FRESNO COUNTY EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION Check List for Service Retirement Counseling Session The following is a list of the basic topics that should be discussed with a member during a retirement counseling session: ______ RETIREMENT DATE – Explain the effect of different retirement dates on the monthly benefit to assist the member in selecting the most advantageous retirement date. If reciprocity applies, emphasize the requirement to retire on the same date from all reciprocal agencies in order to retain the benefits of reciprocity. Remind the member that they must apply with each reciprocal agency separately. ______ VERIFICATION OF RECIPROCITY – If member has reciprocity, review the requirements for confirming final compensation and the delay that may occur in receiving benefits if the reciprocal agencies do not respond timely. ______ REQUIRED DOCUMENTS – Inform the member of the documents required before the final processing of their application. ______ Beneficiary’s Birth Certificate ______ Member’s Birth Certificate ______ Marriage Certificate, if beneficiary is spouse ______ Reciprocity Verification ______ Social Security Statement, if TAO is desired. ______ REQUIRED DIVORCE DOCUMENTS – Ask the member if any prior spouse has interest in retirement benefits _______Yes ______ No. If yes, check file for: ______ Joinder ______ Court Order dividing benefits. (Note: Some ex-spouses may have indicated claim on benefits through a letter rather than a formal joinder.) ______ ESTIMATED MONTHLY BENEFIT – Provide estimate(s) of monthly benefits with the explanation that actual benefits will be determined after their termination date when all final pay components have been recorded in the system. ______ ADDITIONAL SERVICE CREDIT – Inform member of any additional service credit which they can purchase. Public service, medical leaves of absence, military leaves of absence, prior service and extrahelp. Explain that the service credit must be purchased prior to their date of retirement. ______ VENTURA EARN CODES – Explain to the member that they may have earn codes they can purchase for the period of October 5, 1997 to November 30,1998. Explain the benefits. Earn codes must be purchased prior to their date of retirement. ______ TEMPORARY ANNUITY – Explain how the temporary annuity works. Explain that their benefit will be reduced when they reach age 62. The member must provide a current Benefit Estimate Statement from the Social Security Administration that is no more than 1 year old from the date of retirement before the benefit calculations can be prepared. Inform member that they need to apply with the Social Security Administration for their benefits. ______ HEALTH BENEFIT – Explain that the health benefit will be added to their monthly benefit, regardless of whether or not they choose the County’s health insurance. Emphasize that its continuance is subject to annual approval by the Board of Retirement. Health benefit amount is not included in the base amount when the option forms are provided to member. G:\retirement/shared/forms/serviceretirementchecklist.doc 12/3/03 1 ______ RETIREMENT BENEFIT OPTIONS – Explain the various options that may be available and how and when the member will designate their choice. Emphasize that the selection of the option is final and cannot be changed. Explain the effect of electing a modified option on their service retirement benefit if the member subsequently applies for and receives a disability retirement. Explain GC 31760.2, continuance of retirement allowance to a surviving spouse. ______ SECTION 415 BENEFIT LIMITS AND REPLACEMENT BENEFIT PROGRAM – Explain that the IRC Section 415 limits the benefits paid by the Retirement Association. The calculation will not be completed until after the member retires and will not delay their selected retirement date. Emphasize that if they are subject to the limits of IRC Section 415 that they will not experience any loss of benefits. The County of Fresno will pay the excess retirement benefits when the maximum pension limit under IRC 415 limitation is met. Explain how the Replacement Benefit Plan works. ______ FIRST BENEFIT CHECK – Inform the member of when they can expect to receive their first benefit check and that retirees are paid at the end of the month. Explain to the member that option forms and all required documents must be received by the first of the month in order to receive a benefit check at the end of the month. ______ CHECK ADDRESS – Discuss distribution options, including electronic fund transfer to the bank. Emphasize the safety of direct deposit. Inform the member that checks are mailed to their home or bank just prior to the last business day of the month. Provide a Direct Deposit Authorization form to the member if they wish direct deposit. Explain that the bank must complete a portion of the form in order for us to accept the form for processing. ______ TAX LIABILITY – Inform the member that they should consult the IRS or a tax consultant regarding the effect of retirement on their tax liability. Advise the member that IRS Publication 575 – Pensions and Annuities is available as reference for tax questions on their benefit payments. Explain to the member that we do not automatically withhold multiple months of taxes on retroactive payments. They need to complete the withholding forms accordingly. This only applies if the member uses the “fixed” status for withholding. ______ HEALTH INSURANCE – Explain that health insurance is available to the retiree and the beneficiary. Payments can be through payroll deduction or direct payment (only if the monthly retirement benefit does not cover the premium). Refer the member to the County of Fresno Department of Personnel Services, Employee Benefits Division to enroll and make advance premium payments or to obtain information about health insurance. ______ RETIRED EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION – Provide the member an application for membership in the Fresno County Retired Employees’ Association. Inform the member of the monthly or annual cost to be a member. ______ MEMBER’S PERSONAL INFORMATION WAIVER – Mailings from Retiree Association. Explain to the member that they may choose to have their name, address, e-mail address, fax and phone number released to the Fresno County Retired Employees’ Association. The Retired Employees’ Association asks FCERA to assist them in communicating with retirees. The form should be completed during the counseling session. G:\retirement/shared/forms/serviceretirementchecklist.doc 12/3/03 2 ______ DISABILITY RETIREMENT – Explain the different disability retirement options and how their service retirement, if applicable, would be affected by a disability application. ______ ANNUAL LEAVE PAYOFFS – Inform the applicant of when to expect annual leave payoffs (if applicable) and discuss the conversion of excess annual leave to service credit. ______ EMPLOYER NOTIFICATION – Inform member to notify their department of their retirement. ______ WORKING EXTRA-HELP – Advise member that they cannot work more than 960 hours in a payroll year for Fresno County or a District employer. ______ FINAL COMPENSATION CALCULATION – Inform the member that there is pending litigation over the proper method of calculating time compensation and the method currently in use by FCERA may change as the result of the litigation. It is unknown how this will impact the results. The above topics were discussed with me during my retirement counseling session. I understand and agree that if I elect to carry Health Insurance through the County of Fresno, my date of retirement, current address and/or date of death will be provided to Employees Benefits. If I do not want this information provided to Employee Benefits, I will provide a written request to FCERA in advance. ____________ _____________________________________________ ______________________________ DATE MEMBER COORDINATOR G:\retirement/shared/forms/serviceretirementchecklist.doc 12/3/03 3