Spanish III C O M M U N I C A T I O N Objective Benchmarks SOL Sample Strategies Sample Resources The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communication in Spanish. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Express own opinions, preferences, and desires, and elicit those of others. 2. Use level-appropriate vocabulary and structures to express ideas about topics and events found in a variety of print and non-print sources in Spanish. SIII.1 Solve grammatical puzzles. Give presentations based on current events. Participate in oral discussion of a poem. Listen to & discuss songs of popular Latin singers. Create a wish book. Create/perform skits. Keep a journal. Fill in conversation bubbles in comic strips. The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Participate in sustained exchanges that reflect past, present, and future time. 2. Exchange detailed information in Spanish via conversation, notes, letters, or e-mail on familiar topics. 3. Use paraphrasing, circumlocution, and non-verbal behaviors to convey and comprehend messages in level-appropriate Spanish. SIII.2 Write formal & informal letters, including e-mail. Summarize print or audio material. Discuss non-verbal behaviors. Play 20 Questions. Play guessing games. Engage in open-ended conversation. Create puzzles. newspaper internet audio tapes magazines transparencies sample letters audio tapes video tapes magazines computer lab assorted objects to identify story collections Spanish III C O M M U N I C A T I O N Objective Benchmarks The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish based on new topics in familiar as well as unfamiliar contexts that are presented through a variety of media. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify main ideas and pertinent details when reading or listening to passages, such as live and recorded conversations, short lectures, reports, and literary selections in Spanish. 2. Understand culturally authentic materials that use new as well as familiar information in Spanish. 3. Understand and follow instructions presented in consumer and informational materials in Spanish, such as those needed to understand a train schedule or to use the internet. SIII.3 SOL The student will present orally and in writing information in Spanish that combines learned as well as original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Summarize and communicate main ideas and supporting details in Spanish orally and in writing from a variety of authentic language materials. 2. Use past, present, and future time frames, word order, and other levelappropriate language structures with increasing accuracy. SIII.4 Sample Strategies Sample Resources Create an itinerary from city to city through a foreign country using local transportation. Cook authentic food using Spanish recipes. Create a commercial for a Spanish product. Create a scrapbook of instructions in Spanish. Summarize authentic interviews. Recite poems/fables. Read brochures. Spanish recipe books Spanish magazines maps, transportation timetables internet video of Spanish commercials products sold in US with Spanish instructions satellite TV recordings Write a report in Spanish on a topic of choice. Interview peers. Give a short monologue using at least four different tenses. Complete a writing exercise that compares two tenses (ex., use present indicitive and subjunctive, or use preterite versus imperfect). Create brochures. Create an autobiography. Arrange sentences in sequential order. Talk about your day. La rana Luca game song of irregular verbs poems, stories, dialogues comic strips surveys Spanish III C O M M U N I C A T I O N Objective Benchmarks The student will present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits in Spanish. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Produce well-organized spoken and written Spanish presentations appropriate to the type of audience and the purpose of the presentation. 2. Use appropriate verbal and nonverbal presentation techniques including visual aids and/or technological support. SOL SIII.5 Sample Strategies Present a report on a famous person; include visual aids. Present a country and describe its flag. Present a holiday, to include food and cultural activity. Read and present Spanish plays. Compare personal cultural traditions with Hispanic cultural traditions. . Sample Resources Spanish encyclopedia and dictionaries slide shows overheads trip to a museum internet book of short dialogues or plays. pictures of cultural events/ traditions cultural clips from various movies Spanish III Spanish III C U L T U R E S Objective The student will discuss the interrelationship among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Examine how and why products such as natural and manufactured items, the arts, recreation and pastimes, language and symbols reflect practices and perspectives in Spanish-speaking cultures. 2. Discuss how the viewpoints of Spanish-speaking people are reflected in their practice and products, such as political systems, art and architecture, music, and literature. 3. Investigate the role of geography in the history and development of Spanish-speaking cultures. SOL SIII.6 Sample Strategies Trace maps and then cut them into jigsaw puzzles, using boundaries and major geographical features. Investigate geographic origin of targeted products such as: coffee, chocolate, sugar, bananas, frijoles. Learn and discuss “El Siglo de Oro”—sixteenth century in Spain. View authentic commercials Sample Resources popular and classical music Spanish videos Encyclopedia National Geographic magazine advertisements Spanish III C O N N E C T I O N S Objective The student will reinforce and broaden his/her knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas including language arts, science, history and social science, mathematics, physical education, health, and/or the arts. Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Identify how the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures are found in other subject areas through various topics, such as terminology specific to the content areas. 2. Relate topics studied in other subject areas to those studied in the Spanish class, such as issues related to the environment or the contributions of political, arts, or sports figures from Spanish-speaking countries to the world. SOL SIII.7 Sample Strategies Research and present biographical information on a sports figure, politician, artist, or poet. Compare political systems. Compare & connect biographical information. Plan a trip or give directions. Virtual tour with cultural sites. Sample Resources internet newspapers magazines pictures biographies media center Spanish III C O M P A R I S O N S Objective Benchmarks SOL Sample Strategies Sample Resources The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Use level-appropriate Spanish to discuss the influences of historical and contemporary events and issues on the relationships between Spanish-speaking countries and the United States. 2. Compare aspects of Spanishspeaking cultures, such as language, clothing, foods, dwellings, and recreation, with those of other cultures. SIII.8 Translate US geographical terms and place names into Spanish. Draw a plan of a dwelling one might find in a Spanishspeaking country. Discuss/debate current events. Use dictionary to find cultural differences in vocabulary. Word studies original costumes from Spanish/Hispanic countries internet books dictionary catalogs games National Geographic magazine The student will strengthen his/her knowledge of the English language through the study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not transfer directly from one language to another. 2. Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the Spanish language. SIII.9 Create a vocabulary journal of cognates. Identify tense usage, grammatical structure, vocabulary, and idioms in a given passage. Interpret Spanish proverbs. Word studies False cognate study . idiomatic expressions proverbs children’s books level-appropriate literature dictionary Spanish III C O M M U N I T I E S Objective The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding be accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes Benchmarks To be successful with this, students are expected to: 1. Expand Spanish language skills and cultural knowledge through the use of media, entertainment, and technology. 2. Locate and use Spanish resources, such as individuals and organizations accessible through the community of the internet, to broaden cultural understanding. SOL SIII.10 Sample Strategies Create and present a videotaped skit or commercial selling a product from a Spanish-speaking country. Watch CNN in Spanish and discuss current events. Read a newspaper from a Spanish-speaking country and discuss the perspective on world events. Dialogue/interview with a native guest speaker. Listen to Spanish music. Watch Spanish movies. Explore career opportunities that require Spanish. Sample Resources Spanish-speaking citizens of Albemarle County or UVa media internet Spanish-speaking community groups Hispanic newspapers music, movies International Center Spanish III