participation in research projects

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Ioannis
Surname: Massas
Current job position: Lecturer
Address: Soil Science Laboratory, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 118 55
Athens, Greece
Telephone: +30 210 5294098
Fax: +30 210 5294101
Email address:
1974-1980: Varvakios High School, Athens
1980-1986: Agricultural University of Athens, BSc
1987-1988: Wye College, University of London, MSc .
.1998-2002: Agricultural University of Athens, PhD.
Soil pollution
Behavior of radionuclides in soil-plant systems
Soil fertility
Soil genesis, mapping and classification
1992-1997: Analysis of Thrace’s natural resources and proposals for better exploitation.
1994-1997: Integrated park planning at the area of Eleonas (Athens) in relation to its
bioclimatic contribution in the surrounding environment.
Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning and Public Works
1999-2002: Reclamation and improvement of waste disposal sites by selecting proper
vegetation types and plant species.
Hellenic Ministry for the Environment Physical Planning and Public Works
1998-2000: Upgrading the Capabilities of Assessing Radionuclide Transfer in
Soil-Plant Mediterranean Ecosystem.
International Atomic Energy Agency.
1999-2004: Classification of Soil Systems on the basis of Transfer Factors of
Radionuclides from Soil to Reference Plants"
International Atomic Energy Agency.
2001-2004: Fertigation for Improved Crop Production and Environmental Protection.
International Atomic Energy Agency.
2003-2006: Biological treatment and valorization of olive-mill liquid wastes and by-products
-Mechanisms and integrated applications
EU-General Secretariat for Science and Technology - Ministry of Development,
2004-2007: Effects of nitrogen fertilizers on the environment and evaluation of environmentfriendly processes leading to NO3-N leaching reduction during winter in Western
mainland Greece by the use of 15N labeled fertilizers
Pythagoras project, EPEAEK II, Greece. Ministry of Education / E.U.
2006-2009: Use and optimization of glucosinolate production in Brasicaceae for the
application of soil bio-fumigation in production systems
Bilateral project (Greece-Cyprus) funded by the Research Promotion
Foundation of Cyprus.
2008-2011: Use and evaluation of biobeds for the remediation of agro-industrial wastewaters”
Bilateral project (Greece-Cyprus) funded by the Research Promotion
Foundation of Cyprus.
Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental Management,
Global Nest Journal
MSc Thesis
1) Massas I. 1989. Alternative Policies for the Rural Development of a National Park in
Greece: A Study of Prespa. A Final Report Submitted for the Partial Fullfillment of the
MSc. Degree in Rural Resources and Environmental Policy. Wye College-University of
London. 70 pages.
PhD Thesis
2) Massas I. 2002. The effect of soil properties on 134Cs uptake by sunflower and soybean
plants. Agricultural University of Athens. 194 pages.
International Journals
3) Chronopoulos J., C. Haidouti, A. Chronopoulou-Sereli and I. Massas, 1997. Variations in
plant and soil lead and cadmium content in urban parks in Athens, Greece. The Science of
the Total Environment. Vol. 196, p. 91-98.
4) Chronopoulou-Sereli A., C. Haidouti, J. Chronopoulos and I. Massas, 1998. Microclimatic
conditions and levels of pollution in public squares, in Athens, Greece. Toxicological and
Environmental Chemistry. Vol. 68, p. 1-9.
5) Haidouti C. and I. Massas, 1998. Distribution of iron and manganese in Haploxeralfs and
Rhodoxeralfs and their relation to the degree of soil development and soil colour.
Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde (Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil
Science). Vol. 161, No2, p. 141-145.
6) Haidouti C., Th. Karyotis, I. Massas and Ath. Charoulis. 2001. The red soils of Thrace
(Greece): Properties, development, and productivity. Communications in Soil Science and
Plant Analysis. Vol. 32 (5&6), 617-632.
7) Massas I., V. Skarlou and C. Haidouti. 2002. 134Cs uptake in relation to soil properties and
time. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Vol. 59, 245-255.
8) Massas Ι, Ehaliotis C, Gerontidis S and Sarris E. 2009. Elevated heavy metal
concentrations in top soils of an Aegean island town (Greece): total and available forms,
origin and distribution. Εnvironmental Monitoring and Assessment, 151, 105–116
9) Noulas C, Karyotis T., Charoulis A. and I. Massas. 2009. Red Mediterranean soils:
Nature, properties and management of rhodoxeralfs in northern Greece. Communications
in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 40(1-6), 633-648.
10) Massas I., V. Skarlou C. Haidouti. and F. Giannakopoulou. 2010. 134Cs uptake by four
plant species and Cs-K relations in the soil-plant system as affected by Ca(OH)2
application to an acid soil. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101, 250-257.
11) Massas I., C. Ehaliotis, D. Kalivas and G. Panagopoulou. 2010. Concentrations and
availability indicators of soil heavy metals; the case of children's playgrounds in the city
of Athens (Greece). Water, Air and Soil Pollution (in press, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-0090321-4).
12) Ehaliotis C., I. Massas and G. Pavlou. 2010. Efficient urea-N and KNO3-N uptake during
vegetable fertigation may result in poor soil-N uptake. Agronomy for sustainable
development. Δεκτή για δημοσίευση μετά από διορθώσεις.
13) Giannakopoulou F., D. Gasparatos, C. Haidouti and I. Massas. 2010. Sorption behavior
of Cesium in two Greek soils: Effects of Cs initial concentration, clay mineralogy and
particle size fraction. Submitted for publication to Geoderma.
Proceedings of International Conferences
14) Massas Ι., D. Gasparatos and C.. Haidouti. 1997. Elevated concentrations of heavy metals
in soils of Eleona of Athens. 5th International Congress in Environmental Science and
Technology. Aegean University. Molybos, Lesbos, Greece, 1-4 September.
15) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 1999. The effect of soil
pH and the fungicide "Captan" on 134Cs transfer factors for cucumber and radish plants.
European Society for new Methods in Agricultural Research. Wye College University of
London. 7-12 Sept. Proceedings of the XXIX Annual Meeting. p. 221-226.
16) Massas I., V. Skarlou, C. Haidouti, J. Annousis and G. Arapis. 1999. The effect of soil
pH on 134Cs transfer factors for soybean and sunflower plants; 134Cs fate in the extracted
seed-oil. European Society for new Methods in Agricultural Research. Wye College
University of London. 7-12 Sept. Proceedings of the XXIX Annual Meeting. p. 227-230.
17) Massas I., V. Skarlou and C. Haidouti. 2000. Time dependent 134Cs uptake by sunflower
and soya plants grown on different soils. European Society for new Methods in
Agricultural Research. Keszthely University of Agricultural, Hungary 26-30 Augoust.
Proceedings of the XXX Annual Meeting. p. 27-33.
18) Massas I., V. Skarlou, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2001. 134Cs transfer factors for Greek
soil/plant systems; the sunflower case. Proceedings of the First European Bioremediation
Conference, Chania, Crete. July 2-5, 2001, p. 519-522.
19) Skarlou, V., I. Massas, J. Anoussis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2001. 134Cs uptake for
crops grown on representative and volcanic Greek soils. European Society for new
Methods in Agricultural Research. MAICH, Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-9 September.
Proceedings of the XXXI Annual Meeting. (in press).
20) Gasparatos, D., D. Myloni, C. Haidouti and I. Massas. 2001. Heavy metals distribution in
soils from Eleonas area, Athens, Greece in relation to land use. European Society for new
Methods in Agricultural Research. MAICH, Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-9 September.
Proceedings of the XXXI Annual Meeting. (in press).
21) Gasparatos, D., A. Papafilippaki, C. Haidouti and I. Massas. 2001. Evaluation of Pb, Cu
and Zn bioavaliability in contaminated from an urban – industrial area in Greece. European
Society for new Methods in Agricultural Research. MAICH, Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-9
September. Proceedings of the XXXI Annual Meeting. (in press).
22) Manoukas, A. and I. Massas. 2001. Dietary efficiency and mineral utilization of the
Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). European Society for new Methods in
Agricultural Research. MAICH, Chania, Crete, Greece, 3-9 September. Proceedings of the
XXXI Annual Meeting. (in press).
23) Massas I. V. Skarlou and C. Haidouti. 2002. 134Cs uptake in relation to K-status in soils.
Proceedings of the "International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment",
Monaco 2-5 September.
24) Skarlou V., I Massas, C. Haidouti and Y. Papatheohari. 2002. Ratio 134Cs transfer factor
cabbage / 134Cs transfer factor corn for plants grown on different soils: two years results.
Proceedings of the XXXII ESNA Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 10-14 September
(in press).
25) Giannakopoulou F., C. Haidouti, V. Skarlou and I. Massas. 2003. The effect of irrigation
level and the previously cultivated plant species on 134Cs uptake by the vegetative part of
sunflower plants. Accepted for presentation in the 8th International Conference on
Environmental Science and Technology. 1-3 September, Lemnos, Greece
26) Massas I, C. Haidouti, Y. Papatheohari and V. Skarlou. 2003. 134Cs uptake by corn and
cabbage plants grown on four different Greek soils. Proceedings of the XXXIII ESNA
Annual Meeting, Viterbo, Italy, 27-31 August, p. 6-14.
27) Massas I, Y. Papatheohari, C. Haidouti and V. Skarlou. 2004. The effect of potassium
application on 134Cs concentration in the vegetative part and the flower heads of
sunflower plants. Proceedings of the XXXIV ESNA Annual Meeting, Novi Sad, Serbia
and Montenegro, 29August – 2 September, p. 1-5.
28) Gasparatos D., C. Haidouti, G. Antonakos, A. Haroulis and I. Massas. 2004. Chemical
characterization of soil phosphorus in a Greek Alfisol under continuous cultivation.
Proceedings of the XXXIV ESNA Annual Meeting, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro,
29August – 2 September, p. 12-17.
29) Ehaliotis C, Massas I, Kavasilis S, Koulopoulos A, and Bisdounis Ch. 2007. Effect of
maize plant residues and olive-mill wastewaters applied to an alkaline soil in western
Greece on the distribution of mineral-N and on soil quality indicators. In: International
Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics
(CEMEPE) Proceedings (pp 1255-1260). Skiathos, Greece.
30) Massas I, Ehaliotis C, Gerontidis S and Sarris E. 2007. Heavy metal concentrations and
bioavailability in the urban soils of Ermoupolis (Syros island – Greece). In: International
Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics
(CEMEPE) Proceedings (pp 2683-2688). Skiathos, Greece.
31) Paraskevopoulou, A.T., M. Papafotiou and I. Massas. 2009. Suitable Plant Species to
Meet the Environmental Conditions of the Piraeus Passenger Port. ΙSHS – 2ed
International Conference on Landscape and Urban Horticulture. Bologna, 9-13 June
2009. Acta Horticulturae, in press.
32) Gasparatos D., P.A. Roussos, C. Haidouti, E. Christophilopoulou, I. Massas, F.
Giannakopoulou. 2010. Effects of organic versus conventional management on soil and
leaf micromutrients in Greek apple orchards. International Soil Science Congress on
Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality, Samsun, Turkey,
26-28 May, in press.
33) Massas I, Gasparatos D., Kefalas P., Giannakopoulou F. and Spyriounis K. 2010. Aqua
regia and DTPA metal fractions in top soils of the Thriasian Plain, Attica, Greece.
International Soil Science Congress on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil
Health and Quality, Samsun, Turkey, 26-28 May, in press.
34) Bastounopoulou M., D. Gasparatos, C. Haidouti, I. Massas. 2010. Frationation and
sorption of phosphorus in Greek Inceptisols. 2010. International Soil Science Congress
on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and Quality, Samsun,
Turkey, 26-28 May, in press.
35) Giannakopoulou F., D. Gasparatos, I. Massas and C. Haidouti. 2010. Comparative
interaction of Cs and K in the shoots of Trifolium pratense plants. International Soil
Science Congress on Management of Natural Resources to Sustain Soil Health and
Quality, Samsun, Turkey, 26-28 May, in press.
Proceedings of National Conferences
36) Charoulis Αth., Th. Karyotis, C. Haidouti, Ι. Massas and Αth. Spyropoulos. 1994. Soil
mapping and classification of the agricultural soils of Xanthi prefecture. Proceedings of
the 5th Greek Soil Science Society Congress. Xanthi, 27-29 May. Volume Α'. p. 26-31.
37) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ι. Massas and Ath. Charoulis. 1994. Trace metal distribution
in acid Entisols of Xanthi prefecture. Proceedings of the 5th Greek Soil Science Society
Congress. Xanthi, 27-29 May. Volume Β'.p. 825-836.
38) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ath. Charoulis, I. Massas and Ch. Augoulas. 1996. Soil
mapping, classification and evaluation of agricultural soils of Rodopi prefecture.
Proceedings of the 6th Greek Soil Science Society Congress. Nafplio 29 May - 1 June.
Volume Α', p. 96-107.
39) Gasparatos, D., Haidouti, C. and I. Massas. 2000. Quantitative determination of iron and
manganese concretions and their distribution in an Alfisol. Proceedings of the 8th Greek
Soil Science Society Congress. Kabala, Greece, 20 - 23 September. p. 318-327.
40) Massas I., Skarlou, V., Haidouti, C. and G. Arapis. 2000. The effect of Ca(OH)2 addition
in an acid soil on 134Cs absorption by the plants. Proceedings of the 8th Greek Soil
Science Society Congress. Kabala, Greece, 20 - 23 September. p. 389-395.
41) Skarlou V., Massas I., Haidouti C. and Anoussis I. 2001. Radionuclides behavior in soil plant systems: The Greek experience. 1st Hellenic Congress for the Radioactivity in the
Envieonment. 23-24 November, NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece.
42) V. Skarlou, I. Massas, I Anoussis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2002. Soil classification
according to the transfer factors of radiocaesium from soil to reference plants: a first
approximation. 9th Greek Soil Science Society Congress. 23-24 September, Athens,
p.405-414 (in Greek).
43) Pavlou G., Massas Ι., Ehaliotis C. 2003. The effect of NO3-N and urea on the growth and
productivity of outdoors pepper plants Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the Greek
fruits and vegetable Science Society 8-10 October, Ioannina, volume Β΄, p. 63-66. (in
44) Giannakopoulou F., C. Haidouti, V. Skarlou and Ι. Massas. 2004. The effect of the
amount of irrigation water and the previous cultivation on 134Cs uptake by the sunflower
seeds. 10th Greek Soil Science Society Congress. 22-25 September, Volos, p.387-399 (in
45) Papafotiou Μ., E. A. Papanastasatos, Ι. Massas και Ι. Chatzipavlidis. 2009. The effect of
three composts from agricultural residues and of inorganic fertilization on Codiaeum
variegatum nutrition. Proceedings of the 24st Congress of the Greek fruits and vegetable
Science Society, October, Veria,, in press (in Greek).
46) Papafotiou Μ., Ν. Pergalioti, Ι. Massas και Ι. Chatzipavlidis. 2009. Combined effect of
the inorganic fertilization and of composts from agricultural residues on Ficus benjamina
growth. Proceedings of the 24st Congress of the Greek fruits and vegetable Science
Society, October, Veria,, in press (in Greek).
Contribution to an issue of International Association
47) Arapis, G., Massas, I. and Skarlou, V. 2001. Limitations and perspectives of
radioecological assessment for soil/plant systems in Greece. In I. Linkov (Ed). NATO
Science Series. Series 2: Environmental Security. p. 432-439.
Other research publications
48) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ath. Charoulis and I. Massas. 1993. Soil Map of the
agricultural soils in Xanthi perfecture (Greece). 1:50.000.
49) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ath. Charoulis and I. Massas. 1993. Soil survey study of the
agricultural soils in Xanthi prefecture (Greece). 150 pages. Athens.
50) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ath. Charoulis and I. Massas. 1994. Soil Map of the
agricultural soils in Rodopi prefecture (Greece). 1:50.000.
51) Haidouti, C., Th. Karyotis, Ath. Charoulis, I. Massas and Ch. Augoulas. 1994. Soil
survey study for the agricultural soils of Rodopi prefecture (Greece). 189 pages. Athens.
52) Haidouti, C. and Ι. Massas. 1996. The Greek emigrants from the former C.C.C.P. as a
parameter for the rural development of Thrace region (Greece) 70 pages. Athens.
53) Massas, I. 2000. The use of lysimeters in radioecological research – a review. Austrian
Research Centers, Seibersdorf. 38 pages.
Research papers presented at workshop meetings
54) Skarlou V., Massas Ι., Anoussis J.and Arapis G. 1999. “The effect of soil pH on 134Cs
transfer factors for cucumber and radish plants”. Second Working Group Meeting, IUR
Workshop, Parameters for the time-dependent transfer of radionuclides in soil-plant
systems. Febr. 1-2, Thessaloniki, Greece.
55) Arapis G., Mitroskouras E., Massas I. and Skarlou V. 1999. “Experimental study of root
and foliar uptake of 134Cs by three varieties of tobacco plants”. Second Working Group
Meeting, IUR Workshop, Parameters for the time-dependent transfer of radionuclides in
soil-plant systems. Febr. 1-2, Thessaloniki, Greece.
56) Skarlou V. and I. Massas. 2001. Fertilizer efficiency studies using 15N and 32P labeled
fertilizers: The Greek experience. I.A.E.A. project “Fertigation for improved crop
production and environmental protection”. Vienna, Austria, 21-23 February.
57) Skarlou V. and I. Massas. 2001. "Time depending 134Cs transfer factors for crops grown
on deriding Greek soil types". 2nd Coordination Research Meeting of EAO/IAEA Program:
Classification of soil systems on the basis of transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to
reference plants. Vienna, Austria, 12-16 March.
58) Polychronidis M. and I. Massas. 2002. Urea utilization by cotton leaves under different N
rates, levels of irrigation and fertigation. I.A.E.A. project “Fertigation for improved crop
production and environmental protection”. Kalamata 4-8 November.
59) Pavlou G., C. Ehaliotis and I. Massas. 2002. Effect of 15N labelled N-sources (KNO3 and
Urea) on pepper yield and N fertilizer utilization under fertigation practices.. I.A.E.A.
project “Fertigation for improved crop production and environmental protection”.
Kalamata 4-8 November.
Project reports
60) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 1999. "Time depending
134Cs transfer factors for crops grown on deriding Greek soil types". Annual Progress
Report. Part of I.A.E.A. coordinated program: Classification of soil systems on the basis of
transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants.
61) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2000. "Time depending
134Cs transfer factors for crops grown on deriding Greek soil types". Progress Report. Part
of I.A.E.A. coordinated program: Classification of soil systems on the basis of transfer
factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants.
62) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2000. "Time depending
134Cs transfer factors for crops grown on deriding Greek soil types". Annual Progress
Report. Part of I.A.E.A. coordinated program: Classification of soil systems on the basis of
transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants.
63) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2001. "Time depending
134Cs transfer factors for crops grown on deriding Greek soil types". Annual Progress
Report. Part of I.A.E.A. coordinated program: Classification of soil systems on the basis of
transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants.
64) Skarlou V., I. Massas, J. Annousis, C. Haidouti and G. Arapis. 2002. "Time depending
134Cs transfer factors for crops grown on deriding Greek soil types". Annual Progress
Report. Part of I.A.E.A. coordinated program: Classification of soil systems on the basis of
transfer factors of radionuclides from soil to reference plants.