List of Essential Readings

List of Essential Readings, 4/6/2006
Spatial statistics/econometrics – methods
Anselin, L. 1999. Spatial Econometrics. Bruton Center, School of Social Sciences, University of
Texas at Dallas.
Luc Anselin, 2002. Under the hood: Issues in the specification and interpretation of spatial
regression models, Agricultural Economics, Volume 27 (3): 247-267.
Approaches in land use/cover change analyses and applications to conservation and
Bell, K. P., and E. G. Irwin. 2002. Spatially explicit micro-level modelling of land use change at the
rural-urban interface. Agricultural Economics 27 (3): 217-232.
Luis A. Bojorquez-Tapia, L.A. et al. 2004. Environmental conflicts and nature reserves:
redesigning Sierra San Pedro Martir National Park, Mexico. Biological Conservation 117: 111–
Carsjens, G.J., van der Knaap, W. 2002. Strategic land-use allocation: dealing with spatial
relationships and fragmentation of agriculture. Landscape and Urban Planning 58: 171–179.
Chomitz, K. M., and D. A. Gray. 1996. Roads, land use, and deforestation: A spatial model
applied to Belize. The World Bank Economic Review 10 (3): 487-512.
Deininger, K., and B. Minten. 2002. Determinants of Deforestation and the Economics of
Protection: An Application to Mexico. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84 (4): 943960.
Geoghegan, J., S. C. Villar, P. Klepesis, P. M. Mendoza, Y. Ogneva-Himmelberger, R. R.
Chowdhury, B. L. Turner II, and C. Vance. 2001. Modeling tropical deforestation in the southern
Yucatán peninsular region: comparing survey and satellite data. Agriculture, Ecosystems and
Environment 85 (1-3): 25-46.
Irwin, E., and J. Geoghegan. 2001. Theory, data, and methods: developing spatially explicit
economic models of land use change. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 85 (1-3): 7-2
Lambin, E.F. et al., 2001. The causes of land-use and land-cover change: moving beyond the
myths, Global Environmental Change 11: 261–269
Lambin, E. F., H. Geist, and E. Lepers. 2003. Dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in
tropical regions. Annual Review of Environmental Resources 28: 205-241
Liverman, D., E.F. Moran, R.R. Rindfuss, and P.C. Stern, (eds). People and Pixels. 1998.
National Research Council, Washington, DC
Munroe, D., J. Southworth, and C. Tucker. 2002. The dynamics of land-cover change in western
Honduras: exploring spatial and temporal complexity. Agricultural Economics 27 (3): 355-369.
Nelson, G. and J. Geoghegan, 2002. Deforestation and land use change: sparse data
environments, Agricultural Economics 27: 201–216
Nelson, G. C., V. Harris, and S. W. Stone. 2001. Deforestation, Land Use, and Property Rights:
Empirical Evidence from Darien, Panama. Land Economics 2: 187-205
Noss, R.F., Carroll, C., Vance-Borland, K., Wuerthner, G. 2002. A Multicriteria Assessment of the
Irreplaceability and Vulnerability of Sites in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Conservation
Biology 16 (4): 895–908
Wood, S. et al., 1999. Spatial Aspects of the Design and Targeting of Agricultural Development
Strategies. EPTD Discussion Paper No. 44. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI),
Washington DC.
Useful websites
Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science:
Center for International Earth Science Information Network
Land-use modeling techniques and applications:
Spatial agent-based models of human-environment interactions: