Digestive Glands

Digestive Glands
1. 1. Salivary glands – 3 pairs 1. Parotid- opens near the upper premolar- duct is Stensons duct.Mumps is the viral
infection of parotid glands 2. Sublingual – opens below the tongue. duct is Rivinian duct 3. Sub mandibular –
opens near the lower central incisor- duct is Wharton’s duct.
2. Infraorbital gland is absent in man.
3. Saliva – alkaline to neutral pH is 6.7 – 7.2. Contains water, chloride ions, bicarbonate ions Mucin, Lysozyme and
Ptyalin enzyme
4. Gastric glands – 35 million in number- 1.Chief cells or Zymogen cells secrete gastric enzymes Pepsinogen,
Rennin( curdling of milk converting soluble Casein into insoluble Para casein- absent in adults), Gastric lipase,
Gastric amylase.2. Oxyntic cells or Parietal cells secrete HCL.
5. Argentaffin cells are endocrine cells of stomach secreting hormones like Secretin, 5-Hydroxy tryptamine or
serotonin which stimulate peristalsis.
6. Around 1.5 to 2 liters gastric juice is secreted daily. Its ph is 2- highly acidic
7. Pancreas – second largest digestive gland. Heterocrine gland performing dual functions like secretion of
enzymes and hormones.
8. Enzymes are Trypsinogen, Chymotrypsinogen, Carboxy peptidase, Amylase, Lipase.
9. Endocrine cells are Islets of Langerhans. Alpha cells secrete Glucagon, Beta cells secrete Insulin and Delta cells
secrete Somatostatin.
10. Duct of Wirsung is the main Pancreatic duct and duct of Santorini is the accessory Pancreatic duct.
11. Liver- Largest digestive gland- Bilobed in man. Right lobe is the largest.
12. Rabbit has 5 lobes and Frog has 3 lobes in the liver. Largest liver lobe of rabbit is the right central lobe.
13. Glissons capsule is the covering of liver lobules.
14. Hepatic cells secrete bile, bile salts, bile pigments
15. Kupffer cells are phagocytes and destroy pathogens.
16. Gall bladder is attached to the right liver lobe
17. Cystic duct arises from gall bladder
18. Bile has no enzymes and aids in lipid digestion by emulsifying fat with the help of bile salts, Sodium taurocholate
and Sodium glucocholate.
19. Bile pigments are waste products of used haemoglbin. Bilirubin is yellow and Biliverdin is green.
20. Liver secretes Heparin which is an anticoagulant.
21. Prothrombin and fibrinogen are blood clotting proteins secreted from liver.
22. Liver stores Iron,Copper vitamin A, D etc.
23. Liver is Haemolytic in adults and Erythropoietic in foetus.
24. Sphincter of Boydon is the sphincter surrounding the bile duct.
25. In liver Cirrhosis, liver lobules are lost and replaced by connective tissue. Hepatitis is the inflammation of liver.
26. Intestinal glands are million in number and are small tubular.
27. Brunner’s gland are present in intestine which opens into the crypts of Lieberkuhn. Paneth cells of crypts secrete
28. Intestinal juice is called Succus entericus.It act in neutral or alkaline pH.