Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Page 1 of 7 Psychology of Learning (PSY375) - Dr. M. Plonsky Study Guide for Schwartz, B., Wasserman, E. A., & Robins, S. J. (2002). Psychology of Learning and Behavior (5-th ed.). NY: Norton. This guide is color keyed to likelihood that the material will be on the exams, with burgundy being Highly likely, dark blue being Possible, and light blue being Unlikely to be found on the exams. 1. Human Nature, Science, & Behavior Theory 1 Understanding Understanding & science Causes, generalizations, & laws Experimentation: The tool of science Science & human nature Psychology, behavior theory, & learning Philosophical background of behavior theory Descartes & Hobbes: Man as machine Associationism Biological background of behavior theory Darwin & evolution Emergence of behavior theory Single event learning: Habituation Event-event learning: Pavlovian conditioning Behavior-event learning: Operant conditioning Learning about humans by studying animals 2 3 3 5 6 8 10 10 12 13 14 16 17 17 18 20 2. Single Event Learning: Habituation Separating habituation from sensory adaptation & motor fatigue Evidence for a learning explanation Application: Response recovery in everyday life Conditions that produce habituation Mechanisms of habituation Dual-process theories Neuroscience & learning A memory theory of habituation 3. Pavlovian Conditioning: Basic Phenomena The classic conditioning experiment Acquisition & extinction Scope of Pavlovian conditioning research Eyeblink conditioning Conditioned fear 24 25 26 29 30 32 32 34 36 41 42 43 44 45 45 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Neuroscience: Mechanisms of eyeblink conditioning Application: Causes & treatments of phobia Conditioned keypecking Taste aversion learning Control procedures in studies of Pavlovian conditioning Application: Food aversions in cancer patients Temporal relations between CS & US Delay conditioning Simultaneous conditioning Temporal conditioning Backward conditioning Other variables affecting Pavlovian conditioning CS & US Qualitative relations between CS & US Constraints on learning Unbiased environments Unbiased environments & substitutability 4. Pavlovian Conditioning: Causal Factors Necessary conditions for Pavlovian conditioning Contingency Locating the US in time Informativeness, redundancy, & blocking Application: Predictiveness, fear, & anxiety Pavlovian conditioning & inhibition Inhibition in the nervous system Conditioned inhibition of behavior Detecting inhibition External inhibition & disinhibition Indirect measures of inhibition Direct measures of inhibition Conditions producing inhibition Extinction Conditioned inhibition training Negative contingency training Inhibition of delay Discrimination & generalization Excitatory & inhibitory generalization gradients Backward conditioning Necessary conditions for inhibition Application: Experimental neurosis 5. Pavlovian Conditioning: Explanations Rescorla-Wagner theory Compound stimuli Contingency Inhibition A surprising prediction Page 2 of 7 46 51 53 53 55 56 57 58 59 59 59 60 60 61 64 64 66 70 71 71 74 76 77 80 80 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 87 87 88 91 92 93 94 95 96 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Conditioning & changes in CS effectiveness Latent inhibition Learned irrelevance Another look at blocking Neuroscience: Mechanisms underlying CS processing Surprise & CS salience Status of the Rescorla-Wagner theory Rehearsal & conditioning Blocking Effects of single event exposure on conditioning CS Preexposure (latent inhibition) US preexposure Theories of extinction 6. Pavlovian Conditioning: Storage & Response Output What is learned in conditioning? Manipulating representations Neuroscience: A neural distinction between URs & CRs Conditioned inhibition: What is learned? The Pavlovian conditioned response (CR) The adaptive function of the conditioned response CRs that oppose URs Opponent process theory Challenges to the conditioned opponent model Role of conditioning in human drug abuse Using conditioning principles to treat addiction Extinction Counterconditioning Competing response training Association: The process unifying diverse CRs 7. Operant Conditioning: Basic Phenomena The law of effect The behavior-consequence relation Some methodological issues Measuring the operant response The conditioning chamber What is operant behavior? Which operant behaviors should be studied? Conditioning & extinction Creating behavioral units The form of the behavioral unit Constrained operant-reinforcer learning The dancing chicken The miserly raccoon Application: Shaping new behavior The nature of reinforcement Reinforcer relativity Page 3 of 7 97 97 99 99 100 103 103 103 105 105 105 105 106 109 109 113 114 116 118 119 121 122 124 125 126 126 127 129 129 132 133 134 134 135 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 143 144 146 146 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Application: Eliminating behavior Neuroscience: Mechanisms of reward Conditioned reinforcement Establishing a conditioned reinforcer-predictiveness Observing responses Token reinforcers The functions of conditioned reinforcers Applications of token reinforcement Application: Token reinforcement in education Negative side effects of reinforcement? 8. Operant Conditioning: Causal Factors & Explanations What produces conditioning: Contiguity or contingency? Evidence for contiguity Superstition Another look at superstition Another look at contiguity & conditioning Contingency learning Contingency learning in infants Learned helplessness Application: Learned helplessness & depression Contingency learning in general How do animals form contingency judgments? Operant conditioning: What is learned? Response-reinforcer learning Stimulus-reinforcer learning Stimulus-response associations 9. Aversive Control of Behavior Conditioned suppression Punishment Effectiveness of punishment Does punishment work? Maximizing the effects of punishment Punishment & general suppression Application: Effectiveness of punishment Negativity of punishment Avoidance behavior Discrete-trial signaled avoidance Neuroscience: Mechanisms of avoidance learning Shock postponement Theories of aversive control Two-factor theory Operant theory Cognitive theory Biological theory Application: Eliminating avoidance behavior Page 4 of 7 147 150 153 153 154 156 158 158 159 160 165 166 166 167 168 169 171 173 174 175 178 179 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 195 197 197 198 199 201 202 203 207 208 210 212 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Page 5 of 7 10. Maintenance of Behavior Schedules of intermittent reinforcement Fixed-Interval (FI) schedules Variable-Interval (VI) schedules Fixed-Ratio (FR) schedules Variable-Ratio (VR) schedules Can schedules of reinforcement maintain behavior? Patterns of behavior maintained by reinforcement schedules Schedules of reinforcement in the natural environment Fixed Ratios Variable Ratios Variable Intervals Fixed Intervals Study of choice: Concurrent schedules of reinforcement Matching law Matching law in operation Application: Procrastination Matching & maximizing Neuroscience: Brain stimulation can be used to study choice behavior Choice & foraging Operant behavior & economics Concept of demand Demand & income Substitutability of commodities Open & closed economic systems 11. Stimulus Control of Operant Behavior Pervasiveness of stimulus control phenomena Discrimination & generalization Procedures for studying stimulus control Process of discrimination Predictiveness & redundancy Discrimination training as a stimulus selector Discrimination training & incidental stimuli Transfer of training Process of generalization: Excitation & inhibition Peak shift Transposition & the nature of perceptual judgment Neuroscience: Mechanisms of auditory discrimination learning Compound stimulus control Configural stimulus control Positive patterning Negative patterning Biconditional discrimination 12. Interactions Between Pavlovian & Operant Conditioning Distinguishing Pavlovian & operant conditioning Operant conditioning of reflexive responses 215 217 217 217 218 218 218 219 221 221 222 222 222 224 225 226 231 232 234 236 237 238 240 241 242 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Pavlovian conditioning of voluntary behavior The omission procedure Pavlovian contingencies & operant behavior Types of Pavlovian-operant combinations Studies of Pavlovian contingencies & operant behavior Pavlovian conditioned states as information Pavlovian & operant conditioning: One underlying process? Competition between operant responses & Pavlovian CSs Occasion setting in Pavlovian & operant conditioning 13. Behavior & Conceptualization Discrimination & generalization in a new light From discrimination & generalization to conceptualization Natural concepts Presence versus absence of objects from natural concepts Discriminating objects in multiple natural concepts Conceptualization via primary or secondary generalization Nonsimilarity-based conceptualization by pigeons Joint category learning by pigeons Abstract concepts Matching-to-sample by pigeons Oddity learning by pigeons 14. Memory & Cognition Remembering & language Remembering & knowing Delayed matching-to-sample Basic methods & findings Trace theory Complexity & flexibility of memory Memory loss? Selective attention Spatial memory Neuroscience: Mechanisms of spatial learning Control by time Control by number 15. Human Learning & Cognition: Learning About Causes Conditioning & causation causality detection David Hume & causality Causation as a psychological impression Conditions of causation A mechanical model of causality perception Factors that affect causal judgments Comparative psychology of causal association Empirical investigations of human causality detection Contingency Application: Inhibition in human contingency judgments Page 6 of 7 Study Guide for Schwartz et al. Reconciling disparate results Temporal contiguity Application: The illusion of control Cue competition Application: Blocking in human learning Learning & cognition: A theoretical perspective Application: Why people believe weird things Page 7 of 7