Year 7 Residental D1, D2

Year 7 Residential Launceston
College 2014
Epic 11
What we learnt
Team work
Respect your team mates
Including everyone
Listening to everyone
Helping each other
Get on with everyone
Team work
Your only as strong as your weakest member.
Team work is very important in order for you to be successful and for reaching
your goals. In order for us to be successful we need to be on time or ahead of our
prompt schedule to be back here ready for tea and cake.
Throughout this trip Epic 11 worked as a team to structure our route and find the
mini bus safely and make sure everyone was keeping up with the leaders and
finding out if they were happy on the route we were going to take.
We left last yesterday morning, however that didn’t stop us from being the first
group to finish! We had PR in our sight by checkpoint 1, and had overtaken them
by checkpoint 2. We couldn’t have done it without our enthusiasm and
Teamwork took us to victory
Epic 11 showed resilience when times got difficult and
felt like we wouldn't make it.
Even though there were people falling behind, they
continued to walk and didn’t give up.
However even though we struggled we became more
passionate about the goal.
Tyrolean crossing…
Epic Eleven on the
Reflective learning
What we did well
• As a group we were working well as we made progress of 15 minute per 1 km
• We made sure everyone got involved
• We helped all the navigators navigate when they were going of track
What we could improve on
• Taking in turns to carry the heavy equipment
By Epic 11
Thank you to all the teachers, staff
and helpers for an amazing trip!