THE OUTSIDERS FINAL ASSIGNMENT NAME ___________________________________ HR._____ GOAL: By September 29 (BLUE) &/or September 30 (White) you are responsible for choosing ONE of the following assignments and completing it as a culminating activity for our Outsiders unit. Choose what INTERESTS you the most and what you feel FITS you as a learner the best. Read through the following descriptions and indicate below which culminating assignment you are going to complete. “IF I WAS THE DIRECTOR...” 1. Imagine you are a movie director and you have been asked to create a remake of Francis Ford Coppola’s 1983 film The Outsiders. What current actors and actresses would you cast for the characters from the novel and why? Create a “casting report” that includes visuals and an explanation paragraph for each character cast. 2. Imagine you are in charge of the music for the remake of the 1983 film The Outsiders. What 8-10 songs would you include on the SOUNDTRACK and why? Create a “song list” that includes the song, artist, and explanation paragraph for each song chosen. Think of the elements of literature and try to pick songs to fit characters, setting, plot, and theme. 3. Imagine you are a director who wants to produce a modern day version of The Outsiders film. What are the troubles of today’s teenagers? What kind of story could you create using those troubles? Create a “movie proposal” using similar themes from the Outsiders but a story centered around the modern problems of today’s teenagers. Include a synopsis of your film’s story, a character list with detailed descriptions, and a description of the main setting of your film. I HAVE DECIDED TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT #_____