parish of the holy name of jesus - Parish of Our Lady of Kirkstall

(25th March 2012)
Holy Name
Margaret Bradbury
St. Mary’s
Bernard Melia
Holy Name
Gordon & Theresa Bell
People of the Parish
St Mary’s
Int. Fr R Charles
Holy Name
Christopher Lydon
MON 26th
9.00am Holy Name
Int. Martin Mulkeen
9.30am St Mary’s
Eucharistic Service
TUES 27th
11.00am Assumption
Requiem William Buck
Noon St Mary’s
Int. of HLI Ireland & all prolife groups
7.30pm Holy Name
WED 28th
9.00am Holy Name
Eucharistic Service
9.30am St Mary’s
Fr Daniel Cahill
THURS 29th
9.30am Assumption
George Walker
Noon Holy Name
Nancy Sweeney & Ellen Mulkeen
7.30pm St Mary’s (church)
Peter Thompson
FRI 30th
9.15am Holy Name (church)
Yorkshire Brethren society
9.30am St Mary’s
George Chamberlin
11.15am Holy Name
Requiem Howard Evans
SAT 31st
10.00am St Mary’s
Mary Kennedy
10.00am Holy Name
Eva Smith
WELCOME to any visitors and new parishioners.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday morning ONLY, at both SM and HN 10.30-11am
(No evenings), Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the normal
times. A priest is available for confessions at St. Anne’s Cathedral every weekday
from 11am-12.15pm; and Saturday from 10.30-11.45am & 4.30-5.30pm.
FEAST DAYS: Mon 26th The Annunciation of the Lord
LATELY DEAD: Mary Keighley, William Buck, Howard Evans, Joan Pierson,
Catherine Coles, & Janine Cullen.
SICK LIST: Please pray for; Lynne Carrington, Canon Lawrie Hulme, John
Hunwicks, John Armstrong and Fr Boniface’s mother who is very ill.
OFFERTORY: Thank you for last Sunday’s collection (OLK): £1873.49
RECONCILIATION SERVICE: THIS Tuesday 27th March, 7.30pm in St.
Mary’s Church. Several priests are assisting as confessors. This is an opportunity
for you to fulfil your ‘Easter Duties’ - the minimum obligation upon all Catholics
to avail of the Sacrament of Reconciliation ‘at least once a year’ (Catechism). Also
Lenten Day of Reconciliation at Leeds Cathedral, Thurs 29th March, 7am-7pm.
MAUNDY THURSDAY: Watching with Our Lord will take place until 9.00pm
at Assumption, 10.30pm at St. Mary’s & midnight at Holy Name, providing several
people can guarantee to watch for allotted times. Please sign the sheet at the back
of church to pledge some of your time. Parishioners at Holy Name are asked to
bring in plants to decorate our altar of repose. Please bring them to the presbytery
by lunchtime on the Wednesday of Holy Week, and collect them on Good Friday.
HOLY WEEK SERVICES: A leaflet is available in the porches/narthex,
detailing the times of Masses, services and Confessions during Holy Week. Please
take one.
PALM SUNDAY: Parishioners attending the 11.15am Mass at HN next Sunday
are asked to gather in the hall, for the procession into church, with palms.
GIFT AID: If you have signed a Gift Aid Declaration for this parish and have
stopped paying tax during this financial year, please can you let Su Goodyear (267
8257) know asap, so that we do not make a claim for tax on your donations to the
parish from the date you stopped paying tax. Thank you.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (HN): The new rota (April-June) is available in
the box file in the porch.
ST GEMMA’S BOXES: Will collectors please take their cards from the Church
porch as the Spring collection is due. All queries to Veronica Ross Tel. 2672617.
DAILY MISSALS: These are now available for collection from the sacristy for
those who ordered them.
WORLD YOUTH DAY: Young people who will be 18 – 35 years of age by July
2013 are notified of the next Papal World Youth Day, to take place in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil. Cost £2750. Packs with full information available from Frs
Pat/Boniface and the Diocesan Youth Office ( or )
THE SHROUD OF TURIN EXHIBITION: see full length replicas of the
Shroud at Leeds Cathedral, March 20th – 30th.
ST MARY’S NEWSLETTER: The March edition of the Newsletter is in the process of being put together. If you have any
items to be added, please send them to Margaret Barnes by the 31st March at or leave a hard
copy at the parish office for Amanda to pass on. If anyone from any part of OLK Parish would like to contribute any article,
please feel free to do so.
SYLVIA WRIGHT: Sylvia, who is originally from our parish, has been working in India for the last 30 years. Tony Allinson,
of the Sylvia Wright Trust, will speak at all Masses at St Mary’s & Assumption TODAY. This is simply to publicise Sylvia's
work, a second collection will not be taken on this occasion.
SAM GUILFOYLE: Sam’s mother writes: "Thank you so much for the very kind donation to Sam's fund. All the money
raised will go towards helping my brave son live a more independent life. We're overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and
goodness. Please remember him in your prayers. Veronica Guilfoyle"
CHRISTIAN AID WEEK: Kathryn Hogg from Christian Aid will be speaking about this year’s project which involves
Sierra Leone at West Park United Reformed Church , Spen Lane on Monday 26th March at 7pm. If you need a lift, please
contact Hilary on 2583521 or Kathy 2753320. West Parade United Reformed Church, Spen Lane invites you to Bowl
Over Poverty at the Super Soul Lunch on Saturday 31st March 2012 from 11am -1.30pm in aid of CHRISTIAN AID
SENIOR STROLLERS: Wednesday March 28th – Golden Acre Park and the usual café! Phone Mary 2588707.
SPIRITUALITY IN OUR PARISH: Evenings during Lent continue with: The Turning Point: a reflective evening of
poetry, scripture and music. Facilitated by OLK parishioners. By popular request, this event, which was recently held at The
Assumption, will be repeated TODAY Sunday March 25th 7.30-9.15pm in Holy Name hall. Light refreshments will be
served from 7.15 before a prompt start at 7.30pm. Wednesday March 28th: 7.15pm prompt start-9.15pm at St Mary's
School hall: 'The Gospel Passion Narratives' - a talk by Fr Chris Angel, following up the sessions held at Holy Name
during Advent. Opportunity for questions throughout. All welcome.
SWISHING EVENING: Thurs 29th March 7-9pm in St Mary’s school hall. £5 inc a raffle ticket and a glass of wine. Bid &
buy new & nearly new; bags, jewellery, shoes & clothes. Funds raised are for students of St Mary’s Menston travelling to
South Africa with the Bambisanani Project in the Summer. For more information contact St Mary’s School office on 2584593.
WALSINGHAM ASSOCIATION: Yorkshire Branch Day of Prayer, Sisters of Mercy Convent, Cemetery Road, Yeadon,
March 31st, 2pm – 5pm.
WORDS THAT TRANSFORM: A time for reflection, dialogue and experiences of the Word lived in everyday life. Sat 31st
March, Heart Centre, Bennett Road, Headingley, LS63HN, 2.15–4.30pm. Contact: 2742808 or
HCT HOLY WEEK SERVICES: There will be a service each evening at 7.30pm starting on Monday 2nd April at St
Margaret's. The Tuesday Service is at St Mary’s and will be a form of Stations of the Cross at which Fr Pat will preside with
participants from each of the local Horsforth churches leading all present in the prayers. Please come and help our guests feel
at home. Details of other HCT services for Holy Week are in the narthex. Good Friday Walk of Witness. This will start
from St Mary's at 11.30am with a service on the Green at 12.00 noon followed by soup & hot cross buns at Grove. Dawn
Service on Easter Sunday. This will be in Hall Park at 6.00 a.m.
ASSUMPTION CHURCH CHRISTMAS DINNER AT EASTER: in the social club Saturday 14th April 2012 7:30 for
8:00pm, 4 courses £20. Tickets on Sale NOW, please see Peter Dowson
WOMEN’S PRAYER MEETING: Looking for some peace amidst the busyness of life? Come join the Franciscan Sisters
of the Renewal for Handmaids of the Lord, an evening of Eucharistic adoration, prayer, praise and worship, with confessions
available. Corpus Christ side chapel, Neville Road, LS9 0HA, Saturdays 14th April; 26th May and 23rd June, 7.15-8.45pm.
BAMBISANANI PARTNERSHIP: This is a unique collaboration between St Mary’s School, Menston and Mnyakanya
School, situated in one of South Africa’s poorest regions. The partnership has been described as ‘inspirational’ by the British
Council and on Wednesday 25th April you are warmly invited to attend a talk on the project by David Geldart, Assistant
Headteacher and founder of the partnership, 7pm – 9pm St Mary’s high school, Menston, refreshments available. If you
would like to attend please advise Amanda during office hours before Tuesday 24th April. Thank you.
YOUNG PEOPLE’S DAY PILGRIMAGE: Saturday 5th May, to the Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Grace, Osmotherley.
For young people aged between 15 & 21. The day will comprise a six-mile walk, a rosary procession, Mass at the Shrine and
end with a fish and chip supper. Leaving from Leeds Cathedral at 9am and returning at approx 7pm, there is no charge for
this day. To book, contact Celia at the Vocations office:
MASSES NEXT WEEKEND: 6.30pm (HN): John Berry 8.15am (SM): Mary Farell 9.00am (HN): Colin Toplass 9.45am (A):
Alex Himsworth 11.00am (SM): Nettie Murial Smith 11.15am (HN): People of the Parish
Jesus did not come to do away with suffering and sorrow – but to fill it with His presence (Paul Claudell)