MS Word

CUES CR3000 Datalogger Output
There are a couple of minor changes to the CUES Site Output this year -- The Most drastic
change is with the output of the Sonic Anemometer:
CUES 3 Datalogger (only has Sonic Anemometer on it - Datalogger
Running at 10 Hz).
The Sonic Anemometer is now sampled at 10 Hz - using the Sonic's Voltage Output. (In the past
it had been sampled at 5 Hz, using the Sonic's RS-232 Output. AT 5 Hz RS-232 Errors, the
datalogger was recording quite a few (but not overly abundant) error or missed readings. The
programming was set to NOT include error readings in the output.)
DataTable Sonic (output at 10 Hz):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, U (m/s), V (m/s), W (m/s), T (deg C)
+U = East Winds, -U = West Winds
+V = North Winds, -V = South Winds
+W = Vertical Winds From Ground (Up Winds)
Data Table Winds (output 1 time/minute)
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, Horizontal Wind Speed (m/s)* , Unit Vector Mean Wind
Direction*, Standard Deviation of Wind Direction*, Average U, Average V, Average W, Average T,
Stdev U, Stdev V, Stdev W, .
* indicatres that the data uses the "Campbell Wind Vector" calculations to "Average" the 10 Hz
wind data.
The other output variables are straight ONE MINUTE averages of the 10 Hz wind data.
CUES 2 Datalogger (Datalogger Running at Once/Minute):
THE CAMPBELL Snow Depth sensor was replaced with a NEW Sensor.
THE SNOW PILLOW was added to the Snow_Depth Table on datalogger #2
Data Table RH_Temperatures (Output Once/Minute):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, Platform RH, Platform Temperature, Snow Temperature 1,
Snow Temp 2, Snow Temp 3, ...., Snow Temp 8, Center Siol Thermistor String - Zero CM, Center
Soil Thermistor String - 10 cm, Center Soil Thermistor String - 20 cm, ...., Center Soil Thermisotr
String 90 cm, NORTH Siol Thermistor String - Zero CM, NORTH Soil Thermistor String - 10 cm,
NORTH Soil Thermistor String - 20 cm, ...., NORTH Soil Thermisotr String 90 cm, South Soil
Thermistor String - Zero CM, South Soil Thermistor String - 10 cm, South Soil Thermistor String 20 cm, ...., South Soil Thermisotr String 90 cm, BUNKER CO2, BUNKER Temperature, LIDAR
Case Temperature, Station Air Pressure (mbars).
Data Table Snow Depth (output Once every 5 Minutes):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, Remote Boom Snow Depth (cm), Platform Boom Snow
Depth (cm), Platform Boom Distance above Snow/Ground (cm), Wind Mast Snow Depth (cm),
Wind Mast Distance above Snow/Ground (cm), Wind Mast Depth Sensor Quality Number, RAW
Snow Pillow Reading (mVolts), 5 minute Average RAW Snow Pillow Reading (mVolts - readings
taken once a minute), Max Snow Pillow Reading in last 5 minutes (mVolts - readings taken once
a minute), Min Snow Pillow REading in last 5 minutes (mVolts - readings taken once a minute).
Data Table MELT (output Once every 15 minutes):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, Lysimeter 1 (liters), Lysimeter 2 (liters), Lysimeter 3 (liters),
...., Lysimiter 8 (liters), Average SOUTH Soil moisture 10 cm (mVolts), Average SOUTH Soil
Moisture 20 cm (mVolts), 30 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, Average SOUTH Soil moisture 100 mc (mVolts),
Average NORTH Soil moisture 10 cm (mVolts), Average NORTH Soil Moisture 20 cm (mVolts),
30 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, Average NORTH Soil moisture 100 mc (mVolts). NOTE: Lysimeter
Reading is the accumlated amount over the 15 minute period, then it starts counting all over
again. Soil Moisture probe is measured every minute then averaged over a 15 minute period.
CUES 1 Datalogger (Datalogger Running at Once/Second):
Data Table Radiometer (output Once every ONE Minute):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, IGNORE (Sun), Average Reflected Short Wave (w/m^2),
Average Incoming Red Short Wave (w/m^2), Average Reflected Red Short Wave (w/m^2),
Average Incoming Short Wave (w/m^2), Averge Difuse Short Wave (w/m^2), Average Long Wave
In (w/m^2), ), Average Long Wave In (MilliVolts), Long Wave Radiometer Instrument
Temperature (degrees K).
Data Table Winds (output Once every ONE Minute):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, Young Prop-Vane Mean horizontal Wind Speed (m/s), Young
Prop-Vane Unit Vector Mean Wind Direction (degrees), Standard Deviation of Wind Direction
(One Minute Means of One Second Readings).
Data Table WS600Weather (output Once every ONE Minute):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, WS-600 Air Temperature (C), WS-600 RH (%), WS-600
Average Wind Speed (m/s), WS-600 Wind Direction Vector Average (degrees), Wind Quality
Data Table WS600Rain (output Once every ONE Minute):
Date/Time Stamp, Record Number, WS-600 Precip Type Code Number, WS-600 Precip Type
Word Descripion, WS-600 Precip Intensity (mm/hr), WS-600 precipitation during last minute
interval (mm), WS-600 precipitation during last 15 minute interval (mm) reset on every quarterhour, WS-600 precipitation during last 24 hours (mm) reset every mid-night.
Data Table Daily: IGNORE This Data Table!