Meeting of Winkleigh Parish Council to be held THURSDAY 4th February 2016 7.30pm Winkleigh Community Centre AGENDA 1. PRESENT 2. APOLOGIES 3. MINUTES - The signing of the minutes of the EPCM held on 16th December 2015 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST IN MATTERS TO FOLLOW 5. PUBLIC PERIOD I Any Member of the public may address, the Council once only, for a maximum of 3 minutes on any issue. The Council are not permitted to enter into discussion or explanation, however, any item requiring a response or investigation will be included on the agenda for the next pcm. 6. P3 OWNERSHIP OF FOOTPATHS Presentation by Ros Davies – Public Rights of Way Officer The P3 scheme is an initiative that encourages Parish and Town Councils to look after their rights of way. P3 parishes use local volunteers to maintain and improve their paths. Email version of P3 Partnership leaflet available from Clerk on request or available online at 7. COUNCIL VACANCIES - Clerk TDC have not received signatures for elections to be held and have authorised WPC to co-opt the 5 current vacancies. WPC consideration of an article being placed in all forthcoming DW issues until all vacancies are filled, and vacancies will be advertised on the notice boards and Parish Website and to be a permanent agenda item until all positions filled. 8. PLANNING - Chair a) Returned from TDC 1/1171/2015/FUL Retention of raised decking submission of 1/0355/2015/FUL, Elmside, Exeter Road, Winkleigh. GRANTED Agenda document 01/16/001/8a b) New Applications i. 1/1260/2015.FUL Erection of Agricultural building for Grain Storage, Beechlea Farm, Winkleigh Agenda document 01/16/002/8bi ii. 1/1297/2015/FUL Change of use from B2 to B2 and B8, Beechlea Farm, Winkleigh. Agenda document 01/16/003/8bii iii. 1/1326/2015/AGMB Change of use from agricultural building to no.1 dwelling Class Q (a), Bryony Hill Farm, Ingleigh Green, Winkleigh. Agenda document 01/16/004/8biii iv. 1/1311/2015/AGMB Change of use from agricultural building to no.1 dwelling Class Q (a), Barn at Park Farm, Winkleigh Agenda document 01/16/005/8biv 9. VILLAGE DESIGN STATEMENT – Cllr Flockhart, Penny Griffiths & Pauline Warner Cllrs to review final draft of Village Design Statement and Principles with a view to approval of the final draft, subject to any amendments agreed, endorse submission of the VDS to TDC. Agenda document 01/16/006/9 10. FINANCE a) TAP Fund 2015-16 Application deadline February 2016 – Cllr Jacobs Council to consider Project with Sampford Courtenay and Broadwoodkelly to produce updated footpath maps of the local areas, linking the Parishes. b) NatWest Bank Signatories – Cllr Flockhart 'Unincorporated Club, Society or Other Community Organisation Mandate' to be signed by 2 existing signatories in order to add additional signatories to the accounts. c) Receipts & Payments - Clerk Schedule of all receipts and payments since 16th December 2015 Agenda document 01/16/007/10c d) Bank Reconciliation & Budget to date report – Clerk To be produced at PCM Agenda document 01/16/008/10d 11. CURRENT BUSINESS MATTERS a) WPCA003/15 Western Power works at Ring O Bells site – Clerk Email received from Ex-Cllr Stutt enquiring about replacement of slabs at the site. WPC response “This work is with approval of WPC as final make good of slabs and bench at Ring O Bells site in full and final settlement with Western Power” WPC Resolution 9.9.15a 23/09/2015 b) WPCA012/15 Cemetery West Hedge Maintenance Tender – Cllr Hodgson Report on the assessment and presence of specimen trees that may be compromised by the maintenance of the West Hedge and whether any works are required or recommended for approval by Council. c) Internal Auditor appointment – Clerk Internal Auditor Accounts and Audit Regulations report Agenda document 01/16/009/11b for WPC to resolve to:1. WPC to establish an Internal Audit Plan 2. WPC to establish an internal Audit working party 3. WPC to agree terms and conditions for Internal Auditor 4. WPC to appoint an Internal Auditor and agree engagement letter and fee. d) Winkleigh Parish Council Standing Orders – Clerk Current Standing Orders in operation/adopted by WPC Item 1.1.3. Regarding timescale of service of Summons to PCMs. Minutes 7.4.15 d) dated 22nd April 2015 amendment approved to give 4 clear days’ notice so as not to include a Saturday, instead of legal requirement of 3 which does include Saturdays. 12. NEW BUSINESS a) Arrangements for guaranteeing the posting of the agenda in notice boards (Winkleigh and Hollocombe) in future – Cllr Flockhart b) Formal Entry into the Burial Register – Clerk Henry Albert Jones, ashes interment Plot 14 on 16th January 2016 c) Article for Distinctly Winkleigh - Cllr Flockhart Cllrs to consider or put forward any appropriate ideas for a WPC article for submission to DW for spring edition (deadline 12th Feb) d) Free Google Apps Workshop – Clerk Winkleigh Parish Council is supporting “the get up to speed service” as part of the connecting Devon and Somerset Programme by providing venue for a free interactive google apps workshop to be held on Thursday 25 th February 2016, between 9am and 1pm in Winkleigh Village Hall. Posters have been posted and circulated, booking is essential for anyone wishing to attend. e) Training Courses – Clerk Due to resignation of Cllr Mondy, there is an additional vacancy on the DALC external audit preparation course to be held in Exeter on 22nd March 2016. Clerk and to be appointed internal auditor already booked onto the Course. 13. REPORTS a) Members to volunteer to join/Reshuffle Internal and External Groups - Chair i. FINANCE group – RFO Melanie Borrett, Cllr Jacobs ii. VILLAGE HALL Committee – VACANT iii. CEMETERY GROUNDS Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Hodgson iv. BUNGALOW Group – Cllr Pearce, Cllr Turner v. ASSET MAINTENACE Group – Cllr Pearce, VACANT vi. PLAYING FIELDS Committee – Cllr Jacobs vii. EMERGENCY PLAN – Cllr Kane, VACANT viii. CHULMLEIGH PPG – Anne Balcombe ix. TAAG – Cllr Flockhart x. TIDY Group – Cllr Jacobs, Cllr Kane xi. PLAN REVIEW Group – Cllr Flockhart, Cllr Kane b) Defibrillator – Clerk Mr Andrew Ware willing to resume responsibility for defibrillator, Clerk has checked insurance and memorandum of understanding which states “the council will appoint a member of the community as the ‘nominated person”. Any volunteer is covered under WPC insurance if carrying out business on behalf of the Council. Proposal that WPC authorise Mr Andrew Ware to carry out daily visual checks of the defibrillator and act as the ‘nominated person’ in the event of contact with Western ambulance Trust coordinator and liaise with Clerk c) Bungalow Group – Clerk Full survey of bungalow conducted by Edward Vereeker MRICs, Chartered Building Surveyor with Drew Pearce 1748 Ltd, on 20th January 2016, tenants and WPC Proper Officer in attendance. Written survey report not due for approximately four weeks, therefore the Cemetery Bungalow will be an agenda item for next pcm in February for WPC to consider survey report (if received) which will be a public document. d) Tidy Group & Shute Lane Update- Cllr Jacobs Update on Shute Lane access & Winkleighs involvement with P3 paths partnership with DCC, including response to public notice e) TAAG – Cllr Flockhart & Cllr Jacobs Update of meeting attended on 12th January 2016 f) District Councillors Report Reports from TDC 14. CORRESPONDENCE FROM PARISHONERS a) Email dated 16th December 2015 concerning parking alongside wall of pub in Fore Street and size of delivery vehicles to Londis – Clerk b) Letter regarding WPC 2016-17 Precept in relation to awarding of grants – Clerk WPC have set a precept for 2016-17 of £16975.00 equating to an increase of £4.96 per household per year. c) Email and separate telephone call concerning soakaway problems and erasure of ‘keep clear’ markings outside of the churchyard North Gate, and soakaway issues outside the West Gate – Clerk d) Letter from Winkleigh Recycling Group concerning cessation of recycling at D&S and requesting support from WPC as detailed in Community Plan – Clerk. 15. PUBLIC PERIOD II Only for matters arising from this parish council meeting 16. REMINDERS & LATE ITEMS AT THE CHAIRMAN’S DISCRETION 17. a) b) c) LETTERS AND CORRESPONDENCE WPC to consider participation in The Queens 90th Birthday Beacons – 21st April 2016 Agenda document 01/16/010/17a Growing a rural community online survey Agenda document 01/16/011/17b North Devon Records Office – Invite to meeting on Thursday 28th January 2016 to discuss the future of the office. Agenda document 01/16/012/17c d) Society for Local Council Clerks (SLCC) invite to Saltash Roadshow on 9 th March 2016, cost £69 plus Vat for Clerk and £89 plus Vat for up to 2 Councillors. Agenda document 01/16/013/17d e) Sand Bag Policy – Request from Flood and Risk Management Team, DCC, to advise them of WPC policy – WPC to respond Agenda document 01/16/014/17e f) Crime Report - – Clerk Between 27th December and 2th January 2016 no crimes have been reported. 18. CONSULTATIONS – Clerk Electoral Review of Devon – Final Recommendations and consideration of participation in online survey request Agenda document 01/16/015/18 19. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 24th February 2016, 7.30pm Winkleigh Community Centre Melanie Borrett: Clerk (Proper Officer)/RFO to Winkleigh Parish Council, Lower Itton, Spreyton EX17 5BB 01837 89095