Subsidizing the Slaughter of the Innocents

St. Boniface, St. Joseph, & St. John the Baptist Parishes
January 20, 2013
We are all one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone. We are Christ’s body,
His hands and feet. We will speak His word of life to everyone we meet.
Pastor: Fr. David Fulton, PO Box 170, Fordyce-NE 402-357-3506
Emali: website:
Marcus Potts (F)
Brian Heine (F)
Clarence Jansen (M)
Rod Wiebelhaus (F)
Phones: St. John Rectory 357-3506
St. John Hall
East Catholic
St. John Fax
West Cath.
St. Joseph Hall
St. Boniface Prayer Line: Betty Peitz 402-357-3577
St. John Prayer Line:
Amy Dickes 357-3301 or
Donna Potts 357-3728
Marriage Arrangements: at least 6 months in advance
Mass Intentions:
Mark “Mass Intention” and put in Sunday collection or
mail to Carole Schulte, PO Box 116, Fordyce-NE
68736. Indicate who, desired date and parish.
St. Joseph:
7:00 – 7:25 p.m. (before Mass)
St. John:
Sunday 10:10-10:25 & Frist Fridays
7:15–7:30 am and by app’t.
St. Boniface: Sunday 8:00-8:25 am and
Wednesday evenings 6:30-7:00 pm
during schoolyear.
St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration: Wed 5:30 –6:30 pm; Thurs 6:50 –
7:50 am
First Friday Adoration: after 8:00 am Mass till 7pm at St. John the Baptist
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotion:
Tues 6:45 am-7:45 am at St. John
Secretary Hours: School Year: M-F: 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.
The Parish Office will now be located in the school. Please feel free to stop
by the school anytime for parish business.
Sunday Giving
St. Joseph (Jan 13):
Envelopes - $30; Plate - $37; Seminary Collection - $76.10;
Maintenance - $25; Endowment Contributions this fiscal YTD $70
St. John (Jan 13):
Envelopes - $810; Plate - $53; Seminary Collection - $95;
Endowment Contributions this fiscal YTD - $0; Loan @ CSB –
St. Boniface (Jan 13): Envelopes - $1586; Plate - $128; Seminary Collection - $320.70;
Children - $3.00; Endowment Contributions this fiscal YTD $20; Loan @ CSB – $5300; Roof Fund to date - $5,315.
Scripture Readings
Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22
Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28
Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6
Heb 7:25- 8:6; Mk 3:7-12
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 3:20-21
St. John the Baptist
First Friday Adoration: 8:30 am – 7:00 pm followed by
Benediction and Closing
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays 6:45 am-7:45 am
St. Boniface Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
6:50 am – 7:50 am
Subsidizing the Slaughter of the Innocents
by Ken Connor on January 16, 2013
During the 2012 election season the American people were subjected to hundreds of campaign
ads. Among these were several geared towards women, and many of these were paid for by Planned
Parenthood. According to Planned Parenthood, Mitt Romney was bad for women because he wanted to cut
federal funding for the organization, thereby depriving millions of women of “vital services.” We heard a
lot about cancer screenings in these ads, but very little about abortions.
The reality is that abortion is big business for Planned Parenthood, and Uncle Sam continues to be a
complicit financier of the organization’s ghoulish practices. In 2011, Planned Parenthood performed
333,964 abortions, up from 329,445 the year before. The federal government provided the organization
with $542.4 million dollars in funding, which is nearly half of Planned Parenthood’s budget. No one likes to
talk about the fact that a huge portion of this sum is used to facilitate the willful destruction of innocent
human life. The “pro-choice” lobby prefers euphemisms like “women’s health care choices” and
“reproductive rights” to fan the flames of “social justice” advocates who frame abortion as a matter of
privacy and civil liberty. You’ll never see a Planned Parenthood ad that says “Don’t vote for Candidate X
because he/she wants to end federal funding of abortion!!” or “Support the right of women to choose to
kill their innocent children.” They’d never do that because they recognize how awful it sounds. They know
that they are in a grisly business and that speaking about it honestly would be a turnoff to voters.
The fact that the number of abortions performed at Planned Parenthood clinics across the
country is rising and not falling is further evidence that the procedure is a major revenue generator for
them, and your tax dollars and my tax dollars are used to fund this soulless enterprise. The oft repeated
assertion that the public monies given to Planned Parenthood are somehow separated out and not used
for abortions is ridiculous. Money is fungible, and thus American taxpayers are subsidizing the killing of
innocent children whether we want to or not.
Whatever happened to the belief, articulated by Thomas Jefferson, that the chief purpose of government
is to protect life? What about the principle expressed in the Declaration of Independence that the right to
life is divinely bestowed and universal? These convictions are what set America apart as a beacon of
liberty and civilization for the rest of the world. Yet somehow we’ve gotten to a point where the deliberate
annihilation of unborn children through surgical or chemical means is sacrosanct to the liberal Left. The
same bleeding hearts that will march in the streets to save the whales, the turtles, the trees, and the
Palestinians will also march in the streets to preserve a woman’s right to kill her baby. Their selfabsorption and hubris prevent them from seeing the disconnect.
Ronald Reagan once said if you subsidize something, you’ll get more of it. Planned Parenthood’s abortion
business will continue to grow so long as a complicit Congress continues to pour tax revenues into this
killing machine. But where is the outrage among pro-life members? All they do is wring their hands and
furrow their brows and complain that they are impotent to stop the practice. So year after year the
government pours millions in to the coffers of the biggest abortionist in the business, and year after year
hundreds of innocent children perish because of it.
January 27, Sunday - East Catholic Development Breakfast at Sacred Heart Parish Hall in Wynot, NE. Serving from
9:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. Menu: pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit, coffee & juice.
January 27, Sunday - St. Rose Catholic School Brunch in St. Rose Parish Hall from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon. Serving
scrambled eggs, ham, hash brown bake, fresh fruit, caramel rolls, juice and coffee. Adults $6, K-6th Grade $4, Preschool
$1. Everyone welcome.
Cedar Catholic Prom Fundraisers:
(1) Trash Bag Fundraiser - The juniors are taking orders 1/16/13 through 2/4/13. The cost is $11 per roll. The bag sizes
and number of bags per roll are: -white (15 gal) 65 per roll, yellow (39 gal) 25 per roll, blue (55 gal) 16 per roll. Pick-up &
pay date is Monday, February 4th: 3:45 to 6:00 p.m. in the Cedar Catholic High School lobby. (Cash & carry orders also
(2) Schwan’s Truckload Fundraiser - Stock up for Lent! The juniors are taking orders January 16- February 1. Pick-up
& pay date is Saturday, February 9th : 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. in the Msgr. Werner Activity Center hallway and parking lot.
(Walk-up orders welcome.)
February 9, Saturday - St. Rose of Lima Parish & School, Crofton, NE invites you to their “WESTERN ROUND-UP”
Unity Supper & Grand Auction at the St. Rose Parish Ctr., Sat., Feb. 9. Silent bidding begins at 3:30 pm with Mass at 5
pm, Social Time at 6 pm and Meal at 6:30 pm. This year’s Western theme includes a chance to win a trip for two to
Nashville, TN (Chances for trip tickets are $25 each or 5 for $100). Meal tickets: $25. Grand and Silent Auction items.
So, saddle up in your favorite jeans, boots and hats for a rootin’ tootin’ time with prizes for best Western duds! For ticket
info, contact St. Rose Parish office at 402 388 4814 or 402 388 4393. Tickets also available at several Crofton
businesses including: Kayton International, People’s Grocery, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Crofton Farm Supply, or
Steffen’s Service.
January 22, Tuesday - Rural North Central Deanery Council of Catholic Women Deanery
Meeting at St. Boniface in Menominee. Registration 1:00, Meeting 1:30. Bring names for
President and Vice President. We will discuss plans for the convention. Please plan to send a
representative from your parish. Please let Sheila Schieffer or Carolyn Leader know if you plan
to attend for St. Joseph; Jennifer Suing for St. Boniface; Cindy Wiebelhaus for St. John.
Have a Mass said for a loved one – send your Mass intentions to Carole Schulte, PO
Box 116, Fordyce-NE 68736. Masses are $10.00.
February 15, Friday - St. John’s Annual Fish Fry. Sign-up sheets
for preparation, serving and clean-up are in the back of church.
Please help if you can! This event is becoming bigger each year, and
thus takes more helping hands to make it a success. Contact a parish
council member with any questions.
St. Joseph Restoration Project -If you would like to send a thank you gift to Fred and Melvin Arens for their work on the
high altar and side altars at St. Joseph's you may send it to them at 88684 551 Avenue, Crofton 68730.
Please check the weekly ministry schedules to see if you are down to lector, serve or
usher. There have been several instances lately when volunteers have had to fill in. Please
remember that you are responsible for finding a replacement. Your cooperation is greatly
Sunday Envelopes for 2013 are in the back of church. Please pick them up so we don’t
have to mail. Thanks!
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Donations to Date
St. John the Baptist Parish
$6581.00 118.23%
St. Boniface Parish
$5695.00 101.15%
St. Joseph Parish
$1995.32 141.93%
Please return your pledge cards, even if you are not making a monetary donation. There are extra envelopes in
the back of church if you need one. Watch more online! Learn more about how your support of the Archbishop’s
Annual Appeal makes a difference in the lives of so many in our community. Visit to hear their stories.
The first St. Boniface Centennial Cookbooks that were published in 1982 are
available for sale for $15.00. Please contact Julie Arens if you would like one.
National Catholic Schools Week
is coming up January 27-February 2, 2013.
West Catholic Elementary will host a Community Bingo Party on
Tuesday, January 29th at St. John’s Parish Center from 2:15 p.m.
– 3:30 p.m. Everyone and anyone is welcome to join us for an
afternoon of fun!
All 300 Club memberships are due February 1st. Please send your $60 dues payable to
Cedar Catholic Development, to your team captain or Alice Pommer. This will save a lot of
phone calls and letters. Thanks in advance for your continued support of Catholic education.
New members are always welcome.
300 Club Winners for the month of January: $300 – Alice Klug; $100 each: Dean & Gerald
McGregor, Steve & Janet Heine, Dick & Barb Wiebelhaus, Don & Elaine Hochstein.
West Catholic 100 Club Winners for the month of January are as follows:
$50.00 - Gary & Amy Dickes
$25.00 - Jean Marie Lammers
$25.00 Melvin & Sharon Jansen
Bus Fuel
THANK YOU to those who’ve been helping out on our bus fuel bill at Wiebelhaus
Station. It is a BIG help to the school.
There is almost always a bill to pay for fuel for the bus. If you would like to help out, just
stop down at the Station. THANKS AGAIN for your support!
The HyVee SmartPoints Program
Watch the bulletin to see if we are winners for the third year!
Burnell’s Foodtown Cash Register Tapes for Education Program begins
September 1st and runs through March 2013. This is a wonderful fundraiser for our school,
please take advantage of it! Just drop your cash register receipts from Foodtown in the
West Catholic box at the store, or you can drop them off at school. Thanks for your
participation in this program!
So far we have collected a little over $14,000 worth of cash register tapes. Let’s try to beat
last year’s total of $32,993!!
HyVee Cards – Imagine if 5% of your monthly grocery purchases went to the school. If you’ve never purchased HyVee
Cards, now’s the time to start! You can get them at Cedar Security Bank, The Carpenter
Shop (just south of HyVee) and also from Mary Schaefer, Ruth Wiebelhaus, Lora
Wiebelhaus, or at the school. Let’s take full advantage of this program!
There are LOTS of ways to help out West Catholic Elementary. Check out this list!
Target - Use your Target card at checkout and mention that your donation goes to WCES.
Land O’ LakesEach lid is worth 5 cents – drink lots of milk!
Old Cell Phones
We can send them in for $$
Ink Cartridges
We can send them in for $$
People’s Grocery - in Crofton, NE will donate 3 cents for every Shur-Fresh label you clip.
Coca-Cola Lids
Send them to the school and we’ll put them to good use!
Box Tops for Education
Clip those box tops and bring them to school – LOTS of retailers will donate a % of your purchase to the school. You just need to log into their website
when you want to make an on-line purchase, and from there you navigate to your
favorite stores. You don’t need a scrip card to get the donation; however, you can
use scrip cards in combination with OneCause to get additional donations:
For Example: You can buy a $100 scrip card to Omaha Steaks and their contribution is 11% or $11.00. For an addition 4%
donation, you can navigate to the Omaha Steaks website through OneCause (you will have to set up an account at OneCause),
and another $4.00 will be awarded to the school. No extra cost involved for you! Very simple, and takes very little time.
This list includes only a portion of the retailers who participate in OneCause. Go to the website for more.
Murals Your Way
Champion USA
National Geographic
American Eagle
Champs Sports
Newport News
Sierra Trading Post
Ann Taylor
New York & Co.
Apple iTunes
Circuit City
Holabird Sports
Banana Republic
Coldwater Creek
Old Navy
Bare Necessities
Omaha Steaks
Sunglass Hut
Bargain Outfitters
Constructive Playthings
J. Jill
One Hanes Place
Bass Pro Shops
Crate & Barrel
JC Penney
Online Shoes
Paragon Sports
The Children’s Place
Journey ED
Children’s Wear Outlet
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Discovery Store
Just Blinds
Plow & Hearth
The Company Store
Best Buy
E.L.F. Cosmetics
Pottery Barn
The Container Store
Better World Books
ProActive Solution
The North Face
Blinds Galore
Easy Spirit
LL Bean
Tiger Direct
Essential Apparel
Lands End
Famous Footwear
RoadRunner Sports
Boden USA
Limoges Jewelry
Fans Edge
Linen Source
Under Armour
Urban Outfitters
Sheer Cover
Victoria’s Secret
Café Press
French Toast
Magic Cabin
Metro Style
Shoe Mall
Wet Seal
West Catholic Scrip Program
In order for Scrip to work, a participating retailer agrees to give a discount to Great
Lake Scrip Center. This discount is passed along to the school, and when the
certificate is sold by the school for FULL Face Value, this discount becomes revenue
for the school.
So.. the certificates come as either a gift card or a paper certificate. They are honored
at all stores that have their name on that card. If you order a Kohl’s for $100, you
have $100 to spend but the school profits $4 because Kohl’s gives back 4%. A list of
participating vendors and their percentage of discount is available on the GLSC web
We order cards on Monday mornings, and have them by Friday of that week, so some
planning ahead is necessary. There are some “Scrip Now” certificates that are
available to you within the hour if you have a PRESTO PAY account.
The school has profited over $3000 in the little over 2 years that we have been
participating. We have a loyal following but would welcome newcomers. Our
potential for profit would be increased if more families would participate. Cards can
be used for anytime you go shopping. They are also great for Christmas, weddings,
showers, teachers, etc.
If you would like to meet with any one of the three coordinators, just give us a call. Or
just call in an order to any one of us!
Please consider the Scrip program for your Holiday Shopping and MORE!
Beth Stevens
Ruth Wiebelhaus
Lori Hoebelheinrich 402-357-3762
Hundreds of retailers participate. Visit
West Catholic Elementary
Catholic Schools Week Soup and Pie Supper
St. John’s Parish Center
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Mass at 5:30 p.m.
Reminder to all 5th & 6th graders: we would appreciate your
help with serving and clean-up.
Everyone is welcome to help celebrate the close of
Catholic Schools Week at St. John’s Parish Center.
Donations Appreciated!
20 lbs. hamburger
1 lbs. butter
8 cups diced carrots
2 gal chili beans
Dinner served from 5:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
3 liters GingerAle/Sprite
6 qts. Tomato juice
Adults—$5, kids- $3, 4 & under—free
6 cups diced onions
3 lbs. coffee
This is the evening when the Secret Prayer Friends
8 cups diced celery
10 gallons juice
are revealed. It will be a fun evening for all those
1 box no-salt Saltines
9 box Saltines
4 bags powered sugar
24 Pies
Mass that evening at 5:30 p.m. at St. John’s.
involved with this special event!
HyVee Cards or cash to help with additional costs.
Please call Jennifer & Allen Eickhoff at 402-357-2603
Cedar County Catholic Schools GALA 2013 - March 16
Donate a West Catholic Scrip Card!! It’s easy—you don’t have to go shopping for a gift, and everyone loves to get a gift card.
Not sure what Scrip card to give? That’s OK—just let me know the dollar amount you want to donate and I will take care of it
for you. Scrip cards range in price from $10 to $250. There is no easier way than this to benefit both schools at the same
Any gifts that you have in mind for the Gala would be gladly accepted. We need to hurry though-only 9 weeks till the Gala.
We would like to have all gifts delivered to the Development Office by February 4th.
Ordering and gift drop-off is available after St. John’s Mass in Fordyce
and at the West Soup and Pie Supper on February 2nd.
Please contact Ruth Wiebelhaus for more information : 402-357-3570 or 402-841-5624
Jan 20
Jan 20
Jan 21
Jan 22
Jan 23
Jan 24
Jan 25
Jan 26
Jan 27
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
(M )
(C )
+Julie Kramer
For the People
Deceased Benedictine Sisters
+Jeff Potts
+Orlein Hevely
+Geo & Luella Kleinschmit
+Sue Hesse
+Josephine Kast
For the People
+Norbert & Viola Reifenrath
Alburn & Vivian Wiebelhaus – 55th Wedding Anniversary
Jan 14
LifeServe Bloodbank (Fordyce Village Hall)
3:15 – 6:00 p.m.
Jan 14
St. John’s Parish Council Mtg.
7:30 p.m.
Jan 20
Mass in Extraordinary Form (F )
2:00 p.m.
Feb 4
St. Joseph Covenant Keepers & St. Mary’s Women’s Group (M)
7:00 p.m.
Feb 10
St. John’s Parish Council Fish Fry Planning Mtg.
after Mass
Feb 26
St. John’s Parish Council Mtg.
7:00 p.m.
January Church Cleaners
St. Joseph
St. John
St. Boniface
Chair-Bette Keiser, Jeannie Schieffer, JoAnn Steffen, Christy Mortensen
Chair-Dianne Becker, Charlie Becker, Mona Buschelman, Ellie Buschelman, Amy Dickes, Marcia
January 12, 2013: Chair-Cindy Schroeder, Joan Shalley, Jean Schwader, Lisa Schroeder, Terri
Schurman, Ruth Steffen, Jan Sudbeck
Jan 12-18:
Jan 19-25:
Jan 26-Feb 1:
Donald & Marcia Albers
Clinton & Dianne Becker
Roger & Charlie Becker
St. Boniface Parish
January 27-Sunday – 8:30 a.m.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ryan Loecker
Ron & Lisa Schroeder Family
Justin Goeden & Kyle Kast
John Jansen (E ), Melvin Jansen (E ), Steve Jansen, Duane Jones
St. Joseph Parish
January 26 – Saturday – 7:30 p.m.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tom Kuchta
Charice Stevens
Mike & Terry Mueller
Mike Mueller & George Steffen
St. John the Baptist
January 27 – Sunday – 10:30 a.m.
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tom Wiebelhaus
Bob & Karla Sudbeck
Gavin & Gabriel Potts
Bill Potts, Bob Sudbeck (E ), Clinton Becker, Bruce Peitz (E )