Nutrition Review

Review for Final Exam
Nutr 12
General and introductory material (Chapters 1 and 2)
Categories of nutrients: macronutrients vs. micronutrients, fat-soluble vs. water-soluble vitamins, major
minerals vs. trace minerals
Calorie sources, calorie content and percent calories from fat
Definitions: inorganic vs. organic, essential nutrient, nutrient density (nutrients/kcal), energy density (kcal/g)
Nutrient recommendations (DRI): RDA/AI, EAR, UL; how to determine whether a nutrient is essential
Causes of nutrient deficiency; primary vs. secondary deficiency
Food labels: how to read; significance of Daily Values
Elements of research studies; controlled experiments vs. epidemiological studies
Digestion and Absorption
General terms related to digestion and absorption; functions of digestive organs and their secretions
Products of digestion; pathway after absorption
Cause of most intestinal gas (nutrients/substances that increase gas production)
Photosynthesis; elements combined to make glucose
Sugars vs. starches: types, food sources
Whole grains: white flour vs. whole wheat flour; purpose of enrichment; nutrients in enriched grains
Lactose intolerance: cause, effects
Storage of carbohydrate in the body; body’s requirement for glucose; depletion of body proteins in starvation
due to need for glucose
Sugar alcohols: examples, kcaloric content, reason they are used in foods, adverse effect of excess intake
Artificial sweeteners: examples; kcaloric content (~zero)
Fiber: definition; comparison of soluble vs. insoluble fibers (types, food sources, and health benefits); potential
effects of high intakes
Blood sugar regulation by insulin and glucagon, general effects of these hormones (including their general
effects on triglycerides and proteins)
Diabetes: symptoms and health effects, comparison of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes
Glycemic index: definition; examples
Comparison of triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols; roles of each type of lipid, general food sources
Saturated vs. unsaturated fats and their properties and food sources; recommendations for heart disease
Essential fatty acids: names, general structure (omega-3 vs. omega-6), roles, general food sources
Hydrogenated fats: definition, purpose, and food sources, effect of hydrogenation on producing trans fats;
health risks of trans-fatty acids
Fish oils: names of omega-3 fatty acids in fish and their benefits
Plant sterols: reason for addition to foods
Fat transport: describe four categories of lipoproteins; their composition and roles in body; how lipoproteins
affect heart disease risk
Atherosclerosis: definition, effect of diet on lipoproteins and heart disease risk
Protein functions: enzymes, collagen, keratin, albumin, antibodies, etc.
Protein’s amino acid order coded by DNA
Protein RDA: calculations (using 0.8 g/kg), protein RDAs of average men and women (in grams)
Fate of amino acid amine/carbon groups after consumption; how excess nitrogen is excreted
Protein quality: characteristics of high quality proteins, sources of high quality vs. low quality proteins;
definition of limiting amino acids
Complementary proteins: definition, how protein complementarity is achieved, whether plant proteins (vegan
intakes) are adequate for meeting protein needs
Vegetarian diet categories; nutrient deficiency risks for vegans
Nitrogen balance: influences, effects of dieting, disease, growth, protein intake, etc.; lack of effect of excess
protein on positive N balance
Symptoms and effects of marasmus and kwashiorkor
Food allergies, definition of phenylketonuria (PKU)
Final Topics: all material covered since last exam