden without causing a large reduction of fiscal revenues if the taxable base is extended, and the risk and size of sanctions for tax violations are increased. The shadow economy and the labor market One aspect of the informal economy is underreporting a part of earned incomes by economic agents. A major reason for this is evasion of payments due to the state budget, the National Social Security Institute, the Health Insurance Fund, etc. either by the individuals themselves or by employers. Some economists claim that a decline in the economic activity of the population is an indicator of intensification of underground occupations, ceteris paribus. Figure 20 Level of Economic Activity of the Population 56.00 54.00 52.00 % 50.00 48.00 46.00 44.00 IX 93 XII 93 III 94 VI 94 IX 94 XII 94 III 95 VI 95 IX 95 XII 95 III 96 VI 96 IX 96 XII 96 III 97 VI 97 IX 97 XII 97 III 98 VI 98 IX 98 XII 98 III 99 VI 99 IX 99 XII 99 III 00 Figure 20 shows a steady decline in the economic activity of the population. In 1996 and 1997, the labor force was 52% of the population aged over 16; whereas since 1999 it has fallen to under 50%. This tendency should not be interpreted only as an indication of possible growth of the informal sector, since the unemployment rate has increased in the second half of 1999. 45 A more detailed study of individuals leaving the labor force shows that we cannot discard the hypothesis of declining economic activity as an indicator of a stream of people towards the shadow economy. According to some estimates about 40% of the unemployed between the ages 15 and 24 leave the labor force, and this percentage is nearly two times the contingent of unemployed leaving the labor force in the older groups. Conceivable reasons for this greater percentage in the youngest group are possibilities for continuing one’s education, raising children, etc. If we analyze the streams of unemployed people leaving the labor force in terms of sex and age, we can see that there is no significant difference between departures of men and women. Instead there is a pattern more consistent with passage to the informal sector than with departure for child rearing. The research was intended to monitor the share of the informal sector in the labor market. This phenomenon has two aspects: 1. Some individuals are hired without any labor or non-labor contracts. Their income is not declared as an expense of the employing company, or as personal income of the individuals; 2. Officially companies might declare lower wages than actually paid. In this way a part of the enterprises’ newly created income is not officially declared. A modification of the latter is hiring people to perform a particular job using a non-labor contract rather than a labor contract. Thus until the beginning of 2000 the individuals had to make their own social security payments. Between 13% and 15% of the companies in the survey declared hiring people without any contract in each of the years under examination (1997-1999), as well as during their first accounting year. Nevertheless among those companies in the survey, there is a general growth tendency in the total number of employees without any contract. 46 Table 22 Structure of Employment within the Firms Sampled (%) First accounting year Hired on a labor contract Hired on a non-labor contract Hired without any contract 94.99 2.80 2.22 1997 1998 1999 93.26 4.52 2.22 93.50 4.41 2.09 92.16 4.85 2.99 Until the beginning of 1999 individuals hired without any contract were 2% of the total number of the employed by the firms, whereas in 1999 this figure grew to 3%. In this same year the proportion of those employed on a non-labor contract increased by 0.4%. Table 23 Change in the Number of Employed with Respect to the Previous Year (%) 1998 1999 Hired on a labor contract Hired on a non-labor contract Hired without any contract 10.86 7.79 3.90 -15.68 -5.94 22.34 Total number of employed 10.57 -14.46 The trend in the number of employed according to type of contract with employers is particularly indicative. In 1998 the total number of employees in the companies included in the sample grew by over 10%, whereas the number employed by a labor contract increased faster than the number of those employed by other agreements. Those employed without any contract grew in number too, but only by about 4%. In 1999 the total number of employees in the companies included in the survey fell by over 14%. At the same time the number of employees without any contract was the only category to grow - by an impressive 22%. Regardless of their small proportion in employment as a whole, this change is indicative of a general tendency in the preferences of enterprises to engage more and more people without any contract. 47 Table 24 Allocation of Firms According to the Proportion of Hired Workers Without Any Contract in the Total Number of Employed (%) 0% Between 0% and 50% Between 51% And 100% 100% First accounting year 1997 1998 1999 85.84 7.53 3.01 87.16 6.56 3.01 87.12 5.81 2.78 85.07 8.29 3.32 3.61 3.28 4.29 3.32 The results reveal that approximately 2.5% - 3% of the employed are not registered, i.e. between 70,000 and 90,000 work without contracts. Since the second half of 1999, the statistics of the National Employment Service have been showing unemployment higher by 50,000 to 100,000 people than shown by the National Statistical Institute. Therefore it is possible to regard these individuals as people who have an occupation during the year, or at least during given months of the year, but do not declare it. 48 Figure 21 Share of the Employed Without Any Contract to Total Employment in the Firms by Sectors (%) Other services Trade Agriculture Construction Industry 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 First accounting year 10.00 1997 12.00 1998 14.00 16.00 18.00 1999 A more detailed analysis shows that agriculture and trade are the sectors where noncontract employment is most common. Over 16% of the workers in agriculture had no labor contract during the first accounting year. In 1997 and 1998 they accounted for 12.4%, but in 1999 those who were employed without any contract accounted for 13.8% of the total of those employed in agriculture. Among trade firms there is a continuously rising trend in the number of the employed without any contract - from 3.8% in 1997 to 5.4% in 1999. In the remaining three sectors, the proportion of employed without any contract is very small, and even among industrial enterprises and service companies (with the exception of trade) it is as low as 0.5%. It should be pointed out that the number of individuals employed without any contract among industrial firms diminished during the period 1997-1999 in contrast to almost all other sectors. Comparing the proportion of people hired without any contract to the total number of employed in different sectors of the economy, it can be concluded that, for the most part, these employees are seasonal or temporary, given their concentration in agriculture and trade. When an individual is hired for a relatively long-term or even permanent job, it is almost impossible to engage him or her without any contract. 49 Figure 20 Share of Employed Without Contracts to Total Employment in Firms, by Type of Location (%) Village Small town Regional center Sofia 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 First accounting year 1997 20.00 1998 25.00 1999 Figure 21 Share of Employed Working Without Contracts to Total Employment in Firms, by Type of Ownership (%) Cooperatives Private firms State owned firms 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 First accounting year 1997 3.00 1998 3.50 4.00 4.50 1999 The data shown in Figure 21 is not surprising as far as it concerns the state enterprises. No employment without contract is registered during any of the years reported. It is clear that there is less scope and less incentive for state enterprise managers to engage in such tax avoiding practices. We can also see from Figure 21 that the cooperatives are more willing to 50 hire workers without any contract than are private enterprises (it may be due to the greater weight of the agricultural firms in the totality). However the differences are not as large as with the other groups of firms in the totality of companies surveyed. Figure 22 Reasons for Employed to Use Non-employment in Place of Employment Contracts 60 59.13 51.19 50 40 33.5 29.46 %30 20 11.66 10 0 High taxes and social insurances on wages People with the relevant qualification prefer these Higher flexibility for human resource The Labor Code creates difficulties for firing Other Approximately 60% of the employers interviewed answered the questions about why they prefer to engage workers for particular activities on non-labor rather than on labor contracts. In about 60% of the cases, the firms have not hired people using non-labor contracts, and at least 20% of the firms answered the question although they have engaged people only on a labor contract. The most important reasons for preferring non-labor to labor contracts are: First, the high salary-related costs to the firms (social security payments, health care and unemployment insurance, etc.) – cited by about 60% of those who answered the question. Second, the labor contracts are preferred as they facilitate achieving a better flexibility while optimizing the number of employees in the companies – cited by more than 51% of the cases. Presumably the disposition to hire on non-labor contracts, rather than on labor contracts, is an indication that a given employer is more willing to engage people without any contract. On this basis we can estimate the average number of individuals employed without any contract within the total employed by the firms, which have specified any of the reasons for preferring a non-labor to a labor contract. It can be concluded that: Employers seek to hire people using non-labor rather than labor contracts with the purpose of reducing payments due to the state budget, the National Social Security 51 Institute, etc. In fact, they transfer the responsibility of paying to the individuals who are to be insured; Hiring people without any contract is used in cases of temporary or seasonal work. In this way a greater flexibility can be achieved. Also if an individual turns out to be inappropriate for the job, it would be easier to dismiss him or her. And it is likely, if a person appears to be particularly valuable for the firm, after an initial trial period during which the employed has worked without any contract, to offer him or her a long-term labor contract. Table 25 Average Percentage of Employed Without Contracts in Total Employment to Firms Indicating a Specific Reason for Hiring on Non-labor Rather than Labor Contracts (%) 1997 Because required payments related to the employees’ salaries are high (insurance, etc.) Because individuals with appropriate job qualifications prefer this type of contract Because this type of contract allows a greater flexibility for the human resource management Because under the existing Labor Code, it is difficult to dismiss employees who do not have appropriate qualifications Other 1998 1999 6.24 6.62 9.66 5.70 8.80 9.00 8.30 8.50 11.09 7.89 8.99 13.32 16.46 15.70 13.42 Another aspect of tax and insurance evasion is officially reporting salaries that are lower than that actually paid in order to reduce the burden of the various payroll taxes. Until the beginning of 1999, another way of achieving the same result was hiring on a non-labor contract, especially when the individuals who were to be engaged had a labor contract with another employer and were, therefore, already insured. The participants in the study were consecutively asked if they knew any companies where the officially declared salaries differed from the ones that were actually paid and if so, what was the approximate difference between them. Nearly two-thirds of those who answered the question (over 62.5%) believe that it is a common practice for most firms and another 17.4% think that there is such a phenomenon but few companies really practice it. Only 6.3% of the interviewed are of the opinion there is no such thing as paying more than the officially declared salaries or, at least, they do not know of such firms. 52 Figure 23 Do You Know of Firms Where Official Wages Differ from Wages Paid in Reality? 13.81 Yes, this is a common practice 6.28 Yes, I know of a small number of such firms No, I do not know such of firms 17.36 62.55 I do not want to answer It can be concluded that not declaring total employees’ salaries is much more common than hiring people without any contract, and it is a much more significant way of expanding the informal sector of the economy. If we assume that the respondents have answered in reference to information about the concealed real salaries in firms similar to theirs (and indirectly in their own companies), there are no significant differences in the structure of the answers by sectors, type of municipality and property. The percentage is highest in trade and construction enterprises, where it is quite commonly considered that salaries paid are different from officially stated salaries. The proportion of industrial firms among the participants who refused to answer this question is relatively high. This may be due either to lack of information or can be interpreted as an indication that in this sector the practice is fairly common. 53 Table 24 Do You Know Any Firms Where the Officially Declared Salaries Differ from the Actually Paid? (% of Responses) Yes, it is a common practice Total Yes, but in few firms There are no such firms I do not want to answer the question 62.55 17.36 6.28 13.81 62.32 66.67 54.88 69.29 56.96 15.94 20.51 26.83 12.86 16.46 3.62 2.56 6.10 7.14 11.39 18.12 10.26 12.20 10.71 15.19 According to the type of municipality: Sofia 54.29 Regional center 67.84 Small town 57.97 Village 57.14 15.71 14.90 20.29 23.81 11.43 3.92 8.70 7.14 18.57 13.33 13.04 11.90 According to the type of property: State enterprises 50.00 Private firms 64.34 Cooperatives 51.06 31.25 15.90 25.53 12.50 5.54 10.64 6.25 14.22 12.77 Including: Industry Construction Agriculture Trade Other services Note that in the bigger cities (with the exception of Sofia) the underreporting of the salaries actually paid is much more common than it is in the other municipalities. Also the proportion of those who have answered that there are no such firms is only 3.9% in the regional centers, while in the other groups of enterprises it is higher, and for the companies in Sofia it is 11.4%. A relatively high percentage of the private enterprise firms - 64.3% - also think that actual salaries are higher than those reported. This is also the group where the smallest number of the firms answered that there is no such phenomenon in practice – about half as many as in the other groups of companies. It can be assumed that the private firms, to a greater extent, practice declaring smaller salaries than actually paid in order to evade payments to state authorities. 54 Figure 25 Approximate Percentage of the Difference Between the Real Wages Paid and Official Wages 50.00 44.85 45.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 % 25.00 24.01 20.00 15.00 11.61 10.00 11.61 7.92 5.00 0.00 Below 10% No such practice Between 10 and 50% Over 100% Between 50 and 100% The respondents who expressed the opinion that there is such a thing as declaring lower salaries than those actually paid were asked the difference measured in minimum salaries. Almost half answered that the salaries actually paid were higher than those declared by 10% to 50%. In the opinion of those interviewed, the salaries actually paid were higher than those officially declared by about 46%. In other words if the average monthly salary in mid-2000 was around 230 BGN according to the National Statistical Institute, then, according to the answers of those interviewed, the monthly salary actually paid was about 350 BGN. Table 26 Average Monthly Salary in the Economy for 1999 by Sectors (preliminary data) Industry Construction Agriculture Trade Other services Total: Average Salary for 1999 Difference between Actual and Official Salaries Actual Salary BGN % BGN 307.81 192.37 177.74 171.05 211.32 52.13 58.68 35.48 47.07 37.14 468.27 305.25 240.80 251.56 289.80 205.05 45.98 299.33 Source: NSI, Firms Survey 55 The surplus of actual over official salary varies by groups of firms. This difference is the greatest for construction and the industrial sectors, where the actual salaries are higher than declared by 59% and 52% respectively, and the difference is the smallest in services (not including the trade) and agricultural sectors where the spread between actual and official salaries is 37% and 35%, respectively. Salaries registered by the NSI for the industrial sector are 73% higher than those for the agricultural sector. At the same time the surplus of salary actually paid according to the answers of the industrial firms is 47% higher than is the estimate of the agricultural enterprises. If we assume that all those interviewed have answered mostly on the basis of their own experiences and the practices of firms similar to theirs, then it appears that the actual salary in the industry is approximately two times higher (about 94%) than that for the agricultural sector. According to data reported, the average salary in construction is 6% lower than the average for the country, and 9% lower than other services (except for trade), whereas the salary actually paid for construction is the second highest in the country and is 2% greater than the average salary. Analyzed according to municipality the difference between the two types of salaries decreases as the settlement size decreases. It is largest for Sofia and the regional centers where the difference reaches 50-51%; in the small towns it is around 42%; and in the villages it is only 31%. According to data from the NSI, higher salaries are generally paid in the larger municipalities. Figure 26 Difference Between the Real and the Officially Declared Wages (%) Sofia 51.2 Regional center 50.14 42.14 Small town Village 30.66 0 10 20 30 % 56 40 50 60 Table 27 Average Monthly Salary and the Surplus of the Actual Over Official Salary by Sectors for 1999 (preliminary data) State firms Private enterprises Cooperatives Total Average salary for 1999 Difference between actual and declared salary Actual salary BGN % BGN 221.28 183.19 35.83 48.33 29.75 300.57 271.72 205.05 45.98 299.33 Source: NSI. - Firms Survey As expected, private firms taking part in the survey shared the opinion that the salaries actually paid were much higher than those in the state enterprises. Moreover, the state enterprises estimated the difference as being larger in comparison to the cooperatives in the survey. It can be presumed that state enterprises also under report salaries, however to a lesser degree than private enterprises. The fact that state firms do not hire people without any contract must be taken into consideration. Hence even managers of state enterprises are probably trying to cut payments because of insurance funding by declaring lower than actual salaries instead of using non-labor contracts or no agreements at all. The data provided by the NSI shows that the proportion of salary in total employee compensation (here we include the salary as well as all additional payments set by the Labor Code, insurance payments, etc.) was around 71% in 1997 and 1998. Compensation for the employed was 5,900 and 8,500 billion BGN respectively for 1997 and 1998. Let us assume that participants in the survey have correctly evaluated the difference between the registered and the salaries actually paid (approximately 46%). Then the compensations that were, in reality, paid would be 7,800 and 8,500 billion BGN respectively for 1997 and 1998. If we presume that the salary-to-compensation ratio does not change significantly if firms declare salaries actually paid, then the enterprises’ labor expenses would be 8,600 and 12,400 billion BGN for 1997 and 1998, respectively. 57 Table 29 Compensations of the Employed and Salaries in 1997 and 1998 (million BGN) 1997 1998 Salary Other payments Compensation of the employed Salary actually paid31 Other payments Compensations actually paid 4.22 1.67 5.89 6.15 1.67 7.82 6.00 2.47 8.47 8.77 2.47 11.24 Outstanding compensations due to the employed32 8.59 12.37 Source: NSI, Basic macroeconomic variables ‘98 - NSI, p. 81-82. Therefore the underreporting of approximately one-third of real salaries brings about 10% savings in labor costs for employers, which is a considerable incentive for misrepresentation of the salaries actually paid to the employees. If the assumptions made in Table 29 are correct, then the firms do, in fact, not declare 33% of enterprise income allocated for labor costs. Moreover we have made the conclusion that about 2.5% - 3% of the employees work on no contract at all, and therefore the costs of their labor for the enterprises is either not declared or not reported as a newly created revenue. It can, therefore, be concluded that most probably firms hide around 34%-35% of income which is actually used to pay their employees. TAX AND SOCIAL INSURANCE BURDEN ON THE LABOR COSTS For the purposes of investigating the informal economy, we use the following concept of tax and insurance burden on employee’s income: all payments to the state (including personal income tax and mandatory insurance) as a percent of total labor costs per employee (including gross wage and insurance installments "paid by employer".)33 In this manner we can easily track the shifts of demand for labor and effects on business environment In Table 30 the tax and insurance burden in the second half of 1999 is presented. Estimated on the basis of officially reported average gross wages in the private sector, the burden is 42.4%. This means that when the gross wage (i) is BGN 177.68, which translates to a net wage (i - iii - iv) of BGN 144.48, the total labor costs (i + ii) are BGN 250.88. If a given firm, having average labor costs of BGN 250.88, chooses to operate legally, its employees will earn BGN 144.48 on average. However if the firm chooses to operate "in the shadow," it probably will be able to hire the same employees for the same net pay without any additional 31 The NSI data for salaries is increased by 46%. Insurance and other payments obtained from NSI data have been indexed to estimate actual salaries. 33 According to the Bulgarian Social Security Code, both the employee and the employer formally pay the insurance installments; this, however, means that in order to obtain the net wage, only part of all insurance payments should be subtracted from the gross wage. 32 58 labor costs, i.e. if the company has "gray" employment, it will have to increase its labor costs by 74% in order to leave the shadow economy. Table 30 Tax and Insurance Burden in 1999 (personal income tax plus mandatory insurance as a percent of the total labor costs) 1999 Gross Wage Total Labor Cost Insurance Paid by Employee Income Tax Tax-Insurance Burden (%) ii i + ii iii iv (ii+iii+iv) / (i+ii) 177.68 166.10 166.76 73.20 68.43 68.71 250.88 234.53 235.47 8.00 7.47 7.50 25.20 22.19 22.36 42.41 41.83 41.86 141.95 177.74 193.26 58.48 73.23 79.62 200.43 250.97 272.88 6.39 8.00 8.70 15.91 25.21 29.25 40.30 42.41 43.08 i Total private Agriculture Construction Retail and wholesale Transport Manufacturing Insurance Paid by Employer Source: NSI and IME calculations Note: Average gross wage according to the NSI in November 1999. The differences among the tax and insurance burdens among sectors results from different average wages, which means a different personal income tax rate (because personal income taxation is progressive). Still the differences are negligible and probably do not contribute significantly to an incentive to operate "in the shadow". Also it is important to stress the fact that the officially reported average wage in the private sector is probably considerably lower than the actual worker’s pay. Therefore, because of the higher rate, the real burden should be considered higher, although the majority of companies escape personal income tax. Table 31 presents the burdens in the year 2000. The changes result from new social security legislation and changes in the personal income taxation. The methodology of estimation is the same as in Table 30, and the result is a slight increase in the average burden for the private sector - from 42.4% to 44.2% - as the differences between the branches stay stable. In this way we find that, in order to operate legally, a company has to spend, on average, BGN 277.5 per employee, otherwise the company would have to spend BGN 154.93. This means that, in order to get out of the shadow, the company with gray employment should increase its labor costs by 79%. Thus, compared to 1999, the incentives to stay "in the shadow" have increased. 59 Table 31 Tax and Insurance Burden in 2000 (personal income tax plus mandatory insurance as a percent of total labor costs) 2000 Total private Agriculture Construction Retail and wholesale Transport Manufacturing Gross Wage Insurance Paid by Employer Total Labor Cost Insurance Paid by Employee Income Tax i ii i + ii iii iv (ii+iii+iv)/ (i+ii) 203 177 178 172 221 213 74.5 64.96 65.33 63.12 81.11 78.17 277.5 241.96 243.33 235.12 302.11 291.17 29.88 23.12 23.38 21.82 34.56 32.48 44.2 42.99 43.04 42.71 44.87 44.59 Note: average gross wage according to the NSI in May 2000 Sources: NSI and IME calculations 60 18.27 15.93 16.02 15.48 19.89 19.17 TaxInsurance Burden (%) V. CONCLUSIONS The research on the shadow economy using the physical input method indicates that the relative share of shadow economy has fluctuated between 25% and 37% of GDP over the 1989-1998 period. If we use an assumption of 30% SE in 1989, the SE economy in 1998 as a share of official GDP is estimated to be 22%. The absolute peaks of the shadow activity are calculated for 1990 (32.2%) and 1996 (34.4%). We observed a declining trend since 1996 in the relative share of the shadow economy. This is not surprising given the fact that the currency board’s introduction in mid-1997 marked a steady rise in tax revenues to GDP. The high inflation period of 1990-1995, the hyperinflation in 1996 and the beginning months of 1997 boosted the nominal tax revenues at a much faster rate than social compensations, thus creating strong incentives for households and businesses to escape from the official economy. With macroeconomic stabilization and the accompanying price and trade liberalization, the shadow economy has shrunk. The process, however, succeeded only partially, as the administrative and the tax burdens remain the main influence for the businesses to operate in the informal sector. Examining energy use, rather than relative shares, is basically a good tool for assessing of the dynamics and trends of shadow activities. The base-year relative share must always be given as an external value for the model, and the only way to assess this value is the micro approach. The physical approach also measures the final results, but reveals nothing about the factors that affect the shadow economy. A survey approach to the microenvironment represents the only tool that can unveil the complete picture. We divide the conclusions of our micro research into the following sections: Firms’ performance and development Financial statements of the enterprises are relatively stable, but firms with high sales volume demonstrate better profitability and stronger growth. The companies with an annual turnover above BGN 200,000 are the main contributors to growth in the economy, while SMEs experience a serious burden that restricts their expansion. The bank and non-bank financial intermediation is low, and personal savings are the main source of starting capital; Collateral requirements, the complicated procedures for receiving a bank credit, lack of business history, and high interest rates are the most commonly cited obstacles to receiving bank credits; Businesses state that major barriers to business expansions are: tax burden, insufficient financing, complicated and unpredictable legislation and inefficient regulation that impedes the entry of SMEs; Businesses incur significant losses, measured by the opportunity cost of the time spend for obtaining licenses or/and permissions (an average of 4-5 days per month). 61 Estimation of the effect of tax and insurance burden on the shadow economy The high tax rates and social insurance payroll taxes are the major barriers to the development of the businesses; Tax administration has a lesser effect in the opinion of those interviewed, but the time spent solving problems with taxes, local fees and social contributions is still significant - 7.5 days per month or about a third of working hours; VAT and social insurance payments are most frequently avoided by businessmen; The shadow economy is quite evenly distributed among the sectors studied in the survey; An average of 35.5% of the taxes due are avoided or evaded, which amounts to some 33% of GDP, which is a huge resource that could potentially be used for lowering the tax burden without causing a fatal reduction of fiscal revenues. Labor market The share of those employed without contract in trade, agriculture, construction (mainly for seasonal and temporary work) is the most widespread form of shadow activity in the labor market; Most of the companies register only a small proportion of the wages actually paid in order to avoid social security contributions. There is a large deviation among actual salaries, reported in industry, agriculture, construction, trade and service firms. The firms hide about 34%-35% of income allocated to labor compensation. Cash transactions and resistance to requirements for proof of money origin are indicators that indirectly show the large spread of the shadow. Screening the respondents, we estimated that about 70% of all transactions are conducted in cash. Most of the companies have some experience in the shadow economy. Quantitative indicators composed by integrating the different responses and weighed by the number received, highlighted the following factors that motivate shadow economy activity: high tax and social insurance (77.8%); need to prove the origin of money (56%); difference between actual and reported salaries; avoidance of customs duties (42.5%), and licensing requirements (40.8%). To a large extent the research confirms Feige’s concept that shadow activities are a form of non-compliance with excessive state regulations concerning licenses and permissions, and the tax and social security systems. Summarizing the results of the research, the following issues should be considered by policy makers if they want to eliminate or minimize the shadow economy and improve the business environment: 62 - License and permission requirements; - Level of tax and social insurance burden; - Legislation related to entry and exit of businesses; - Institutional capacity and enforcement of laws; - Lack of broader public control over the public administration and institutions; - Corruption and red-tape. Finally, the shadow economy reduces the overall efficiency of the economy, as businesses are concentrated on efforts to avoid the administrative burden rather than increasing productivity. Companies engaging in shadow activities also have to refrain from some public and private services (e.g. bank transactions). This worsens the economic competitiveness that is crucial for a small export-oriented country like Bulgaria. 63 RECOMMENDATIONS Policy makers at all levels of state administration have to solve the problems of the shadow economy through decisions and measures designed to bring results in the long-run. In that context, the natural political contradiction between the short-term pre-election period and the long-term benefits should be neglected. Concrete decisions should focus on efforts to: - Improve the business environment - the number of licenses and permissions should be reduced; and in cases where this is not possible, their implementation should be removed from the discretion of the ruling bodies; - Reduce the tax burden through lower tax rates and speed up VAT reimbursements; - Upgrade the institutional and the administrative capacity that will augment efficient and timely enforcement of laws; - Enhance transparency of rules and regulations as a way of diminishing the possibility for rent seeking; - Create conditions for effective citizens' control over the activities of state institutions and local authorities. 64