exercise phys.lab 7

Andrews University
College of Arts & Sciences
Department of Nutrition and Wellness
PETH 465 Exercise Physiology
Hybrid Course
Lab # 7
Dr. Peter Pribis
Jonathan Leonor
This lab is about the evaluation of muscular strength and endurance. There are
several objectives that will be achieved. The objectives are to find out what is and how
does the 1-RM techniques work, and how muscular endurance exerts a sub maximal force
repeatedly within a given period, or the duration a given muscle action can sustain a
percentage of its 1-RM either dynamically or isometric ally.
Method used
In this lab we did two tests, the curl-up muscular endurance test and the push-up
muscular endurance test. We did these tests using the 1-RM technique which is the onerepetition maximum, a method to asses’ muscular strength. Before beginning any of the
exercise, a warm up must be done. The first test done was the curl-up also known as situps. The way to do it is to lie supine with knees flexed and feet about one foot from the
buttocks. The arm extended forward with fingers palm-down on the thighs pointing
towards the knee. A person kneels behind (the tester) the person on the floor with hands
cupped (about two inches off the floor) under the individual. The person curls up slowly,
sliding the fingers up the legs until his/her fingertips touch the patella; followed by a
slowly returning to the starting point1.
Keep repeating this until the person can no longer do it. The next test was the
push-up muscular test. This test can be performed in two ways: (1) fully-body push-up,
(2) modified push-up (also called the girls’ push-ups) that reduces the body mass above
the arm, chest and shoulders. Initial position for the fully-body push-up is to assume a
relatively stiff prone position from head to ankles, keeping the hands shoulder-width
apart and arms fully extended. The movement will be lowering the body until elbows are
at 90 degrees of flexion; the return action requires a pushing up
until the arms are fully extended again. Then repeat this process
without rest until you can no longer go up2.
McArdle W.D., Katch F.I. & Katch V. L. (2006) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. Lippinott Williams & Wilkins.
McArdle W.D., Katch F.I. & Katch V. L. (2006) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. Lippinott Williams & Wilkins.
These were the results after the tests were performed. According to the standard I
was doing excellent with the curl-ups, but not so great on the push-ups. Same thing
happened to my partner. I have decided that I will improve these scores by training my
self by doing repetitions of each.
The objectives were definitely met. Mark and I found out our 1-RM using its
techniques and found out that when it came to curl-ups we could have kept going past a
hundred. So to conclude that test, we pretty much had great muscular endurance with
curl-ups. Our 1-RM was at 100%. However, the push-ups were the killers. I had done
average which is not so bad, but I still wanted to do better. This concludes that my upper
body needs more muscular endurance and strength. It’s not going to be a problem
because it will improve by the end of the year and hopefully stay good shape.