The Outsiders S.E. Hinton Project 1 Vocabulary skit assignment Each student will be choosing one word from the vocabulary list. Your job is to find the definition and write it in terms that the class can understand. Be sure that the words are all spelled correctly. You will then write a short script, using proper format that illustrates the meaning of the word. Your skit can be humorous or dramatic. Your skit should be approximately 1 to 2 minutes in length. Format Title Cast Setting Script: character name, colon: , exact words of speaker (no quotation marks), stage directions in brackets. How will I be marked? Criteria Excelling Meeting Developing Not Yet Effort Props, costumes, memorized lines, creativity Definition Spelled correctly, clear & consise Overall Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight Project 2 Character Chart Name Role Looks Ponyboy curtis Main Character Sodapop Curtis Ponyboy`s brother Darry Curtis Ponyboy`s oldest brother 2-Bit Mathews (Keith) Gang member Johnny Cade Ponyboy`s best friend Steve Randle Soda`s best friend Dallas Winston (Dally) Gang member You will only be marked for completeness. Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight Personality, Interests, Etc. Project 3 The Outsiders Character Sketch Assignment You will be creating a new character for The Outsiders and then you will write a short event that would fit somewhere into the novel. The length for this writing assignment is 250 words to 750 words (one to three pages). Your assignment should have two main parts: 1) You will create a web describing the character. You may also draw a picture of your character. This web should include several aspects of your character. For example, name, age, likes, dislikes, education, achievements, favourite sayings, family, etc. 2) You will write a short chapter excerpt that could take place somewhere in the novel. Your chapter excerpt should be consistent with the novel. For example keep the existing characters behaving the same way as in the novel, use first person point of view, use direct and indirect characterization, use dialogue, try using idioms and similes or metaphors. Hand in: - web for your character (and picture if you drew one) - prewriting -rough copy with revisions and editing -good copy in pen or typed Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight The Outsiders Character Sketch Rubric Name:_______________ Excelling Meeting Developing Not Yet -ideas are insightful and original. -sensory details are present. -both indirect and direct characterization are used effectively. -dialogue is used to develop the new character about 1020% of the time. -two or more creative similes, metaphors or idioms are used. -first person point of view is consistent with the novel. -descriptive details are specific vs. general. -little to no filler is present -ideas are thoughtful. -both indirect and direct characterization are used. -dialogue is incorporated approximately 5 to 10% of the time. -at least one simile, metaphor or idiom is utilized. -first person point of view is attempted. -descriptive details are general. -ideas are simplistic and show limited evidence of critical thinking. -very little dialogue is used. -at least one simile, metaphor or idiom is attempted. -third person point of view is used. -descriptive details are limited. -no new ideas are presented. -no dialogue is used. -no simile or metaphor was attempted. -no descriptive details are evident. -ideas are well organized and clearly expressed. -sentence beginnings and length are varied. -ideas are organized into paragraphs with appropriate structure. -some variety in sentence beginnings and length is seen. -there is evidence of organization but more clarity is needed. -not much variety in sentence beginnings and length. -character sketch is confusing and hard to follow. No errors A few errors Errors are somewhat distracting to the reader Many errors which significantly distract the reader All elements of writing process have been followed thoroughly: thoughtful prewriting, revision (addition, deletion, changes) and editing (using appropriate symbols) Writing process has been followed but revision and editing are incomplete Significant elements of writing process have been omitted (e.g. no additions have been made to rough draft) Editing and/or revision is completely absent on rough draft (Note: no outline or rough draft = 0 for this category) Ideas Organization Mechanics Writing Process Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight Project 4 Choose to either to write a song or poem, create a soundtrack, or write a script and act out a section of The Outsiders. - Write a song or poem. Write a song or poem that describes a particular part of the The Outsiders. The song/poem should be significant in length and should relate to some aspect of the story. The poem may follow a traditional format or may be free verse. The poem may rhyme or not but be consistent. You may not do haiku or limerick or any other very short form of poetry as these formats will not allow you to demonstrate all that you’ve read . You may do an additional haiku or limerick for fun to compliment your main song/poem. Poems are to be performed in front of your class. If you want to write a song, you can take the music and pattern of a song that already exists and change the words to make it about The Outsiders or you can compose your own music. If you borrow the music and pattern from an existing song, you must make that known. Eg. “Ponyboy the Greaser” to the tune of “Louie Louie” by Richard Berry.” You should bring in the music to accompany your performance of your song (if you choose song) or you can play the music yourself on an instrument or have a friend play it for you. - Create a soundtrack - Create a soundtrack for The Outsiders Soundtrack must be accompanied by a report explaining why the music was chosen. Some of the aspects of the soundtrack that should be explained are: o Song titles, artists, order used and for what pages in the graphic novel. o Why you chose a particular song for a particular part of the story. Think about such things as: Mood, setting, action, light, dark, serious, light hearted, etc. Soundtracks may be on tape, CD, or in a digital format such as .jpeg or .wma Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight You should not use the entire song as the performance shouldn’t be much longer then 5 minutes. Give short samples of the music to establish the atmosphere, and feeling of that particular part of the story. The soundtrack is to be played for your classmates. You may do a basic commentary of what part of the story you are at when music is changing. Explanations are not necessary during the presentation as your music choices should make the explanation obvious. - Script and act out a section of The Hobbit. Choose a section of The Outsiders . Script (write out lines to be said by actors and movement directions for the actors) – the script must be neat, typed or in blue or black ink and a copy must be handed in to the teacher at the time of presentation. Act out your scene from The Outsiders. You will need to recruit other actors to be involved with you. Practice your scene many times. Be prepared to act out your scene live or you may act it out for video/DVD and edit your performance. o If you plan to act out your scene live, think about space requirements. o If you plan to make a video/DVD, you should leave lots of time for filming and editing – it takes longer than you would think! The scene should not be longer than 5 minutes in duration. Costumes and props can be useful but are not absolutely necessary for this project. Lines should be memorized. It will make for a much better performance if actors are not reading from a script. Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight How will I be marked? Criteria Excelling Meeting Developing Not Yet Performance gives evidence of knowledge of The Outsiders plot to chapter 9. Performance is clear, easy to understand and hear. Performance is original and interesting. Evidence of practice is obvious in the presentation. Knowledge of audience location is apparent (performers are not speaking to the wall). Written component of project is in proper English: grammar, spelling, punctuation. Student/s have put in extra effort to their project to make it the best that they can. Overall Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight Final Project - Write an essay Write an essay to demonstrate your understanding of and give your opinion on the book. You may choose any of the following thesis statements, or come up with your own. Please show your teacher your thesis statement BEFORE beginning. Ideas for thesis statements: What did you learn from the novel? Why is this important If you could say anything to Ponyboy, Dally, Johnny etc.. what would it be? How did you like the novel? Should all grade 8’s read this novel? Why? Did the themes in the novel help you in any way? Be creative, have fun, think of what you liked about the book. Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight How will I be marked? Outsiders Essay Marking Scheme Name:_______________ Excelling Meeting Developing Not Yet Ideas expressed are insightful, original, and explore beyond the content of the novel Examples are clear Footnotes are clear Ideas are thoughtful and accurate to the themes and events of the book Ideas are simplistic and show limited evidence of critical thinking about the chosen topic No new ideas are presented related to the theme Ideas are well organized and clearly expressed and paragraphs flow into one another Transitions are clear Topic sentences and concluding sentences are effective Ideas are organized into paragraphs with appropriate structure Some transition Topic sentences and concluding sentences are evident There is evidence of organization but more clarity needed for introduction, paragraphs, and/or conclusion Essay is completely fragmented with no organization No errors A few errors Errors are somewhat distracting to the reader Many errors which significantly distract the reader Choices made in sentence variety, vocabulary, use of metaphors, etc. are exceptional Choices show some thought Choices show limited scope Essay makes no attempt to convince and uses only everyday language All elements of writing process have been followed – thorough: thoughtful pre-writing, revision (addition, deletion, changes) and editing (using appropriate symbols) Writing process has been followed but revision and editing are incomplete Significant elements of writing process have been omitted (e.g. no additions have been made to rough draft) Editing and/or revision is completely absent on rough draft (Note: no outline or rough draft = 0 for this category) Content Organization Mechanics Style Choice Writing Process Lawrence Grassi Middle School – Grade Eight