Ablative of Means Practice

Ablative of Means Practice
Fill in the blank with the noun provided (put in the ablative) to show means by which
something is done.
Then translate.
1. ad Graeciam __________________ īmus (we go).
(by horse)
2. Graecī cum Trōiānīs ______________ pugābunt.
(with swords)
3. rēgina amīcōs __________________ victoriam nuntiābit.
(by means of letters)
4. _______________ nōn in periculō (danger) sumus.
(by fortune)
5. dominus servōs _________________ incitat.
(with punishments)
6. aquam ad provinciam _________________ portāmus.
(with a cart)
7. deōs ________________ laudāmus.
(with victory)
8. poēta puellās ________________ delectat. (delights)
(with a story - fabula)
9. familiam et vītam ___________ servābimus.
(by means of fights)
Compose a sentence using a different word to show Means.
(Don’t repeat a word from #s 1-9)
Translate: ___________________________________________________________________