- Parishes Online

Rev. David L. Smith, S. J., Pastor
St. Mary, Portsmouth, Residence
712-743-2625 Parish Office / E-mail - dsmithsj@netins.net
– 5:00pm – Saturday
PORTSMOUTH – 8:30am – Sunday
– 8:30am
–10:00am – Sunday
– 7:00pm
SHELBY COUNTY CATHOLIC SCHOOL – ANN ANDERSEN, PRINCIPAL – 755-5634 or www.shelcocath.pvt.k12.ia.us
St. Boniface
207 Duren, P. O. Box 86, Westphalia, IA 51578
712-627-4255 (Phone), 712-627-4259 (fax)
Lorene Kaufmann, parish secretary (office hours vary, please call ahead)
St. Mary of the Assumption
104 N. 2nd St., P. O. Box 203, Panama, IA 51562-0203
712-489-2030 (Phone/Fax) or smpanama@fmctc.com
Karen Wingert, parish secretary
(Office hours: M–T–W–F – 8–10am / Thu–9–11am)
Prayer Line Contact: Call 489-2030
St. Mary Our Lady of Fatima
M–06/15 – NO MASS (Father’s Day Off)
T–06/16–11:15am–LFH – Ed Miller (d)
W–06/17–8:30am–West.–Mike Schechinger (d)
T–06/18–8:30am–Pan. – Nub Assmann (d)
F–06/19–8:30–Port. – Larry & Greg Weihs (d)
S–06/20–5pm–Pan. – Ron Kohles (d)
S–06/21–8:30am–Port. – Rich Lefeber (d)
S–06/21–10am–West. – Joe Wehr (d)
May our prayers and sacrifices encourage young men and
502 4th St., P. O. Box 98, Portsmouth, IA 51565-0098
women to discern a vocation to the priesthood or
712-743-2625 (Phone) or hankhu@iowatelecom.net
life. If there is interest, please contact
Hank Hughes, parish secretary (office hours: M–F – 9:30am–5:30pm) Vocation Director Fr. Joseph Pins at jpins@dmdiocese.org
Prayer Line Contacts: Peg Petsche–743-3652/Arlene Pauley–743-2241 or (515)237-5050.
Call Fr. David at 743-2625 if a family
member is in the hospital or homebound.
If school is two hours late or cancelled due to bad
weather there will be NO MASS. Listen to KNOD.
NO Daily Mass if funeral is in parish of Mass.
There IS Daily Mass if funeral is not in parish with
-------------------------------------------------------------------SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
Westphalia: after 10 a.m. Sunday Mass until last
confession heard or by appointment.
Panama: after 5 p.m. Saturday Mass until
last confession heard or by appointment.
Portsmouth: after 8:30 a.m. Friday Mass until last
confession heard or by appointment.
Parents should contact the rectory soon enough for
required preparation before baptism.
Those planning to marry must see
Father AT LEAST SIX MONTHS in advance of
desired date. No date can be set
before the initial interview in person.
If you know of someone who might be interested in looking into becoming
Catholic, contact Meg Kohles (712-489-2429) or
Will Schafer(panama@iowatelecom.net ) for upcoming sessions.
In Today’s Gospel…Jesus appears reluctant to reveal his identity as the Son of God. After
performing miracles of healing, he warns those cured to tell no one. When preaching, Jesus
chooses to speak to the crowds in parables, leaving them to discern his message. Only to
his disciples does he explain the parables meaning, and he does this in private, at a later
time. These parables help us discern something about the kingdom of God and our own
faith. In God, we live, move and have our being, but God is a mystery and his kingdom,
though present, has not yet come into its fullness. Today, the Kingdom of God is present in
the Church. The mission of proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom given to the
Apostles is given to us. Just as seeds need time to come to fruition so does the Kingdom of
God. That is why in the Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “thy kingdom come.” We know that it will
come in its fullness at the end of time. All we need is faith. Loyola Press
QUESTION OF THE WEEK….Faced with the Church’s or my own slow growth and
constant need for renewal, what can I do practically this week to take Paul’s advice
and “be courageous”
Pastoral Patterns
Catholic Relief Services USA…You Did It for Me….Last summer’s war in Gaza caused
Noura Ashour to go into early labor. She gave birth to a healthy girl. Noura is a native of
Gaza and has experienced several losses because of the ongoing wars between Israel and
militant groups. Despite all this, Noura has become the embodiment of the CRS mission as
an employee dedicated to helping others who are in difficult circumstances like herself.
Sister Joyce’s Message (Phone number is 489-2426, or cell 712-898-6680).
--We welcome our seminarian and pray that his rural pastoral experience here in Shelby County will be an
everlasting memory. We are open to learn from you too, Dan.
--Thanks to all the support for the Nicaragua sister/twin parish. Prayer is a #1 gift. Mil Gracias.
--Shelby county continues to call forth the spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Healing is always
needed. Our leadership skills spurn faith awakens. Let’s envision our parish mission statement bringing
a burst of NEW LIFE. FELIZ PRIMAVERA—HAPPY SPRING --With all the storms, rains, etc, one farmer
said: “Ruralness with all of the storms is not a SETBACK but A SET UP to restart.”
“We may be delayed but not destroyed.”
Offertory Gifts
Sun. June 21(10am)
Ed Rueschenberg
Ray Schechinger
Maria Rosmann
Phil Zimmerman fam.
Sue Gross
Jan Hastert
Ed Rueschenberg
Jamie Schechinger
Ashley Hastert
Ray Schechinger
Chad Heithoff
Brian Arkfeld
Vicki Schmitz
Sun. June 28 (10am)
Lynn Schmitz
LaVonne Schulte
Karen Brinker
Chad Sears Family
Terry Schulte
LaVonne Schulte
Tami Rueschenberg
Laura Kaufmann
Savanna Musich
Clarence Brinker
Glenn Gaul
Glen Gubbels
Sun. July 5 (8:30am)
Darlene Wilwerding
Sue Gross
Julie Goeser
Rod Musich Family
Lindsey Kaufmann
Daniel Rosmann
Ed Rueschenberg
Morgan Goetz
Miranda Goetz
Bill Holzer
Mark Kaufman
Rod Musich
Harold & Alice Schwery
Financial Report: May 31: Tithes $499 Plate $68 June 7: Tithes $410
Plate $71 Votive $30.15 Club House Rent $200 Cemetery Donation $20
Diocesan Appeal Report: This year’s goal is $18,325. To date we have
received $12,020 from 51 households. That leaves $6,305 left to go! Please
prayerfully consider your donation. Thank you to all who have already
pg. 2
Sun. July 12 (8:30am)
John Zimmerman
Joni Schwery
Judi Schmitz
Norman & Gloria Schmitz
Karen Brinker
John Zimmerman
Ann Heithoff
Brock Musich
Michael Heithoff
Ed Rueschenberg
Ray Schechinger
Norman Schmitz
Please Pray for the Sick & Recuperating!
Linda Kaufman
Leona Kaufmann
Charlotte Holzer
Glen Schechinger Mitch Osborn
Margaret Swanson
Lori Nihsen Bill Jensen Curtis Coenen Michelle Altar
Sally Leuschen
Harold Schulte
Mary Lou Keital
Marlene (Kloewer) Eggerling
Anuar Talavera (Nicaragua)
Bingo at LFH – St. Boniface is on to host July 10, and October 9, at 2:00 pm. They would like us to have someone to coordinate from our
parish for this event. Please contact Lorene if you would be willing. The residents would love to have visitors and Jane would appreciate
some help in general. Can you spare some time to volunteer?
Picnic Supper Reminder: Each family needs to bring 3
fruit pies or one large fruit dessert to the 4th of July
Dinner. No cream pies or any refrigerated desserts
can be served! Please no bars or cakes!
Thank you. Chairmen of the Dinner
The Heads of the Picnic would like to finish
collecting. Please contact them if you have not already
paid your picnic collection or turn it into the office! The
Heads are Don & Judy Schomers and Ed
Rueschenberg. The collection will once again be $60.
Picnic Auction: Please call Ed 579-1311 or Jo Schmitz 627-4200 or if no answer 579-1906 to donate auction
items. Notification must be made by June29 to be printed on the auction list.
FMCTC Appreciation BBQ: will be held at the
Parish Center Tuesday, June 16, serving from
4 – 7 pm.
Office Hours: Summer hours will vary through
August. Please call ahead if needing something
from the office.
Faith Builders from the Rosary Society: Jesus can make any storm in our life as a gentle breeze. Just as the apostles
were awed by Christ’s power to calm the violent sea, we, too, just need to place our trust in Him to have our troubles
calmed. This week with each trouble or challenge we face let’s say the short prayer “Jesus, I trust in you.” We will be
awed by Christ’s power to ease our burdens!
Thank you for all the support given to Shelby County Catholic School at our Annual Golf Tournament on May 30. Special thanks to our
loyal sponsors and all who donated the great flag prizes. Thank you to our golfers and those who donated their time to help organize and
work at the tournament. Because of your efforts and generosity, we had a very successful tournament.
Catholic Daughters Court of St. Katherine #266
Earling's next meeting will be Thursday, June 18,
7 pm, in the Earling Hall. We will work on plans for our
Centennial scheduled for September 13, 2015.
Daughters are requested to bring a short story of a
special Catholic Daughter memory to be placed in our
Centennial memory book for that occasion. As many
Daughters as possible are urged to attend this meeting!!
Bring your daughter, daughter-in-law, or a friend to the
meeting. Guests are welcome!
Iowa Community Kitchen Dinner & Dance
Fundraiser: Saturday, June 20, St. Boniface Parish
Center – Westphalia. Hot dog & hamburger BBQ serving
from 4 – 6pm. Usual Suspects Band playing 50’s, 60’s,
70’s & 80’s music from 6 – 7:30 and 8:30–10:30 pm.
Open Mic 7:30–8:30pm. Tickets $10 adults, $5 children
(children under 5 free). Silent Auction and Costume
Prize. All proceeds will be split among Iowa Community
Kitchen, SCCO, West Central Community Action and the
American Legion.
Sun. June 14 (8:30am)
Sun. June 21(8:30am)
Kayla Pauley
Justine Buman
Kody Bruck
Madeline Buman
Jacob Koke
Cameron Springman
Dewayne Stolz (choir)
Renae Arkfeld (choir)
Randy Fields (choir)
Suzy Wear (choir)
Bev Ohlinger
Donnie Kenkel
Lectors (1st) Jeanne Fields
Jennifer Foster
(2nd Rdg
Joseph Fields
Jennifer Foster
Jeremy/Amy Zacharias fam. George & Suzy Wear
Marv Leinen
Dewayne Stolz
Lynn Martens
Bill Slaven
Gary Koke
Dave Ohlinger
Mel Sporrer
Bill Arkfeld
Roxanne Reinig
Gaylen Smith
Mitz Wilke
Bill Slaven
Larry Stein
Dian Slaven
Rosary (8am)JoAnn Finerty/Virginia Reinig Dave/Bev Ohlinger fam.
Sun. June 28(8:30am)
Sam Buman
Maggie Buman
John Buman III
Linda Reinig (choir)
George Wear (choir)
Hank Hughes
Nyra Sondag
Maggie Sondag
Larry & Carol Stein
Randy Fields
Joseph Fields
Ken Stein
Julie Stein
Sharon Pauley
Jackie Schaben
Mary Ellen Reisz
Myra Buman/Mitz Wilke
Financial Report:Tithes $2,345 Plate $82 Votive $33 FF $505 Cat.Char. $25
Diocesan Appeal: Goal $25,443. Received 64% to date from 74 families =
$16,130. Balance due $9,313. Thank you & please consider your donation.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday Mass is in church at 8:30am.
--First Saturday Holy Hour – 9am in church.
--First Monday – CDA – 6:40pm – Rosary / 7pm – NO Meeting in JULY
--Second Friday – 11:30am – W.O.W.S. Luncheon & social.
Parish Picnic is July 25 & 26.
Work list will be printed the week of June 28 so if you have any
changes please give to Hank no later than June 25.
Everyone’s help is greatly needed and appreciated.
We had fabulous items last year. We greatly appreciated it!
pg. 3
Sat. July 4 (5pm)
Brenda Arkfeld
Duane Reinig
Linda Reinig
Don/Ramona Kaufman
Sat. July 11 (5pm)
Emma Schechinger
Evelyn Schechinger
Al Ohlinger
Jeanne Fields (choir)
Doramae Heller (choir)
Julie Stein
Brenda Arkfeld
Hank Hughes
Paul/Des Wilwerding family
Ron Gau
Don Kenkel
Gary Schaben
Marv Leinen
Roxanne Reinig
Tom Reinig
Lois Crawford
Denise Reinig/Mary Reisz
IOWA CANS FOR CASH 2015 NCYC TRIP…..Please continue
saving cans for the NCYC by putting them in enclosure NW of
church. To date $2,825.50 deposited. Thanks for your support.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HY-VEE/COUNTRY FAIR UPC BAR CODES ONLY - $511.78 to
date. Thanks for your contributions and please continue to save.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for the sick & homebound: Thelma Schoemann,
Karla Pauley, Vi Skalla, Helen Barta, Jerry/Nola Schiltz, Sherri
LeRoy, Karen Blum, Jerry/Janice Waltz, Jean Schechinger, Ralph
Kramer, Anna Kenney, Jennifer Pauley Nelson/baby, Anuar
Talavera, Lori Reinig and all on prayer line
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT ST. MARIA GORETTI
#2498 FOOD COLLECTION is first weekend of the month.
Please pray for the young men from our parish serving
in the military: Nathan Bruck, Michael Bruck, Cody Daeges
Portsmouth Knights of Columbus Meeting in the R. E. Center Meeting Room on Monday, June 15 at 7:30 p.m.
Thank you….for putting on the breakfast for the seniors. I really enjoyed the food, especially the casserole. Thanks also
for the card and the keychain. I’m blessed to have grown-up in this church, where my faith has grown and strengthened.
Thank you for the scholarship, as well. Thanks again for everything! Al Ohlinger
FIFTEEN DECADE ROSARY FOR LIFE is SUN. JUNE 14, from 1:30-2:30pm in Earling. Please join us.
Sunday, June 14 – 2pm – Town Team Baseball Portsmouth at Council Bluffs
Panama Blood Drive Wed., June 17 – 12–6pm. Call DeeDee 489-2891 or cell 579-0100 to make appointment.
Wednesday, June 17 – 8 p.m. – Town Team Baseball – Massena at Portsmouth
Friday, June 19 – 5 – 8pm at ST. PATRICK’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Walnut, IA ANNUAL “ALL YOU CAN
EAT” SPAGHETTI SUPPER Spaghetti, Breadsticks, Salad, Dessert, Drink -- $8 Adults $5 Kids 10 & Under
JOIN THE CELEBRATION….All are invited to attend an Open House on Sunday, June 28 from 1 to 4pm in honor of
Fr. Wayne Gubbels, who will be retiring in July. There will be a brief program at 2:30pm. St. John’s Church and Parish
Hall are located just one mile south of Adel or four miles north of I80 on H169. Hope to see you then! If you are unable to
attend and wish to send him a card, his address is P. O. Box 185 Adel, IA 50003.
The Board of Directors of Emmaus House invites you to celebrate the Fortieth Anniversary of Emmaus House on
Sunday, June 28, 2015. Solemn Vespers, led by Bishop Pates, will be held at St. Ambrose Cathedral at 4 pm, followed
by a catered dinner and program in the Pastoral Center. The cost of the catered dinner is $40 per person. Please let us
know if you will join us in this joyous celebration as we look back at where Emmaus House has been, share stories with
the past directors, and look toward the future of Emmaus. To learn more of the history and events of Emmaus House
please go to our website, www.emmaushousedm.com. To make a dinner reservation please contact us at 515-282-4839
or email us at emmaus_house@yahoo.com.
Song Leader
Sat. June 20 (5pm)
Corey Freund family
Ashley Nihsen
Will Schafer
Josh Kaufman family
Joyce Kenkel (S)
Joyce Kenkel (D)
Pat Kenkel (D)
Will Kenkel
Joe Kenkel
Ben Kenkel
Jodie Wingert
Youth Choir
LuAnn Schwery
Rod Riessen
Mike Wingert
Dean Klein
Dave & Joyce Kenkel
Damian & Pat Kenkel
Kris Wingert
Sat. June 27 (4pm) Picnic
Jeremy Kruse family
Jay Fahn
Linda Fahn
Jeremy Kruse family
Keith Schwery
Eileen Schwery
Phil Wegner
Ron Wingert
Alf Wingert
Jerry Keane
Mary Ann Wendt
Meg Kohles
Ellen Schmidt
Rod Riessen
Mike Wingert
Dean Klein
Finance Group
pg. 4
July 5 (10am)
Steve Leinen’s
LuAnn Schwery
Mary Ann Wendt
Dan Wingert family
Linda Fahn
Jay Fahn
Dee Dee Leinen
Molly Wingert
Megan Klein
Brian Klein
Bob Mages
Bob Mages
Jodie Wingert
Steve Leinen
Jamie Fahn
Sylvan Kenkel
Marilyn Schwery
Jim & Rita Kloewer
Pat Michels
July 12 (10am)
Tony Nihsen family
Dan Wingert
Ron Wingert
Paul Wingert family
Mary Fahn
Jamie Fahn
Mona Crall
Jacob Wingert
Clayton Mages
Corinne Mages
Jodie Wingert
LuAnn Schwery
Meg Kohles
Steve Leinen
Jamie Fahn
Sylvan Kenkel
Shirley Chamberlain
John & LuAnn Schwery
Jan Theulen
Lectors and Eucharistic ministers if you cannot make the scheduled time, please trade with someone from a different week.
Servers please contact Marilyn Keane if you cannot be there.
Financial Report: Tithes - $270.00, Plate - $73.33, Masses - $30.00,
Rent- $800.00, Security reimburse - $50.00
Meetings and Events
Wednesday, June 17, Red Cross Bloodmobile, 12-6
Thursday, June 18, Sr. Citizen Get-together, 11:30 a.m., Pauley’s Pub
Thursday, June 18, Knights of Columbus meeting, 7:00 p.m., Earling
Wednesday, June 24, Put up picnic stands, 6:00 p.m.
STEWARDSHIP FUND: Donations to the Stewardship Fund
are always welcomed. We depend on these donations to help
with our monthly bills. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for those on the prayer line… Norine Mahlberg,
Linus & Lucille Koch, Pat (D) Kenkel, Charlotte Fountain,
Eunice Blum, Ron Chamberlain, Anuar Talavera (Nicaragua)
Jennifer Pauley Nelson & baby, Kate Huebert
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Collection for the Needy….Items may be dropped off
any time in the basket at church entry.
June Cemetery Mowing is Group 1. Chairs: Jerry/ Sharon Hoffmann & Bob/Ruth Huebert. Thanks for taking this service to the parish.
Panama blood drive is June 17 – 12-6pm. Call DeeDee 489-2891 or cell 579-0100 for an appointment. Donation of bars are appreciated.
 If you have an item for the auction, please contact Mark & Mona Crall, 489-2304, or Tracey & Allen Kenkel, 489-2818, with the
 Jayme & Shirley Arkfeld, 489-2200 and Joe & Shaila Leuschen, 489-2013, have the $50 tickets available on the $10,000
drawing. If you would be willing to help sell or want to buy some, give them a call.
Interested in attending the World Meeting of Families?
Time is running out to sign up! The diocese has organized two
tour groups that will leave from Des Moines, and we hope that
you can join us. The registration deadline for our flying tour is
July 1, and our bus tours will close shortly after. To find
information about our tours visit the diocesan website at
www.dmdiocese.org and click on “Year of Marriage and Family”.
For more information on the World Meeting of Families visit their
website at www.worldmeeting2015.org. Thank you for your
interest, we hope to see you in Philadelphia!
July – September, 2015 Weekend Mass Schedule
St. Mary, Portsmouth – 5 p.m. – Saturday
St. Boniface, Westphalia – 8:30 a.m. – Sunday
St. Mary, Panama – 10:00 a.m. – Sunday
Today’s readings talk about God’s children being plants that grow,
flourish and bear fruit. Do we reflect this in our own lives and in
our marriage relationship? The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends are on September 18-20 in Ankeny or
October 23-25 in Cedar Falls or December 4 – 6 Iowa City. For
more information, visit our website at: www.iowa-wwme.org
or call563-927-4352.
Wanted: a copy of the book, “It Came as a Vision” by
John Hartman. Please contact Hank at St. Mary 7432625 if you have a copy you would consider giving up.
Reminder to college graduates: If you are moving
back to this area after college, please register with a
parish to be considered a parishioner.