Medical Terminology Abbreviations A ac B before meals ADL activities of daily living ax asa ad as au axillary aspirin right ear left ear both ears C c CAT CBC CC blood pressure bed rest blood sugar, bowel sounds D with computerized axial tomography complete blood count chief complaint, cardiac output cdc calculated date of confinement c/o cpr complains of cardiopulmonary resuscitation E ECG/EKG EEG ENT er ESR dat DC, D/C diet as tolerated discontinue, discharge dob d/w dx date of birth dextrose in water diagnosis F electrocardiogram electroencephalgraphy ears, nose and throat emergency room erythrocyte sedimentation rate G GI GTT GU GYN bp, b/p br, BR bs fbs fx fasting blood sugar fracture H gastrointestinal glucose tolerance test genitourinary gynecology hob hoh h+p, h/p hr hs ht hx head of bed hard of hearing history and physical hour hour of sleep height history I I+O IV K intake and output intravenous K potassium L L&D llq luq L&W labor and delivery left lower quadrant left upper quadrant living and well N O nka NPO no known allergies nothing by mouth Noc night ob OD OOB obstetrics overdose, right eye out of bed OS left eye OU each eye P p pc po prn PT pt px post after meals by mouth as needed physical therapy patient prognosis R RLQ ROM RUQ rx Q q qd qhs qid qns qod qs every every day every hour four times a day quantity not sufficient every other day quantity sufficient S right lower quadrant range of motion right upper quadrant prescription ss sob sp gr, spec s/s, s+s stat sx one half shortness of breath specific gravity signs and symptoms immediately symptoms T Tid TKO three times a day to keep open U UA UR UTI urinalysis upper respiratory urinary tract infection V vo VS verbal order vital signs W WBC wc, w/c wnl wt white blood count, white blood cell wheel chair within normal limits weight