ACAG AUSTRALASIAN COUNCIL OF AUDITORS-GENERAL MONTHLY UPDATE January 31, 2008 (Incorporating December 2007 & January 2008) For further information about any item please contact In this Issue General Items ACAG Financial Reporting & Auditing Committee Projects Underway News from the Offices Queensland Western Australia Coming meetings/teleconferences ACAG Joint ACAG - CCOLA Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors (CCOLA) National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions GENERAL ITEMS The HR Group Message Board on the ACAG Intranet has been updated with some recent material, including articles on HR initiatives by E&Y and Deloitte that have put them into the Fortune "100 Best Companies to Work For". The Intranet is available to anyone working in a public sector Audit Office anywhere and has members from Australasia, Canada, England and Europe. Register at (Dec 2007) 6/12/07 Circulated to Auditors-General information from an OAG WA staff member (Carolyn Simmonds) currently on secondment regarding research on “ Making Sense of Whole-of-Government Financial Reporting”. 7/12/07 Circulated to Auditors-General information from Mr Blake regarding a comparison of legislation dealing with Budget integrity. 9/12/07 Circulated to Auditors-General an article advising of a Victorian Court decision ordering that certain Cabinet papers be released under a Freedom of Information request. 10/12/07 circulated. Final Minutes of ACAG Meeting of 15 and 16 November were 19/12/07 Participants’ evaluation of the Performance Audit Training was circulated by Mike Scott (NZ presenter) indicating that the workshop was once again well received and successful in raising the knowledge of delegates attending, with some useful suggestions for future workshops being provided. 19/12/07 Final Minutes of Performance Audit Heads meeting were issued. 19/12/07 Issued final Terms of Reference for a working party to agree a consistent approach to the Audit of GAAP/GFS financial statements. (Jan 2008) 14/01/08 Reminder sent to IS Audit Heads by Ross Schamburg (QAO) of the ISACA conference in Sydney during September 2008 and inviting interest from them in a meeting either before or after that conference. 15/01/08 WA provided information regarding the Commonwealth/State agreement to reduce hospital waiting lists. 23/01/08 Advised Auditors-General of article appearing in the December 2007 issue of the Australian Journal of Public Administration looking at the role of AuditorsGeneral in relation to government advertising and referring to a number of their reports and to the ACAG submission to the Commonwealth JCPAA inquiry. 23/01/08 Circulated to ACAG Contact Officers an article about the variety of attitudes adopted by Australian companies (including some of the larger accounting firms) in relation to the social networking websites (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube). 25/01/08 Provided Audit Offices with recent articles regarding reform of Commonwealth Specific Purpose Payments to the States and Territories, outlined some of the audit ramifications which may emerge and suggested certain local action by Audit Offices prior to considering a collective response. 25/01/08 Advised Audit Offices of the establishment of an ACAG Sub-Group on Practice Management to be sponsored by Mr Glenn Poole (QAO) and be Chaired by Mr David Mills (QAO General Manager – Operations) and asked that those Offices wishing to participate should nominate their representative. 30/01/08 Request that Auditors-General nominate their preferred dates for ACAG Business Meetings in 2008. Back to the top ACAG FINANCIAL REPORTING & AUDITING COMMITTEE (FRAC) 3/12/07 ACAG submission lodged on AASB ED 159 Proposed Improvements to Australian Accounting Standards -2- 6/12/07 ACAG Survey - Post-Audit Quality Assurance Program - Financial Audit - 6/12/07 ACAG survey: audit fees and work in progress estimates 7/01/08 ACAG Survey: Request 8/01/08 ACAG Survey: for Sponsorship Confidentiality of policy Working advice Papers - - 9/01/08 ACAG Survey: Treatment of Assets granted ( transferred) by Government to third parties - 10/01/08 ACAG Action: Exposure draft ED 160 Proposed Amendments to IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards and IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements - Cost of an Investment in a Subsidiary, Jointly Controlled Entity - no ACAG Response 10/01/08 ACAG action: Exposure draft of proposed amendments to IFRS 2 and IFRIC 11 - no ACAG response 10/01/08 ACAG Action on AUASB ED on ASAE 3100 Compliance Engagements [Due date: 15/2/08] - WA coordinating 18/01/08 ACAG Action on proposed ISA 265, Communicating Deficiencies in Internal Control [Due Date: 30/4/2008] - NZ coordinating 21/01/08 ACAG Action on APESB Exposure Drafts ED 06/07 Proposed amendments to Auditor Independence Requirements in APES 110 “Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants” and ED 07/07 Proposed Standard APES 225 “Business Valuation” - No ACAG response. 29/01/08 ACAG Action on proposed ISA 520 (Redrafted), Analytical Procedures [Due Date: 31/3/2008] - seeking a coordinating office 29/01/08 ACAG Action on proposed (ISAE) 3402, Assurance Reports on Controls at a Third Party Service Organization [Due Date: 31/5/2008] - seeking a coordinating Office 29/01/08 ACAG Action on proposed ISA 402 (Revised and Redrafted), Audit Considerations Relating to an Entity Using a Third Party Service Organization [Due date: 30/4/2008] - seeking a coordinating office -3- 29/01/08 ACAG Action on proposed ISA 501 (Redrafted), Audit Evidence Regarding Specific Financial Statement Account Balances and Disclosures [Due Date: 31/3/08] - seeking a coordinating office 29/01/08 ACAG submission on Exposure Drafts re proposed (ISQC) 1 (Redrafted), Quality Control for Firms and (ISA) 220 (Redrafted), Quality Control for an Audit of Financial Statements. [Due: 11/1/07] posted on ACAG Intranet 29/01/08 ACAG submission on latest IAASB clarity Exposure Drafts ISA 700 (Redrafted), ISA 705 (Revised and Redrafted), ISA 706 (Revised and Redrafted), ISA 800 (Revised and Redrafted) and ISA 805 (Revised and Redrafted) posted on ACAG Intranet 30/01/08 ACAG Action: Invitation to Comment on the Not-for-Profit Entity Definition - ANAO coordinating Back to the top PROJECTS UNDERWAY Audit Quality Assurance Review project (contact Brahman, Queensland) Procurement of contracted service provider for ACAG 2008 Macro Benchmarking & Client/ Parliamentarian Surveys (contact John Rosier, NSW) Developing an ACAG response to the AUASB’s Exposure Draft on Performance Engagements, when issued (Stuart Kells, Victoria) Updating ACAG’s position paper on Government Advertising (Phil Thomas, NSW) Coordinating a Working Group to agree a consistent approach to the Audit of GAAP/GFS financial statements (Frank McGuiness, NT and Brandon Jarrett, ANAO) Back to the top NEWS FROM THE OFFICES QUEENSLAND ● Our ipsam Audit Software Development Project was nominated for the 2007 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Public Sector Management. From 110 nominations across eight award categories, the ipsam software project was one of three finalists for the Innovation and Creativity award. While we did not win the Award, our selection as a finalist was recognition of the hard work and dedication of the Project team and ultimately the quality of ipsam. -4- ● The Practical People Management (PPM) program, a leadership and people management development program for AO5-AO7s developed as part of a whole-ofgovernment Leadership Capability Development strategy, has been introduced at QAO. The program is action-learning based, recognising existing knowledge and focuses on workplace-relevant skills development. ● Audit Principal, John Crook, has been recognised by the Auditor-General of the Solomon Islands, Augustine Fatai, for his work in providing specialist intensive training in auditing to a group of 28 local staff from the Solomon Islands Audit Office. The Auditing Conceptual Framework Programme covered all segments comprised in an audit of public sector entities. John has returned to QAO after this experience and brings back to the office some of the skills and experience gained during his time in the Solomon Islands. ● QAO’s bi-annual Organisational Effectiveness Staff Survey was conducted in January 2008. Back to the top WESTERN AUSTRALIA Attest Audit Cycle The Audit Results Report for agencies with 30 June 2007 balance dates was tabled on 28 November and surveys of the audited agencies are near completion. Preliminary Investigation – Tendering Process – Fiona Stanley Hospital. Finalised in November, the conclusion of this preliminary investigation (initiated following a request from a member of Parliament) was that both tenders examined complied with relevant policies, and guidelines and aspects of the process represented good practice. No significant matters were identified that would warrant further investigation, or a report to Parliament. Report of the Legislative Assembly Public Accounts Committee On 22 November 2007, the Legislative Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee tabled its Review of the Reports of the Auditor General 2006-2007. The Committee’s follow-up process is important to ensure that recommendations made by the Auditor General are given close consideration by the public sector. OAG Executive Appointments Glen Clarke has been appointed Deputy Auditor General, a position in which he was previously acting. Work in Progress Practice Management System has been progressed with eTrack Products Pty Ltd now into the design/implementation phase Several audit projects due for completion in the first quarter of 2008 (further information on these projects are available at Finalisation of the first pilot of the ACAG self assessment process. Back to the top -5- COMING MEETINGS/TELECONFERENCES ACAG 2008 February, Working Group on Audit of GAAP/GFS Financial Statements Feb/March, Audit Quality Assurance Review Panel (suggest Brisbane) Feb/March, Financial Reporting & Auditing Committee (suggest Melbourne) April 21-23, ACAG/SPASAI Regional Working Group on Environmental Auditing (Melbourne) May, Performance Audit Executives (suggest Sydney) June, ACAG Financial Reporting & Auditing Committee (teleconference due) July, Mid-year ACAG (suggest Sydney) October, Financial Reporting & Auditing Committee (suggest Sydney) November, Full ACAG (suggest Brisb) Back to the top JOINT ACAG – CCOLA 2008 7 - 10 April, ACAG-CCOLA International Conference (Melbourne) OVERSEAS (Not all meetings may be open to non-members. Please make your own enquiries.) Canadian Council of Legislative Auditors (CCOLA) 2008 February 4-5 April 17-18 May 5-6 June 11-12 CCOLA; Strategic Issues Group; Public Accounts Forum (Montreal, QC) Quality Assurance Committee (Quebec, QC) HR Network – Annual meeting (Quebec, QC) CCOLA IT Committee – Annual meeting (Quebec, QC) National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers 2008 March 12-14, NASC Annual Conference, Denver, CO April 14-16, NSAA/NASC Joint Middle Management Conference, Springfield, IL June 3-6, NSAA Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD August 9-13, NASACT Annual Conference, Chicago, IL September 8-10, NASACT Training Directors Forum, Pittsburgh, PA October 7-10, NSAA IT Workshop and Conference, Reno -6- International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions 2008 April 2-3, 9th Annual meeting of Auditors General Global Working Group - Marrakech, Morocco April 8-9, Sub-Committee on Financial Audit Guidelines meeting - London, United Kingdom April 9, IDI Board meeting - Oslo, Norway April 14-18, 11th SPASAI Congress - Cook Islands May (TBD), 17th Committee on IT Audit meeting - Japan July 7-9, 20th Commonwealth Auditors-General Conference - Bermudas Back to the top -7-