Sample Adaptation-AE3 Reading 3 C-3-6

KLitvin/L4/Fall 2008
Academic Encounters, Chapter 3 Adolescence
Reading Tasks & Questions
A. Skim the text for the headings
Title: ______________________________________________________________
I. Introduction
II. _______________ ______________
III. _______________ __________________
IV. ______ ______________ ____ ___________________
B. Outline a paragraph: Complete this basic outline in order to identify the main and
supporting points in a text.
Part I. Introduction
A. Adolescence is a developmental period
1. _____________ definition (whose definition?)
2. to think ____________
3. to __________________
4. to think about ___________________
5. to ponder ________________
6. leads to ________ __________ and ____________________
B. Thesis Statement:
C. Choose the best sentence that rephrases the main idea of this text:
a. Adolescence is a time for thinking, discovering and exploring what, who,
how a person will become an adult.
b. Adolescence is a time for trying new things.
c. Adolescence is a phase when immature teens outrage their parents.
d. Being a teenager is difficult and frustrating.
D. Concepts and definitions: Scan the whole text for these words and their meaning.
identity crisis
role confusion
parental style
KLitvin/L4/Fall 2008
E. Note-Taking: Look at the section of the text under "Adolescent Egocentrism" on
page 58. Follow the steps below to practice making notes.
1. Highlight these key terms and their definitions
 egocentrism
 adolescent egocentrism
 imaginary audience
 personal fables
2. Draw vertical lines and put the following notes next to them, opposite the parts of
the text to which they refer.
 What is Adol. Egocent?
 Paiget def. of Egocent (2-6 yr olds)
 Elkind def. of Adol. Egocent
 Ex. of adol. sefl-consciousness
 Exs. of dangerous unrealistic beliefs
3. Underline and put an asterisk (*) next to the phrase "two particular
manifestations of adolescent egocentrism" and then draw two lines from the word
"two": one line to the term imaginary audience and the other to personal fables.
4. Write the numbers 1, 2, and 3 in the text over the three examples of dangerous
beliefs teenagers have.
Finished? Now check your notes with the sample notes on page 62 (ask your
teacher to show you)
F. Check your understanding
Identity Formation:
a. What are two examples of teenagers' trying out new things:
1) _______________________________ 2) _______________________________
b. What is the major task of adolescence?
c. True or False:
1. Asking questions about our own identity is insignificant and not important.
2. All teenagers feel confused and conflicted during adolescence.
3. Role confusion occurs when teens want to be independent and their new
ideas do not fit with their past values.
Adolescent Egocentrism:
Circle the words below that DO NOT describe teen egocentrism:
irrational beliefs
a. According to the text what are two signs of adolescent egocentrism?
1) ____________________________ 2) _________________________________
The Influence of Family:
KLitvin/L4/Fall 2008
a. According to the topic sentence what is one of the major processes involved in
adolescence? ___________________________________
b. True or False:
1. Most teens believe that their parents use a democratic style of parenting
2. Most adolescent-family conflicts result from parenting style.
Answer Key:
C. a
Identity Formation
a. 1) hair styles, music, religion, drugs, sexual outlets (!), fad diets, part-time jobs,
part-time relationships, part-time philosophies
b. resolution of identity/resolving identity crisis/the struggle to define sense of
c. 1) F 2) F 3) T
Adolescent Egocentrism
selfless, rational, humble, sensible
a. 1) imaginary audience/sense that people are watching/performing
2) personal fables/stories about themselves/irrational beliefs
Influence of Family
a. separating from family/independence/autonomy
b. 1) T 2) T