CORE CONCEPTS OF PROPERTIES OF GASES Core Concept 1 Core Concept 2 Core Concept 3 Core Concept 4 Core Concept 5 Core Concept 6 Core Concept 7 Core Concept 8 Core Concept 9 Core Concept 10 1) What do you intend the students to learn about this topic? Gases are composed of particles that move randomly and collide with each other. Gases have weight There are more spaces between particles of gases compared to solid and liquid form of matter. Gases diffuse to fill their container. Gases can mix in any portion homogeneously. Gases are compressible. Under constant Pressure and Number of particles(mole) the Volume is directly proportional to the Temperature. Under constant pressure and temperature the volume is directly proportional to no of particles. Under constant volume the kinetic energy of particles is directly proportional to temperature. An ideal gas is a theoretical gas and differs from real gases. The laws of gases apply to ideal gases more than real gases. 2) Why is it important for students to know this? In order to visualize movement of gas particles (in a container) in a proper way. To understand pressure and kinetic theory of gases. They should not think of gases as composed of static particles. They can travel and mix. Later weight will be built on the particulate nature of gases. In daily lives, they should be aware of the fact that gases like all matters are composed of particles and so they weigh. Pressure is due to the weight of these particles. In order to understand differences between solid, liquid and gases form in microscopic level, to figure out why gases mix easily, why they are compressible and they have greater kinetic energy to go far apart. They may be able to compare the strength of interactions between particles comparing to solid and liquid forms of matter. The need to understand why gases show the same characteristics allover the container. How gases behave when there is density difference in a container or when a parfüme is sprayed from a corner of the room. For example, why air has the same percentages (almost) of its components in every field. To make calculations regarding gas mixtures, they should consider homogeneous mixing. In order to differentiate gases from solid and liquid form of matter. Making connections to everyday life such that how so much gas can be filled in a small container like bottle, how some pistons work in relation to pressure, why a bottle of cola makes some noise when you open the cap etc. To understand the idea of gas expansion. Making connections to everyday life such that why a ball gets smaller in cold days and visa versa. The piston mechanism should be understood basically. Students need to understand what the constant pressure, constant no of particles and how these variables fixed. How related experiments should be done etc. How the related gas law is used and what the results mean. To relate number of particles to volume of a gas under constant pressure and temperature. How balloons get bigger when you blow in it. In a closed container the behavior of gas molecules should be examined. They need to figure out what happens if someone heats up a closed container and relate to pressure phenomenon. In daily life they can find many examples to this situation such that every spray has warning about being careful about the temperature, even if the bottle is empty, so they can explain why it is dangerous. They should not expect real gases to obey the gas laws. Why ideal gases are mentioned always in gas law equations. Real gases have differences comparing to ideal gases but ideal gases give some well approximated idea about gases’ behavior and in experiments with real gases would need corrections. They should understand under which conditions a real gas resembles most to an ideal gas in order to make mental connections to each other. 3) What else do you know about this topic (that you do not intend students to know yet)? There are complex calculations to measure the average velocity of particles’ collisions. Not all particles have the same energy, how they collide, and their interaction. Each gas molecule has a molecular weight but we do not explain them in detail in this topic. Under typical conditions,the average distance between gas particles is about ten times their diameter. We do not explain phase transitions in microscopic level and how much the distance effects the interaction between particles. We do not explain diffusion rate calculations. In gas mixtures if there are big differences between molecular weight of the components there may occur gas phases such that the gas which has bigger molecular weight may accumulate in lower parts of the container. We can not mention about the thermodynamic properties of ideal gases which include the compressibility factor. We do not explain the definition of absolute zero Charles Law.We also do not mention the Boltzman constant. Approximation s for real gases. In experiments it would not be yielded like it is expected. We do not need to explain avagadros number in calculations of number of particles.Approxi mations for real gases. It may differ in reality and in theory. Even they are weak, attractions still occur among the particles. There may be differences related to piston mechanism, such that fixing temperature and pressure, frictionless piston are the ones which difficult to have. The evarage kinetic energy and momentum of molecules calculations will not be included. We do not explain Van der Waals forces and also London forces between isomers.Critica l pressure and phase diagrams can not be mentioned. 4) What are the difficulties/limitatio ns associated with teaching this topic? Because the representation of the nature of matter is difficult and it leads visualization problems. Most of the gases are colorless so their weights can be ignored because atoms and molecules are invisible to eye. The concept of space is difficult to explain and it is confused with air. Because of the nature of gases most of them are colorless so it is difficult to explain that invisible gases move and diffuse. If students’ conceptual understanding of ‘space’ is not sufficient it is difficult to explain the mixing process. Because of the nature of gases most of them are colorless so it is difficult to explain that gases are compressible. Approximation s made in order to express the equations well may lead some limitations through experiments. Same difficulties with core concept 7 still hold. Also fixing some variables may be a problem for the experiments. And it is not possible to have frictionless, weightless piston to conduct related experiments. Same difficulties with core concept 7 still hold. Also expressing kinetic energy in terms of heat, pressure and speed may be a source of confusion. Ideal gas particles having no volume because of particle size may not seem relevant.So it leads some limitations about this topic. 5) What do you know about students’ thinking which might influence your teaching of this idea? They do not see gas particles and thinking about something that they cannot observe in daily life (or they are not aware) may seem irrelevant. They may think for some triggering factors refusing their internal energy in order to explain motion of particles (giving initial pulse, wind etc.) They may think gas particles as weightless because especially air is given as an example of gases and they do not feel the weight or mass of the air. If they do not know the arrangements of of particles in liquids and solids,students can not image. They may think the space as if there is air between particles They may be confused with the idea of ‘nothing’ and ‘air’ because we call a bottle of air as ‘empty’. Students may confuse about the concept of homogeneity. When big volumes mentioned as the container student may think the gas particles to be disappeared such that when you spray some odor from one corner of the room because the number of particles is very small students at first could smell the odor but after a while the odor would not be effective and they think of disappearing after some time rather than diffusing into the room. They may have difficulty with having the idea that if a container is filled with a substance how another substance can be put in. They may think compression as squeezing particles such that making molecules smaller may be an idea of compression. They may confuse when they think of macroscopic and microscopic scales such that they may consider a sponge to be compressible. The space concept may still be confusing because when they think the space is full of air they can think the air is compressed not the gas inside or the space between gas particles gets smaller. They may not easily get used to the Kelvin scale to express temperature. The relation between temperature and heat concepts, it may be difficult to separate from each other. When it is said to double the temperature they may insist on thinking just Celsius scale and use in the law equation. Just dealing with equations may not make sense in terms of what they mean in real. When they add some gas into the container they may expect the pressure to increase because what they put should force them to squeeze. In real, most of the time we have closed container examples or the ones which in somewhere it has limits to expand. So the student may not be used to these ideas including idealized cases (piston, interactions etc.). They may think about just the temperature raising not the kinetic energy. Speed and heat may not seem related at first. In a closed container, relation between pressure, heat, speed of molecules and kinetic energy may confuse students in a way that they may have difficulties in making double connections (relation between heat and pressure, relation between speed and pressure etc.). They cannot observe the kinetic energy in daily examples and it may seem abstract to them. Heat loses may attract their attention and they cannot hold the idea of isolated system. They may have difficulties for visualization of ideal gases (having no size particles) and real gases separately. It may seem meaningless to study with real gases if we do not observe them in real life. They may refuse using real gases in ideal gas format while making calculations with gas laws. If they know what they do has mistakes in it they may detach from the topic. 6) What are some of the other factors that you need to consider that might influence your teaching of this topic? If students do not know the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy it will be difficult to explain how it effects the movement of particles and collision of particles.So we should consider whether students have clear knowledge about these concepts or not. We should consider the density of gases and temperature of media when teaching the weight of gases. It is difficult to fixed the students’ misconceptions about the space concept and the arrengements of the particles for teachers. They may not know the term ‘diffusion’ and how it occurs. We should not ignore that the ‘homogenity’conce pt may not be understood by students due to the inability of keeping trackof particles. (also in macro level). We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.color ons/sims.php?si m=Gas_Properti es We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colo ations/ p?sim=Gas_Pr operties We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.color ions/sims.php?s im=Gas_Proper ties We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.color ions/sims.php?s im=Gas_Propert ies We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colorado. edu/simulations/sim s.php?sim=Gas_Pro perties 7) What kind of methods or strategies you may use to teach this topic? Explain the reasons for using these methods or strategies. 8) What are the specific ways of ascertaining students’ understanding or confusion around this topic (include likely range of responses) We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colorad ims.php?sim=Gas_ Properties We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colo ations/ p?sim=Gas_Pr operties We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colo ations/ p?sim=Gas_Pr operties We will show the simulation “gas properties ”from the web site http://phet.colo ations/ p?sim=Gas_Pr operties We will show the animation “real gase ”from the web site http://www.yte php/resources/ view_all?id=ga s_Boyle_Charl es_Brownian_ motion_Avoga dro_ideal_non _ideal_page_5 &from=search