Autonomic Nervous System peripheral nervous system = autonomic and somatic nervous systems efferent autonomic nervous system is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic outflows Sympathetic Efferent Anatomy o preganglionic cells in lateral horns of T1-L2 o postganglionic – usually located away from target organ ie paravertebral ganglia, collateral ganglia (exception is suprarenal gland) o white rami (myelinated – T1 to L2only) – located more distal, contains preganglionic and afferent fibres o gray rami (unmyelinated) – efferent postganglionic fibres o in the neck superior cervical ganglion – union of upper 4 cervical ganglia middle cervical ganglion – C5 and C6 inferior cervical ganglion (stellate) – C7, C8 and often T1 Physiology o Preganglionic nicotinic Ach receptors o Postganglionic NorAdr adrenoreceptor Exceptions 1. Sweat gland - muscarinic Ach 2. Adrenal medulla – release Adr(80%) and NorAdr (20%) Function o For amplification of outflow and widespread discharge during times of stress, fear, anger (flight or fright) o Thermal regulation Vasomotor Sudomotor - sweat Pilomotor o Cardiac rhythm o Adrenal medulla Afferent Anatomy o Cell bodies in the posterior root ganglia of spinal nerves o Hitchhikes along with sympathetic efferent fibres and enter white ramus communicans to posterior root ganglia Function o Visceral pain Parasympathetic Anatomy o preganglionic in cranial nerve nuclei, lateral horn cells of sacral segments o postganglionic – usually located close to target organ (terminal ganglia) Physiology o Preganglionic nicotinic Ach receptors o Postganglionic Muscarinic Ach receptor Function o Supplies viscera only - discrete regulation of organ function and conservation of resources (feed or breed) Cranial Parasympathetic Ganglia Each ganglia consists of parasympathetic, sympathetic and sensory branches Ciliary ganglion Parasympathetic Edinger Westphal nucleus (part of CN3 nucleus) Midbrain (periaqueductal gray matter) Inferior Division of CN III Superior Orbital Fissure Ciliary ganglion Short ciliary nerves Supplies sphincter pupillae of the iris and the ciliary muscles of the lens Sympathetic Superior cervical ganglion Internal carotid nerve Long and short ciliary nerves Internal carotid/ophthalmic artery Sensation Nasociliary nerve branch Long root of the ciliary ganglion Short ciliary nerve NB – long ciliary nerve is direct branch from nasociliary nerve to eye, does not pass through ciliary ganglion – contains sympathetic and sensory nerves Pterygopalatine ganglion Parasympathetic Superior Salivary ganglion Nervus intermedius part of Facial nv Geniculate ganglion Greater petrosal nerve Nv of pterygoid canal (with deep petrosal) nv Pterygopalatine ganglion Nasopalatine nerve Lateral posterior superior nasal Greater palatine Lesser palatine Pharyngeal nerve Orbital branches Zygomatic nerve Lacrimal nerve Ventrolateral part of pons Intratemporal Hiatus of GPN Pterygoid (Vidian) canal (foramen lacerum) Pterygopalatine fossa Sphenopalatine foramen Sphenopalatine foramen Greater palatine foramen Lesser palatine foramen Palatovaginal canal Inferior orbital fissure Sympathetic Superior cervical ganglion Internal carotid nerve Deep petrosal nerve Nv of pterygoid canal (with deep petrosal) nv Foramen lacerum Pterygoid (Vidian) canal (foramen lacerum) Sensation Maxillary nerve Otic ganglion Parasympathetic Inferior Salivary ganglion Glossopharyngeal nerve Tympanic branch (Jacobsen’s) Tympanic plexus Lesser petrosal nerve Ventrolateral part of pons Jugular foramen tympanic caniliculus promontory, middle ear Hiatus of LPN Otic ganglion Auriculotemporal nerve Foramen ovale/petrosal foramen Sympathetic Superior cervical ganglion External carotid artery Maxillary artery Middle meningeal artery Sensation Auriculotemporal nerve Motor Nerve to medial pterygoid, fibres to tensor tympani and tensor palati Submandibular ganglion Parasympathetic Superior Salivary ganglion Nervus intermedius part of Facial nv Geniculate ganglion Chorda tympani Lingual nerve Submandibular ganglion Sympathetic Superior cervical ganglion External carotid artery Facial artery Middle meningeal artery Sensation Lingual nerve Ventrolateral part of pons Intratemporal Petrotympanic fissure (canal of Huguier)