Dalam Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya di Kuala Lumpur (Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas) Permohonan Semakan Kehakiman No. R2-25-235-2008 Dalam Perkara mengenai permohonan untuk suatu perintah certiorari dan mandamus berkenaan Award No. 1176 Tahun 2008 bertarikh 8/7/2008 yang dibuat dalam kes Mahkamah Perusahaan No. 21/4-932/05; Dan Dalam Perkara mengenai Seksyen 20 Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan, 1967; Dan Dalam Perkara mengenai Aturan 53 Akta Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah Tinggi 1980; Dan Dalam Perkara mengenai Jadual 1, Akta Mahkamah Kehakiman, 1964; Dan Dalam Perkara mengenai Seksyen 44(1) Akta Relief Spesific 1950. 1 Antara Rajam a/p Arumugam … Pemohon … Responden-Responden Dan 1. Sitt Tatt Berhad 2. Mahkamah Perusahaan Malaysia PENGHAKIMAN Mohd Zawawi Salleh, H: Pendahuluan [1] Ini ialah suatu permohonan semakan kehakiman oleh Pemohon untuk satu perintah certiorari bagi membatalkan Keputusan Mahkamah Perusahaan Malaysia (“Responden Kedua”) dalam Award No. 1176 Tahun 2008 bertarikh 8.7.2008 dan perintah mandamus yang diarahkan kepada Mahkamah Perusahaan untuk mendengar semula kes 21/4-932-2005 oleh Pengerusi Mahkamah Perusahaan yang lain. [2] Selepas mendengar hujah-hujah lisan, menimbang Hujahan Bertulis yang difailkan oleh pihak-pihak dan menyemak kertas-kertas kausa, permohonan ini didapati tidak bermerit dan ditolak. Tiada perintah mengenai kos. Latar Belakang Kes 2 [3] Bagi memahami isu yang berbangkit, latar belakang kes bolehlah dinyatakan secara ringkas seperti berikut: (a) Pemohon telah memulakan dengan Responden sebagai Penolong perkhidmatannya perkhidmatannya Pertama Kanan telah pada 2/3/2000 Pengarah ditamatkan dan oleh Responden Pertama pada 18.9.2003. (b) Pertikaian mengenai Pemohon telah penamatan dirujuk perkhidmatan kepada Jabatan Perhubungan Perusahaan atas alasan Pemohon telah ditamatkan tanpa alasan dan sebab adil. Perdamaian tidak dapat dicapai. Oleh itu, Menteri Sumber Manusia telah merujuk pertikaian tersebut kepada Mahkamah Perusahaan untuk diadili dan kes telah didaftarkan sebagai Mahkamah Perusahaan No. 21/4-932/03 (“tindakan tersebut”). (c) Responden Kedua telah menetapkan tarikh bicara tindakan tersebut pada 12.11.2007. Peguambela Pemohon tidak hadir pada tarikh perbicaraan tersebut dan Responden Kedua telah membatalkan tindakan tersebut melalui Award No. 2295 Tahun 2007 bertarikh 13.11.2007. 3 (d) Melalui Notis Permohonan bertarikh 14.12.2007, Pemohon memohon supaya tindakan tersebut dihidupkan semula tetapi telah ditolak oleh Responden Kedua melalui Award No. 1176 Tahun 2008 8.7.2008 bertarikh (“Award Yang Dipertikaikan”). Alasan Permohonan [4] Dalam mencabar Keputusan Yang Dipertikaikan, antara lain, Pemohon mendakwa bahawa Responden Kedua telah – (a) gagal mengambilkira bahawa alasan-alasan yang dikemukakan tentang ketidakhadiran peguamcara Pemohon adalah munasabah dan mencukupi; (b) gagal memberi pertimbangan bahawa tindakan Pemohon memerlukan memutuskan adalah mempunyai merit dan satu perbicaraan penuh bagi sama ada penamatan kerja Pemohon oleh Responden Pertama dibuat tanpa alasan dan sebab adil; dan (c) terkhilaf di sisi undang-undang apabila Responden Kedua telah mengambilkira perkara-perkara yang tidak relevan dan gagal mengambilkira perkaraperkara yang relevan. 4 Award Responden Kedua [5] Intipati Award Responden Kedua ialah seperti berikut: “Merits of the application for reinstatement At the hearing of the application, counsel for the claimant informed the court that the claimant did not attend the hearing on 12 November 2007 as she could not take leave from her new employer in addition to the grounds for the application as stated in his affidavit in support of the application. Decision The reasons given by the counsel for his nonattendance and the claimant’s non-attendance on 12 November 2007 is devoid of any merit. The business meeting in Sudan cannot take precedence over a court hearing. The consent by the claimant to the request by a counsel for a postponement shows an utter disregard of the court’s time. The claimant’s absence on 12 November 2007 was also inexcusable. The first postponement of hearing on 4 and 5 July 2007 by the representative for the company 5 was allowed by the court as he had to perform prayers for his mother who had passed away recently. The second postponement on 3 September 2007 was allowed by the court as counsel for the claimant was on medical leave. Counsel for the claimant has not submitted on whether there were any merits in respect of the claimant’s case. The application for the reinstatement of the case is dismissed”. Keputusan Mahkamah [6] Alasan utama yang dikemukakan oleh peguamcara Pemohon atas ketidakhadirannya pada tarikh perbicaraan yang telah ditetapkan ialah: (a) bahawa pada 12.11.2007, beliau telah bertolak ke Sudan untuk menghadiri satu mesyuarat mengenai transaksi komersial; (b) bahawa beliau telah memaklumkan kepada Pemohon yang beliau tidak dapat hadir ke Mahkamah pada 12.11.2007 dan Pemohon bersetuju dengan permintaan beliau tersebut; 6 (c) bahawa Pemohon tidak mengetahui yang beliau perlu hadir ke Mahkamah Perusahaan pada hari berkenaan; (d) bahawa beliau telah mengemukakan cadangan penyelesaian kepada wakil Responden Pertama sebelum tarikh perbicaraan; (e) bahawa firma guamnya ditutup pada Hari Deepavali dan atas alasan ini beliau tidak dapat menghantar apa-apa surat kepada Mahkamah untuk meminta suatu penangguhan; dan (f) bahawa beliau dan Pemohon tidak mempunyai sebarang niat untuk menghina Mahkamah. [7] Pada pandangan Mahkamah ini, Responden Kedua telah melaksanakan budibicaranya secara kehakiman apabila memutuskan bahawa alasan-alasan di atas adalah tidak mewajarkan suatu penangguhan diberikan. Tidak ada Mahkamah yang akan memberi penangguhan atas alasan bahawa peguamcara terlibat perniagaan. 7 dengan satu mesyuarat [8] Apabila Mahkamah telah menetapkan tarikh perbicaraan, pihak-pihak adalah dikehendaki bersedia untuk mengendalikan kes mereka dan meneruskan pendengaran. Mana-mana pihak yang ingin menangguhkan pendengaran kes atas sebab-sebab yang tidak dapat dielakkan, hendaklah mendapat kebenaran daripada Mahkamah terlebih dahulu sama ada melalui surat atau faks dan memaklumkannya kepada pihak yang satu lagi sebagaimana yang dikehendaki oleh etika kepeguaman. [9] Persoalan sama ada suatu penangguhan wajar dibenarkan atau tidak adalah terletak dalam bidangkuasa Pengerusi Mahkamah Perusahaan sepenuhnya. Dalam hal ini, Presiden Mahkamah Perusahaan, menurut seksyen 28 Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, telah mengeluarkan Nota Amalan No. 1 Tahun 1994 untuk dijadikan panduan. Antara perkara-perkara yang ditekankan dalam Nota Panduan tersebut ialah: “6. Counsel representing parties are also reminded that Rule 24 of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) rules 1978 clearly prescribes that advocate and solicitors shall make every effort to be ready for trial on the dates fixed for hearings of cases. 8 7. In view of paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 above, it shall ordinarily not be a very exceptional circumstances for postponement that counsel will be engaged in another court on the date fixed for hearing of a case before the Court. 8. It shall not be a very exceptional circumstance that counsel is not prepared to carry on with the hearing on the grounds that he had just be retained for the case, that he had just been assigned to handle the case or that he is not personally handling the case. …… 14. Parties and representatives their are counsel reminded and/or that any postponement which has to be allowed will cause unnecessary cost, expense and time to all parties involved in the due administration of justice:- (a) In particular, in cases of alleged wrongful dismissal, this may lead to high quantum of awards of backpay and reinstatement. The Court has the discretion to take such delays as are 9 occasioned by either of the parties to be taken into account in either the diminution or enhancement of such awards depending on who is the party responsible for causing the delay. (b) Parties are also reminded that in other industrial disputes, the long-standing unresolved dispute is not in the best interest of industrial peace and harmony”. [10] Pihak-pihak yang ingin memohon satu penangguhan kes yang telah ditetapkan untuk perbicaraan/pendengaran hendaklah mengemukakan alasan-alasan atau sebab-sebab yang kukuh dan munasabah. Dalam kes Abdul Mutalib Dato’ Seri Razak v The Malaysian Bar & Anor [1998] 2 CLJ 249, Azmel Maamor H berkata: “When a case is fixed for hearing the counsel who appears in court must ensure that he is ready to proceed for the hearing even though the counsel intends to apply for a postponement because granting of a postponement is at the discretion of the court. In exercising the discretion the court has to consider the merits of the application. The court will only grant a postponement if the court 10 finds the reason given to be satisfactory. Otherwise the postponement will not be granted. For such purpose it would be prudent for counsels to write in to the court at least three days before the hearing applying for a postponement. By doing so the counsel may be able to know whether the application for postponement is going to be granted or not. If the court does not respond then the counsel must assume that the application is not granted and be ready for the hearing”. [11] Dalam kes Coshare Sdn Bhd v Wan Masnizam Wan Mahmud [2006] 1 ILR 351, Pengerusi Mahkamah Perusahaan, Rajendran Nayagam membuat pemerhatian yang sesuai dinukilkan secara in extenso seperti berikut: “The Industrial Court is far back as 1994 has had a backlog of cases. In order to resolve this problem, the government has now increased the number of Industrial Court Chairman to clear the backlog but unfortunately the practice of some counsels in asking for an adjournment at the 11th hour and in not following the proper procedure set out has invariably placed the court in a difficult position and has caused precious judicial time to be wasted. They have become an obstacle to the 11 speedy disposal of cases. The bulk of the cases waiting to be cleared are cases involving dismissals from employment, where the claim is that the dismissal is without just cause or excuse and the workman seeks reinstatement. These cases have been referred to the court by the Honourable Minister. The Industrial Court has an important task to perform bearing in mind that the issue of dismissal has a constitutional dimension in that the security of tenure is regarded as another facet of the right to life itself… Apart from this, the Supreme Court in the case of Kathiravelu Ganesan v Kojasa Holdings Bhd [1997] 3 CLJ 777 of p 779 commented on the quick disposal of cases as follows: ‘having regard to the general scheme of the (Industrial Relations) Act… the paramount concern (of Parliament) in passing the Act was to ensure speedy disposal of industrial disputes’. It is for this reason that s 20(1) of the Act requires representation to be made within (60) days of the dismissal and s 30(3) requires the court to make its award without delay and where practicable within (30) days from the date of reference. Therefore, time is of the essence in dismissal cases. This is the spirit and intendment of the Act. The reason for the strict statutory requirement for making a claim within 12 (60) days was observed by Raja Azlan Shah C.J. (as he then was) in the case of Fung Keong Rubber Manufacturing (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Lee Eng Kiat & Ors [1980] 1 LNS 156; [1981] 1 MLJ 238. ‘quite clearly it would be extraordinarily difficult for employers to keep the industry going if claims for reinstatement on the grounds of wrongful dismissal could be made many months or years, instead of the statutory period, after dismissal had taken place…’ In addition, undue delay in disposing of a case very often results in the remedy of reinstatement not being a suitable one in view of changed circumstances between the parties, although it is the primary remedy envisaged by the Act. Hence, delay may cause the workman’s security of tenure of service to be compromised. Now, reverting to the instant case, when it came up for mention on 15 September 2004, the court found the claimant’s counsel was present but the company and their counsel were absent. The court then proceeded to fix the case for hearing on 26 & 27 October 2005. As stated above, the court and the claimant’s solicitors had informed the company’s solicitors of the hearing on 26 & 27 October 2005. Although they knew that the case was fixed for hearing commencing on 26 October 2005, they did not act until one day 13 prior to the hearing on 25 October 2005. As in the Syarikat Pasir’s case, at the 11th hour, they faxed a letter to the claimant’s solicitors requesting them to mention the case on their behalf and to seek an adjournment. They gave two reasons for seeking an adjournment. One reason was that they were negotiating with their client to settle the case. The second reason was that their counsel was engaged in another court on 26 October 2005. They assumed that by sending the fax that an adjournment would be granted as of right and they did not attend the hearing on 26 October 2005. As was stated in the Abdul Mutalib’s case, it was most improper for the counsel to think that by faxing the letter, the adjournment would have been granted. This would preempt the decision of the court. When the case was fixed for hearing, the counsel should have been ready to proceed, until his application for adjournment was granted. Since the granting of an adjournment is at the sole discretion of court and in exercising the discretion the court has to consider the merits of the application, the counsel should have applied in good time. By doing so, the counsel would have known whether an adjournment would have been granted. In the instant case, the company’s counsel did not apply for an adjournment in good 14 time and did not bother to turn up in court on the hearing date. Further, the reasons given for adjournment are also not tenable. The first reason that they were negotiating with their client to settle the case does not hold water. The claimant’s counsel said that to date, they had not received any offer either from the company or their solicitors. The second reason given is also not acceptable in view of Practice Note No. 1of 1994, which states that being engaged in another court on the date fixed for hearing is not an exceptional circumstance. The company’s solicitors have only themselves to blame as can be seen from their conduct of this case. Right from the start, the company’s solicitors had failed to appear and represent their client on the required days in breach of Rules 6 and 24. Instead, they relied on the claimant’s solicitors. In stark contrast, the claimant’s solicitors had religiously attended court right up to completion of the case. Finally, with the greatest of respect, it is precisely this kind of attitude as displayed by the company’s solicitors in the instant case which creates and headache for the court to seriously organize its very busy schedule, so expeditiously that without cases are keeping waiting for years for an award.” 15 disposed the of claimants [12] Dalam kes Aladdin bin Mohd Hashim v Esso Production Inc [1977] MLJU 165 Mahkamah Tinggi telah membatalkan Award Mahkamah Perusahaan kerana Pemohon dalam kes ini telah menjadi mangsa peguamcaranya yang menarik diri. Abdul Kadir Sulaiman (sebagaimana dia ketika itu) berkata: “Under the article of the Federal Constitution the subject shall be allowed to consult and be defended by a legal practitioner of his choice. But this has been qualified to mean a legal practitioner who is able and willing. In this case of the Applicant, his counsel has disabled himself by withdrawing from the case because the Court had refused his request for an adjournment as he was committed elsewhere and the Court, on the other hand, could not be waiting for him to be free to attend to the case of the Applicant. But by disabling himself from the case of the Applicant, the Applicant in the circumstances that befell him cannot be deprived of his right to a legal representation. No doubt his solicitor appeared to be delaying the proceedings and the counsel remained his legal representative for the case scheduled to re-commence on 18th July 1994. He received this notification only on or about 12th July 1994 leaving him hardly six days to look around 16 for a new solicitor to represent him on 18th July 1994 as the Court would not grant an adjournment any longer”. [13] Fakta dalam kes semasa adalah jauh berbeza dan berlainan dari kes di atas. Peguamcara dalam kes semasa boleh mewakili Pemohon tetapi beliau telah memilih untuk menghadiri satu mesyuarat perniagaan di Sudan tanpa memaklumkan kepada Mahkamah. Pemohon juga bersetuju dengan permintaan peguamcara untuk perdengaran/perbicaraan di Mahkamah. menangguhkan Oleh itu, Pemohon bukanlah menjadi mangsa peguamcara seperti apa yang berlaku dalam kes di atas. [14] Dalam keadaan yang wujud dalam kes semasa, bolehlah sebenarnya disimpulkan tidak bahawa menghormati peguamcara Mahkamah. Pemohon Justeru, Responden Kedua tidak mempunyai pilihan tetapi menolak permohonan Pemohon untuk menghidupkan semula tindakan tersebut. Tidak ada fakta material kukuh dikemukakan kepada Mahkamah Perusahaan yang membolehkan Responden Kedua memberi pertimbangan yang wajar terhadap permohonan Pemohon. 17 Kesimpulan [15] Mahkamah ini perlu bersikap berhati-hati untuk membatalkan sesuatu keputusan/Award yang dibuat oleh Mahkamah Perusahaan dalam melaksanakan budibicaranya yang berkaitan dengan perbicaraan/pendengaran hadapannya. pejalanan sesuatu Melainkan pihak kes atau yang yang prosiding berada berkaitan di dapat membuktikan bahawa pelaksanaan budibicara tersebut telah dilaksanakan secara sewenang-wenangnya atau “grave abuse of discretion” telah berlaku, budibicara tersebut wajar dikekalkan demi menjamin kelicinan pengendalian kes-kes yang melibatkan penamatan perkhidmatan. [16] Dalam kes ini, dengan hormat, Pemohon telah gagal menunjukkan penyalahgunaan budibicara yang dimaksudkan. Bahkan, jika permohonan ini dibenarkan, ia akan memberi isyarat yang salah kepada peguamcara-peguamcara terlibat bahawa mereka boleh tidak mengendahkan atau tidak hadir pada tarikh perbicaraan ditetapkan dengan bebas tanpa hukuman (“with impunity”). Hal ini adalah bertentangan dengan kepentingan pentadbiran dan Perusahaan. 18 keadilan di Mahkamah [17] Berdasarkan alasan-alasan di atas, permohonan ini didapati tidak bermerit dan ditolak. Tiada perintah mengenai kos. Bertarikh: 28 JUN 2010 (DATO’ HAJI MOHD ZAWAWI BIN SALLEH) HAKIM MAHKAMAH TINGGI MALAYA KUALA LUMPUR Bagi pihak Pemohon : S Bala Subramaniam Tetuan SBS Maniam Nohairi & Azizan Peguambela & Peguamcara Kuala Lumpur. Bagi pihak Responden Pertama : Murali Achan Tetuan K Kulasekar Achan & Associate Peguambela & Peguamcara Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan. 19