R 10-N University Use Only UNDERGRADUATE NURSING STUDIES: DIRECT APPLICATION FORM The categories of applicants listed below who are seeking admission to the University, are required to apply directly to DCU using this form. Please indicate with a tick () the category under which you are applying. Certificate in Nurse / Midwife Prescribing. For further information on entry requirements and programme details, please see www.dcu.ie. Closing date for applications is 30th July. Please ensure all supporting documentation listed on Page 7 is submitted along with your form. Please return together with the necessary supporting documentation and the appropriate (non-refundable) application fee of €35 by cheque, postal order or bankdraft to the Admissions Office, Registry, Dublin City University, Dublin 9. N.B. All applications, for Nursing programmes other than those indicated above MUST be made through the CAO, Central Applications Office, Tower House, Eglinton Street, Galway, Ireland. (Telephone: +353-(0)91-509 800; Fax: +353-(0)91-562 344; Web: http://www.cao.ie) Please complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS using BLACK ink. All questions must be answered. DO NOT leave blanks. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: NAME : Surname First Name(s) NAME AS ON BIRTH CERTIFICATE (if different from above): Surname DATE OF BIRTH: ___ / ___ / ___ CITIZENSHIP: ___________________________ First Name(s) GENDER: Male Female COUNTRY OF BIRTH: ___________________________ PPS NUMBER (If applicable) _______________ COUNTRIES OF RESIDENCE Please indicate the countries in which you were ordinarily resident for the 5 years preceding the date of this application: Country: From: MM/YY To: MM/YY ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: (Please notify us if your address changes.) OTHER CONTACT DETAILS: Home Telephone: Mobile Telephone: Work Telephone: Email Address (Print clearly): -1– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N TITLE(S) OF THE PROGRAMME(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING FOR ADMISSION IN ORDER OF PREFERENCE (you can apply for up to 3 programmes on this application form): 1st Preference: Title of Programme: _________________________________________________________ Full-time Part-time Modular Degree Undergraduate Degree Diploma 2nd Preference: Title of Programme: _________________________________________________________ Certificate Access/Qualifier Full-time Part-time Undergraduate Degree Diploma 3rd Preference: Title of Programme: _________________________________________________________ Undergraduate Full-time Part-time Degree Diploma Modular Degree Certificate Access/Qualifier Modular Degree Certificate Access/Qualifier Please note that not all programmes are available on a part-time basis. WHERE DID YOU HEAR ABOUT OUR PROGRAMMES? Radio Advertisement Advertisement on Public Transport Education Fair Word of Mouth Newspaper/Magazine Advertisement School Poster Cinema Advertisement Career Guidance/Teacher Other – please specify: International Agent -2– Web Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N SECONDARY SCHOOL EDUCATION Name and Full Postal Address Dates of Attendance (i) from to FINAL SCHOOL LEAVING EXAMINATION RECORD (Please ensure that an official certificate of results is included. A certified translation into English must be provided for results from non-English speaking countries): TITLE OF EXAMINATION YEAR OF EXAMINATION SUBJECTS Level of Exam Grade Or Mark Level Of Exam Grade Or Mark ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMPETENCY (for non-native speakers of the English language only): Examining Body e.g. IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Proficiency * Cert should be included Actual or Expected Completion Date -3– Score Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N DETAILS OF FURTHER EDUCATION / PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (IF ANY) (Transcripts to be included) In chronological order moving from left to right: Institution Attended Period of Attendance Name of Programme Duration of Programme Full-Time or Part-time Title of Award (if any) Name of Awarding Body Have you completed the programme? Yes No Yes No If ‘No’ please indicate Period Completed to Date: Date on which Final Results will be available: Level/Class of Award Main subject areas studied, with marks or grades obtained; continue on a separate sheet if necessary. DETAILS OF OTHER ACADEMIC, PROFESSIONAL DISTINCTIONS AND CONTINUING EDUCATION: (if there is insufficient space please use a separate sheet and enclose with application) -4– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N EMPLOYMENT SINCE LEAVING FULL-TIME EDUCATION IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER BEGINNING WITH THE MOST RECENT: Name and Address of Employer Capacity in which you were employed From Dates To GENERAL INFORMATION Why did you choose the programme that you are applying for, and which type of career or occupation do you hope to pursue as a result of taking this programme? Have you any work experience in this area? If so, give brief details. What attributes or characteristics do you feel you have which make you particularly suitable for this career or occupation? Other information deemed relevant to the application. -5– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N It is not a mandatory requirement for an applicant to disclose their disability if they do not wish to do so. However, where a student chooses to disclose their disability, it is advisable to notify the DCU Disability Service on acceptance of a programme place so as to enable the Disability Service to provide reasonable supports to the student during their time at DCU. No applicant will be disadvantaged as a result of disclosing information pertaining to a Medical Condition/Disability. Intending applicants may contact the disability service on tel: +353 (01) 7005927 or email: disability.service@dcu.ie for further information. REFEREE CONTACT DETAILS: (The Registry will assume permission to contact referees unless an applicant has stated otherwise.) Name of Referee Name of Referee Position in organisation Position in organisation Address Address Tel.No. Tel.No. DECLARATION: I certify that the information given in this application is correct and I hereby undertake, if admitted as a student member of Dublin City University, to observe and comply with all the regulations of the University. *Signature of Applicant: _______________________ (Mandatory) Date: ______________________________________ One passport photograph -6– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N FINAL REMINDER CHECKLIST: 1) Certified copies of original transcripts of results Please do not send originals Copies must be stamped by conferring university 2) One passport Photograph 3) Application fee (€35 for EU applicants/€60 for non-EU applicants) 4) Photocopy of Birth Certificate Please do not send originals 5) Signed declaration on page 6 Non-national English speaking countries (where applicable) 6) Evidence of competency in the English language 7) Certified translation into English of results/qualifications Course requirements: Certificate in Nurse / Midwife Prescribing 1) A Signed Site Declaration Form (Apendix one to this form) 2) Original or certified true copies of your current 2011 Registration certificate with an Bord Altranais for all of your nursing qualifications. You are required to send the registration letter from an Bord Altranais and your PIN. 3) Written evidence from your employer that you have completed a minimum of three Years post registration nursing experience and that you have worked in your area of practice for at least one year full time equivalent. 4) A typed statement - on a separate page – of your ability to use information technology (200 words Maximum) Please return the completed application form, ensuring that you have attached All supporting documentation and the appropriate (non-refundable) application fee (€35 for EU applicants/€60 for non-EU applicants) by cheque, postal order or bankdraft to: Non-EU Students only: Non-EU Undergraduate Admissions, International Office, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland. All others: Admissions, Registry, Dublin City University, Dublin 9. Telephone: +353-(0)1-700 5338; Fax: +353-(0)1-700 5504; E-mail: registry@dcu.ie; Web: http://www.dcu.ie/registry/applications.shtml Thank you for your application -7– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N Appendix 1: Site Declaration Form Nurse and Midwife Medicinal Product Prescribing Site Declaration Form 2011 Essential Criteria for Site Selection This Site Declaration Form is to be completed on behalf of the Health Service Provider by the Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health Nursing or relevant nurse and midwife manager and submitted with the college application to Dublin City University. Please note: For students employed in the voluntary and statutory services of the HSE a copy of this form will be sent to the office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director, Health Service Executive Criteria Safe Management Do you have in place an Organisational Policy for Nurse and Midwife Medicinal Product Prescribing (or will a policy be in place by the time the nurse or midwife completes the education programme)? Can you demonstrate an ability to safely manage and quality assure prescribing practices? Do you have risk management systems in place? If yes, is there a process for: Yes No Comment/Evidence Adverse event reporting? Incident reporting? Reporting of near misses? Reporting of medication errors? Practice and Education Development Do you have in place appropriate mentoring arrangements with a named medical mentor? (please identify name of mentor). Do you have in place robust and agreed collaborative practice arrangements? (if not already existing, will it be in place by the time the nurse or midwife completes the education programme?) Have you identified a named medical practitioner(s)/mentor who has agreed to develop and agree the collaborative practice arrangements? Can you confirm that the name of the nurse or midwife applying for the Certificate in Nurse/Midwife Prescribing has current active (2011) registration with An Bord Altranais Do you have in place a commitment to continuing education for staff supporting the prescribing initiative? For HSE statutory and voluntary services will you have in place a sponsorship agreement at local (service) level setting out the arrangements for study leave and financial support for the candidate Registered Nurse Prescriber? Health Service Provider Do you have in place or have access to a Drugs and Therapeutics Committee? (If No, please describe how this will be achieved?). Do you have in place local arrangements to oversee the introduction of a new practice in prescribing and ensure local evaluation? Do you have in place a named individual (Prescribing Site Coordinator) delegated by the Director of Nursing to have responsibility for the initiative locally and for liaison with the educational provider? For students employed in the voluntary and -8– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N statutory services of the HSE the Prescribing Site Coordinator will also liaise with Office of the Nursing Service Director (please supply name of prescribing Site Coordinator). Have you established the clinical indemnity arrangements for nurse/midwife prescribing? (please note the Clinical Indemnity Scheme managed by the State Claims Agency covers employees of the voluntary and statutory services of the HSE) Criteria Do you have in place a firm commitment by the hospital/organisation board or Chief Executive Officer or Medical Director/Chairman of Medical Board to support the introduction of this prescribing initiative? Yes No Comment/Evidence For students employed in the HSE voluntary and statutory services (only): will your organisation comply with and ensure data input for Nurse and Midwife Prescribing Data Collection System? For all other health service providers – can you confirm that you will have a process for monitoring prescribing activity? For students employed in the voluntary and statutory services (only) can you confirm that the Registered Nurse Prescriber will have access to a computer, email and internet for data input to the Nurse and Midwife Prescribing Data Collection System? Will your organisation share details of the Registered Nurse Prescriber’s scope of practice and prescriptive authority with relevant health professionals? Audit and Evaluation Do you have in place or are you planning to put in place a mechanism to audit the introduction of nurse/midwife prescribing practices? Note: It is a requirement of An Bord Altranais that clinical placements for the Certificate in Nurse/Midwife Prescribing are based in health care institutions which are audited and approved by the education programme team and satisfy An Bord Altranais Requirements and Standards for Education Programmes for Nurses and Midwives with Prescriptive Authority. Failure to satisfy these requirements and standards may result in a delay to a student’s progress through the programme until outstanding issues are resolved. Printed name of the Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health Nursing/or relevant Nurse/Midwife manager: Name of health service provider: Telephone number: Email: Printed name of the Medical Practitioner/Mentor Name of health service provider: Telephone number: Email: Signed by the Director of Nursing/Midwifery/Public Health Nursing/or relevant Nurse/Midwife manager: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Signed by the Medical Practitioner/Mentor: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ -9– Updated by Registry 15/02/2011 R 10-N Please check the following: 1. The form is fully completed. Incomplete forms will not be considered 2. Your mentor is aware of the mentorship requirements as set out in this form. The mentor can contact the programme co-ordinator, Mary Kelly at telephone: 01 7008530 or email: mary.t.kelly@dcu.ie for further information prior to signing the form 3. The name you give on the application form is the name by which you are registered with An Bord Altranais and which will appear on your student ID card, college records and parchment. - 10 – Updated by Registry 15/02/2011