به گفتار دانندگان راه جوFind direction from the words of sages فردوسی درجشن سده Sadih, Discovery of Terrestrial Light Celebrationجشن سده و پیدایش آتش بر لشكر زمستان نوروز نا مدار كردهست راي تاختن و قصد كارزار وینك بیامدهست به پنجاه روز پیش جشن سده طالیه نوروز و نو بها ر Persia House is pleased to invite you to the annual Sadih Celebration for the year 2010, Saturday, February 20th, Multicultural Center of Portland State University, 7:30-10:30pm, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97207. Since Iran is one of the few world literary traditions with a national epic, we dedicate this night to Firdawsi (circa 935-1020). The program includes but is not limited to Sadih and the Discovery of Fire in Firdawsi’s Poems, Moral Values in the Works of Firdawsi, Power of Knowledge in The Book of Heroes, Recitation and Selected Reading from the Wisdom of This Celebrated Epic Poet, a Film about Firdawsi's Eleventh-Century Masterwork Shahnamih, Live Music and Selected Persian Instrumental and Vocal Melodies. Admission is free. All are welcome. Tea and cookies are provided. Feel free to bring your favorite seasonal food and snacks to share. INFO (503) 725-5214 or www.persia.pdx.edu