new deal programs - West Ada School District

1. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Required
corporations to provide complete information on all stock
offerings and made them liable for any misrepresentations. 490
2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): Regulate the Stock
Market and “rigging.” 490
3. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): Raised crop prices by
lowering production / paid farmers for not seeding land. 491
4. Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC): Put young men to work by
building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and treating
erosion. 491
5. National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA): Provided $$ to states
to create jobs. 491
6. Civil Works Administration (CWA): Provided 4 million immediate
jobs during the winter of 1933-1934. Built 40,000 schools and
paid the salaries of more than 50,000 school teachers in rural
areas. 491
7. National Recovery Administration (NRA): Set prices of many
products to ensure fair competition and established standards for
working hours and a ban on child labor. 492
8. Home Owners Loan Corporation: Provided government loans to
homeowners who faced foreclosure because they couldn’t meet
their loan payments. 492
9. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA): $500 million to
provide direct relief to the needy. 492
10. Works Progress Administration (WPA): Provided the unemployed
w/jobs in construction, garment making, teaching, the arts and
other fields. 498
11. National Youth Administration (NYA): Created specifically to
provide education, jobs, counseling and recreation for young
people. 499
12. Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act): Enacted in 1935 to
protect workers’ rights after the Supreme Court declared the
National Industrial Recovery Act unconstitutional. 499
13. Social Security Act (SSA): Provided a pension for retired
workers and the spouses and aided people w/disabilities. 501