parish of the holy name of jesus - Parish of Our Lady of Kirkstall

(20th November 2011)
Holy Name
Martin Jordan
St. Mary’s
Tilly McCusker
Holy Name
People of the Parish
November Dead List
St Mary’s
November Dead List
Holy Name
Alan & Veronica Thorp.
MON 21st
9.00am Holy Name
Shelia Durkan
9.30am St Mary’s
Eucharistic Service
TUES 22nd
9.30am Assumption
Yorkshire Brethren Society
Noon St Mary’s
Phillip Hughes
7.30pm Holy Name
WED 23rd
9.00am Holy Name
Eucharistic Service
9.30am St Mary’s
Missionary Society of St Columban
THURS 24th
9.30am Assumption
Hannelore Spencer
Noon Holy Name
For a sick person
7.30pm St Mary’s (church)
November Dead List
FRI 25th
9.15am Holy Name (school)
Lila Quigley
9.30am St. Mary’s
Martin Larkin
10.30am Assumption
Anne Winfield Requiem
SAT 26th
10.00am St. Mary’s
November Dead List
10.00am Holy Name
People of the Parish
WELCOME to any visitors and new parishioners.
CONFESSIONS: Saturday morning ONLY, at both SM and HN 10.30-11am
(No evenings), Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at the normal
times. A priest is available for confessions at St. Anne’s Cathedral every weekday
from 11am-12.15pm; and Saturday from 10.30-11.45am & 4.30-5.30pm.
FEAST DAYS: Mon 21st Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary; Tue 22nd St
Cecilia; Wed 23rd St Clement I, St Columban; Thurs 24th Ss Andrew Dung-Lac &
Companions; Fri 25th St Catherine of Alexandria.
BAPTISMS: We welcome & pray for the Stow family, who are presenting their
baby for baptism at St. Mary’s today.
LATELY DEAD: Anne Winfield, of the Assumption Church community. Anne's
body will be received into that church on Thursday 24th at 6.30pm, ready for her
Requiem at 10.30am on Friday 25th. May she rest in the peace of Christ.
SICK LIST: Please pray for; Sam Guilfoyle, Fr. Bernard Hall, Elsie Allinson, Rene
Jeffries, Mary Cassidy, Peter Butterfield.
OFFERTORY: The total offerings this week is £1929.77
PERU MISSION FUND: A second collection will be taken at all Masses next
Communions have been set as follows: Holy Name, Assumption - at the usual
weekend Mass times: Sat/Sun May 12/13th; St Mary - Saturday 19th May 12.30pm.
All candidates must regularly attend the Vigil/Sunday Mass in one of these
three churches. St Mary’s Preparation Programme began with a meeting with
Parents last week and the candidates will enrolled at the 11.00am Mass this Sunday
(20th). Families in Holy Name and in Assumption church communities who wish their
child/ren to be prepared for Holy Communion must take, complete, and return an
Application Form to Fr Pat or Fr Boniface by the end of this month (Nov) at
the latest. Only those so registered will be entered for the Preparation this year.
REFERENCES Parishioners wanting a Reference from the Parish or Assistant Priest
for a Job Application or for Admission of a child to Primary or Secondary School MUST
make themselves known to him in advance of naming him as a referee.
become necessary to ask that anyone wishing to discuss a matter with the
priests of the parish please make an appointment in advance. Appointments
can be made through the parish secretaries who will leave a note of the request for
the subsequent attention of the priest, or such an arrangement can be made via the
parish email – contact details at the head of this Bulletin.
ST. ANNE’S SHELTER (HN): We are once again collecting to provide
Christmas gifts to the homeless. Please leave your donations of small unwrapped
gifts such as new socks, scarves, gloves, torches, toiletries and underwear, as well as
non-perishable foods in tins or packets, in the box in HN porch after weekend
Masses, or in the parish office between 1pm and 5pm on weekdays. Please do not
use the box during the week, to avoid theft.
GOSPEL OF ST MARK The first of 4 weekly meetings will take place in HN
Parish Hall (Lounge area) this Wednesday (23rd) at 7.30pm, repeated on Thursday
morning at 10.15am. Those who have already indicated their preferred times please
collect the designated time list from the Sacristy. Other interested parishioners
please contact Fr Pat direct – in person, or by phone or email (as at top of page)
HN SENIORS CHRISTMAS PARTY Several parishioners have now offered to begin planning this event which is
provisionally scheduled to take place on Wednesday December 28th – if others come forward to offer help with
practicalities - in advance and/or on the day itself - then the event can proceed in line with a long tradition of many
years. If you can offer assistance in any way (indicate how) please put your name on the list on the tables in the Church
Porch. e.g. with transport; purchasing of supplies; decorating hall; preparing meal; entertainment; serving tables; etc
HORSFORTH CHURCHES TOGETHER (HCT): Christmas Cards with all service times are available in the narthex.
They have to be given out before the Advent Sunday United Service which is on 27th November in our church. Please look
at the list of streets and deliver some in a street near you if you can.
NB HCT ADVENT SERVICE. St Mary’s is hosting this annual event this year next Sunday Nov 27th at 6.00pm. Please
attend in good numbers to welcome our fellow Christians into our church. Help in greeting and giving out service leaflets, and in providing
light refreshments (tea/coffee and biscuits in the Narthex) is needed. Contact Fr Pat, Margaret Barnes, or Hilary Taylor.
SM NEWSLETTER: Now available in the narthex. Thanks to all who contributed and to Margaret Barnes for complying.
ST MARYS CHILDRENS LITURGY ADVENT WORKSHOP: Sun 4th Dec 2-4.30pm. Forms for this event are in the
narthex. Please return the tear of slip and monies ASAP to Amanda McDonnell or Jo Tremlett. As Usual we will be
collecting gifts for the Mount Cross Hostel for Women & Children. There will be bags in the narthex on Sunday the 4th
Dec for donations. The Hostel would be grateful for any gifts, please wrap and indicate gender and age appropriate.
Alternatively, your gift donations can be left with Amanda during office hours.
FAITHS & THE CITY OF SANCTUARY: Mon 21st Nov, 7.30pm-9pm at Leeds Church Institute, 20 new Market Street,
LS1 6DG. Rev. Dr Inderjit Bhogal explores the City of Sanctuary from the perspectives of a variety of faith traditions. To
book, contact LCI (245 4700 or )
ST MARY’S CHRISTMAS FAYRE: November 26th 10.30 -1pm. We would be very grateful for offerings of books and
toys and DVDs as soon as possible. These can be left at the back of church. Please note we are not having a Toiletries or
bric-a-brac stall. Cakes can be left either in the Parish Office or brought to the Fayre itself. We will be having a sort out at
7.30pm on Wednesday 23rd Nov and would be grateful for people to come and help. The school will be open from 6.15pm
to 7.30pm on Friday 25th Nov for people to set out their stalls. Please remember to take some raffle tickets home.
THE PETER TRUST CHRISTMAS APPEAL 2011. Details of this Appeal - which is the initiative of parishioners - is
attached to this week’s Bulletin (at Holy Name only), and provided on the Parish web site – from which (colour) copies of the
Christmas Card can be downloaded. A display is also mounted in the church porch with some copies of the Card made
available for those who cannot access this online.
LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR will be holding their Christmas Fair on Saturday 26th Nov, 1pm-4pm at Mount St
Joseph’s Home, Shire Oak Rd, Headingley. Admission is £1. Please go along and support.
CATECHIST FORUM: Sat 26th Nov, Wheeler Hall, 10.30am – 2.30pm, coffee from 10am. For more information and
booking details contact – or 261 8040
SPIRITUALITY IN OUR PARISH: in this week ahead!
(1) Hanukkah, The Jewish festival of lights: A talk by Mr Ralph Ross, this Sunday Nov 20th 7.30pm-9pm, Holy Name
Church Hall. Everyone welcome!
(2) Words for the Soul Book Group 7.30-9pm in HN Presbytery this Thurs Nov 24th to discuss “Etty Hillesum – a
life transformed” by Patrick Woodhouse. [Next meeting Feb 2nd ‘Everything Belongs’ Richard Rohr]
(3) The Gospel of St Mark: 4 weekly meetings for discussion during Advent led by Fr Pat Smythe begins this week
Wednesdays 23rd (30th Nov, 7th & 14th Dec), 7.30-9pm. Repeated Thursdays 24th Nov (1st, 8th & 15th Dec), 10.1511.45am. Holy Name Hall (Lounge Area)
(4) "Put on Love" - a morning of prayerful reflection on the Christian call to serve and care for those in need. This Sat
Nov 26th 9.30am-12.30pm at Our Lady of the Assumption Social Club. Leaflets are available in each OLK church and
on the website. Please book places asap. All welcome.
(5) Parish Retreat days at Myddelton Grange in 2012 - sequence focusing on The Lord's Prayer - Saturdays,
March 17th, June 23rd, Sept 8th, Nov 17th.
HOLY NAME CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL VACANCY: Needed, a Lunch-time supervisor/Play leader. Mon-Fri,
6 .25 hours per wk. Application packs from school office, tel: 0113 2936444
MASSES NEXT WEEKEND: 6.30pm (HN): Fr Harry Tattan 8.15am (SM): Mary Teresa Cairns 9.00am (HN): Iola Faltinski
9.45am (A): Patricia Walker 11.00am (SM): Kath Burns 11.15am (HN): Jack Leaf
Jesus is a path to the lost, a loaf to the spiritually hungry, an arm for the weak, a companion to the lonely, a beacon of hope for all. So are we, his
followers, called to be. (Anon)