Adolescent Egocentrism and Cliques

Adolescent Egocentrism
It is a self-view in which adolescents regard themselves as much more socially significant
than they actually are. Adolescent egocentrism can lead to false conclusions:
A). The invincibility fable, by which young people feel that they will never fall victim, as
others do, to dangerous behaviour.
B). The personal fable, through which adolescents imagine their own lives as unique,
heroic, or even mythical. They perceive themselves as different from others,
distinguished by unusual experiences, perspectives, and values.
C). The imaginary audience. This arises from many adolescents' assumption that other
people are as intensely interested in them as they themselves are. This results in acute
self-consciousness. They believe that people are paying more attention to them than they
actually are.
Personal Examples:
1. Can you think of a times when you have fallen for the invincibility fable?
2. Can you think of a time when you have fallen for the personal fable?
3. Can you think of examples that show that you perceive an imaginary audience?
How do the following behaviors relate to adolescent egocentrism?
1. The belief that everyone is a phony except for the individual.
2. The idea that people remember what you have worn throughout the week.
3. The idea that many people are interested in your Facebook page or tweets.
4. The idea that getting cancer from smoking is something that happens to "other" people.
5. The idea that you are constantly being judged and evaluated by your peers.
6. The idea that your beliefs and values are completely unique to you.
7. The idea that you somehow have less of a chance of catching a STD than other people.
8. The idea that other can never truly understand you because they can't see the world
through your eyes.
9. The idea that you are the central character, while others are playing the minor roles.
10. The idea that people notice you as you are walking down the street.
1). How would you define a clique? Why do you think
they exist?
2). What cliques exist at North Delta?
3). What are the negative and positive aspects of cliques?
Create a list.
4). Since cliques exist all over the world, they are though
to be necessary to adolescent development. (Think
about identity, morality, social development and
The Nine Issus of Adolescence (12-18)
1. Achieving new and more mature relations with age
mates of both sexes.
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
3. Accepting one’s physique and using the body
4. Achieving emotional independence of parents and
other adults.
5. Preparing for adult relationships.
6. Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a
guide to behavior.
7. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.
8. Striving toward economic independence.
9. Deciding on, and preparing for an occupation.
In pairs, discuss how teens generally accomplish your
stage. Then write a question to ask the class about your
stage. We will then be sharing as a group.