
Bio 160 - Digestive System – Chap. 16
Function: To break down food into usable (absorbable) form
Processes involved:
1. Ingestion
2. Movement of food along GIT – voluntary (ie: swallowing); involuntary (ie: peristalsis)
3. Digestion
a. Mechanical (i.e.: mastication, emulsification, mixing waves, segmentation)
b. Chemical
- carbohydrates  disaccharides  monosaccharides
- proteins  amino acids
- lipids  fatty acids + glycerol
4. Secretion
5. Absorption
6. Excretion (defecation)
Organs involved:
A. Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) – mouth (oral cavity), pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus
B. Accessory structures – teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder, pancreas
Histology of GIT –
1. Mucosa –
a. epithelium
b.lamina propria (CT)
c.muscularis mucosa (smooth muscle)
2. Submucosa
3. Muscularis externa
4. Serosa (aka- visceral peritoneum)
Peritoneum & Mesenteries –
- parietal & visceral peritoneum
- Greater & lesser omentum
- Mesentery proper
Mouth (oral/buccal cavity)
A. Tongue –
- intrinsic/extrinsic muscles
- papillae – filiform, fungiform, circumvallate
B. Salivary glands
- parotid, submandibular, sublingual
A. Teeth –Involved in mastication
-nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, uvula, epiglottis
-functions in “deglutition”
-variations in muscularis externa
-pierces through diaphragm (esophageal hiatus), ends at lower esophageal (cardiac) sphincter at stomach
-cardia, fundus, body, pylorus, pyloric sphincter, greater & lesser curvatures, greater & lesser omentum
-mucosa has rugae, simple columnar epithelium with mucous cells; gastric pits containing gastric glands
-gastric glands contain:
a. peptic (chief) cells – secrete pepsinogen
b. parietal cells- secrete HCL & intrinsic factor
c. mucous cells – secrete mucous & divide to replace surface mucous cells
-muscularis externa – 3 layers of smooth muscle (outer longitudinal/middle circular/inner oblique)
-functions include : temporary storage of food ; mechanical breakdown of food to chyme ; productin of intrinsic factor for
B12 absorption ; chemical digestion of proteins
Small Intestine
-1’’ diameter, 15-20’ long
-duodenum -receives chyme from stomach, secretions from liver, gall bladder & pancreas
-jejunum -most digestion & absorption occurs here
-ileum – connects to large intestine at ileocecal sphincter/valve
-modifications in mucosa & submucosa increase effectiveness of absorption:
a. plicae circulares (circular folds)
b. villi with capillary network and lacteal
c. mucosal epithelium is simple columnar with microvilli brush border (“absorptive cells”) and
intestinal glands that secrete “intestinal juice”
-head (by duodenum), body, tail (by spleen)
-endocrine (pancreatic islets of Langerhans) and exocrine gland (pancreatic acini)
-“pancreatic juice” containing digestive enzymes (amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, lipase, nucleases)
and bicarbonate secreted into pancreatic duct & released into duodenum
-2 main lobes (right & left) divided by “falciform ligament”, 2 smaller lobes –quadrate & caudate
-lobes of liver divided into functional “lobules” containing rows of hepatic cells (“hepatocytes”) arranged radially around a
“central vein”. Hepatocytes surround blood “sinusoids” which are partially lined by phagocytic “stellate reticuloendothelial
(Kupffer) cells”
-bile – produced by hepatocytes, secreted into bile canaliculi which merge to eventually form rt. & lt. Hepatic ducts which
unite to form common hepatic duct which merges with cystic duct from gall bladder to form common bile duct which enters
into duodenum
-bile functions in “emulsification” of lipids, absorption of fats, and as an excretory substance
-functions of liver:
1. bile production & excretion
2. metabolic regulation - storage of glycogen, fatty acids, fat soluble vitamins & minerals; interconversion of
nutrients (“gluconeogenesis”), detoxification & removal of drugs, toxins & hormones
3. hematological regulation - phagocytosis of worn out RBC’s, bacteria, & other pathogens; synthesis of plasma
-blood supply to liver – hepatic artery & hepatic portal vein into liver; hepatic veins from liver into IVC
Gall bladder
-stores & concentrates bile
-cystic duct – merges with common hepatic duct to form common bile duct into duodenum
Large Intestine
-2-1/2 – 3” diameter, 5’ long
-regions include:
a. cecum – joined to ileum at iliececal sphincter, vermiform appendix
b. colon – ascending transverse  descending  sigmoid
c. rectum – becomes anal canal which opens at anus, internal & external anal sphincters
-modifications in muscularis externa forming “taeniae coli” which create “haustra”
-serosa forms “epiploic appendages”
-main functions – H2O reabsorption; absorption of some vitamins & minerals; temporary storage of fecal material
-no chemical digestion but some bacterial digestion
-formation of feces for excretion
Overview of digestion & absorption – (fig. 16-18)
Secretions of the GI Tract
(Salivary glands)
Saliva (water, mucins, salivary
Starch (polysaccharide)  Maltose (disaccharide)
1. Peptic (Chief) cells
Proteins  polypeptides
2. Parietal cells
Converts pepsinogen  pepsin, maintains acidic pH
intrinsic factor
Vitamin B12 absorption
3. Mucous cells
Bile (bile salts)
Emulsification of fats, absorption of fatty acids & fat
soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K)
Pancreatic amylase
Starch (polysaccharide)  maltose (disaccharide)
Trypsin, chymotrypsin,
Proteins & polypeptides  smaller polypeptides &
Lipids (triglycerides)  fatty acids + monoglyceride
Digests nucleic acids (RNA & DNA)
Bicarbonate ions
Neutralizes acidic chyme
Disaccharidases (maltase,
sucrase, lactase)
Disaccharides  monosaccharides (glucose,
fructose, galactose)
Polypeptides  dipeptides  amino acids
“Intestinal juice”
Provides medium for absorption of nutrients
Small intestine
Large intestine