- Parishes Online

Rev. David L. Smith, S. J., Pastor
St. Mary, Portsmouth, Residence
712-743-2625 Parish Office / E-mail - dsmithsj@netins.net
PORTSMOUTH – 5:00pm – Saturday
– 8:30am – Sunday
– 8:30am
–10:00am – Sunday
– 7:00pm
SHELBY COUNTY CATHOLIC SCHOOL – ANN ANDERSEN, PRINCIPAL – 755-5634 or www.shelcocath.pvt.k12.ia.us
St. Boniface
207 Duren, P. O. Box 86, Westphalia, IA 51578
712-627-4255 (Phone), 712-627-4259 (fax)
Lorene Kaufmann, parish secretary (office hours vary, please call ahead)
St. Mary of the Assumption
104 N. St., P. O. Box 203, Panama, IA 51562-0203
712-489-2030 (Phone/Fax) or smpanama@fmctc.com
Karen Wingert, parish secretary
(Office hours: M–T–W–F – 8–10am / Thu–9–11am)
Prayer Line Contact: Call 489-2030
St. Mary Our Lady of Fatima
502 4th St., P. O. Box 98, Portsmouth, IA 51565-0098
712-743-2625 (Phone) or hankhu@iowatelecom.net
Hank Hughes, parish secretary (office hours: M–F – 9:30am–5:30pm)
Prayer Line Contacts: Peg Petsche–743-3652/Arlene Pauley–743-2241
Call Fr. David at 743-2625 if a family
member is in the hospital or homebound.
If school is two hours late or cancelled due to bad
weather there will be NO MASS. Listen to KNOD.
NO Daily Mass if funeral is in parish of Mass.
There IS Daily Mass if funeral is not in parish with
-------------------------------------------------------------------SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
Panama: after 10 a.m. Sunday Mass until last
confession heard or by appointment.
Portsmouth: after 5 p.m. Saturday Mass until
last confession heard or by appointment.
Westphalia: after 8:30 a.m. Wednesay Mass until
last confession heard or by appointment.
Parents should contact the rectory soon enough for
required preparation before baptism.
Those planning to marry must see
Father AT LEAST SIX MONTHS in advance of
desired date. No date can be set
before the initial interview in person.
M–06/29 – NO MASS (Father’s Day Off)
T–06/30–11:15am–LFH–Ted/Susan Sondag (d)
W–7/1–8:30am–West. – Mike Schechinger (d)
T–7/2–8:30–Pan–Mike/Donna Mahlberg (d)
F–7/3–8:30–Port. – Gary Kohles (d)
S–7/4–5pm – Port. – Special Intention
S–7/4–4:00pm – West. – Joe Wehr (d)
S–7/5–10am–Pan. – Pete/Adelaide Croghan(d)
May our prayers and sacrifices encourage young men and
women to discern a vocation to the priesthood or
consecrated life. If there is interest, please contact
Vocation Director Fr. Joseph Pins at jpins@dmdiocese.org
or (515)237-5050.
If you know of someone who might be interested in looking into becoming
Catholic, contact Meg Kohles (712-489-2429) or
Will Schafer(panama@iowatelecom.net ) for upcoming sessions.
Today’s Gospel…reports two stories of healing. Jairus approaches Jesus and asks him to
heal his daughter. As Jesus begins to leave with Jairus, a woman secretly touches Jesus
from behind. She is immediately cured. Jesus turns and asks who touched him. At Jesus'
question, the woman steps forward and acknowledges what she has done. Jesus responds
by acknowledging her as a model of faith and sends her away in peace. A messenger
arrives with the news that Jairus's daughter has died. When they arrive at Jairus's home,
Jesus enters the room of the dead girl, takes her by the hand, and instructs her to arise.
Jairus's faith in Jesus has not been in vain; his daughter is restored to life. The contrasts
between Jairus and the woman are stark and revealing. One is a man, the other is a
woman. One is a public official, an important person in the community. The other is a woman
who has lost everything to find a cure to a condition that separated her from the community.
One approaches Jesus publicly. The other approaches Jesus secretly. Yet in each case,
faith leads them to seek out Jesus in their time of need. Loyola Press
QUESTION OF THE WEEK….Is there a situation in my life or in the life of a
friend or family member that is considered hopeless? How can I obey
Jesus’ advice, “Do not be afraid; just have faith”? Pastoral Patterns
“Bethlehem House”
Pope Francis’s encyclical LAUDATO SI (Praise be to you) took much of my time these past
days as I visited in the care centers, in homes and with different groups. There is a calling
to universal action as we try to reverse ailing Mother Earth’s health condition. We who walk the land, plant
the gardens and fields and then call down God’s blessing on the WORK OF OUR HANDS, are asked to
take heed of the importance of caring for the planet. The Pope writes, “We are all born into life on this
planet. This common home is an unmerited gift.” These are powerful words. Let’s continue to pray and
--Pope Francis encourages us in the face of daily ghastly headlines: “Do not tire of repeating: CHRIST IS RISEN.” As our sisters and brothers
and children face a rising tide of deadly persecution, our responsibility as a nation is clear: Stop violence and protect the vulnerable.
Let’s keep united in prayer.
Sister Joyce’s Message (489-2426 or 712-898-6680)
Offertory Gifts
Darlene Wilwerding
Sue Gross
Julie Goeser
Rod Musich Family
Lindsey Kaufmann
Daniel Rosmann
Ed Rueschenberg
Morgan Goetz
Miranda Goetz
Laura Kaufmann/Sam Schmitz
Bill Holzer
Mark Kaufman
Rod Musich
Harold & Alice Schwery
Sun. July 12 (8:30am)
John Zimmerman
Joni Schwery
Judi Schmitz
Norman & Gloria Schmitz
Karen Brinker
John Zimmerman
Ann Heithoff
Brock Musich
Michael Heithoff
Ed Rueschenberg
Ray Schechinger
Norman Schmitz
Financial Report: Tithes $2,448 Plate $90 Votive $10.12
Diocesan Appeal Report: Goal is $18,325. To date we received $12,710
from 54 households. That leaves $5,615 left to go! Please prayerfully
consider your donation. Thank you to all who have already contributed.
Sun. July 19 (8:30am)
Jane Goetzinger
Ron Rosmann
Ron Rosmann
Dave & Rose Schomers
Ellen Walsh Rosmann
Maria Rosmann
Agnes Wehr
Luke Musich
Lexi Musich
Marcus Rueschenberg
Frank Rueschenberg
Roger Schmitz
Joan Schneider
pg. 2
Sun. July 26 (8:30am)
LaVonne Schulte
Lynn Schmitz
Vicki Schmitz
Jeff & Joy Schaben
Rose Schomers
Joan Musich
Paul Zimmerman
Jackson Schmitz
Sam Schmitz
Terry Schulte
Jerome Schneider
Don Schomers
Please Pray for the Sick & Recuperating!
Linda Kaufman
Leona Kaufmann
Charlotte Holzer
Glen Schechinger Mitch Osborn
Margaret Swanson
Lori Nihsen Bill Jensen Curtis Coenen Michelle Altar
Sally Leuschen
Harold Schulte
Mary Lou Keital
Marlene (Kloewer) Eggerling
Anuar Talavera (Nicaragua)
Office Hours: Summer hours will vary through August.
Please call ahead if needing something from the office.
Bingo at LFH – St. Boniface is on to host July 10, and October 9, at 2:00 pm. They would like us to have someone to coordinate from our
parish for this event. Please contact Lorene if you would be willing. The residents would love to have visitors and Jane would appreciate
some help in general. Can you spare some time to volunteer?
Picnic Auction: Please call Ed 579-1311 or Jo Schmitz
Picnic Supper Reminder: Each family brings three fruit
pies or one large fruit dessert (no bars or cakes) to the
627-4200 or if no answer 579-1906 to donate auction
items. Notification must be made by June29 to be
July 4 Dinner. No cream pies or refrigerated desserts
can be served! Thank you. Chairmen of the Dinner
printed on the auction list.
Picnic News: The Heads of the Picnic would like to finish collecting the $60. Please contact them if you have not already
paid your picnic collection or turn it into the office! The Heads are Don & Judy Schomers and Ed Rueschenberg.
Picnic Stands: will be assembled Wednesday, July 1, at
Mass July 4: will be at 4pm. This will be our weekend
Mass. There will NOT be Sunday, July 5 Mass as
6:30 pm. Please bring necessary tools. Many hands
make light work.
previously published.
Needed: St. Boniface is in need of a freezer to borrow for the picnic July 3 & 4. Preferably a chest freezer but
would take an upright. Please call Joni Schwery if you have one we can borrow. 579-4888.
Faith Builders from the Rosary Society: It’s interesting how Christ reveals his awesome power by doing the simplest of
things. Last week he calmed the storm, and this week he feels the touch of the suffering woman amid a crowd of people
to bring her healing. We, too, just need to touch our Savior in order to have Him ease our pain, worries, and
restlessness. He is always there for us. Take time this week to visit Jesus in the Eucharist at Church. Sit and just listen!
Fifteen Decade Rosary for Life – July 12–1:30–2:30pm – St. Peter, Defiance. Parishioners are encouraged to attend.
The Monday night Catholic Men’s Group will meet at the home
of Ron & Jodie Wingert, 1810 Highway 191, Earling, IA at 7 PM.
All men are invited. The group shares what their respective
pastors’ homilies revealed and, upon occasion, will view and
discuss a video teaching or movie.
Call Ron at 712 747 2600 if you want more information
PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION…is taken up worldwide to
support the most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and
natural disasters. This is an opportunity to join with our Holy
Father, Pope Francis carry out his charitable works around the
world, and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers and
Shelby County Central America group - Thank you to all for making our fundraiser night at My Nest a great success.
We had close to 200 people. The money raised goes toward the parish’s lunch program for the elderly & our English
classes. In addition, six families sponsored the tuition of college students. We have additional students who would like to
go to college in Sept. If you would like to sponsor one of these students, let us know.
Lectors (1st)
(2nd Rdg
Rosary (4:30pm)
Sun. June 28(8:30am)
Sam Buman
Maggie Buman
John Buman III
Linda Reinig (choir)
George Wear (choir)
Hank Hughes
Nyra Sondag
Maggie Sondag
Larry & Carol Stein
Randy Fields
Joseph Fields
Ken Stein
Julie Stein
Sharon Pauley
Jackie Schaben
Mary Ellen Reisz
Myra Buman/Mitz Wilke
Sat. July 4 (5pm)
Sat. July 11 (5pm)
Maggie Koke
Tyler Buman
Jeanne Fields (choir)
Doramae Heller (choir)
Julie Stein
Brenda Arkfeld
Renae Arkfeld
Paul/Des Wilwerding family
Ron Gau
Don Kenkel
Gary Schaben
Marv Leinen
Brenda Arkfeld
Roxanne Reinig
Duane Reinig
Tom Reinig
Linda Reinig
Lois Crawford
Don/Ramona Kaufman Denise Reinig/Mary Reisz
Financial Report: Tithes $780.00 Plate $143 Votive $17 Spring Fund $105
Diocesan Appeal: Goal $25,443. Received 65% to date from 77 families =
$16,400. Balance due $9,043. Thank you & please consider your donation.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Friday Mass is in church at 8:30am.
--First Saturday Holy Hour – 9am in church.
--First Monday – CDA – 6:40pm – Rosary / 7pm – NO Meeting in JULY
--Second Friday – 11:30am – W.O.W.S. Luncheon & social.
shed. Please be respectful and do not leave furniture outside the box.
You can call Salvation Army to schedule a pick up at your home.
Portsmouth Senior Housing has a one-bedroom apartment
available for rent with first availability to an individual
62 or older. Rent is $250 per month, utilities not included.
pg. 3
Sat. July 18 (5pm)
Emma Schechinger
Evelyn Schechinger
Marie Ohlinger
Dewayne Stolz (choir)
Zita Smith (choir)
Bev Ohlinger
Hank Hughes
Bill Slaven
John & Janet Bruck
Jerry Sondag
Nyra Sondag
Deb Leinen
Ken Leinen
Gaylen Smith
John Buman
Bob Grote
Rich & Alma Leinen
Sat. July 25 (4pm)
Joe Fields
John Fields
Anthony Fields
Suzy Wear (choir)
Randy Fields (choir)
George Wear
Al Ohlinger
Teresa Arkfeld
John & Myra Buman
Bill Arkfeld
Gary Koke
Mel Sporrer
Dave Ohlinger
IOWA CANS FOR CASH 2015 NCYC TRIP…..Please continue
saving cans for the NCYC by putting them in enclosure NW of
church. To date $2,825.50 deposited. Thanks for your support.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HY-VEE/COUNTRY FAIR UPC BAR CODES ONLY - $511.78 to
date. Thanks for your contributions and please continue to save.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for the sick & homebound: Thelma Schoemann,
Karla Pauley, Vi Skalla, Helen Barta, Jerry/Nola Schiltz, Sherri
LeRoy, Karen Blum, Jerry/Janice Waltz, Jean Schechinger, Ralph
Kramer, Anna Kenney, Jennifer Pauley Nelson/baby, Anuar
Talavera, Lori Reinig and all on prayer line
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT ST. MARIA GORETTI
#2498 FOOD COLLECTION is first weekend of the month.
Please pray for the young men from our parish serving
in the military: Nathan Bruck, Michael Bruck, Cody Daeges
St. Mary Parish Picnic, Portsmouth is July 25/26…….. Mass at 4 p.m. Saturday and stands open after Mass.
Group chairs/co-chairs are collecting for the $35 picnic donations on Saturdays, July 5, 12 &19 before/after 5 p.m. Mass.
Raffle Tickets are $50 each. Your assistance in selling tickets would be greatly appreciated.
Auction items needed. Contact Rich & Mary Ohlinger (743-3706) or Hank at the rectory (743-2625).
One Day Mixed League Sand Volleyball tournament (Sat. July 25)…3 guys & 3 gals on a team (16 years of age & older).
Contact Chad Reinig (743-2021 or Ben (Randy) Bruck (743-3277) to register your team.
 Bean Bag Tournament (Sat. July 25) Contact Lynn Martens (743-2691)
 Paddle Stand…Please begin looking for $5 items for this stand or you can leave a cash donation. Tubs will be at church entrances.
 13th Annual Pitch Tournament Saturday July 25 beginning at 1 p.m. in the parish hall (2 sets of 3).
To register, contact Gary Schaben (743-5801) or Ken Leinen (743-2900).
 Garden Tractor Pull Saturday, July 25 (5:30pm with weigh-in beginning at 4pm, north of the Parish Ball Diamond.
 NEW: Human Hamster Ball Races (for 10 & older) Sunday, July 26 and St. Mary’s Express for children too big for the train ride.
 Picnic tables & white tents are needed. Please contact the rectory if you have one we may use during the picnic.
 Stands will be put up Friday, July 24 at 5:30 p.m. and taken down Monday, July 27 at 5:30 p.m.
Words cannot express how honored I was to be asked to throw out the first pitch at the Father’s Day Town Team game this past Sunday.
Doing this in memory of Rich meant the world to me and my family. I have experienced so many wonderful memories here at the ball
diamond in Portsmouth, not only watching my family but also watching so many wonderful players from our town and the surrounding areas.
The beautiful ball diamond and the games played there are truly a treasure to this town and all of us. Thanks so much……Stella Lefeber
Portsmouth City Wide Garage Sales, Sat., July 11 – 8am – 1pm
Contact Connie Juhl at 743-2491 if interested.
Town Team Baseball: Sun. June 28 – 2pm – Walnut @ Portsmouth
Wed. July 1 – 8 pm – Portsmouth @ Treynor
PRAYER PARTNERS: I am looking for interested people from the St. Mary’s Portsmouth Parish to be prayer partners with the First Grade
students at SCCS. The only requirement I have is that you are willing to say a prayer for that student every day, as that student will include
you in their daily prayers. Anything else you choose to do is a perk. If you are interested or have further questions, contact me, Holli
Plambeck, at my home number 712-488-3008 by August 1. Thank you.
Song Leader
Sun. July 5 (10am)
Steve Leinen’s
LuAnn Schwery
Mary Ann Wendt
Dan Wingert family
Linda Fahn
Jay Fahn
Dee Dee Leinen
Molly Wingert
Megan Klein
Brian Klein
Bob Mages
Bob Mages
Jodie Wingert
Rod Riessen
Mike Wingert
Dean Klein
Marilyn Schwery
Jim & Rita Kloewer
Pat Michels
Sun. July 12 (10am)
Tony Nihsen family
Dan Wingert
Ron Wingert
Paul Wingert family
Mary Fahn
Jamie Fahn
Mona Crall
Jacob Wingert
Clayton Mages
Corinne Mages
Jodie Wingert
LuAnn Schwery
Meg Kohles
Rod Riessen
Mike Wingert
Dean Klein
Shirley Chamberlain
John & LuAnn Schwery
Jan Theulen
pg. 4
Sun. July 19 (10am)
Matt Schmitz family
Ellen Schmidt
Shirley Chamberlain
Alf Wingerts’
Mariann Wingert
Ron Wingert
Brooke Croghan
Jacey Kohles
Connor Kohles
Caitlyn Kohles
Jodie Wingert
Youth Choir
LuAnn Schwery
Steve Leinen
Jamie Fahn
Sylvan Kenkel
Carol Wegner
Glen & Mariann Wingert
Joyce Kenkel (D)
Sun. July 26 (10am)
David Mages Family
Marilyn Schwery
Eileen Schwery
Jayme Arkfeld family
Denise Assmann
Marilyn Keane
Cheryl Juhl
Kelsey Freund
Ella Freund
Kaitlyn Feldman
Mary Ann Wendt
Laura Gubbels
Ellen Schmidt
Steve Leinen
Jamie Fahn
Sylvan Kenkel
Clarence & Jann Reinig
Jean Keane
Lectors and Eucharistic ministers if you cannot make the scheduled time, please trade with someone from a different week.
Servers please contact Marilyn Keane if you cannot be there.
Financial Report: Tithes - $565.00, Plate - $103.10, Rent - $75.00,
Masses - $20.00, Church - $10.00
Meetings and Events
Thursday, July 9, Finance Council meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 14, Pastoral council meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Cemetery Mowing for July. Group 2 is on to mow. Chairs are Gene &
Pat Leuschen and Brian & Michelle Wageman.
Thanks for taking this service to the parish.
STEWARDSHIP FUND: Donations to the Stewardship Fund
are always welcomed. We depend on these donations to help
with our monthly bills. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for those on the prayer line… Norine Mahlberg,
Linus & Lucille Koch, Pat (D) Kenkel, Charlotte Fountain,
Eunice Blum, Ron Chamberlain, Anuar Talavera (Nicaragua)
Jennifer Pauley Nelson & baby, Kate Huebert
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Collection for the Needy….Items may be dropped off
any time in the basket at church entry.
THANK YOU! The Red Cross Bloodmobile thanks all who worked, brought bars and especially those who donated blood
at our bloodmobile at Panama. The need for blood is always great and your donations are very much appreciated.
Dee Dee Leinen and Red Cross
Interested in attending the World Meeting of Families? Time is running out to sign up! The diocese has organized two tour groups that
will leave from Des Moines, and we hope that you can join us. The registration deadline for our flying tour is July 1, and our bus tours
will close shortly after. To find information about our tours visit the diocesan website at www.dmdiocese.org and click on “Year of Marriage
and Family”. For more information on the World Meeting of Families visit their website at www.worldmeeting2015.org.
July – September, 2015 Weekend Mass Schedule
St. Mary, Portsmouth – 5 p.m. – Saturday
St. Boniface, Westphalia – 8:30 a.m. – Sunday
St. Mary, Panama – 10:00 a.m. – Sunday
UPCOMING PICNIC: St. Mary, Panama – Friday, June 26 – Saturday, June 27, 2015
Both days: Numerous games / Screamer Slide / Obstacle Course / Bounce House / Melt Down/ Duck Races / Kettle Corn / Fancy Work /
Paddle Stand / Beer Stand / Hamburger Stand. Human Fooseball: Friday & Saturday – Double Elimination Tournament Saturday at 11am.
Bingo starts Friday at 6pm and Saturday at 7pm in the Air Conditioned Hall. Friday - Auction at 7pm. Saturday, 8:30 – 11am – Pancake
Party Fire Hall / Mass 4 pm / Chicken Dinner/dressing – 4:30 – 7:30pm $12 Adult / Taxi Driver – 9pm – 1am $5 cover / $10,000 drawing
UPCOMING PICNIC: St. Boniface, Westphalia – Friday, July 3 – Saturday, July 4, 2015 --- Friday: Co-Ed Softball Tournament / Food &
Beer Stands / Youth Stands & Rides / Bingo (6pm ish) / Fancy Work Stand / Polka Police – 4:30-6:30pm / 7pm – Auction followed by
Dotz’s DJ Service. Saturday: Co-Ed Softball Tournament / Noon – Food, Beer and Youth stands / 2:30pm – Kids’ Ride / 3pm Fancy Work
Stand, Frog Jumping, Water Balloon Toss / 4 – 7:30pm – Staley’s Chicken Supper / 4 – 7pm – Brich & Killion – back by popular demand!
Bingo (6pm – ish) / 7pm – Bull Crap Bingo / 8 – Midnight – Acoustic Mayhem Band / 9pm – Raffle Drawings (misprinted on tickets)
Bean Bag Toss Contest and different contests throughout the day for kids!
UPCOMING PICNIC: St. Mary, Portsmouth – Saturday, July 25 – Sunday, July 26, 2015 (last picnic of the summer)