Human Resources / Management in the Netherlands (HRM/BUSA 352 Netherlands HR Cross-Cultural) May 2013 One of the distinctives of the Business program at Messiah College is the opportunity to learn about the management and human resources practices of another country firsthand, as well as to interact with students from another culture. The Management and Business Department of Messiah College and Christelijke Hogeschool Ede (Ede Christian University) have established a partnership in which students alternate visits to each other=s country. The Location Christelikje Hogeschool Ede (CHE) is one of three evangelical Christian college in the Netherlands and has professional programs in business administration, human resource management, journalism, nursing, social work, and education that are similar to our bachelor=s degrees. Ede is a town of about 100,000 in the central part of the Netherlands. From here students have easy access by train to all the major cities. While in Ede, students will stay with students from CHE in their apartments or with their families. The Dutch speak excellent English. Bicycles will be the primary means of transportation in and around EdeBtruly a typically Dutch experience. The Program -Business site visits -Cultural/historical/sightseeing -Class time with Dutch students: taught in English and will include Dutch culture, politics, ethics, and management practices. Possible Site Visits and Activities Business & Industry Unilever headquarters and margarine production plant, Rotterdam Calve (food processing factoryBpeanut butter, salad dressing, mayonnaise), Delft Dutch unemployment office, Ede Hendriks-Veenendal Company (custom assembly machines), Veenendal Dutch Christian union headquarters, Veenendal ING, banking, Amsterdam Culture Cheese-making Dutch worship services Kroller-Mueller museum (famous for its Van Goghs) International Peace Palace, The Hague Dutch Parliament, The Hague Tour of Amsterdam Tour of The Hague Visits to Leiden, Utrecht Benefits Experience management & human resource practices of another country Explore how society and culture affect business practices Visit Dutch organizations, historical and cultural sites Stay with Dutch students Work together with Dutch students on a team project Meet Messiah=s cross-cultural requirement (or 3rd year of a language) Meet 300-level M&B department course in HRM or LEAD Student Expectations 1. Attend cross-cultural orientation meetings prior to departure. 2. Have a passport that is valid until Dec., 2013. Have passport by 4/1/13. 3. Examination on assigned readings. 4. Participate in all activities and events and make meaningful contributions to discussions. 5. Keep a detailed daily journal of the your experience and learning opportunities to be submitted at the end of the trip 6. Completion of requirements of the course you attend at the Dutch College (graded by both Dutch and Messiah faculty). 7. A final short paper to be turned in after returning, details TBA. 8. Individual assignment for the good of the group (e.g., orientation presentation, video of course activities). Other Information For Business Administration-HR concentration, this course fulfill one of the elective requirements in HR. It is recommended that you take HRM 301 and HRM 311 prior to the cross-cultural. For BUSA majors this course counts as an elective. It is recommended that you have taken two 300-level M&B courses prior to the cross-cultural. Acceptance is on a first-come, first-served basis, with preference given to seniors and juniors, and students who have taken HRM 301, 311, and other 300-level business courses, and majors in the management and business department. Other majors such as sport management, PR, communications, are welcome to apply. The $200 deposit is due no later September 15. Your place on the trip is not assured until your deposit is paid. The balance will be due on your Spring semester bill. The amount billed by Messiah can be included in your financial aid package. Estimated Cost: $2800 You will not pay for more than the actual costs of the tripBif there is money left in the budget at the end (if flight costs are low) it will be refunded to you. Students reported spending approx. $200 for meals & snacks in addition to the fee (does not include souvenirs) Process: Fill out the application, information release, study abroad contract, and obtain references. Upon acceptance to a cross-cultural course, a $200 non-refundable deposit is required at the Business Office counter to secure a student’s spot on the course. Cross-cultural course fees will be included as part of regular spring semester billing and will be assessed to the student’s Messiah account. Following is the refund policy for cross-cultural courses: a. The initial $200 deposit is non-refundable. b. Because payments on a student’s behalf are typically made months in advance to travel agencies, airline companies, and assorted accommodations, many payments are nonrefundable. Therefore, if a student withdraws from participation in the trip for any reason or are removed from participation by the College after September 15th, they will be billed for any non-recoverable or non-transferable expenses incurred on the student’s behalf. The exact amount of recovered monies can generally not be established until the trip has been completed. All of the above information is subject to change.