application form

F1 Boston Employment Application
F1 Boston is an equal opportunity employer. The company’s objective is to recruit, hire, train and promote the
most qualified applicants and employees into all job levels without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex,
age, marital status, national origin, or physical or mental disability. All such decisions are made using objective
standards based on the individual’s qualifications related to the particular job opportunity and to the furtherance
of equal employment opportunity.
All other employment decisions such as compensation, benefits, termination, company-sponsored training, and
social and recreational programs will be administered without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, age,
martial status, national origin, or physical or mental disability. F1 Boston prohibits harassment in any form.
It is unlawful in Massachusetts to require or administer a lie detector test as a condition of employment or
continued employment. An employer who violates this law shall be subject to criminal penalties and civil
Any applicants applying for the following positions: Certified Maintenance Mechanic, Mechanic, Assistant
Track Manager, and Briefing and Pit Lane Marshal are subject to the CORI Test. F1 Boston is committed to
providing a safe, productive, healthy and wholesome environment for the employees and the public. We are
committed to creating and maintaining a drug-free workplace.
Employees are employed “at will.” The company has the right to terminate employment at any time, subject to
state and federal laws. Upon termination, the company will not be liable for anything but the salary or wages
earned at the time employment is terminated.
F1 Boston 290 Wood Road, Braintree, MA 02184
General Information
Social Security Number ____________________________
Current Address
Are you 18 years or older?
 Yes
 No
Zip Code
Telephone Number
Are you prevented from lawfully becoming employed in this country because of visa or immigration status?  Yes  No
If yes, explain
Name of relatives/friends employed at F1 Boston
Work Preference
Specific Position/Job Desired
Available Start Date
Minimum Wage/Salary Desired
Can you perform the functions of the job without reasonable accommodation?
Are you available for full time work?  Yes
 No
If no, what hours are you available?
When required by job, are you available to work overtime?  Yes
Are you available to work weekends?
Are you employed now?  Yes
Saturday?  Yes
 No
Have you ever applied at F1 Boston before?  Yes
Have you ever been employed by F1 Boston?  Yes
 No If not, why not?
 No
Sunday?  Yes
 No
If so, may we inquire of your present employer?  Yes
 No
 No
 No
Reason for Leaving
How did you become aware of the opening?
School Level
Name and Location
of School
# Of Years
Did You
Subjects Studied
Grammar School
High School
Indicate experience or training with the equipment or activities listed below as applicable to the position for which you are
 Automotive Mechanical  Secretarial  Word Processor Computer Terminal
Automotive Training (list)
Management Training (list)
Other Training or Skills (describe)
Computer Programming
Work Experience
Starting with your most recent employer, please list your last three employers. Provide accurate dates for employment
and specific reasons for leaving such employment. Include any military experience that is relevant to the position for
which you are applying.
Company Name
Starting Date
Leaving Date
Hourly Rate $
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?  Yes  No
Supervisor Name and Title
Phone Number
Company Name
Starting Date
Leaving Date
Hourly Rate $
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?  Yes  No
Supervisor Name and Title
Phone Number
Company Name
Starting Date
Leaving Date
Hourly Rate $
Job Title
Description of Work
Reason for Leaving
May we contact your supervisor?  Yes  No
Supervisor Name and Title
Phone Number
Employment References
Please list the names of three people who are not related to you, whom you have known at least one year.
Years Acquainted
Phone Number
Employment Procedures
The following employment information is provided to potential candidates for employment with F1 Boston. Candidates for
employment must submit a completed employment application specifying position requested. Personal interviews with
qualified candidates will be scheduled on site at the F1 Boston facility. A security screening will be conducted for positions
requiring cash handling. Applications will be kept active at the facility for 60 days. Please inform the designated F1 Boston
representative if you require any reasonable accommodation in order to complete this process. F1 Boston is committed to
providing equal opportunity employment, as outlined in our EEO policy.
Applicant’s Agreement
Read this agreement before you sign this application. If you have questions, ask an F1 Boston representative
before you sign it.
Before signing this application, I am agreeing to all of the terms of this agreement.
I am applying for a job at F1 Boston. I understand that in this
application, the term “the company” refers to F1 Boston and
each company F1 Boston owns.
All of the information I have provided in this application and
in any resume I have given to the company is true. I haven’t
left out anything that is important to explain the information I
have provided. I authorize the company to contact the
employers and employment references I have listed in this
application. (If I have checked the box that says “no” in
response to the question whether the company may contact
my present employer, then the company may not contact my
present employer.) I agree that the company may investigate
my background and the answers I have provided in this
application by performing a security check or obtaining a
credit report. I will to cooperate in that investigation.
I authorize my employment references, my former employers
and other companies or people who may have information
about me that the company believes would be useful in
evaluating my application to give that information to the
company or its representatives. I release my employment
references, my former employers and other companies or
people who provide information to the company from any
liability for giving information to the company or its
I understand that if the company finds that any of the
information I have provided in this application is misleading
or is not true, then the company may not hire me. If the
company has already hired me and then finds that any of the
information I have provided in this application is misleading
or is not true, the company may terminate my employment.
I understand that the immigration Reform and Control Act of
1988 requires the company to collect documents that verify
that I am eligible to work in the United States if the company
offers me a job. I will provide the company with those
documents before I begin work.
Employees may be subject to physical exams, including a
blood screening to test for illegal drugs, subject to state and
federal law requirements and limitations.
I understand that if the company hires me, I may have
access to training manuals and policy manuals developed by
the company. I understand that those manuals may include
confidential information. I agree not to make copies of any of
those manuals or to tell anyone who is not employed by the
company any of the information in those manuals.
I agree that any idea I have or develop while the company
employs me belongs to the company and not to me as it
relates to this industry if it can be patented, copyrighted or
registered as a trademark or service mark I will sign any
assignments or other documents that the company may
need in order to patent or copyright these ideas or to register
them as trademarks or service marks. The company may, in
turn, assign these ideas to F1 Boston. My salary or wages
are adequate payment for these ideas; the company will not
have to pay me for them even if they collect payments or
royalties from other people to whom the ideas are licensed.
Applicant’s Signature
Witness Signature
Do not write on this page – For Interviewer’s Use Only
Interviewed By
 Phone Interview
 Personal Interview
Interviewed By
 Phone Interview
 Personal Interview
Interviewed By
 Phone Interview
 Personal Interview
Hourly Wage
Assigned Manager
Approved #1(Employment Manager):
Approval #2 (Department Manager):