MEMS TECHNOLOGY BERHAD (“COMPANY”) (Company No. 531948-K) (Incorporated in Malaysia) Part A – Explanatory Notes Pursuant to MASB 26 1. Basis of Preparation The interim financial report is unaudited and is prepared in accordance with Malaysian Accounting Standards Board Standard No. 26 “Interim Financial Reporting” and Appendix 7A of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for the MESDAQ Market and should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated financial statements of Mems Technology Berhad and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) for the year ended 31st July 2003. The accounting policies and presentation adopted for this interim financial report are consistent with those adopted for the annual financial statements for the year ended 31st July 2003. 2. Auditors’ Report on Preceding Annual Financial Statements The audit report of the preceding annual financial statements was not subject to any qualification. 3. Comments About Seasonal or Cyclical Factors The micro electro-mechanical systems (“MEMS”) industry is still in its early stages of growth and hence it is not expected to be materially influenced by any seasonal or cyclical factors. 4. Unusual Items Due to Their Nature, Size or Incidence There were no unusual items during the quarter under review. 5. Changes in Estimates There were no changes in estimates during the quarter under review. 6. Debt and Equity Securities There were no issuance and repayment of debt and equity securities, share buyback, share cancellations, shares held as treasury shares and resale of treasury shares during the quarter under review other than the issue of 80,370,400 ordinary shares of RM0.10 each at an issue price of RM0.62 per share in conjunction with the Company’s Initial Public offering exercise. 7. Dividends Paid There were no dividends paid during the quarter under review. 1 8. Segmental Information 12 MONTHS ENDED 31ST JULY 2004 The revenue and results below are presented net of inter-segment elimination. Analysis by Geographical Location Revenue Results Finance Costs Taxation Malaysia RM ‘000 Singapore RM ‘000 Group RM ‘000 1,420 (233) 32,349 8,607 33,769 8,374 (164) (18) Profit after taxation 8,192 9. Carrying Amount of Revalued Assets The Company did not revalue any of its property, plant and equipment during the quarter under review. 10. Subsequent Events There were no material events between 1st August 2004 and 24th September 2004 (the latest practicable date not earlier than seven (7) days from the date of issue of this report) that have not been reflected in the interim financial statements. 11. Changes in the Composition of the Group There were no changes in the composition of the Group during the period under review. 12. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets There were no contingent liabilities as at 24th September, 2004 (the latest practicable date not earlier than seven (7) days from the date of issue of this report). 2 Part B – Explanatory Notes Pursuant to Appendix 7A of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities for the MESDAQ Market 13. Performance review The Group generated revenue of RM10.7 million, an increase of 32% from the previous quarter of RM8.1 million, attributable to higher sales of pressure sensors and service income from its design, engineering and services work. Resulting from the higher revenue, the profit before tax of the Group for this reporting quarter has also increased in tandem from RM2.0 million in the previous quarter to RM2.3 million in this reporting quarter. For the year ended 30th July 2004, the Group generated revenue of RM33.8 million as compared to RM20.4 million generated in the pervious year. The increase in revenue was largely attributed to higher sales of pressure sensors and service income from design, engineering and service work. As a result of higher revenue, the group generated a profit before tax of RM8.2 million for the year ended 31st July 2004 against a loss of RM0.9 million in the previous year. 14. Comment on Material changes in Profit before Taxation There were no material changes in profit before taxation for the quarter under review other than those as disclosed in Note 13 above. 15. Commentary on Prospects The Group has successfully developed the 2g dual axis accelerometers, integrated pressure sensors and silicon microphone for consumer electronic applications where commercial production is expected to commence in the second quarter of the current financial year. In addition, the Group has also successfully developed pressure sensors for the automotive industry and is expecting to commence commercial production in the final quarter of the current financial year. Based on the above, barring any unforeseen circumstances, the Group is expected to achieve a better performance in the current financial year. 16. Profit Forecast and Profit Guarantee The Company did not issue any profit forecast or profit guarantee in any public document during the quarter under review. 3 17. Taxation Current year’s taxation Current Quarter 31st July 2004 RM ‘000 Year to Date 31st July 2004 RM ‘000 18 18 The taxation charge for the current year is in respect of interest income earned by the Company. The subsidiaries are not subject to taxation as SensFab Pte Ltd was accorded Pioneer Status by the Singapore Government, whereby it will enjoy tax relief during the pioneer period, whereas, SenzPak Pte Ltd has available tax losses brought forward from previous years. SenzPak (M) Sdn Bhd is currently dormant. 18. Sale of Unquoted Investments and Properties There were no sale of unquoted investments and properties during the quarter under review. 19. Quoted Securities The Company did not have any investment in quoted securities as at the date of this report. 20. Corporate Proposals (a) Public Issue and Listing The Company issued its prospectus on 8th July 2004 for the issue of 80,370,400 new ordinary shares of RM0.10 each at an issue price of RM0.62 per ordinary share under a public issue exercise in connection with the proposed listing of the Company’s shares on the MESDAQ Market of Bursa Securities. All the new shares have been fully subscribed and were allotted on 28th July 2004. The Company’s shares were listed on the MESDAQ Market on 11th August 2004. (b) Employees’ Share Option Scheme (“ESOS”) The Company implemented an ESOS on 6 July 2004 in conjunction with its public issue and listing exercise mentioned in (a) above. Further details of the ESOS, including the Bye-Laws are set out in the prospectus of the Company dated 8th July 2004. 4 (c)_ Proposed bonus issue of up to 325,721,500 new ordinary shares of RM0.10 each in MEMSTECH (“MEMSTECH Shares”), to be credited as fully paid-up on the basis of one (1) MEMSTECH Share for every one (1) existing MEMSTECH Share (“Proposed Bonus Issue”) On 28 September 2004, the Company announced the intention to implement the Proposed Bonus Issue. In conjunction with the Proposed Bonus Issue, MEMSTECH will also increase its authorised share capital from RM50 million, comprising 500,000,000 MEMSTECH Shares to RM100 million, comprising 1,000,000,000 MEMSTECH Shares. The Proposed Bonus Issue is subject to the approval of Bursa Securities and the shareholders of MEMSTECH. 21. Status of Utilisation of Listing Proceeds The Company raised RM49.830 million during its Initial Public Offering exercise in August 2004 and the details of the utilisation of proceeds up to 31st July 04 are as follows: Description (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Proposed Actual Utilisation Utilisation RM’000 RM’000 Balance RM’000 Capital Expenditure Working Capital Relocation Expenses R&D expenditure Estimated listing expenses 29,685 10,997 1,770 4,678 2,700 2,737** 29,685 10,997* 1,770 4,678 (37)* Total 49,830 2,737 47,093 Notes: * The excess expense is adjusted against working capital. ** Being accrued listing expenses prior the listing of the Company on 11 August 2004. 22. Group Borrowings and Debt Securities The Group’s interest-bearing borrowings as at 31st July 2004 are as follows: RM 000 Current Term loans (secured) Overdrafts Non-Current Term loans (secured) 1,115 1,115 3,905 The term loans are denominated in United States Dollars (“USD”) while the short term bank overdraft is denominated in Singapore Dollars (“SGD”). The above 5 balances have been computed based on exchange rates of USD1 : SGD1.7237 and SGD1 : RM2.23 as at 31st July 2004. 23. Off Balance Sheet Financial Instruments There were no off balance sheet financial instruments as at the date of this report. 24. Changes in Material Litigation As at 24th September 2004 (being the latest practicable date not earlier than seven (7) days from the date of issue of this report), neither the Company nor its subsidiaries are engaged in any material litigation either as plaintiff or defendant and the Directors do not have any knowledge of any proceedings pending or threatened against the Group which might materially and adversely affect the financial position or business of the Group. 25. Dividend Payable No interim dividend has been declared or paid. 26. Earnings per Share The earnings per share were calculated by dividing the Company’s profit after taxation and minority interest by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in the respective period as follows: Current Year Quarter Profit after tax (RM’000) Weighted average number of ordinary shares Basic earnings per share (sen) Current Year To Date 2,348 8,192 237,212,000 237,212,000 0.99 3.45 6