AP Psychology Homework Learning Due:__________________ Key Terms: Using your own words, define the following words. Remember, you are not required to turn in the vocabulary terms. Learning Associative learning Classical conditioning Behaviorism Unconditioned response (UCR) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) Conditioned response (CR) Conditioned stimulus (CS) Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous recovery Generalization Discrimination Operant conditioning Respondent behavior Operant behavior Law of effect Skinner Box (Operant Chamber) Shaping Reinforcer Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement Primary reinforcers Secondary (conditioned) reinforcers Continuous reinforcement Intermittent reinforcement Fixed ratio schedule Variable ratio schedule Fixed interval schedule Variable interval schedule Punishment Cognitive map Latent learning Intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation Observational (Social) learning Modeling Mirror neurons Prosocial behavior Generalization Discrimination Learned Helplessness Latent Learning Essay: How could conditioning explain romantic attraction, love and the dissolution of a romantic relationship between two people? Make up an example to demonstrate your points. Explain what type of conditioning might occur for this phenomenon. Make sure you explain when things like acquisition, extinction, generalization, and spontaneous recovery might occur. Explain how different schedules of reinforcement might differentially affect the maintenance of romantic relationship.