OPTION D: MEDICINE AND DRUGS D.4 Depressants D.4.1 Describe the effects of depressants. Depressants drugs that calm and relax the central nervous system slow normal brain function, slow breathing and lower blood pressure interfere with nerve impulse transmissions often described as anti-depressants because they relieve the symptoms of mentaldepression ANY DEPRESSANT CAN ACT AS A TRANQUILIZER, SEDATIVE OR HYPNOTIC DEPENDS ON DOSAGE Tranquilizers alcohol, valium (diazepam), librium Sedatives barbituates mild reduction in nervous tension and anxiety does NOT produce sleep more aggressive reduction in nervous tension and anxiety does NOT produce sleep Hypnotics higher doses of phenobarbital chloral hydrate √ produce sleep, coma, or death D.4.2 Discuss the social and psychological effects of the use and abuse of ethanol. Ethanol is both water and fat soluble and it can quickly crosses cell and tissue membranes Water soluble because both are polar molecules that can hydrogen bond to each other. Fat soluble because ethanol has some non-polar character and it is small. Like other depressants, ETHANOL: interferes with neurons and slows down normal brain function. lower blood pressure, blood vessels dilate Brain Area Controls / Affects Cerebral cortex (Frontal Lobe) Cerebellum Parietal Lobe Motor cortex decision-making (moral, ethical & value judgments); personality; self-control; language coordination and balance depth perception, other sensory perception (pain) voluntary muscle control, reaction time Hippocampus Hypothalamus Medulla (brain stem) memory and emotions sexual arousal and performance automatic body functions: heart rate, breathing Common Short Term Effects of Ethanol poor judgment; personality change relaxed, confident depresses inhibition inappropriate behaviour, talkative staggering do not drink and drive only ride with a sober driver sleepy sleep coma death Physiological Effects Vasodilation smooth muscles of blood vessels relax capillaries near skin dilate flushing, warmth veins and arteries dilate reduced blood pressure o Heart pumps harder to maintain blood pressure coronary heart disease o Rebound high blood pressure hypertension, strokes, coronary heart disease Liver detoxifies harmful chemicals in the blood, especially those that entered the body from the digestive tract by converting them to less harmful forms Over-taxing liver cells causes liver cells to die. Cirrhosis – fibrosis (scar tissue) on the liver Nerves Ethanol does not kill brain cells, it merely damages the ends of the neurons (dendrites) so the way the neuron communicates is altered. Long term effect: memory problems, confusion, lack of muscle coordination Pregnancy increased risk of miscarriage, low birth mass, developmental problems, FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome) – physical and mental birth defects from shared blood containing high alcohol levels Other Long Term Synegistic effects gastritis, peptic ulcers, tolerance, dependence, anxiety, depression, malnutrition the effect of the combination of two drugs is greater either drug taken alone Alcohol + other depressants risk of heavy sedation, coma, death Alcohol + Aspirin increased risk of stomach bleeding Alcohol + cocaine vasoconstriction, high blood pressure, irregular heart rate