Branch Prediction using a Correlating Feature Selector / Dynamic Decision Tree Cindy Jen, Steven Beigelmacher Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA {cdj, steven7} Abstract As the accuracy of branch prediction becomes an increasingly important factor in modern processor performance and storage requirements of current branch predictors continue to rise, it is important that we develop an accurate branch predictor whose storage requirements do not explode as more branch prediction features are considered. The storage requirement for current table-based hardware predictors grows exponentially with the number of features used in making branch prediction. We seek a branch prediction method that can consider a large number of features, without exhibiting that exponential growth in size. In this paper, we describe our implementation of a correlating feature selector for branch prediction. The correlating feature selector is implemented in the form of a dynamic decision tree, which is a binary tree of decision-maker nodes. We use tracedriven simulation (SimpleScalar’s sim-bpred) results to show that the CFS/DDT predictor is the most efficient, in terms of accuracy for a given storage requirement, when correlating on local history, global history, and the lower eight bits of each of the 32 architectural integer registers. The ability of the dynamic decision tree to use more features for prediction without a gross increase in size is what led us to be able to correlate on register values, which turned out to be quite useful in predicting branch outcomes. We also use out-of-order processor simulation (SimpleScalar’s sim-outorder) to evaluate the CFS/DDT’s accuracy when instructions are executed out of order, rather than in a sequential, non-overlapping manner. CFS/DDT accuracy results are compared to the accuracy of the commonly used tournament predictor, modeled after that in the Alpha EV6. We investigate and discuss why the CFS/DDT predicts significantly better with trace-driven simulation than with out-of-order simulation. Modern branch prediction implementations rely on a two-level table, maintaining a limited history of previous local and global branch outcomes to predict the result of the current branch. Because these table-based approaches do not know which history bits of the entire set are strongly tied to a given branch, the entire history vector must be considered for a given branch. As a result, storage requirements grow exponentially with each bit of additional history. Due to the explosive growth in storage requirements, most table based branch predictors neglect to take into account other factors (such as register values) that are likely strongly correlated to the branch outcome. We seek a branch prediction implementation that selectively pays attention to relevant feature bits for each branch, thereby reducing storage requirements as the total number of feature bits grow, in turn allowing us to consider more features. We have implemented a correlating feature selector using a dynamic decision tree that dynamically determines which features correlate more strongly to each branch and uses those features for future predictions. We show that the use of this CFS/DDT saves storage space, allowing the use of other features in addition to local and global history bits. We then show that the addition of register values as features to consider in branch prediction increases accuracy over local/global tournament predictors of the same size. Next, we consider the implications of stale data in an out of order processor, and investigate ways to overcome this problem and achieve the benefits of the CFS/DDT’s extra feature storage space. This paper consists of five sections. Section 2 examines previous work in branch predictors. Section 3 introduces CFS/DDT and discusses its implementation. Section 4 presents our experimental methodology and results. Section 5 offers concluding remarks. 2. Previous Related Work 1. Introduction Branch prediction is an essential component of modern highperformance microprocessors. As pipelines grow deeper, branches do not get resolved until further into the pipeline. As a result, mispredictions become more costly since a greater number of wasted cycles occur in between the branch prediction and branch resolution. Additionally, as superscalar processors grow wider and integer programs on average continue to show branches once every six instructions, more speculative execution is needed to keep functional units busy. As speculative paths branch to deeper speculative paths, the prediction accuracy drops off exponentially, making the problem more severe. These trends motivate development of an accurate branch prediction scheme. The two-level adaptive training branch predictor, proposed by Yeh and Patt[1], uses two levels of branch history information to make predictions. The first level contains the history of the last n branches, while the second level contains the branch outcome for the last s occurrences of the branch matching the global pattern. Variations exist regarding whether the two levels are unique to each branch instruction or shared. Per-address structures were found to be most accurate due to the removal of interference between different branches, but at the cost of storage requirements. The most efficient implementation for a target branch accuracy was found to be PAg, where the two major structures are a per-address history register table, which contains the most recent global history bits, and a global pattern table, which contains the most recent branch results for the content of the history register. Several finite state machines are used for updating pattern history bits, and allow the predictor to adjust to the current branch behavior of the program. The predictor achieved an average prediction accuracy of 97 percent on nine SPEC benchmarks. Other techniques were simulated in that study as well, including static training predictors, branch target buffer designs, always taken, backward taken, etc, and the two-level adaptive training branch predictor achieved about 4 percent better prediction accuracy than other predictors. Heil, Z. Smith and J. Smith[2] examined correlation between branch outcome and data values in their paper on improving branch predictions. After examining a sampling of branches that exhibited unusually high mispredict rates, the authors determined that the local and global history alone was not enough to yield a good prediction for certain types of branches. The authors believed that these branches could be predicted relatively easily if the values tested by the branch instruction could be included as part of the prediction. To that end, they implemented a branch difference predictor (BDP), which stores the difference of the two branch source register operands (the authors included a special case for handling MIPS instructions like “set”). This value is then used as part of their prediction mechanism along with the branch address and global history. Additionally, the authors devised a method of decrementing counters used to measure the “staleness” of a stored difference value, taking into account that a branch may be issued in an out of order processor before the data difference on which it depends has been resolved. These counters were a way of letting the predictor know how far beyond the last known difference value the current branch instruction was. In comparing their BDP implementation against gshare and Bi-Mode predictors running selected benchmarks from SPEC95, Heil et al found a mispredict improvement of up to 33% over gshare and 15% over Bi-Modal. While much work has been spent on improving the basic twolevel prediction scheme mentioned above, there has also been research in applying new techniques to branch prediction. Numerous solutions have been suggested that are based off of extensions to the field of machine learning. Jimenez and Lin[3] borrowed from neural networks when they proposed using perceptrons in dynamic branch predictions. These perceptrons essentially consisted of a vector of input units connected to a single output unit by weighted edges. In their implementation, the individual inputs are driven by the global branch history shift register, and each input is either a –1 (for branch not taken) or 1 (for branch taken). The weighting factors for each input indicate the strength of correlation between that input bit and the output prediction. The output is the result of summing the weighted input bits. A negative output results in a prediction of not taken; otherwise the branch is predicted to be taken. Once the branch is resolved, the perceptrons are said to be trained, whereby the input bits that predicted correctly have their weight incremented, and mispredicting input bits have their weights decremented. The authors showed that their perceptron predictor scaled linearly with the history size, thereby enabling more history to be considered than a table-based approach for a given hardware budget. In addition, they improved misprediction rates by 10.1% over a gshare predictor running SPEC 2000 benchmarks. Previous work by Loh and Henry[4] to improve branch prediction involved the idea of ensemble branch prediction, where a master expert uses individual predictions made by a collection of different algorithms to make a final prediction. The master expert uses a weighted majority algorithm to analyze the individual predictions and decide what outcome to predict. As individual predictors make correct predictions, their weight increases, and as they make incorrect predictions, their weight decreases. In addition, each branch address corresponds to its own set of predictor weights. This method was found to reduce branch mispredictions by about 5%-11%. 3. Design and Implementation Details 3.1 Overview In this section we will present the algorithm used in our correlating feature selector/dynamic decision tree, which was first proposed by Fern et. al.[5]. Correlating feature selection is capable of keeping track of a large number of features, while selecting the most relevant features from a feature set to use in predicting the outcome of each branch. We use a dynamic decision tree (DDT) predictor, borrowed from the idea of decision trees used in machine learning, to implement correlating feature selection. The predictor operates in two modes: an update mode and a prediction mode. In the update mode, a feature vector/target outcome pair is used to update internal state. The feature vector is an array of bits representing all the possible features to use in predicting branch outcomes. The target outcome is simply the branch outcome corresponding to the feature vector it is paired with. These data are fed to the predictor so that it may learn from each branch, and become more accurate with time and training. In the prediction mode, an input feature vector is used along with the dynamic decision tree to predict the outcome of the current branch. The number of trees used in the algorithm is parameterizable, and the lower order bits of each branch address are used to map each branch to its tree. The root node of the decision tree uses the most highly predictive feature (feature that correlates most strongly to the branch outcome), and nodes at each subsequent level of the tree use the most highly predictive feature of all the remaining features. The features used in the Fern et. al. predictor were 64 history bits, composed of 32 local and 32 global bits. We propose to build upon the DDT predictor idea by using additional predictive information in the form of register values. In Section 4, we describe in detail the need to use register bit values in addition to branch history bit values. The rest of this section provides implementation details for our correlating feature selector/dynamic decision tree. 3.2 Feature Selection A predictor that forms rules based on the principle of using only a small set of carefully selected features is said to perform feature selection [5]. For each branch, the CFS/DDT selectively uses the most relevant features to predict the branch outcome, while ignoring irrelevant features. The ability of our branch predictor to dynamically determine which features correlate most strongly to branch outcomes for each particular branch is the key behind its relatively low storage requirements. Feature selection is carried out within the dynamic decision tree, whose implementation is described below. 3.3 DDT Updating The update mode is the more complex of the two DDT modes. In this mode, the values of all the features used at the time of a branch’s outcome prediction are used in combination with the actual branch outcome result to update the necessary nodes in the tree for that particular branch address. Each node contains an 8bit counter for each feature. The magnitude of each counter represents the strength of the correlation between the feature and the true branch outcome (more positive for strong positive correlation, more negative for strong negative correlation) at its particular node. In update mode, all nodes used to make the branch prediction are updated. The feature bits are compared to the branch outcome, and counters at the updated nodes are incremented for a match, and decremented for a mismatch. If any counter saturates, all counters are halved to preserve relative strengths. In addition to updating its own feature counters, each updated node must also activate its selected child node to update the child’s feature counters as well. In this manner, the path of selected prediction nodes for the particular branch address is updated from the root node down. Special features to note are the constant feature and the subtree feature. These features each have a correlation counter as well. The constant feature is just a ‘1’ bit, and it exists to account for the case where a branch heavily favors a particular constant outcome. It is important for the case where a node encounters a stream of feature values/target outcome pairs with nearly uniform branch outcomes. The subtree bit represents the prediction of the selected child node. It is not used for prediction, but is used to learn whether a prediction should be made locally at a node, or the prediction should be made based on the selected child node’s prediction. At each updated node, the updated feature counters are compared, and the feature counter (excluding constant and subtree) with the largest magnitude is set as the splitting variable for the node, among the features that have not been selected as the splitting variable by any of the parent nodes. This splitting variable is the most predictive of all the features at that node that may be used as the splitting variable. If the constant or subtree features have larger magnitudes than the splitting feature, a special use-constant or use-subtree bit is set (use of these bits described further in Section 3.4). 3.4 DDT Predicting In predict mode, node values set in the update mode are used in combination with a set of input features to predict a branch outcome. Prediction starts at the root node of the branch address’s tree, and continues down the tree as necessary. At each node, if the use-constant bit is set, a prediction is made for taken or for not taken, based upon the sign of the constant feature counter (positive for taken, negative for not taken). If the usesubtree bit is set, the prediction of the child node (selected based on the splitting feature value) is used. If neither of these bits are set, the splitting feature value is used to make a branch outcome prediction (1 for taken, 0 for not taken). 3.5 Implementation Parameters In our implementation, the number of dynamic decision trees and the maximum depth of each tree are parameterizable. Increasing either value raises prediction accuracy, but at the cost of increased storage requirements. We map a branch instruction to a decision tree based on the lower-order bits of the branch instruction’s address. 4. Experimental Methodology and Results 4.1 Initial Evaluation Environment For our initial evaluation of branch prediction schemes we used the sim-bpred simulator from SimpleScalar. Sim-bpred has the advantage of being a fast trace-driven simulator. Furthermore it operates on one instruction at a time to completion, so that an instruction is read, executes, and updates system state without overlapping with other instructions. Thus, when any instruction begins, all previous instructions have updated system state. This environment provides a best case scenario with respect to known system state in which we could evaluate different branch predictors, without the artifacts of out-of-order processing. Our goal was to use sim-bpred to determine what aspects of system state correlated most strongly to branch outcomes for a simplified processor model. 4.2 Tournament Predictor The first step in our investigation was to employ a commonly used branch predictor to provide us with accuracy measurements to compare our results against. We used a tournament predictor, modeled after the predictor used in the Alpha EV6 [6]. The tournament predictor chooses between a local and global predictor on a per-branch basis. The tournament predictor was evaluated in SimpleScalar using the built in “combined” branch prediction scheme. 4.3 CFS/DDT Features -- Local and Global History Bits The CFS/DDT proposed by Fern et. al. [5] used only history bits as features on which to correlate branch outcomes. They used 32 bits of local history and 32 bits of global history. The local history represents the last 32 branch outcomes for a specific branch. The global history represents the last 32 branch outcomes on all branches in the program. Our first step in creating a CFS/DDT implementation was to recreate the predictor implemented by Fern et. al., and thus only correlate on local and global history bits. Our initial comparison is between a tournament predictor and the CFS/DDT predictor operating on only 64 features (32 bits global history, 32 bits local history). Simulations were run on the SPEC 2000 benchmarks gcc, twolf and parser. We chose integer benchmarks rather than floating point benchmarks because their branch behavior tends to be more unpredictable. Our initial CFS/DDT was obviously outperformed by the tournament predictor, so we set out to find more features to correlate upon. 0.1000 0.0900 0.0800 Mispredict Rate 0.0700 4.4 CFS/DDT Features -- Register Values 0.0600 gcc CFS/DDT (hist) 0.0500 gcc TOURN 0.0400 0.0300 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.1400 0.1200 Mispredict Rate 0.1000 0.0800 twolf CFS/DDT (hist) twolf TOURN 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) Next, we investigated adding additional features to see how well they would improve the performance of the baseline CFS/DDT predictor. Since branches operate based on comparisons of register values, correlating on the values of the registers seemed like a natural choice. We initially added the lower 8 bits of each of the 32 general purpose integer registers to the CFS/DDT feature set. We feel that the majority of branches are based on very small numbers, especially compare to zero or compare to one. Hence, we decided to try correlating on the lower bits of the register. However, loop termination branches often compare against some moderately larger values, and thus the lowest bit alone would not be enough. We felt 8 bits would be large enough to capture the correlation on most of these compares. The graphs in Figure 2 show simulations of the same three integer SPEC 2000 benchmarks used in Figure 1, where the previous results are compared to the performance of the new CFS/DDT implementation that correlates on 64 bits of history and 8 bits of data per register. It should be noted that for the different configurations of maximum number of trees and maximum tree depth, the total storage requirement of the CFS/DDT implementation changes. For each configuration the tournament predictor is sized such that the total storage requirement is comparable to the size of the CFS/DDT predictor it is being compared to. 0.0700 0.1000 0.0900 0.0600 0.0800 0.0500 parser CFS/DDT (hist) parser TOURN 0.0300 0.0200 Mispredict Rate Mispredict Rate 0.0700 0.0400 0.0600 gcc CFS/DDT (hist) 0.0500 gcc CFS/DDT (reg8) gcc TOURN 0.0400 0.0300 0.0100 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) Figure 1 shows the mispredict rates of the tournament predictor and our baseline CFS/DDT predictor for our three integer benchmarks. Five CFS/DDT configurations are run for a different number of trees and a different maximum tree depth. Figure 1 We see that in all benchmarks across all configurations the tournament predictor performs better than the baseline CFS/DDT implementation. The difference in mispredict rate ranges from 5.62% to 1.66%, with the tournament predictor on average mispredicting 3.08% fewer times. 4.5 Correlating On Entire Registers 0.1400 We next investigated what would happen if we correlated on 32 bits of each of the 32 integer registers rather than just the lower 8 bits. 0.1200 Mispredict Rate 0.1000 0.1000 0.0800 twolf CFS/DDT (hist) twolf CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.0900 twolf TOURN 0.0600 0.0800 0.0700 Mispredict Rate 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 0.0600 gcc CFS/DDT (hist) 0.0500 gcc CFS/DDT (reg8) gcc CFS/DDT (reg32) 0.0400 512_5 0.0300 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.0200 0.0100 0.0700 0.0000 256_0 0.0500 256_3 256_5 512_5 0.1400 0.0400 parser CFS/DDT (hist) 0.1200 parser CFS/DDT (reg8) parser TOURN 0.0300 0.1000 Mispredict Rate Mispredict Rate 256_1 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) 0.0600 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 0.0800 twolf CFS/DDT (hist) twolf CFS/DDT (reg8) twolf CFS/DDT (reg32) 0.0600 0.0400 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 Figure 2 In examining the results of the gcc and parser benchmarks, we see that the tournament predictor initially performs better than the new CFS/DDT implementation. However as total storage size used by the branch predictor increases, we see that the difference between CFS/DDT and the tournament predictor decreases. By 512 trees with a maximum depth of 5 nodes, the CFS/DDT implementation outperforms the tournament predictor for these two benchmarks as well. The CFS/DDT branch predictor appears to gain more accuracy as storage size increases than does the tournament predictor. Thus, we conclude that the CFS/DDT predictor is able to store more relevant information and predict branch outcomes more accurately than the tournament predictor with a moderate amount of predictor storage available. 256_3 256_5 512_5 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) For all benchmarks and all configurations the CFS/DDT correlating on history and 8 bits of data per register performs better than the baseline CFS/DDT implementation. The difference in mispredict rates range from 6.79% to 1.76%, with an average difference of 3.78%. 0.0700 0.0600 0.0500 Mispredict Rate The enhanced CFS/DDT implementation also outperformed the tournament predictor across all configurations of the twolf benchmark. The difference in mispredict rates range from 4.13% to 2.49% with an average difference of 3.26%. 256_1 0.0400 parser CFS/DDT (hist) parser CFS/DDT (reg8) parser CFS/DDT (reg32) 0.0300 0.0200 0.0100 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) Figure 3 Figure 3 shows a comparison of the three flavors of CFS/DDT predictors (history only, history and lower 8 bits of each register, history and full 32 bits of each register). The simulation results reveal that adding the lower 8 bits of each register value to the feature set increases prediction accuracy on average by 3.78% (over a feature set of only history bits). Adding all 32 bits of each register value to the feature set increases prediction accuracy on 4.6 Evaluating CFS/DDT in an Out of Order Simulation Environment To this point, we have only simulated our CFS/DDT using SimpleScalar’s sim-bpred, which is a trace-driven simulation environment with no real notion of a CPU. However, if we want to test our branch predictor in a realistic processor simulation environment, sim-bpred is not sufficient. 0.1800 0.1600 0.1400 Misprediction Rate 0.1200 0.1000 twolf CFS/DDT (bpred) twolf CFS/DDT (outorder) 0.0800 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 256_1 We first ported over a naive version of the branch prediction code over to sim-outorder, with minimal changes to the code. As stated previously, we used the CFS/DDT whose feature set consists of 64 bits of history and the lower 8 bits of each register value. Figure 4 compares the accuracy of our CFS/DDT in sim-bpred vs. in sim-outorder. 0.1000 0.0800 parser CFS/DDT (bpred) parser CFS/DDT (outorder) 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 512_5 We simulated the tournament predictor in sim-outorder as well, to see if the tournament predictor would lose as much accuracy as our CFS/DDT predictor. We also wanted to compare the tournament predictor’s accuracy to our branch predictor in the out-of-order execution environment. 0.1600 Mispredict Rate Misprediction Rate gcc CFS/DDT (outorder) 256_5 Our CFS/DDT implementation in sim-outorder performed worse than the sim-bpred implementation in every simulation. Accuracy differences ranged from 13.98% to 8.94% with an average of 10.7%. 0.1200 gcc CFS/DDT (bpred) 256_3 Figure 4 0.1400 0.0800 256_1 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) 0.1400 0.1000 512_5 0.1200 0.1600 0.1200 256_5 0.1400 256_0 Our next step was to investigate if our branch predictor could achieve accuracy comparable to or better than a tournament predictor of the same size, for a processor that uses out-of-order execution. Sim-outorder, another part of the SimpleScalar suite, simulates an out-of-order processor, and met our testing needs. Since we previously already verified that register values do in fact correlate to branch outcomes, we needed to port our CFS/DDT branch predictor over to sim-outorder to provide realistic simulations involving CPU timing. 256_3 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) Misprediction Rate average by 4.72% (over a feature set of only history bits). While adding 32 bits of register values increases prediction accuracy by more than adding lower 8 bits of register values, we must also consider the increase in storage size resulting from these additions. Adding the lower 8 bits of the register values increases storage size requirements by 256 bytes (one 8 bit counter per feature, 256 additional features) per dynamic decision tree node, while adding 32 bits of register values increases storage size requirements by 1024 bytes per dynamic decision tree node. Thus, we feel that the ~1% increase in accuracy of the CFS/DDT with 32 bits of register values over the CFS/DDT with 8 bits of register values, is outweighed by the four times greater increase in storage size required by the 32 bits CFS/DDT. It would be worth examining in a future study how an increase in the number of register bits used might decrease the number of trees or maximum tree depth needed to achieve a target prediction accuracy. However, time constraints prevented us from examining that in this study. For our remaining analysis we will consider CFS/DDT predictors that use 64 history bits and the lower 8 bits of each of the 32 integer register values. 0.1000 gcc CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.0800 gcc TOURN 0.0600 0.0400 0.0600 0.0200 0.0400 0.0000 0.0200 256_0 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 Tree Configuration (#Trees_Depth) 512_5 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.1800 0.1600 Mispredict Rate 0.1400 0.1200 0.1000 tw olf CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.0800 tw olf TOURN 0.0600 overlapping execution of instructions and out of order processing. Essentially the state of the registers could change from the time a branch is predicted to the time it is resolved. To compensate for this problem, we modified our implementation so that in the predict mode we save the current state of all the register feature bits. In the update stage, this saved register state for that prediction is used for node updating, rather than the current register state at the time of update. Simulations were run to see how using saved register state in the update phase would affect accuracy. 0.0400 0.0200 0.1600 0.0000 0.1400 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 0.1200 Mispredict Rate Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.1400 0.1000 gcc CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.0800 gcc TOURN gcc CFS/DDT (saveregs) 0.0600 0.0400 0.1200 0.0200 Mispredict Rate 0.1000 0.0000 0.0800 256_0 parser CFS/DDT (reg8) parser TOURN 0.0600 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.0400 0.1800 0.0200 0.1600 0.0000 256_1 256_3 256_5 0.1400 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) Mispredict Rate 256_0 Figure 5 We believe that the CFS/DDT is so sensitive to out-of-order execution because it correlates on and relies heavily on register values. This reliance is evidenced by the significant increase in prediction accuracy from correlating solely on history bits to correlating on register bits as well in Section 4.4. These register values may have different values in trace-driven simulation than in out-of-order simulation. 4.7 Feature Set Differences in Update and Lookup Mode We predicted that part of the large increase in misprediction rate was due to the fact that the register values changed in between the predict and update phase of branch prediction due to the tw olf CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.1000 tw olf TOURN 0.0800 tw olf CFS/DDT (saveregs) 0.0600 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) 0.1400 0.1200 0.1000 Mispredict Rate Figure 5 shows our simulation results after porting our branch predictor over to sim-outorder. Our CFS/DDT consistently performs worse than the tournament predictor in sim-outorder. The accuracy rate difference of the tournament predictor over the CFS/DDT ranges from 7.69% to 3.29% with an average difference of 5.42%. Our CFS/DDT performed comparably with the tournament predictor in sim-bpred, yet performed quite worse than the tournament predictor in sim-outorder. Thus, we reasoned that the CFS/DDT is more sensitive to out-of-order execution than the tournament predictor. 0.1200 parser CFS/DDT (reg8) 0.0800 parser TOURN 0.0600 parser CFS/DDT (saveregs) 0.0400 0.0200 0.0000 256_0 256_1 256_3 256_5 512_5 Equivalent Tree Configuration for Predictor Size (#Trees_Depth) We see that saving register state before updating yielded a Figure 6 performance improvement over the standard CFS/DDT implementation with history bits and the lower 8 bits of each register. Improvement in mispredict ranged from 2.43% to 1.32%, with an average improvement of 1.94%. However, the tournament predictor still beats the modified CFS/DDT implementation. In the next section we discuss some possible reasons for why we were unable to match the performance of the tournament predictor and consider possible ways of closing the performance gap. 4.8 Analysis of Out of Order Execution Results Clearly there exists a significant performance gap between the tournament predictor and variations of the CFS/DDT predictor when both are modeled in an out of order execution environment. Since the predictors were more evenly matched when executed in sim-bpred, with the CFS/DDT predictor besting the tournament predictor in certain configurations, we must consider what it is about simulating in sim-outorder that would result in CFS/DDT taking such a performance hit. At this point we examined simulation traces to see if the large difference in accuracy might have been caused by some error in recording branch prediction statistics or if the porting of our code from the sim-bpred to the sim-outorder model had otherwise failed. In sim-outorder branch statistics are recorded during calls to the branch update function. After careful analysis we determined that the update function was only being called on correct-path executions. Our worry that wrong-path executions were making the statistics appear worse was unfounded. To be sure we checked the addresses of branch instructions for which the update function was called and confirmed it was the same sequence of addresses generated by sim-bpred. Next we printed the state of register values at the time of calls to the branch update functions. We confirmed that in some cases the values of registers during a call to predict in sim-outorder would differ from the values of registers during the call to predict for the same branch in sim-bpred. This difference in register values then caused different splitting variables to be selected in some cases, and thus we saw a difference in accuracy. We believe this shows the drop in accuracy is an artifact of the difference in the register file as a result of the overlapped and out of order execution of instructions in sim-outorder. We then attempted to discern how differences in the register file might cause a loss in accuracy. The tournament predictor bases its prediction only on branch history, while the CFS/DDT gets much of its prediction accuracy from correlating on register values that are available at the time of prediction. We expect then that the increased performance gap will have to do with the register values. There are two scenarios that might result in CFS/DDT making a prediction based off of data different from what it saw in sim-bpred. Because of CFS/DDT’s reliance on register values, it takes a significant performance hit. The first scenario is when a branch outcome depends on an instruction that has been executed but not yet committed. In such a case the needed register value is sitting inside the physical register file but is not yet mapped to the architectural register the branch will be looking at. As a result, performance degrades. This case can be taken care of if CFS/DDT is expanded to correlate on the entire physical register file and knows which physical register the architectural register identified in the instruction will eventually point to. We were unable to implement this feature, but certainly further investigation warrants seeing what performance can be reclaimed in this case. The second scenario does not have as straightforward a solution. In an out of order core, we may expect there are times when a branch instruction is fetched while a previous instruction the branch outcome depends on is still waiting to be issued and executed. As a result, the data value that the branch will depend on has not even be computed yet, let along committed. Although the branch itself will also wait to be issued due to the true dependency, the branch prediction must still occur immediately in order to fetch new instructions the next cycle. Thus, branch prediction may occur using a register file with stale data values. We know of no good ways to predict accurately based off of data values that do not yet exist. 5. Conclusion In this paper we have examined a new approach to dynamic branch prediction, the Correlating Feature Selector/Dynamic Decision Tree predictor. By using techniques from machine learning to dynamically select which features each branch should base a prediction on, CFS/DDTs scale linearly with added features, not exponentially. As a result we have the ability to explore the use of additional features without the exponential increase in storage size. We have shown that a tournament predictor modeled off of the EV6 branch predictor outperforms a CFS/DDT predictor using only global and local history bits. However, by adding the lowest 8 bits of all integer registers to the feature set, we have shown that the new CFS/DDT predictor gains more accuracy as more storage is devoted to the branch predictor (used up by additional trees or deeper trees) than the tournament predictor, so that at moderate storage sizes the expanded CFS/DDT predictor outperforms the tournament predictor. We next evaluated the CFS/DDT predictor in sim-outorder to measure the predictor's sensitivity to register values and the effects of out of order execution. We found a significant loss in the predictor's accuracy compared to the tournament predictor, and suggested two situations that might cause such a performance loss. The first occurs when the instructions writing to the registers on which a branch's outcome depends have executed but not committed, so that the register values are sitting in physical but not architectural registers. We have suggested a workaround for this scenario, but have not yet explored what sort of gains it will yield. The second situation occurs when the instructions writing to the registers on which a branch's outcome depends are waiting in the issue queue, whether it is due to some dependency, structural hazard, or something else. In this case although the branch instruction will also wait in the issue queue, a prediction is still necessary right away in order to fetch instructions for the next cycle. When this occurs prediction is based off of a stale register file, and accuracy is reduced. Due to time constraints, we leave this at future work to determine and examine workarounds for this situation. It has been shown that the CFS/DDT predictor has an enormous amount of potential as a branch prediction scheme. This is especially true in future designs where more transistors may be dedicated to branch prediction storage, permitting a greater number of trees and greater maximum depth to each tree. However, simulations in an out-of-order processor model show that techniques must first be developed to account for register values not updated in time for a branch prediction before CFS/DDT will be feasible in a modern out-of-order processor. 6. Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge with gratitude the instructor, TAs, and fellow students of 18-741 for providing immeasurable insight. The authors would also like to thank the not so anonymous referees (course instructor and TAs) for their guidance. 7. References [1] Tse-Yu Yeh and Yale N. Patt, “Two-Level Adaptive Training Branch Prediction”. [2] Timothy H. Heil, Zak Smith, and J.E. Smith, “Improving Branch Predictors by Correlating on Data Values”. [3] Daniel A. Jimenez and Calvin Lin, “Dynamic Branch Prediction with Perceptrons”. 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