READING APPRENTICESHIP STRATEGIES WHICH I PLAN TO USE ARE: (Page references are all from Reading for Understanding, 1. Metacognition: pp. 22-23 teacher models this by reading materials brought in by students which they think will mystify him/her and doing a "think aloud." I call this: "Stump the Chump." 2. Think aloud: pp. 57-58 and 77-78 3. Talking to the text: Writing questions and perceptions in the intentionally wide margins of, as well as directly on, a piece of text. question, underline words you don't know, make note of possible connections to prior knowledge, etc. 4 Reciprocal Teaching: questioning, summarizing, predicting, clarifying pp7980. 5. Personal Reading History: write in 15 minutes, share with a partner, check for confluences between the two histories 6. Students make a list of everything they read in a day: stop sign, cereal box, bus schedule: put all examples on butcher paper, overhead, etc. 7. Teacher brings in examples from famous authors telling of the experience of finding out the power of reading. 8. Students write an essay entitled: "Why Read?" 9. Graphic organizers