Course Objectives

Manual Therapy III: Manual Therapy for the Lower Quadrant (T8 and below)
Contact Hours: 20 hours
Prerequisites: Manual Therapy I
Description: This course addresses examination and assessment of lumbar and pelvic pain, as well as
peripheral symptoms. Examination and manual intervention for peripheral symptoms will make up
approximately 45% of the course with conditions of the axial skeleton making up approximately 55% of
course. An assignment emphasizing manual therapy and the integration of therapeutic exercise is included in
Course Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, attendees will be able to
1. Perform examination of patients with lower quadrant disorders, explaining the basis for each
2. Differentiate the origin of various lower quadrant signs and symptoms.
3. Determine appropriateness of physical therapy care for patients with lower quadrant musculoskeletal
4. Justify and perform appropriate intervention techniques for patients with lower quadrant
musculoskeletal disorders.
5. Explain the basis and indications / contraindications for spinal thrust techniques in the lower
6. Prepare and present cases demonstrating clinical reasoning related to care of patients with lower
quadrant disorders.
Demonstrate and apply Evidence Based Practice principles in clinical decision making in patients
with lower quadrant disorders.
Tuition: $540.00 standard rate, $515.00 Alumni or QCCEC Member
Contact Hours: 20 hours, lecture and laboratory sessions
Reading Assignment: Will be available one month prior to course date.