English 11 Final Exam Study Guide

Name ________________________________________
Period ___________
English 11
Mr. Oppedisano and Mrs. Gonzalez
English 11 Final Exam Study Guide
“Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” – Dylan Thomas
1. To whom is the speaker in the poem speaking?
State his message in one sentence.
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
2. Who is the speaker in the poem?
To whom is he telling his story?
What does the albatross symbolize?
Define the following and give an example:
metaphor –
alliteration –
personification –
similie -
Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
5. When and where does the story occur?
6. Identify the following characters. How is each connected to Victor? For those who die,
know the reasons and causes for their deaths.
Victor Frankenstein –
Alphonse Frankenstein –
William Frankenstein –
Henry Clerval –
Justine –
Elizabeth –
The DeLacey Family –
Robert Walton -
The Creature –
7. How can Frankenstein be compared to Paradise Lost? Make a T-chart or Venn Diagram
8. What did the Creature learn from the DeLacey family?
9. Who does Victor plan to marry?
What happens shortly after the wedding?
10. What are the characteristics of Romantic literature?
Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail
11. According to the chivalric code, what are the main qualities a knight must possess?
12. Describe the Black Knight.
13. What is the nature of the relationship between the French and the English?
14. Name some of the recurring themes and subjects of British literature that are parodied in the
film. What characters/scenes portray them?
a. holy quest
b. light and dark symbolizing good and evil
c. loyalty and honor
d. chivalric code
e. dragons, monsters
The Lord of the Flies – William Golding
15. Identify and include important characteristics and how each influences the plot.
Ralph –
Jack –
Piggy –
Simon –
The Beast –
16. Explain the symbolism of each of the following:
The conch shell –
Piggy’s glasses –
The pig’s head impaled on a stick –
17. How do the boys survive on the island?
18. Describe Castle Rock.
How do the boys discover it?
What happens there?
Why is it important?
19. Who decides to build the fire?
How is the fire used?
What conflicts and events occur due to the fire?
20. Who were the littluns?
21. Who were the hunters?
“Araby” – James Joyce
22. Describe the setting of the story.
23. Who is the main character (include his name)?
Describe his personality.
What does he want?
24. What is Araby?
25. What are some of the obstacles the main character must overcome?
“On Shooting and Elephant” – George Orwell
What causes an internal conflict within the author of this essay?
How does the author resolve this conflict?
What does the author want the reader to realize about imperialism?
What does the elephant represent?
The Capstone Project
What is plagiarism?
What does the works cited page include?
How is it organized?
Create a parenthetical citation for information that came from page 468 of The Age of
Unreason by Edmund Wembly.