27th November 2013 PLANNING COMMITTEE Present * Councillor D M Gent – Chairman #Cllr R W I Cooke – Vice-Chairman #Cllr P F Allen Cllr A C Carter *Cllr D Cawley *Cllr R E Chilcott #Cllr A J C Fyson *Cllr R M Lyon #Cllr F J Smith *Cllr R Springett *Denotes attendance #Denotes apology for absence No members of the public attended the meeting. 148. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr Gent declared a personal interest in 15/2463/13/CU/CS – 16 Duke Street. 149. CORRESPONDENCE. a) E-mail from Dave Kenyon, Major Projects Manager, South Hams District Council re pre-application enquiry, Land West of Dartmouth by Millwood Homes. Mr Kenyon advised that South Hams District Council had formally received a pre application enquiry from Millwood Homes for the following proposal: “Phase 1 proposal for c.210 dwellings, c.3.37ha employment (with a further 1.13ha at phase 2 stage), 0.4ha local community hub (retail, health, community facilities), strategic landscaping, S106 for monies to enhance the Park & Ride and/or relocate it to another suitable location, and cycle and footpath linkages to Townstal.” Members noted that Millwood Homes would be making a presentation to Full Council on Tuesday 3rd December 2013. 110 b) Parish Training Workshop. 11th December 2013 – South Hams District Council. The Chairman advised that Cllr Cooke hoped to attend, it was also hoped that the Administration Officer would attend. c) E-mail from a resident re Vino’s Pizzeria in Victoria Road, raising concerns over planning enforcement issues. The Chairman would contact the complainant and the enforcement officer at South Hams District Council concerning this matter and request that this matter be dealt with as soon as possible. 150. PRESENTATION BY HEATHER NESBITT, PLANNING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, SOUTH HAMS DISTRICT COUNCIL. The Chairman reported that the enforcement officer was unable to attend but hoped that she would be able to attend a future meeting to which all Councillors would be invited to attend. The Chairman would seek her advice on the issue of scaffolding being in situ for long lengths of time after building works had been completed. 151. PLANNING APPLICATIONS. To consider the following applications received from South Hams District Council:(A) 15/2409/13/F/IL Householder application for dormer window extension to side elevation. 3 Townstal Pathfields. Recommend Approval. (B) 15/2450/13/VAR/RB Application to remove condition 7 of planning approval 15/2860/11/F/RB regarding access to barns. Lower Norton Farm Barns, Norton. Recommend Approval. (C) 15/2446/13/VAR/CM Continuance of use without complying with condition (b) of permission SD 1672 for twelve month use. 119 Norton Park. Recommend Approval. 111 (D) 15/2441/13/F/CS Householder application for removal of inset roof terrace and reinstatement of original roof line. Repositioning of balcony to rear courtyard and internal alterations. Sea House, 3 Crowthers Hill. Recommend Approval. (E) 15/2463/13/CU/CS Application for change of use of ground floor from class A1 (shops) to A2 (financial and professional services). 16 Duke Street. Recommend Refusal on the grounds of loss of retail amenity in a prime retail location. (F) 15/2497/13/F/NW Application for new separating corridor with ground floor retail premises to provide access to apartment above. Removal of existing access. New single-storey rear extension to create shop WC with curved stepped access over to firstfloor apartment. New timber sash windows to front and rear elevations. Mill Stream, 24 Foss Street. Recommend Approval. (F)(a) 15/2498/13/LB/NW Listed Building Consent for new separating corridor with ground floor retail premises to provide access to apartment above. Removal of existing access. New single-storey rear extension to create shop WC with curved stepped access over to first-floor apartment. New timber sash windows to front and rear elevations. Mill Stream, 24 Foss Street. Recommend Approval. (G) Listed Building Consent for conversion of two-storey stone outbuilding to form ancillary accommodation (to replace existing consent 15/2438/12/LB). 23 South Town. Recommend Approval. 15/2518/23/LB/CM 112 (H) 15/2546/13/F/CS Householder application for provision of a car parking space within the existing courtyard. Demolition of existing kitchen extension to allow space for a car port/garage and associated alterations. 19 Lower Street. Recommend Approval. (I) 15/2547/13/VAR/SN Removal of condition (B) of permission SD/1880 to allow twelve month holiday occupancy. 440 Norton Park. Recommend Approval. (J) 15/2532/13/F/CS Householder application for alterations and extension to existing dwelling. 6 Jawbone Hill. Recommend Approval. (K) 15/2506/13/TCA/SP Ash. Crown reduce by 4m pruning to approximately point, to leave tree with even balanced shape. Bay. Reduce by 2m and trim over garden. Small Bay. Reduce and trim. 15 Newcomen Road. Recommend Approval. (L) 15/2708/13/TW/SP Work to Tree Preservation Order Trees. Swan House, Swannaton Road. Recommend Approval. (M) 15/2699/13/F/CS Householder application for works to domestic garage – replacement of existing doors and widening of opening. Domestic Garage at SX 8779 5116, Lower Street. Recommend Approval. (N) Householder application for creation of a double garage and hardstanding (resubmission of planning approval 15/0392/13/F). The Hollies, Fairview Road. Recommend Approval. 15/2690/13/F/CM 113 152. PREVIOUS PLANNING APPLICATIONS - Notifications of South Hams District Council Decisions Issued. The Committee took note of a number of recent decisions issued by South Hams District Council. Tree Preservation Order: Application Number: 15/2162/13/TW – Grant of Conditional Consent. The Keep Gardens, Townstal Road. 153. APPEALS - to receive notice of appeals issued and decided. There were no Appeals. 114