FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD№ 1 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: passage of the nose upper lobe of the left lung basis of the pyramid the right lung crest of the greater tubercle Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: sinking down of the stomach increase in the number of the red blood cells pus in the blood inflammation of the brain excision of the gallbladder II. Explain the following Latin terms: gastroenteroscopia cholaemia chondroma pyodermia splenoptosis Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Benzoic acid 0.6 Salicylic acid 0.3 Vaseline 10.0 Mix, so that there is ointment Give out. Indicate: 2. Take: Suppositories "Anusol" in the amount of 6 Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Milfoil herb Diluted hydrochloric acid FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 2 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: tuber of the upper jaw occipital region process of the nasal concha muscles of the head posterior tubercle of the cervical vertebra Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: water in the blood a disease of the gallbladder softening of the brain dental tumour a science about skin diseases II. Explain the following Latin terms: bradycardia dyskinesia lipuria erythrocytosis polyphagia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: l. Take: Codeine phosphate 0.015 Salicylic acid 0.5 Ascorbinic acid 0.1 Rutine 0.02 Calcium lactate 0.1 Mix, so that there is powder Give out such doses in the amount of 20 Indicate: 2. Take: Chloroform Ethyl alcohol 95% both 20 ml Ethylic ether 10ml Mix. Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Rhubarb tincture Hydrogen peroxide FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 3 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: lobes of the liver lateral lamina of the pterygoid processes incisure of the lower jaw zygomatic bone articular cavity Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: tumour of the cartilage tissue non-inflammatory disease of the kidney slow/ reduced heart beat rate inflammation of the liver instrumental examination of the ear II. Explain the following Latin terms: ophthalmotonometria phlebectasia hysteroptosis hyperglykaemia dyskinesia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Solution of thiamine bromide 3% 1 ml Give out such doses in the amount of 10 in ampoules Indicate: 2. Take: Salicylic acid 1.0 Zinc oxide Wheat starch both 12.5 Vaseline up to 50.0 Mix, so that there is paste Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Tablets of phenoxymethylpenicillin Depurated sulfur FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 4 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: smaller horn ethmoid sulcus of the nasal cavity cardiac impression bones of the skull vessels of the nerves Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms with the following meanings: pressure measuring disposition for hemorrhages weakness of the nerves instrumental examination of the oral cavity sinking down of the kidney II. Explain the following Latin terms: autohaemotherapia thoracotomia cephalalgia gynaecophobia perimetritis Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Codeine phosphate 0.015 Salicylic acid 0.5 Ascorbinic acid 0.1 Rutine 0.02 Calcium lactate 0.1 Mix, so that there is powder Give out such doses in the amount of 20 Indicate: 2. Take: Monomycine 0.25 Give out such doses in the amount of 50 in tablets Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Distilled water Gum-tree oil FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 5 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Lain: basis of the skull frontal tuber incisure of the right lung middle ribs holes of the pulmonary veins Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: kidney hemorrhage absence of urination fixation of the spleen bone softening instrumental examination of the eye II. Explain the following Latin terms: pneumothorax polyneuritis termotherapia logopaedia spondylodynia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Amidopyrine Phenacetine both 0.25 Give out such doses in the amount of 12 in tablets Indicate: 2. Take: Zinc sulphate Lead acetate both 0.3 Distilled water up to 200 ml Mix. Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Ethylic ether Fluid hawthorn extract FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 6 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: neck of the shoulderblade thyroid gland branch of the lower hollow vein anterior surfaces tubercle of the cervical vertebrae Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms with the following meanings: softening of the bone marrow pain in the ear treatment with the help of one's own blood inflammation of the mouth narrowing of the vessels II. Explain the following Latin terms: adenotomia bradycardia hypotonia splanchnologia anophthalmia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: l. Take: Barbital-sodium 0.5 Cocoa oil as much as necessary, so that there is a suppository Give out such doses in the amount of 12 Indicate: 2. Take: Calcium glycerophosphate Calcium lactate both 0.25 Give out such doses in the amount of 20 in tablets Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Gum-tree oil Valerian tincture FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 7 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: oral cavity upper transverse ligament zygomatic process of the frontal bone areas of the body nerves of the vessels Clinical Terminology II. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: decreased erythrocytes increased heart rate inflammation of the small intestine increased blood pressure disease of the brain II. Explain the following Latin terms: ophthalmopyorrhoea splanchnoptosis leucodermia gerontologia cystotomia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Streptocide Norsulfazol both 1.5 Benzylpenicillin-sodium 25 000 AU Ephedrine hydrochloride 0.05 Mix, so that there is powder Give out. Indicate: 2. Take: Tablets of Sulfadimine 0.5 in the amount of 12 Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Sirup of alth-root Diluted hydrochloric acid FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 8 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: angle of the mouth transverse ligament horizontal plate of the frontal bone vertebral articulations sinus of the hollow veins Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings removal of the uterus operation for eliminating adhesions from the nerve decreased heart rate X-ray examination of the brain examination of the nose II. Explain the following Latin terms: hepatocholecystitis phlebectasia pyodermia cardiologia craniometria Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1 .Take: Buckthorn bark 30.0 Stinging nettle leaves 20.0 Milfoil herb 10.0 Mix, so that there is tea Give out. Indicate: 2. Take: Morphine hydrochloride 0.015 Apomorphine hydrochloride 0.05 Diluted hydrochloric acid up to 1 ml Distilled water up to 200 ml Mix. Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Penicillin for injections Sodium nitrate FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 9 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: zygomatic bone upper lobe of the left lung passage of the nose frontal tubers heads of the gluteal muscles Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: hemorrhage from the uterus tumour of the gland sinking down of the stomach inflammation of the inner coating of the heart pus in the blood II. Explain the following Latin terms: anuria leucodermia splenopexia angiosclerosis rhinoplastica Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: l. Take: Sodium salicylate 1.0 Potassium iodide 1.0 Alcoholic solution of iodine drops VI Distilled water up to 200 ml Give out. Indicate: 2. Take: Lincomicin hydrochloride 0.25 Give out such doses in the amount of 20 in capsules Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Buckthorn bark Sulphurous acid FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 10 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: the right lung basis of the pyramid partition of the frontal sinuses short gastric veins crest of the greater tubercle Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: dilation of the lungs inflammation of the brain excision of the gallbladder increase in the number of the red blood cells a science about tumors II. Explain the following Latin terms: pyodermia autoplastica gastroenteroscopia hydraemia chondroma Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Benzoic acid 0.6 Salicylic acid 0.3 Vaseline 10.0 Mix, so that there is ointment Give out. Indicate: 1. Take: Chloroform Ethyl alcohol 95% both 20 ml Ethylic ether 10ml Mix. Give out. Indicate: III. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Milfoil herb Norsulfazol in tablets FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 11 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: incisure of the lower jaw zygomatic bone articular cavity lobes of the liver frontal tubers I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: dry skin a disease of the gallbladder softening of the brain dental tumour treating with water II. Explain the following Latin terms: autohaemotherapia thoracotomia cephalalgia gynaecophobia perimetritis Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: l. Take: Codeine phosphate 0.015 Salicylic acid 0.5 Ascorbinic acid 0.1 Rutine 0.02 Calcium lactate 0.1 Mix, so that there is powder Give out such doses in the amount of 20 Indicate: 2. Take: Castor oil 20 ml Xeroform 1.2 Vinylin 1 ml Mix, so that there is liniment Give out. Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Rhubarb tincture Hydrogen peroxide FINAL TEST IN LATIN CARD № 12 Anatomical Terminology I. Translate into Latin: angle of the mouth transverse ligament horizontal plate of the frontal bone vertebral articulations sinus of the hollow veins Clinical Terminology I. Make up Latin terms having the following meanings: hemorrhage from the uterus tumour of the gland sinking down of the stomach examination of the urinary bladder air in the thorax II. Explain the following Latin terms: laparotomia polyneuritis colostomia termotherapia logopaedia Pharmaceutical Terminology I. Translate the following prescriptions into Latin: 1. Take: Streptocide Norsulfazol both 1.5 Benzylpenicillin-sodium 25 000 AU Ephedrine hydrochloride 0.05 Mix, so that there is powder Give out. Indicate: 2. Take: Morphine hydrochloride 0.015 Apomorphine hydrochloride 0.05 Diluted hydrochloric acid up to 1 ml Distilled water up to 200 ml Mix. Give out. Indicate: Indicate: II. Translate the following word-combinations into Latin: Iodine solution Lily-of-the-valley tincture