Partner Reading Guidance Sheet

The Hindenburg
Partner A
Partner B
Read aloud.
___ Listen to Partner A read pgs 704-707.
___ The first sentence says the first dirigible was
successfully flown in Germany in 1900. Tell your
partner if that statement is a fact or opinion. How
do you know?
___ Describe the construction of the first dirigible
to your partner.
___ Listen to Partner B read pgs. 708-709.
___ Use the context clues to find the meaning of
“criticizing” on page 708, paragraph 3.
___ The zeppelin was a giant technological feat of the
early 1900s. On the back of this paper, compare and
contrast it with the modern-day space shuttle.
Read aloud.
Read aloud.
___ Listen to Partner A read pgs. 710-711.
___ Describe the interior of the Hindenburg. Use
details from the selection to support your
___ Discuss the main idea of pg. 710, paragraph
3. Provide a supporting detail.
___ Listen to Partner B read pgs. 712-713.
___ Identify one statement of fact and one of opinion
from page 712. Tell your partner.
___ Ask your partner, “Why did the steward take away
the toy truck form the young passenger?”
___ Write a question on the back of this sheet that
you hope will be answered on the next page.
Read aloud.
Read aloud.
___ Listen to Partner B read pgs. 718-719.
___ Talk with your partner about if the “Did you
know?” features facts or opinions. How do you know?
___ Discuss with your partner if Hugo Eckener
reminds you of any other inventors you’ve read
___ Discuss the “Open for Discussion” section and
the reader response questions 1-4 with your partner.
Choose one to record your groups’ answer on the
back of this sheet.
___ Listen to Partner A read pgs. 714-717.
___ Discuss how Werner Franz survived the
crash of the Hindenburg.
___ Discuss the main idea of pg. 716. Provide a
supporting detail.
___ Ask your partner, “Why do you think the era
of zeppelins came to an end?”
Read aloud.
___ Discuss the “Open for Discussion” section
and the reader response questions 1-4 with your
partner. Choose one to record your groups’
answer on the back of this sheet.
What to do when you finish…
___ Reread for fluency with your partner. Remember to read with expression, intonation, and an
appropriate speed. Pay attention to punctuation and to phrasing, or grouping, of words.
___ Read the companion story, Earthquakes and Primary Sources, on pages 722-725.
___ Answer the question of the week on the back of this sheet. “How can unexpected encounters
reveal hidden dangers?”
Created by: Amber Moore