Pupil Premium Grant 2015/16: Update September 2015 Overview of the school Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received Census (Jan ’15): 334 Total number of pupils on roll Sept ’15: 355 63 Total number of pupils eligible for PPG Service Families: 9 £1320 Amount of PPG received per pupil £300 (Service Families) c/fwd 14/15 Total amount of PPG received – April ‘15 8987 87217 96204 Previous performance of disadvantaged pupils (pupils eligible for free school meals or in local authority care for at least six months) July 2014 July 2015 % of pupils making expected progress in Reading 100 67% % of pupils making expected progress in Writing 100 83% % of pupils making expected progress in maths 100 67% Planned PPG spending by item/project 15/16 Item/project Increased learning opportunities through external & internal visits and residential visits Cost 3250 Objective Impact so far To enable the children to have increased opportunities for learning outside the classroom Yr. 5 and Yr. 6 have bonded well as a direct result of spending time as a group on residentials. They are working well and learning well together. To develop the children’s speaking and listening and writing skills through broadening the children’s experiences. Team and relationship building for pupils and staff in higher KS2. Building resilience for Y6 & SATs. Increased confidence and positive mindset to ‘have a go’. The enrichment gained through these experiences has been used in the children’s writing Increased resilience. Teachers released for pupil progress reviews once per term. 6020 Teachers involved in discussions with senior leaders related to pupil attainment and progress, review of provisions and interventions. Provide gifted and talented provision 1500 Provision of mastery with greater depth curriculum for more able pupils to extend reading skills and develop mathematical fluency and reasoning skills. Targeted TA support 15952 To enable the children to make at least expected progress in literacy and numeracy. To provide precision teaching and resources for improving Literacy in those pupils not reaching expected standards. Has allowed teachers to focus on the PP children in their classes and put in intervention where necessary. Pupils have received additional support in literacy and numeracy where appropriate. This has been a significant factor in closing the gap in attainment. Gap between PP children and rest of school very small and in most areas PP progress is above rest of the school. To provide a dedicated and trained Emotional Wellbeing Worker 3552 Continuing and extending the provision to target support for children who need emotional wellbeing. This will allow these children to access learning more effectively and will complement our Parent and Families Support Advisor’s work. Children less anxious about school, and more able to talk about their issues. Allowed school to address some mental and emotional health issues. To provide the resources to audit Phonic understanding across those not progressing in literacy including pupil premium children and to provide additional support to address areas of weakness. 3460 The audit will identify the weaknesses in those children not progressing in literacy and develop a programme of support. Funding will also be used to provide additional Teaching Assistant support for small group intervention for KS2 pupils who did not meet the expected standard in phonics. Key Stage 2 have received individual and group support with phonics which has increased their confidence and understanding. Supported reading and writing progress To provide forest school access for pupils 5500 To develop self-esteem, resilience and independence To enable children to make the expected progress in reading and writing. Children in KS1 and EAL pupils in KS1 & 2have have had forest school experience this year so far. This is developing their self-esteem, team building skills and there has been a positive outcome in developing their careful listening skills. 2 To provide training and support in the assessment and monitoring of progress. 2500 To continue to improve teacher’s skills and understanding in closing the gap between pupil premium children and the whole school Staff receive on-going training and support in use of assessment systems. Pupil Progress meetings show increased accuracy in analysis of progress. The use of SPTO has allowed teachers to accurately plot progress of all children over time. To provide alternative playtime activities to support FSM and other children who find traditional playtimes difficult 1000 Continue to improve children’s experience of playtimes and lunchtimes. To provide additional opportunities for development of speaking and listening activities. Craft club now established and continues to be very popular. Pupils return to class calmer, happier and settled. Playground Zoning has improved behaviour and provided a positive lunchtime experience. Children are reported to be calmer and settle more quickly in the afternoon. Playground Leaders are able to help engage those children who find playtimes difficult. To continue increased transition support for pupils entering and leaving school. 1260 To ensure that the children and families are supported appropriately during the major transition points. To ensure that increased information about the needs of pupils are gathered on entry To provide improved information for children leaving Holy Trinity. To close the gap of learning at key times in learning. Home visits to all reception children has been immensely successful for pupils, parents & staff in helping to establish positive home/school relationships from the start; as well as empowering pupils and parents who may feel uncomfortable with establishmentarianism; gaining a broader picture into a child’s life, staff address needs and interests more efficiently. Transition between classes and staff to staff discussions about their classes have made the process smoother. Important information on certain children is confidentially passed on. Member of the Y6 staff 3 working on a transition project with Bishop Fox to ensure continuity of provision across the phases. This project focussed particularly on mathematics teaching. Smooth transition between EYFS and Y1 through liaison work and some joint working with the children at end of summer term. Nursery staff and EYFS lead carried out some joint working to ensure good transition from new nursery (opened in Jan 2015) to reception class. To provide 1-1 tuition 5120 To employ additional adult support for targeted individuals on a 1-1 basis to ensure improvements in literacy and numeracy and access to learning and the curriculum. 2 children targeted for 1-1 tuition made above average progress by making between 3.8 and 4.3 points progress. Both are significantly more confident in work across the curriculum and are more independent in their work. To continue to provide additional opportunities to develop musical skills through learning an instrument. 6744 To provide a teacher to teach the ukulele and percussion. This will improve the children’s musical skills, increase selfesteem through learning another skill thus increasing motivation and achievement. Ukulele & Samba are both very popular, giving the opportunity for all children to access and experience good quality music lessons. Contribution to provision of 13th class 16767 To increase single year classes with lower numbers. Has made curriculum planning easier for all teachers. Pupils have benefitted from having smaller classes and more individual attention. To provide subsidised Breakfast & After School Club 450 To enable PP pupils to attend wrap around care. Contribution to cost of Iris Connect 750 To improve teaching and monitoring of pupils by recording lessons and observing these to raise standards. 4 Abacus, Mathletics, Numicon Maths Schemes. 750 Provides individual programme of study. Support and enhance numeracy skills to help meet targets of new curriculum. Increased confidence in numeracy. Teachers released for New Strategy Team meetings. 3780 To provide an elite leadership team with clear focus based on ‘The Compass for Life’. Ensuring pupils and staff are the best they can be. Regular Strategy Team meetings have improved communication and understanding throughout the school; targeting areas requiring development as they arise and through the SDP. Performance Managements of TA’s 1080 To release Strategy Team members to complete Performance Reviews of support staff ensuring standards are maintained and improved. Bought in Professionals 800 To provide additional professional help as and when required to appreciate, develop and facilitate individual’s development and learning . Mindsets Training 1000 To develop a ‘Growth Mindset’ culture throughout the school. Staff released or working additional hours on Y2 & Y6 Drama Productions 750 Increased understanding of resilience. To develop confidence and self- esteem in pupils. Total PPG expenditure to date 81985 PPG remaining 14219 5