TIME (13th FEB 2011)
Holy Name
Una Naughton
St. Mary’s
Joe Berry
Holy Name
People of the Parish
Richard Burke
St Mary’s
Joyce Saunders
Holy Name
Dec’d Murray & Wheeler families
9.00am Holy Name
Yorkshire Brethren Society
St Mary’s
Joyce Saunders
TUES 15th
9.30am Assumption
Valerie Meehan
Noon St Mary’s
Thomas Brian Richardson
7.30pm Holy Name
Joe Cloeman
WED 16th
9.00am Holy Name
November Dead List
9.30am St. Mary’s
Carl Cooper
THURS 17th
9.30am Assumption
November Dead List
Noon Holy Name
Int. Walsingham Association
7.30pm St Mary’s (Presbytery)
Tony Roper
FRI 18th
9.00am Holy Name
Int. Cordelia Orisaremi
9.30am St. Mary’s
Maureen Baines
SAT 19th
10.00am St. Mary’s
November Dead List
10.00am Holy Name
Laurence Fenton
WELCOME to any visitors and new parishioners.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday morning ONLY, at both SM and HN 10.30-11am
(No evenings), Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the
normal times. A priest is available for confessions at St. Anne’s Cathedral every
weekday from 11am-12.15pm; and Saturday from 10.30-11.45am & 4.30-5.30pm.
FEAST DAYS: Mon 14th Ss Cyril, & Methodius; Thurs 17th Seven Holy
Founders of the Servite Order.
BAPTISM: We welcome & pray for the Casson family, who are presenting their
baby for baptism at Holy Name next Saturday.
LATELY DEAD: Doreen Boulton, a funeral service will be held for Doreen at
SM on Thurs 17th March at 10.15am. Sr Colette Keena died in the Convent of
Mercy Doncaster on 4th February. She was nursing at St Joseph's Care Home
Horsforth until her accident some years ago. May they rest in the peace of Christ.
SICK OF THE PARISH: Please pray for: Fr. Tom Kenny, Johnnie Errington.
OFFERTORY: Thank you for last Sunday’s collection: (OLK) £ 2270.60
ST PAUL'S MISSIONS: Father Boniface would like to thank everyone who
gave so generously to his appeal and to especially thank all who remember the
society in their prayers.
CATHOLIC EDUCATION SERVICE: A retiring collection will be taken at
all Masses next weekend, 19th/20th February, for the Catholic Education Service.
SM FUND RAISING COFFEE MORNING: There will be a coffee morning
THIS Sunday after both Masses for the SM Lourdes Fund. Please support.
OLK CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: Please keep in your prayers all our
young people who have started the journey to confirming their faith. The SM
candidates will be enrolled at the 11am Mass today.
ASH WEDNESDAY: Masses with the distribution of Ashes will be provided as
follows: Assumption – 6.30pm; Holy Name 9.15am (in church with whole school
in attendance), and at 7.30pm; St Mary – 9.30am, 7.30pm. A Service with
distribution of Ashes will be provided at St Mary’s and at Sacred Heart (Kirkstall)
Primary Schools at 2.00pm.
OFFERTORY ENVELOPES: The envelopes for the next tax year are already
for collection in the porch/narthex, where they are arranged alphabetically. They
have been left in the church where your envelopes were originally registered.
Please do not use them until the first Sunday of the new tax year, i.e. 10th
April. Please do not use old envelopes after 3rd April. Please check the
information on the label very carefully & contact Su if there are any errors, e.g.
addresses need updating. If anyone has any queries or if you would like to use
weekly offertory envelopes please contact Su (2678257 between 1pm & 5pm or
MASS INTENTIONS: Envelopes are available in each church porch for your
Mass intentions. They should be filled in & returned, either to the priest or via
the offertory collection. If you prefer to use your own envelopes, please make it
clear which church you would like your Mass to be celebrated in. If you are
requesting a particular date, please leave a contact number in case that date has
been requested by someone else. We will endeavour to find another date which is
convenient for you.
CONNECT 2: PUENTECITOS: Thank you to everyone who supported the launch of the new Cafod project in the
Assumption. The children from Sacred Heart school started us off with their presentation after the gospel 'Small changes
make a difference' was the thought they left us with. A liturgical link was made with El Salvador as Father Pat was able to use
a chalice made by a Salvadorean potter especially for the Leeds diocese About 50 people stayed after mass to hear Margaret
Siberry share her experience of visiting the community in Puentecitos. Everyone is welcome to start contributing to the
project by using the donation box at the back of church and by filling up the Cafod small change boxes. If you make
donations to Cafod by direct debit you can ask for them to be allocated to the Connect 2 El Salvador project. Look out for
the display of photos that will be at the back of the church in the next couple of weeks.
HN 200 CLUB: February draw - £200 no 18 Miss C Charles; £50 no 57 Mrs J Lydon; £30 no 66 Mrs D Pickles; £20 no 93
Mrs F Dowson; £10 no 87 Mr J Dewar.
HN READERS’ ROTA: the rota, March to June, is available in the box file in the porch.
REQUEST FOR HELP FROM ST MARY’S PRIMARY: As part of Book Week (w/c 28th February), we would like the
children to experience stories from different cultural backgrounds. Please could I ask whether we have any families from
different countries/cultural backgrounds who have the time to come into school and share/read any stories with the children
during this week. If you are willing to help, please contact Mrs Byrne or the SM school office on 2584593. Thank you.
LIFE CHARITY PETITION: In response to a recent government debate enquiring into the mental health risks of
abortion, the Life charity which supports pregnant women during and after their pregnancy has set up an online petition
requesting appropriate counselling and the right support for women who are considering abortion. This petition can be
accessed at
SR AGATHA LEACH CJ OF THE BAR CONVENT: will talk to Forum 2000 on Wed 16th Feb at 10am in the Grove
Centre, New Street. She will talk about her work with dementia sufferers and the Haran Centre (South Leeds Project MHA) in
Beeston a wonderful care home which brings members of the Abrahamic faiths together in peace. Everyone welcome.
SENIOR STROLLERS: Next walk will be at Bolton Abbey on Wednesday 16th Feb. Refreshments at the Cavendish
Pavilion. Contact Eileen 2582415.
WALSHINGHAM ASSOCIATION: Mass at HN on 17th Feb will be offered for the members of the Walsingham
Association and will be followed by tea/coffee in the hall afterwards. All welcome, especially anyone interested in becoming a
member. Information about the group’s activities is available at the back of the three churches.
ASSUMPTION CHURCH SINGING PRACTICE: Next Sunday - 20th Feb after mass for half an hour. All welcome
to stay and learn a couple of new hymns.
SPANISH NIGHT: After the success of Alessandra’s Greek Night she now brings us a Spanish Night! Enjoy an evening of
tapas and dancing. Sat 12th March 7.30pm till 11pm in St Mary’s school hall. Tickets £10 adults, £5 children (under 14’s).
Proceeds will go to her trips to South Africa with the Bambisanani Project and World Youth Day in Madrid. All welcome.
“WASHING THE FEET OF THE WORLD”: A Music workshop exploring the music and spirituality of the Iona
Community presented by Philip Jakob - Director of Music for Hallam diocese. Sat March 19th 2pm-5pm at the Catholic
Chaplaincy (next to Notre Dame). See the notices at the back of each church or contact Joe Burns 267 4176 for more details.
LENT DAYS OF RECOLLECTION (OLK): Celebrating God’s Word in the Eucharist. A day of reflection for
Eucharistic Ministers, Readers and all interested parishioners will be held on Saturday March 19th 10am-4pm at St. Mary’s
and repeated on Saturday March 26th 10am-4pm at Holy Name. Parishioners are welcome to attend the day most
convenient to them at either locations. An A5 ‘flyer’ is available in each church porch/narthex. Please complete the tear off
slip on this flyer and return as soon as possible to the sacristy or the church office in each location.
SPIRITUALITY IN OUR PARISH - dates for your diary. More information & booking details are available at each
church on the separate leaflets for each event, on the 'Journey into Faith' Spirituality Programme Update, and on the parish
website. Please book your places asap. Words for the Soul Book Group - Thursday March 3rd 7.30-9pm in HN
presbytery to discuss 'Mere Christianity' by C.S.Lewis. Seasons of the Spirit 'Winter' Retreat Day - Saturday March 5th 10a.m.-4pm. at Myddelton Grange. 'He was despised by men...' Lent talk on the Spirituality of Offending, by Dr Pauline
Souflas - Wednesday March 16th 7.30-9pm at The Assumption social room. 'Celebrating God's Word in the Eucharist' - day
of recollection led by Mgr Paul Hypher- Saturday March 19th St Mary's, repeated on Saturday March 26th
at Holy Name. 'The Jewish Passover...' Lent talk by Rabbi Douglas Charing - Sunday April 10th 7.30-9pm at HN hall.
MASSES NEXT WEEKEND: 6.30pm (HN): Int. Sam Guilfoyle 8.15am (SM): Linda Shaw 9.00am (HN): John Andrews
9.45am (A): Paulette Hezelgrave 11.00am (SM): November Dead List 11.15am (HN): People of the Parish
He who loses wealth loses much, but he who loses the spirit loses all (Elbert Hubbard)