Biology 110 Review for Final Exam

Biology 110 Review for Final Exam
The following items are suggested as the BEGINNING point in your preparation for the
final examination in Biology 110. You should devote most, but NOT ALL of your study
time on the concepts, principles, and factual review that follows. Remember, that all the
material in the assigned and covered chapters are TESTABLE MATERIAL for the final
exam. As always, you should be prepared to apply any and all of the concepts we have
covered in class, and especially those mentioned in this review. Study smart and
remember to keep your confessions and verbalizations positive.
Cell structure, organelles, composition of organelles, and function(s) are all testable
Evaluate the composition and function(s) of receptor molecules situated in the plasma
Discuss the process of phagocytosis and determine the mechanisms of intracellular
Define goblet cells, determine where located and in what type of epithelium, and
product(s) secreted.
Define basement membrane and determine its location.
List the types of tissue and differentiate between them.
List the types of epithelium and be prepared to discuss the primary location(s) of each
Be able to list layers of the epidermis from inside out or vice versa.
List some structures found in the dermis of the skin.
Determine structure(s) found in the papillary layer of the dermis.
Provide the location and function(s) of sebaceous glands.
Define melanoma and apply the ABCD rule.
List the two types of sweat glands, provide their major locations, and differentiate
between the two.
List the bone types and classify bones of the human body by type.
Review the figure of a long bone on page 118 and be apply the supply the correct term
with a given function or vice versa: i.e., diaphysis, periosteum, epiphyses, articular
cartilage, epiphyseal line, epiphyseal plate, medullary cavity, yellow marrow, red
marrow, compact bone, spongy bone, and Sharpey’s fibers.
Compare and contrast compact and spongy bone.
Evaluate bone formation in the embryo/fetus.
Compare and contrast long bone growth with bone remodeling, and determine what
controls each process.
Discuss the effect(s) of an excess of parathyroid hormone on bone remodeling.
Differentiate between the axial and appendicular skeleton and be able to determine which
bones are a part of each system.
List the five regions of the vertebral column.
Differentiate between amphiarthroses, synarthroses, and diarthroses articulations and
determine where such articulations would be located.
List the types of muscle tissue and differentiate between the types.
Provide the names of the connective tissue wrappings of skeletal muscle.
Define sarcomere and apply the concept.
List the composition of a muscle from largest to smallest component or vice versa.
Define motor unit and be able to apply the concept.
Evaluate the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
List the four roles that muscles play in the body.
Define sarcoplasmic reticulum and determine its location and function(s).
Compare and contrast a muscle twitch with a tetanic contraction.
Define muscle tone and discuss its importance.
Discuss ependymal cells; i.e., location, purpose(s), and/or function(s).
List the types of neurons and differentiate between the types.
Compare and contrast a myelinated nerve fiber with an unmyelinated nerve fiber.
Analyze polarization, depolarization, action potential, and repolarization in terms of ion
List the sequence of a typical reflex arc.
Determine the location of the hypothalamus and list some of its major functions.
Define meninges and list the layers from outer to inner or vice versa.
Compare and contrast afferent and efferent nerves.
Compare and contrast the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
Compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as
Correctly identify any endocrine gland, name its hormone(s), and give generalized
function/effect of same.
Define and apply the concept of negative feedback; list some mechanisms that are classic
negative feedback scenarios.
List and apply the mechanisms of endocrine gland stimulation.
List the hormones manufactured by the hypothalamus and give target tissues or organs.
List the two hormones released by the posterior pituitary and give target tissues or organs
and action.
List the hormones of the anterior pituitary, give target tissues or organs, and action.
Define diabetes insipidus, give cause, and list some symptoms.
Determine where aldosterone is produced and its effect on kidney tubules.
List the general actions of the catecholamines.
Determine where melatonin is produced and give its hypothesized action(s).
Define corpus luteum, state where located, what forms the structure, hormone produced,
and importance.
List the hormones produced by the placenta.
List the chambers and valves of the heart and trace blood flow through the heart.
Determine which vessels associated with the heart carry oxygenated and deoxygenated
Define pacemaker, location, and describe its function(s) and action(s).
Trace an impulse through the intrinsic conduction system of the heart.
Correctly label a diagram of the heart and provide function(s) for selected chambers or
Define and apply cardiac output, cardiac cycle, and stroke volume.
Determine the effect(s) of sympathetic stimulation of heart; of parasympathetic
Discuss the production of and function of renin and aldosterone.
Discuss the drainage of lymph.
Discuss location and function(s) of the thymus.
Define memory cells and apply the concept relating to immunity.
Label and/or correctly identify various parts of the lymphatic system and provide basic
structure and function(s).
Label a micrograph of the respiratory system.
Differentiate between respiratory conducting passageways and respiratory zone structures
(know which parts are conducing and which are respiratory).
Determine the location of the paranasal sinuses.
List the functions of the paranasal sinuses.
List the three types of tonsils and differentiate between the types.
Define surfactant, determine where produced, and function(s).
Determine what tissue type composes most of the alveoli walls.
List the ways carbon dioxide is transported and determine which method is utilized the
most, the least.
List the major function of the respiratory system, provide the four distinct events that
comprise “respiration” and define those events.
List the composition and function(s) of the stomach.
Determine the boundaries of the small intestine.
List the pancreatic enzymes and determine where they “enter” the system.
Differentiate between mechanical and chemical digestion and discuss the concepts.
Label a micrograph of the digestive system.
Define Bowman’s capsule and state its function(s).
Trace filtrate from the glomerular capsule through the renal tubule.
Define filtration and apply the concept.
List the major roles of the kidneys.
Apply the bicarbonate buffering system and how the kidneys adjust blood pH by
absorbing or secreting ions.
Label a micrograph of the urinary system.
Discuss the composition of semen.
Determine where fertilization “usually’ occurs.
Discuss the composition of mammary glands.
Define parturition.
Label a micrograph of the reproductive system (male and/or female).