Wellness Policy - Athens-Chilesburg Elementary

Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School
Wellness Policy
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School students shall participate in moderate to vigorous physical
activity each day as follows:
Each teacher shall allow time for each student to engage in 30 cumulative minutes of
supervised moderate to vigorous physical activity during the instructional day. A portion
of the physical activity shall be conducted outdoors unless there is inclement weather.
School staff shall encourage participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity. The
school shall provide space and equipment to make physical activity possible and
appealing to students.
Instructional activities may include, but are not limited to the following:
Fitness Five Exercise (physical activity breaks during instruction)
Keep Movin’ Program
Take Ten
Outdoor Physical Activities (dance, games, sports, etc.)
Core Content Movement Integration
Transition Locomotion
Everyday Math Movements
Parks & Recreation Exercise 90
Each student shall participate in physical education class according to the school wide
rotation schedule for special area classes. Physical Education must be taught by a state
certified health and physical education instructor.
Teachers shall make every effort to avoid periods of more than 60 minutes in which
students are physically inactive. When possible, physical activity should be integrated
into learning activities. When that is not possible, students should be given periodic
breaks during which they are encouraged to be moderately or vigorously active.
Teachers shall make every reasonable effort to avoid using recess as a consequence
for behavior or academic performance.
Appropriate accommodations shall be made for students with special needs, as
required by law and sound professional judgment. Fayette County Public Schools and
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School will aid in providing accommodations.
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary school’s Practical Living Specialist shall assess
students’ level of physical fitness twice a year using the Fitnessgram System or a
comparable assessment tool.
Adopted 2/19/09
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School shall encourage healthy choices among students using the
following methods:
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School’s Practical Living curriculum shall address the
Program of Studies, including health, consumerism, and physical education. The rest of
our curriculum shall reflect an integrated concern for wellness, including connections to
science, social studies, nutrition education and other subjects.
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary School shall continue to implement the nutritional
standards required by federal and state laws and regulations. Those rules apply to the
National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and to other food and beverages
available during the school day. Fayette County Food Service Office will continue to do
a nutrient analysis on all menus.
The cafeteria staff will use cooking methods and ingredients (egg whites, whole wheat
flour, etc.) that will reduce the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in the food. The cafeteria
staff will offer bottled water for sale. Juice (100%), along with a variety of low-fat milks
(1% or lower) will be offered daily.
Restaurant food and soft drinks are strongly discouraged from being brought into the
cafeteria or served to students during lunch periods.
Student performance shall be rewarded with praise, privileges, special activities, and
objects. Food, candy, or drinks shall not be used on a daily basis as rewards unless
approved by principal.
Teachers shall be encouraged to use bottled water or 100 % fruit juices along with other
healthy foods for special events.
Teachers will request written permission from parents/guardians at the beginning of the
school year for students to eat store-bought or homemade food items. Students without
permission will not be given these items. (approved permission slip attached)
In order to not interfere with students’ appetites, morning snack should be distributed at
least 90 minutes prior to lunch. Families or outside entities will be encouraged to send
foods and drinks that are low in fat, sugar, and salt.
Special treats (e.g., birthday cupcakes, etc.) sent in by families or outside entities,
should be distributed at the end or after the students’ lunch period. Parents are
encouraged to send foods and drinks that are low in fat, sugar, and salt. Parents may
contact the school cafeteria to purchase treats.
Adopted 2/19/09
Athens-Chilesburg Elementary
Food Permission Form
Throughout the school year your child may be offered store-bought or homemade food items as part
of class activities or celebrations. Please complete the form below indicating your preference.
Yes, I give permission for my child to eat store-bought or homemade food items.
No, I do not give my permission for my child to eat store-bought or homemade food items.
Student Name __________________________________________________________
Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________
Adopted 2/19/09