Food & Digestion Study guide

Food & Digestion Study Guide
Bile is produced by the liver
Nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream; this does NOT take place in the mouth
Based on the MyPyramid Plan, grains, vegetables, and milk should be eaten in the
greatest amounts for a healthy diet
The portion of a food label that describes how the nutritional content of a food fits into
a diet of 2,000 Calories a day is called the Percent Daily Value
Waste materials are prepared for elimination from the body in the rectum
Fiber is NOT a nutrient
Amino acids are linked together chemically to form molecules of protein
A substance that speeds up chemical reactions in the body is called an enzyme
The nutrients that provides the highest amount of energy are fats
A simple carbohydrate that serves a major source of energy for your body is glucose
Liver: produces bile
Gallbladder: stores bile
Pancreas: produces enzymes that flow into the small intestines
Rectum: structure in which waste material is compressed into solid form
Anus: solid wastes exit the body through this opening
Bile: breaks up fat molecules
Villus: tiny finger-shaped structure in the small intestines
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatlike substance found only in animal products
A vitamin acts as a helper molecule in many chemical reactions in the body
Fiber is a useful complex carbohydrate that cannot be broken down by your body
The sugar glucose is a major source of energy for your body’s cells
A protein is a nutrient that contains nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
A mineral is a nutrient not made by living things
The percent daily value shows how the nutritional content of one serving fits into the
recommended diet of a person who consumes 2,000 calories per day
Nutrients provide two things that are necessary for body processes. What are these
two things?
o Nutrients provide the raw materials and energy necessary for the body to carry
out all essential processes
Explain the difference between mechanical digestion and chemical digestion.
o In mechanical digestion, food is physically broken down into smaller pieces. In
chemical digestion, chemicals made by the body break foods into their smaller
chemical building blocks
What happens to the water contained in the materials that pass into the large
o The water is absorbed in the bloodstream
Digestive System
o Three main functions
 Break down food
 Absorb food molecules into blood
 Eliminate wastes
o Food enters the mouth moves through the esophagus into the stomach
The six nutrients necessary for human health are
o Carbohydrates which are simple or sugars & complex
o Fats can be unsaturated or saturated
o Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids
o Vitamins are needed in small amounts
o Minerals are needed in small amounts
o Water is the most important nutrient because its needed for all body processes