SI Session Syllabus for Math 8A – Pre-Calculus

SI Session Syllabus for Math 8A – Pre-Calculus
Instructor: Ryan Yamada
Lecture Section: 20
Lecture Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:10 – 18:30
SI Leader (me): Edward Burkard
My E-mail:
My Website: (please excuse the poor quality, it is a work in
SI Sessions:
1. Track 5 :
1. Room : Surge 108
2. Time : 12:00 – 13:00 (please arrive by 12:10)
3. Days : Tuesdays and Thursdays
2. Track 6 :
1. Room: Surge 158
2. Time: 16:00 – 17:00 (please arrive by 16:10)
3. Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
About SI Sessions:
This is a place where you will be able to further your understanding of course material by way
of peer collaboration. This means I WILL NOT be doing homework problems for you. Peer
collaboration means that the students (you) will be working together most of the time, while I
am here merely to guide you. This does not mean that I will not help. In fact, throughout the
quarter, I will be giving you various handouts for practice as well as answering questions.
However, you will soon see how much you can learn from your fellow peers. There will be
periodic quizzes given in SI sessions; however, they are informal quizzes which means that
they will in no way affect your course grade. These quizzes are merely a way for you to test
yourself and to see if you are comfortable with the material. I will try me best to have extended
SI sessions around exam times, that way we can go over a practice midterm and address any
questions that you may have.
Classroom Policies:
 The thing that bothers me the most is when people use their cell phones in class, so
please DO NOT use your cell phones in class. This means TURN OFF the ringer on
your phone; it is distracting to me and the other students when a cell phone goes off.
(However, if you are just using your cell phone to check the time that is ok.)
 Please be on time (no later than 10 minutes after the hour).
 Please sign in everyday. It is imperative that you sign in because it is your attendance
that keeps the SI program running. Remember we are only here to help you.
 Drinks are ok as long as they have a cap that way we can prevent anything from spilling
on the floor. Light snacks are ok as well, however, if ANY MESS is made you must
clean it up and make sure to throw away all of your trash or I will have to not allow
snacks in the classroom (this applies to drinks as well!).
 Please abide by all UCR academic honesty policies (i.e. no cheating...not that it would
benefit you in the SI session in anyway if you did, but it is still poor habits to have).
 And lastly, please don't be disruptive. I know this is not kindergarten, but I have still
seen disruptive behavior, so please act like the adults that you are.